Am I missing something on the utility of Moon Dust bombs? Even with Superior Moon Dust I have never seen one of the bombs prevent a wraith from going spectral. I still have much better luck just using Yrden.
Am I missing something on the utility of Moon Dust bombs? Even with Superior Moon Dust I have never seen one of the bombs prevent a wraith from going spectral. I still have much better luck just using Yrden.
werewolves/vampires. Stops them from healing.
doesn't fire do the same? I remember using fire and stopping their shit.
werewolves/vampires. Stops them from healing.
you need the previous version for the next version.
Right but I thought it was supposed to make Wraiths corporeal as well?
Should I explore most/all of Velen/Skellige before finishing Act I? I'm not sure exactly how I should do all this stuff. I'm currently just doing whatever lowest quest I got since I always seem to outlevel stuff. Currently doing lvl 14 quests as lvl 20.
The end of the Baron questline. Holy shit. Did I fuck up badly?
I released the forest spirit to save the children so the Crones killed Anna and Baron hung himself. Was it possible to save them?
I feel sick.
Is the velen map also the novigrad map? Novigrad is the city in the north right?
I keep clicking on novigrad in the map screen but it takes me to velen
Is the velen map also the novigrad map? Novigrad is the city in the north right?
I keep clicking on novigrad in the map screen but it takes me to velen
Ok so I'm just assigning my first ability points.
I assigned 1 pt to the "General" tree and it was to "Survival Instinct" which says "Current Level: Increases Maximum Vitality by 500"
Now before I assigned this ability point my Vitality on my character had a maximum of 3600 (said so in the bottom right of the character screen) and now it still says 3600
Am I missing something?
What the hell about Triss/Yennefer romance options(spoilers obviously)
So I just completed the Triss quests and I feel like the decision whether you want her or not to be far too early in the game.I mean we all knew that it would be between her and Yennefer but for some reason the game wants you to decide without interacting with Yennefer except the part at the beginning.50 hours after you leave the palace in vizima without ever seeing Yennefer you have to decide if you wants her or Triss.How the hell can I decide since I barely played the last games(and she wasn't even in them) and I have never read the books so basically I know nothing about her.In the end I chose Triss since I can't possibly reject her becuase of some other woman that me as a player barely know
I am a bit frustrated right now.
What the hell about Triss/Yennefer romance options(spoilers obviously)
So I just completed the Triss quests and I feel like the decision whether you want her or not to be far too early in the game.I mean we all knew that it would be between her and Yennefer but for some reason the game wants you to decide without interacting with Yennefer except the part at the beginning.50 hours after you leave the palace in vizima without ever seeing Yennefer you have to decide if you wants her or Triss.How the hell can I decide since I barely played the last games(and she wasn't even in them) and I have never read the books so basically I know nothing about her.In the end I chose Triss since I can't possibly reject her becuase of some other woman that me as a player barely know
I am a bit frustrated right now.
The end of the Baron questline. Holy shit. Did I fuck up badly?
I released the forest spirit to save the children so the Crones killed Anna and Baron hung himself. Was it possible to save them?
I feel sick.
Ok so I'm just assigning my first ability points.
I assigned 1 pt to the "General" tree and it was to "Survival Instinct" which says "Current Level: Increases Maximum Vitality by 500"
Now before I assigned this ability point my Vitality on my character had a maximum of 3600 (said so in the bottom right of the character screen) and now it still says 3600
Am I missing something?
You have to put the ability in one of those squares to your right for it to "activate".
There is no witcher code, it's just a basic set of guidelines which are going to help these developmentally challenged killing machines survive in the real world and prevent people from taking advantage of them.
Geralt's witcher code is his own and he still finds ways to bend those rules.
You can leave her quest for later.
It's handled pretty poor, yeah. But if you want you can delay the side quest, go to Skellige and get to know Yen before you make the decision.
You have to put the ability in one of those squares to your right for it to "activate".
Which means you only have 12 upgrades active at a time, so choose wisely.
well too late for that now.I guess the next 30 hours or so doing quests withwill probably make me regret my decision.pfffffYennefer
I'd agree but a.Triss is too cool and b. Repeat playthroughs.What the hell about Triss/Yennefer romance options
I am a bit frustrated right now.
A few days into the game, finished the main story and I've only just stumbled upon the ending to a quest from my first stay in White Orchard. In a huge, impressively detailed area I didn't even get to visit before and could have easily missed. It felt pretty good. Pretty, pretty, pretty good.84 hours into the game and I'm still accidentally stumbling onto minor quests hidden along the highways and nooks of cities. The amount of work that went into this game is astounding.
Right but I thought it was supposed to make Wraiths corporeal as well?
How do you tell how many hours you've played?
You can leave her quest for later. The game intends for you to go through skellige and velen/novigrad at the same time.
Found him in the sewers while doing a different quest in Novigrad, don't know exact location.I still haven't come across the 'fuck off' vampire promo quest. Can anyone tell me where it is?
Digging the Impera Brigade Armor
If you kill the tree, the crones kill the children, and Anna is spared, although she has gone insane. The Baron leaves Velen with her to find a way to cure her
I don't know if I am heartless to do that, but man, I didn't care about those kids.
Found him in the sewers while doing a different quest in Novigrad, don't know exact location.
Wow, the "Tower full of Mice" sidequest sure went into unexpected places. Pretty damn good quest considering.
Pretty horrific detail with the girl being eaten alive by Rats. I admit though I was too trusting at first and took her bones off the island and freed her as a plague maiden. I reloaded the save and did the other way and that was a better ending for me at least. But I guess the poor bastard dies no matter what you choose.
This game has so many amazing quests and so well written. Just really puts DAI to shame so badly in that regard.
Yeah, what I love is how quests feed into each other and continue on in new ones. Like another one of course is the Bloody Baron and I just finished the "quest" part but there's another part coming up that I can't wait to see how it all turns out.Yeah that entire questline with Keira Metz was awesome. Cool buildup and payoff