If I want the "best ending" where SPOILER, what do I do about the Reason of State quest? Can I ignore it?Ciri becomes emperess
Before or after Final Preparations quest?I don't know what kind of best ending you can have. You'll have to do it.without killing Radovid, he's demonstrably a huge asshole that'll wipe out all non humans and mages
Before or after Final Preparations quest?
Doing a contract called ' swamp thing 'Should I continue to take him on at this level or not?fighting the Ignis Fatuus' I'm at level 9 but only 6 points away from level 10. He's very tough.
Doing a contract called ' swamp thing 'Should I continue to take him on at this level or not?fighting the Ignis Fatuus' I'm at level 9 but only 6 points away from level 10. He's very tough.
The entire fight runs at 20fps, almost unplayable![]()
I'm wearing full Superior set except the gloves, because my Nilfgaardian Guardsman gauntlets give +50% Crit damage.Holy shit the Ursine armour is amazing looking.
Foglets in general are super weak to Aard once they're in mist form. Guaranteed knockdown.Doing a contract called ' swamp thing ' fighting the Ignis Fatuus' I'm at level 9 but only 6 points away from level 10. He's very tough. Should I continue to take him on at this level or not?
Doing a contract called ' swamp thing ' fighting the Ignis Fatuus' I'm at level 9 but only 6 points away from level 10. He's very tough. Should I continue to take him on at this level or not?
The entire fight runs at 20fps, almost unplayable![]()
I love the Ursine gear, but I really wanted this, specifically the last one:
I think it's beautiful.
One of the most difficult fights in the game for me so far. I just had to spam quen and slowly wear him down.
I love the Ursine gear, but I really wanted this, specifically the last one:
I think it's beautiful.
Anyone else think the ubiquitous presence of drowners with every underwater treasure is kindof a dick move? Especially considering how woeful the swimming controls continue to be even post-patch.
Wait, Reason of State leads to ending? Or Final Preparations? And I can't do Reasons of State after Final Prep since Final Prep leads into the ending, or do you mean I should do Reasons of State right after Final Prep because the next main quest after Final Prep is a point of no return?You can still do it afterbut what follows that quest leads to the end of the game. I'm at that exact point (again, 2nd playthrough) so I'm sure you'll be fine
To make matters worse I'm playing on ps4 and the entire battle takes place in the mist/fog and runs at 20fps. And the load times are 1minute when you die. The combat is unresponsive because of the low framerate.
The difficulty spike is utterly ridiculous.
How can I access new mission and gwent cards DLCs?
I hope they are free, otherwise CDPR denis its previous statement of "each dlc should be free, only big expasion are under payment".
Meh, they die with one shot of a crossbow and you don't even need to aim, no big deal.
Wait, Reason of State leads to ending? Or Final Preparations? And I can't do Reasons of State after Final Prep since Final Prep leads into the ending, or do you mean I should do Reasons of State right after Final Prep because the next main quest after Final Prep is a point of no return?
Well, I downloaded both of them this morning, so...
I love the Ursine gear, but I really wanted this, specifically the last one:
I think it's beautiful.
Owh snap. Witcher gear dlc incoming. https://mobile.twitter.com/Marcin360/status/608577339274964994
Owh snap. Witcher gear dlc incoming. https://mobile.twitter.com/Marcin360/status/608577339274964994
Owh snap. Witcher gear dlc incoming. https://mobile.twitter.com/Marcin360/status/608577339274964994
I love the Ursine gear, but I really wanted this, specifically the last one:
I think it's beautiful.
Wow.Which one is this ?And where to find it?
Because they offer some content that you truly have to explore to find for yourself. It's not some kind of bug.Anybody know why some quests are marked on the map and others aren't? For instance, I ran into the bookstore in Novigrad (you definitely should if you played the first game) and talking to the shopkeeper enabled a quest. However, this guy wasn't marked at all.
Why are you stunning people that far out of your range to begin with? This is all on you, bro.It's so annoying when you stun an enemy then try to sprint towards him but geralt will walk slowly in a guarding position with his sword.
It doesn't look as good in game. In fact, I think the first Ursine gear is my favorite armor set in the game, but the later part just added more stuff making it more bulky and I didn't like the material used for the long coat nor the color. I don't recall the fur on the shoulders in the last one either.
I respec'd and I roll the master feline armor now.
Wow.Which one is this ?And where to find it?
You liked wearing a big quilt?
Only the first and last iterations looked good imo
Naah. Not only do growners die with 1 crossbow bolt underwater, but usually, the presence of an underwater group of monsters is a good clue that there's a treasure nearby when you have PoIs turned off. More common in Skellige than Velen.Anyone else think the ubiquitous presence of drowners with every underwater treasure is kindof a dick move? Especially considering how woeful the swimming controls continue to be even post-patch.
It's unfortunately not marked on a map. It's a level 10 quest in Velen, in town calledHah, I just read the quest description for Fool's Gold... I haven't done Missing Miners yet but FG might be the first thing I do with the game tonight. I take it the quest will light up a notice board like Miners did, but do we know where to find the new cards yet? (Is it just always gonna be Crow's Perch for all DLC, maybe?)
I remember killing several during Lord of Undvik quest... so in Undvik, in one of the caves.Where can I find Devourers? I've done all Witcher Contracts and Quests and I still haven't come across one. I think their blood is required for the enhanced tanny own potion
Unfortunately they're not new cards. Just more "epic" skins for the main character cards you already have, like Yennefer and such.where do i find the new gwent cards? do they automatically get added to your deck or do you need to buy then from a merchant/inn??
Because they offer some content that you truly have to explore to find for yourself. It's not some kind of bug.
Why are you stunning people that far out of your range to begin with? This is all on you, bro.
where do i find the new gwent cards? do they automatically get added to your deck or do you need to buy then from a merchant/inn??
Yeah, not sure what they were thinking with no storage and no sorting option(!) in the inventory.It takes a shitton of resourses to get it mastercrafted though.
It's pretty asinine to not include some sort of storage option. Especially since previous titles had it. A simple universal storage container at inkeepers would be like a 5 minute coding job.