The Triss alt outfit looks ridiculous.
A sorceress won't renounce to fashion for convenience.
It probably looks silly and out of place when walking around in Novigrado trying to stay incognito... with that being said, Triss Elvish Waifu.
The Triss alt outfit looks ridiculous.
Been catching up on the main quest after finishing every side quest i could (And having loads of POI in Skellege left) and just wanted to see how far in i am for the main story.
I have just found Ciri and we have gone back home in preparation for the Wild Hunt attack
Any help would be great.
it's pretty bad, i don't know how someone could get it unless it was intentional. you have tobe a pretty shitty role model for Ciri and not do a lot of the important secondary quests.
Question about the "gear" treasure hunts.
When you track them in the quests page, they have no marker on the map?, is that correct?, the idea is to just stumble upon them (as I have a couple of them)?
Even though I have brought the maps from merchants, no marker appears on the map when tracking them, and I just wanted to know if this was correct.
Normally there will be leads with trackers, which after you find the treasure will give you further leads which enable the trackers for other parts.
Make sure to read what you get or buy as well.
lmao. don't even need to argue using the practicality angle, this is just comical
It just seems one of the concept versions of the dress she was going to use in the ball with the masks, but in the end the other dress was chosen and this was scrapped. It doesn't make ANY sense to use this as a "daily" dress.
lmao. don't even need to argue using the practicality angle, this is just comical
Well you are pretty much nearing the end, that's ~half of the last act.
lmao. don't even need to argue using the practicality angle, this is just comical
lmao. don't even need to argue using the practicality angle, this is just comical
That looks like straight out of Witcher 2. I like it!Mastercrafted Wolf school armor
Behold the final form.
That looks like straight out of Witcher 2. I like it!
Mastercrafted Wolf school armor
Behold the final form.
lmao. don't even need to argue using the practicality angle, this is just comical
Anyone on the PC version using GoG Galaxy and getting "Authorization failed" when trying to update the game?
More Mastercrafted Wolf armor in different angles. Courtesy from Reddit.
Do I really have to go to a big city everytime I want to get Geralt shaved? I hoped you'd be able to do it on your own.
Also god damn Velen is just awesome so far, some truly "What the fuck is that!?" moments.
Got the plat last night, collecting the gwent cards was the last one now waiting on ng+ and dlc.
Its this week's free DLC.Wait where do you get Wolf school armor? Or is that a PC mod?
That Triss outfit is terrible. It's even more revealing and elegant than her Ballgown and we're supposed to think it's her everyday outfit.
Novigrad, Oxenfurt, and a couple of locations in Skellige as well. Gotta go to a barber though, can't do it yourself.
Its this week's free DLC.
How is it even possible to reach 30? I'm near the final mission and only level 24. Sidequests give me zero xp.
The fight withis maddeningly fucking stupid.Imlerith
Seriously why do games put piss easy but long sections before a boss just goes nuts. I have to spend 10 goddamned minutes getting to the piece of the fight that actually fucking matters and then I just hop around like a fucking idiot and if he stun locks me oh well try again.
How is it even possible to reach 30? I'm near the final mission and only level 24. Sidequests give me zero xp.
Quen + roll like a mad man. Axii helps as well to slow him down.
Damn, double post sorry.