can you get better horse blinders? I haven't found any.
Yeah from horse races. I think I also remember finding some in random loot.
can you get better horse blinders? I haven't found any.
Yes, all horse bits have upgrades.can you get better horse blinders? I haven't found any.
Really fancy switching to a light armor + alchemy build from my medium armor + sign build. Anyone have any experience with the former build? Any fun?
I just finished painting this, dunno what to do with it so leaving it here in case someone wants to look at it, or something.
I just finished painting this, dunno what to do with it so leaving it here in case someone wants to look at it, or something.
I just finished painting this, dunno what to do with it so leaving it here in case someone wants to look at it, or something.
I sitll don't know why we can't store things, display trophies or change horses for different colors and stuff. Little RPG things like that.
I just finished painting this, dunno what to do with it so leaving it here in case someone wants to look at it, or something.
I just finished painting this, dunno what to do with it so leaving it here in case someone wants to look at it, or something.
Here's 2 shots from tonight's session so far
I just finished painting this, dunno what to do with it so leaving it here in case someone wants to look at it, or something.
So that first notice board...most of those aren't quests? I only had the quest to go find the dude and the contract, and i picked up like 6 papers there. Sorry but my OCD itches with stuff like this
I recognize that first picture as being Keira's house.
I have a question though.
How do you take pictures without Geralt in them. I see some of these scenery shots. Is it a camera thing, I have never managed to get the camera to not focus on Geralt. So how are you guys taking these scenic pictures without Geralt in them?
Dunno if this counts as a spoiler so I'll tag the name just in case. Anywho, wasn't expecting them to namedrop, kinda wondering if she's actually in here now lol.Shani
Dude! That's pretty damn good. You should post it in the art thread too.
I just finished painting this, dunno what to do with it so leaving it here in case someone wants to look at it, or something.
The music and sound design in this game is fantastic. The way the music moves with the tension in the scene, to the amazing sound effect you get when you complete a quest... This beast is a thing of beauty.
The music and sound design in this game is fantastic. The way the music moves with the tension in the scene, to the amazing sound effect you get when you complete a quest... This beast is a thing of beauty.
So far the side quests in Skellege have been even more amazing than the ones in Velen/Novigrad!
The "Kingmaker" quest line with the Jarls son and daughter was amazing. Easily replace the Keira Metz storyline as my favorite quest in the game so far! I want more ice giants!
I'm looking for PC deals. GMG is offering for like $36 or $37 or something, anywhere lower? Preferably with a Steam key but I'll take what I can get.
The music and sound design in this game is fantastic. The way the music moves with the tension in the scene, to the amazing sound effect you get when you complete a quest... This beast is a thing of beauty.
I'm about 14 hours in and have done nothing but side quests ... I struggle to see where they go from here.
How do they improve on the Witcher 3, This is presuming the enhanced edition eliminated the small control issues etc that we have now.
I'd be happy if they just developed a few expansions instead. Old school sized expansions.
Then don't dieThe only bad sound is when you die and get your eardrums blown out.
Why is it poisonous to gamers?
Because lies and misrepresentation from the influential press may result in creators self-censorship. Not every developer has Rockstars or CD Projects balls of steel. Some are not going to want the risk of adult story-telling touching controversial subjects when its going to be met with loud and unjustified accusations of sexism and misogyny, racism and homophobia, ableism, classism, ageism and all other -isms that the progressive press loves to use or megaphone.
I feel like the counter for how long you played on my ps4 is wrong. It says I have around 80 hours played but I know I havent played that long. When I left it on standby overnight I think the counter jumped. Anyone else having this problem?
I'M still in act 1 with that playtime.....
Glowing red tunes down the blade?What sword is that?!