God this game is just so fucking annoyingly random. So the giant plants sprouting from the ground killed me a few times in the swamp. I go ahead and look them up, weak to silver, fire, find out what style i need to use, that they attack with poison, etc. Next time i show up prepared, and i do every possible thing right. I cleared the mob of drowners first, then immolate, drink poison resistance potion, attack with silver sword, strong style. And they fuckin mop the floor with me. None of what i did helped. At all.
Same deal sort of, chapter 1, the beast. Fought the bitch about 20 times, no way in hell i was gonna be able to pull it out. I looked it up online. Apparently, i had been using the right strategy. So i try again, no fucking luck. On the 30th fucking try, things happen no differently, i'm about to die, and the hound's got 2/3 of her health left, and then... i one-shot her out of nowhere. Stupid fucking random.
And the whole sex card collecting thing, women throwing themselves at you and so on... what fucking puerile bullshit... Also, i don't know why they confused swordmanship with goddamned baton twirling, majorette style, what the shit.