You dont need flint at all. Use the fire spell to light fires.Grayman said:just pack around less food and flint?
Fox318 said:I have been doing every sidequest .. Just got to chapter 3 a while ago, Is there any easy way to get gold? I really want to buy a new vest but its 5000 gold.
But it always feels rigged.Minsc said:Gambling.
Fox318 said:But it always feels rigged.![]()
Fox318 said:I have been doing every sidequest .. Just got to chapter 3 a while ago, Is there any easy way to get gold? I really want to buy a new vest but its 5000 gold.
Fox318 said:But it always feels rigged.![]()
1stStrike said:I was lame. I'd just save my game, bet max and if I lost, reload and try again. I made quite a bit of money that way, but I totally cheated the system![]()
Looking at that picture just got the gambling music stuck in my head.Minsc said:Sometimes though... you can make 1K+ per match if you get lucky, always max bet, and if you can lose two rounds and still win the best of 5, that just means a bigger pot!
Well, except Act 3 can go back to areas in Act 2, but the trophy monsters won't be available.Fredescu said:No. The end of each act seals off that acts area.
Yeah. Their value actually goes down a lot after they've been read.Varna said:Is it safe to sell scrolls after they have been added?
Mine was only one, but that was pre-enhanced Edition so I don't know if they had to expand to a second disk or not.momolicious said:Quick question how many installation discs does the game come with?
Varna said:Been playing this again. Was there ever a fix for the pixelated faces during dialogue?
All I find is turn the lighting to low, or run it at a 16:9 resolution. That's some BS if I have to do that though.
EDIT: Is it safe to sell scrolls after they have been added?
Jay Shadow said:Yeah. Their value actually goes down a lot after they've been read.
Mine was only one, but that was pre-enhanced Edition so I don't know if they had to expand to a second disk or not.
djtiesto said:Just started on Ch 4, hopefully will get to finish the last few chapters this weekend or next. There's something about this game that is very addicting, that I can't quite put my finger on.
Horns said:I absolutely loved what I played of the game, but I am stuck and I haven't played in such a long time that I have forgotten how to play completely. Think I might just restart, I am only at the part have to choose the woman's side or side with the town that she is the devil. I keep dying at the boss fight right after that.
Minsc said:That's actually one of the harder fights in the game imo. Try to do as many quests as you can before getting to that point so you can be a bit higher in level, and use any enhancements you have (specter oil, swallow, etc). If she falls in battle she will get back up after it ends, so don't worry... though it's nice when she's alive because she heals you occasionally. The trick is just to run around in large circles and let your health restore, then get a few attacks in, and get back your health, etc. You can't really win it straight out fighting. Make sure you use your witcher sword on monsters and normal sword on people too, they do more damage that way.
Horns said:Thanks, I'll try that. I've done it a dozen times or more and failed. The worst part is the cut scene right before it,errr...a little pet peeve of mine.
Minsc said:Leave it maxed and run it at 1920x1080, and just deal with slight letter-boxing, it's significantly better, and 1080p has essentially replaced 1200p anyway. You'll get a slightly better framerate too!
I had to do the run/circle/attack method during Ch. 4 for the Hermit's quest when you're up against multiple wraiths and their stun attacks. So annoying, and using agii to do knockdown insta-kills leaves you open to attack during the whole animation. Just stick the sword in and move on, stop trying to impress me!Minsc said:Yea, I was quite relieved when I discovered if I hit esc right after that cutscene I could save it and start right at the fight after the cutscene. After seeing it ten + times, it got horribly annoying. That kinda thing never really happens again in the game, don't worry. There's one more boss fight that's a little tricky, but more puzzle challenging, not combat challenging, so it's not as bad ultimately. Running in circles will get your health back up (while under the influence), it draws the fight out to be like 10 minutes long, but it feels so nice when it's over!![]()
Have you played it normally? The already messy inventory would be worse, as would most of the menus. The main gameplay would probably be ok (although you'd be more reliant on the pause button) but everything else would be a chore.Tailzo said:Any mods to play this with a 360 pad?
Zachack said:I had to do the run/circle/attack method during Ch. 4 for the Hermit's quest when you're up against multiple wraiths and their stun attacks. So annoying, and using agii to do knockdown insta-kills leaves you open to attack during the whole animation. Just stick the sword in and move on, stop trying to impress me!
Tailzo said:Any mods to play this with a 360 pad?
Yeah, I tried both control methods. Both rely a lot on timed mouse clikcs. My finger gets all weird and it's almost like I get cramps from it. I tried to use my middlefinger instead, but didn't help much.Zachack said:Have you played it normally? The already messy inventory would be worse, as would most of the menus. The main gameplay would probably be ok (although you'd be more reliant on the pause button) but everything else would be a chore.
Ah thanks for giving me the link. I'll look into it right awayMinsc said:There's a pretty crazy profile here, sounds like it might work ok...
Tailzo said:Yeah, I tried both control methods. Both rely a lot on timed mouse clikcs. My finger gets all weird and it's almost like I get cramps from it. I tried to use my middlefinger instead, but didn't help much.
Ah thanks for giving me the link. I'll look into it right away
If you don't mind me asking... I downloaded this .pin file, and now I am not sure what to do next. Can you point me in the right direction, please?
Edgeward said:So is there a fix for dual cores where the game would work only one core to the ground? My PC should in no way ever run the Witcher this oddly, stuttering, slowdown, etc, when I can play games like Bioshock 2 and Mass Effect 2 on max settings. I don't want to play this at odd resolutions/settings just to get it running somewhat okay.
Also the fucking plants in the swamp area where the merman people live are a damn nightmare, absolutely decimates me. Is there something I'm missing here or do I need to just grind it out?
The one that's taking him apart is likely the Archespore. It was a huge pain until late in Ch. 3 when I went back to the swamp to do the bit of questing required there, and even then it was a bit iffy to kill, although I don't have Igni powered up like I should. You get a trophy for killing it and there's also a contract mission for 3 of them (which I didn't do).Minsc said:The plant you're talking about is actually a trophy kill if I'm thinking of the right thing, and you need to run away from it for quite a while. Pay attention to the name of the thing, there's a weaker version and a stronger version of that plant that comes out of the ground. The stronger version is the same plant, it can just spawn from different areas across the swamp.
Thanks. No, I use a cheap logitech mouse, my wife has been complaining that I should get a better mouse. She thinks it's worse than hers. Thanks for your advice.Minsc said:You need Pinnacle Game Profiler... unfortunately it's paid software, but I believe you can get a timed demo, which is fully functioning so you can test the profile.
If you're serious about PC gaming with a controller, it's money well spent. Very nice software.
Also, do you have a nice mouse? I find if I use a cheap mouse, I will also get weird/occasional pains. But on my nice Logitech, it's always perfectly comfortable. Perhaps something to consider looking in to as well...
Melhisedek said:I have 2 questions:
1. When I enter some place dark (Crypt) I can pull out torch to see better but than I have to fight with it as well, is there another way of seeing in dark but still having my sword to fight?
2. I need to deliver ghoul blood to this fellow in the inn but he just isn't there. Quest tracking shows him as there and I clearly remember meeting him in the inn but he isn't there now... I waited for a full day but nothing, any ideas?
Melhisedek said:Yeah the alchemist one... Thought he waited in the inn while the situation with the plague settled. Where is his house?
Ferrio said:I don't remember if you go to his house or not, but i wouldn't be surprised if you did. Wait.... what act are you on?
Lowering the draw distance helps the most.1stStrike said:Has anyone got some tips for getting this game to not run like shit? I just built a new PC 2 months ago and figured I'd try The Witcher out again (already beat it once on my old PC a couple years back) and crank it up... and it ran like complete ass. Even after turning the settings down.
Yet, more recent games like Dragon Age, Mass Effect 2, etc. run just fine maxed out. Wtf.
If you don't manage to find the alchemist again in Act 1, you'll meet him again in Act 2 and the quest should still be active. I believe one of the story possibilities in Act 1 puts him on a bridge with a guard you have to talk to. That might be preventing him from showing up in the Inn again.Melhisedek said:Hmmm first I think, just got to this village and been helping people out, now I'm omw to town I believe
Nirolak said:Lowering the draw distance helps the most.
After that I would lower shadows.
Generally games made on smaller budgets don't have as much optimization, so things like proper polygon culling and lighting models might not be implemented efficiently, causing some performance issues.
Aside from checking gamefaqs I'd say to just do other quests until you see him. If you can't figure out how to do something the solution is often to do other things because of triggered events.Melhisedek said:Hmmm first I think, just got to this village and been helping people out, now I'm omw to town I believe
1stStrike said:hack and slash in 1920x1080 glory.
1stStrike said:Has anyone got some tips for getting this game to not run like shit? I just built a new PC 2 months ago and figured I'd try The Witcher out again (already beat it once on my old PC a couple years back) and crank it up... and it ran like complete ass. Even after turning the settings down.
Yet, more recent games like Dragon Age, Mass Effect 2, etc. run just fine maxed out. Wtf.
Varna said:What's your CPU? This game seems to be designed to run on a single core so it greatly benefits from a decent overclock.
1stStrike said:AMD x4 955 black OC'd to 3.8 ghz stable. :| Geforce 250 GTS OC'd, and 4 gb ram.
Melhisedek said:I have 3 meteorites right now, should I dump them in my witcher sword or should I wait for better sword.
Have one red and two blue meteorites
Minsc said:Witcher really needs brute power in the GPU as well to overcome the framerate, I think a GTS 250 isn't cutting it. While lowering some settings below the absolute max can probably alieaviate that, you're next best bet is owning an nVidia card w/ the right driver set.
See this post, those drivers recommended work for a GTX 295, maybe they will work for other nVidia cards too. If not, you just need a better GPU to max it... and even then you won't hold 60 in it for the whole game. It's much nicer when it does run at 60, but 30+ wasn't terrible.