Forkball said:Ok need help with the Berenger's Secret quest. I'm in Chapter III
So in Chapter II, I have the prompt to look around the clay pits. Well I forgot to do that and now I'm in chapter III. I looked around in Chapter III, but nothing. I still have the quest as active so it didn't disappear, but nothing is around the clay pits that pushes the quest forward. WHAT DO I DOOOOOO?
Right now I'm just trying to do all the swamp quests so I never have to come back here again.
I think even if you miss the previous parts in the swamp it'll pick up again in Act IV. It's a long term quest.Forkball said:Ok need help with the Berenger's Secret quest. I'm in Chapter III
So in Chapter II, I have the prompt to look around the clay pits. Well I forgot to do that and now I'm in chapter III. I looked around in Chapter III, but nothing. I still have the quest as active so it didn't disappear, but nothing is around the clay pits that pushes the quest forward. WHAT DO I DOOOOOO?
Right now I'm just trying to do all the swamp quests so I never have to come back here again.
momolicious said:Anyone else feel this game feels very unpolished and low budget? The animation is kind of awkward. The graphics engine is kind of choppy too, when it moves through cutscenes to gameplay. The presentation is amazing though, UI and everything. Sort of low framerates for 8800GT is that abnormal?
How About No said:Everything in this post sounds accurate.
BTW I'm on the last chapter and getting my ass kicked by the sewer monster...hints?
Minsc said:The quests in chapter 4 are really fun though, so do stick with it. It does sound like you're a little burnt out, but when you return you have maybe 10 hours of fun stories to complete, chapter 5 and the epilogue are very very linear, you'll get through both in like a single night.
Miri said:Use strong stance on the arms. It hits, and they're usually down after only one. Then, iirc, you can stun him with a full ignii charge once his head is up.
If you're dying stay to the back corner(on the walkway, out of the water) and let Triss handle for a bit, it gives you some time to regain health/use potions etc.. etc..
momolicious said:btw, is the steam version of the witcher enhanced edition censored?
momolicious said:Anyone else feel this game feels very unpolished and low budget? The animation is kind of awkward. The graphics engine is kind of choppy too, when it moves through cutscenes to gameplay. The presentation is amazing though, UI and everything. Sort of low framerates for 8800GT is that abnormal?
Forkball said:Ok, if I can just wait until Chapter IV I'll do so.
And I just did the Blue Eyes quest. That uh... spun out of control.WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT A VAMPIRE ORGY WOULD GO WRONG. Also I was legit startled when that girl's face turned all vampirey.
Forkball said:Ok, if I can just wait until Chapter IV I'll do so.
And I just did the Blue Eyes quest. That uh... spun out of control.WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT A VAMPIRE ORGY WOULD GO WRONG. Also I was legit startled when that girl's face turned all vampirey.
The game crashes on me once per hour. F5 is my best friend in this game. I usually don't lose more than five minutes so I am okay with it.momolicious said:omg, i played for an hour without saving and the game crashed wtfreak?!
burgerdog said:The game crashes on me once per hour. F5 is my best friend in this game. I usually don't lose more than five minutes so I am okay with it.
Unless you're low on HD space. Then it's your enemy because each save is 15 megs and they don't overwrite any quicksaves, they just keep adding to the folder. My first time through my save folder at one point was 450 megs before I started cleaning it out regularly.burgerdog said:The game crashes on me once per hour. F5 is my best friend in this game. I usually don't lose more than five minutes so I am okay with it.
momolicious said:Anyone else feel this game feels very unpolished and low budget? The animation is kind of awkward. The graphics engine is kind of choppy too, when it moves through cutscenes to gameplay. The presentation is amazing though, UI and everything. Sort of low framerates for 8800GT is that abnormal?
momolicious said:Anyone else feel this game feels very unpolished and low budget? The animation is kind of awkward. The graphics engine is kind of choppy too, when it moves through cutscenes to gameplay. The presentation is amazing though, UI and everything. Sort of low framerates for 8800GT is that abnormal?
LastWindow said:I've never gotten her sex card. :-\
Vigilant Walrus said:Is this story really good? even in the enhanced version the dialouge makes less sense that random encounters in Oblivion - I'm only in the first act, but just talking to random people it's like everyone is hallucinating and nothing is real.:/
I hope the story improves because I'm not engaged. I get that CDproject is more cool than Bioware now, since they have been ruined by EA(bla bla bla bla..) but I am not sure CD Project are better at presentation, story and VA than bioware!
subversus said:I think they are like two steps above Bioware in everything which considers story and writing. But I also think it's a matter of taste. I like Bioware's stories because they are cliched, have a heart and therefore they are sort of cozy. But if you take them out of the game they are laughable. This can't be said about The Witcher.
Also there may be a cultural barrier for some people.
Felix Lighter said:I just completed Chapter 1, so I'm still very early on. I have to agree that the dialog and voice acting have been awkward, to this point. The overall story and setting seem more interesting and less cliched than in Bioware's games but the actual character interactions feel off and unnatural. I'm sure a lot has to do with the translation and the lower budget for voice talent.
subversus said:I don't know about english VA, I played it in Polish. As for character interactions I didn't find them strange or awkward at all except those who were crazy people. Can you provide some examples?
Vigilant Walrus said:Is this story really good? even in the enhanced version the dialouge makes less sense that random encounters in Oblivion - I'm only in the first act, but just talking to random people it's like everyone is hallucinating and nothing is real.:/
I hope the story improves because I'm not engaged. I get that CDproject is more cool than Bioware now, since they have been ruined by EA(bla bla bla bla..) but I am not sure CD Project are better at presentation, story and VA than bioware!
Miri said:I've finished the game and I can agree with that. I'd say it has more to do the animation during the conversations, rather than the dialogue. Ever get anybody putting their arms out in the fresh prince "I ain't even mad" pose with their head pointed directly into the sun, when the conversation doesn't even call for said animation? I got that on what feels like everyone.
subversus said:YES, animation and facial animation were horrible. But I was talking about what people were saying.
subversus said:I don't know about english VA, I played it in Polish. As for character interactions I didn't find them strange or awkward at all except those who were crazy people. Can you provide some examples?
Felix Lighter said:The English voice acting needs work for sure but it's not a huge deal.
I guess the awkward dialog has been an issue with most conversation but for example, when Geralt brings up his amnesia to other characters that recognize him, the topic is just accepted and dropped. Maybe it's just me. Like I said I'm early on.
subversus said:Have you made it out of the castle? I mean if you got hit in the head hard people won't be surprised if you have amnesia. And if you tell other people they won't be surprised too and won't try to bring this topic a lot to avoid awkwardness. I don't remeber anybody focusing on amnesia. I remember a political discussion with a trader though. It was awesome because the trader had the same arguments as my friend had when we were discussing the same topic on the weekend before that.
Gvaz said:Since there isn't a Witcher 2 thread yet\)
Have you guys seen this? Pretty neat I think.
Slo said:I'm glad thatWho am I kidding? I'd have done it anyway.I got into Celina's pants before she got killed and turned into a nightwraith.
Kyaw said:Did you also get with thein the Trade Quarter brothel?prostitutes/vampires and that blue eyed girl/vampire
Slo said:Now that I'm into Chapter 5, I'm really glad I'm not with the order. Those guys are complete taint lickers.
It's an engine that's older than dirt being pushed way past it's limits, it's going to be pretty funny when the sequel ends up performing better on the same hardware.Kyaw said:The trade quarter was also very demanding. It's just the badly optimised engine.