Finally started playing this today. WHY DID I WAIT SO LONG!@?!?!?! It's so good. That is all
Slo said:Got made it to the epilogue. Which is weird, because I feel like I've already won the game, but now I have to go tie up the loose ends.
Major SpoilerSolidsnackooFoxhound said:Just wait till you get to the ending cinematic![]()
. It was fucking great.
Billen said:I have tried SO hard to like The Witcher, but while the world and story etc are very nice I just can't get myself to like the quicktime events that are waiting for flaming swords in combat.
Oh, well, another one scratched from the list.![]()
Kyaw said:Also i want to know what becomes of Shani because i decided to let Shani have Alvin instead of Triss. (which was sort of a bad decision)
Slo said:Really kind of baffled that they didn't make any mention of Alvin in the ending. He was the focus of most of the game and then he just teleports himself out of it. Weird.
Sinatar said:The Grandmaster *is* Alvin. Remember the talisman pulled him through space and *time*. Thats why he tried so hard to get you to join him and why he was wearing that amulet at the end.
Billen said:I have tried SO hard to like The Witcher, but while the world and story etc are very nice I just can't get myself to like the quicktime events that are waiting for flaming swords in combat.
Oh, well, another one scratched from the list.![]()
Slo said:mindblown.gif
So were his visions true?
Joke? TW2 has a completely revamped combat system. Gop showed off the combat only mashing buttons. It's gone from QTE to masher if that makes sense.Minsc said:You can probably scratch TW2 off your list as well, combat will also be like this, chaining attacks and not mashing buttons.
Exuro said:Joke? TW2 has a completely revamped combat system. Gop showed off the combat only mashing buttons. It's gone from QTE to masher if that makes sense.
Weaker player, while on "easy" level, can hit buttons as fast as he can - and he also will be having fun. But he will lost some depth which lies within the system.
There will be 4 difficulty levels easy, medium, hard, insane
Insane difficulty is gonna be a pro mode - where death means that game restarts from zero
Insane level will be unclocked after completing game on hard
If someones not interested into fighting he may play on easy and dont give a shi.t about potions, swords etc.
You choose an action: a strong strike, fast strike, sign, block, jump, etc. but the games mechanics selects (depending on stats) whether it is a level 2 or 5 strike sequence, jump, pirouette, evade and it may (instead of attack) start the finisher (when the opponent has a little life ) or can push an enemy into a chasm (context action) etc. Mechanics is a bit modeled on Arkham Asylum - those who played, will quickly feel like at home.
Each type of opponent has its unique AI. If you happen to fight with guy equipped with shield and then guy with two swords, you tactics has to change. Combat is not like go and mash it requires to develop your character. You will also be forced to try different tactics block, jump away, attack, avoid special attack of opponent etc. Its not that simple.
We want to do easy to learn, hard to master combat. We want to make sure that everybody understands combat mechanisms and are able to play TW2 on difficulty level it suits them most. Mechanisms will be really easy to learn. But for more demanding players, there will be different difficult levels. Those players will be forced to use all of combat mechanisms game offers.
Im developer myself and at this moment, while playing on hard, Im getting my ass kicked every two steps...
shinobi602 said:So how long is this game?
With all sidequests= ?
Without sidequests= ?
Gully State said:Somewhere b/t 40-60 hours. If you just do the main quests on easy with a guide, you might be able to go through it in a shorter amount of time but this is one of the few games where you really shouldn't consult a guide.
Snuggler said:You won't regret that, trust me. Just wait.
Enk said:Shoot. Sothere's more to Vincent if he stays a werewolf? I ended up curing him right after I found out his secret. I really need to do some sort of alternate playthrough at some point.
Snuggler said:I chose not to do that, and THIS is what happened (end of ch. 3 spoiler). Probably the most badass moment yet in this game.
Try the barmaid at the inn.Ermac said:I'm in Chapter 2 and need to find some dwarven liquor for the undertaker. Where do I get it?
SalsaShark said:Im having a really hard time coming back to my save since i picked Normal difficulty and i was finding it way too easy. Like the whole alchemy side of the game was useless since i could just click away through every fight
Too late to start over really, gonna have to live with it.
gdt5016 said:Getting a gaming laptop soon, and I'd like to play this comfy couch style. Does this have controller support?
That's a typical length for a rpg though?bigace33 said:Man 40 Hours? I might as well pass. I have too many games to finish as is.
Slo said:No, but the sequel will.
Forkball said:Got to Chapter 4.
The last part with the Kikimore queen was hella annoying. I kept accidentally killing myself. I'm glad I finally killed the Professor, but damn Javed has the most convenient escapes I've ever seen. As for major decisions, I spared Vincent and cured him, gave Alvin to Triss, and I sided with the Order. I can understand why the elves and dwarves feel persecuted, but it's hard to feel sorry for Yaevinn and his lot since they are more or less just terrorists. But now the Order seems to be corrupt since Adda is trying to stage a coup. IS THERE NO ONE I CAN TRUST?
Heavy said:What's the quickest it would take to beat the game by just making a bee line to the main quests? I can't stand the combat (found it really boring like Billen) but I want to experience the story for the sequel. Is something like 10 hours doable? Any god mode cheats?
How is that taking a dump on the game? It's not the same reading a wiki summary. Gotta see it for yourself. I'm hyped for the sequel and people have said part 1 ended on a cliffhanger so...SalsaShark said:Way to take a dump on a wonderful game. Sequel isnt going anywhere, you can take your time with the first one. If you dont like it id suggest reading the plot, why bother.
zero margin said:Restarted the game tonight and got two quick questions, how do you switch between weapons and also how do you switch between magic spells? The tutorial says nothing about it that I could see.