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The Witcher |OT| Damn all dissonances


Got made it to the epilogue. Which is weird, because I feel like I've already won the game, but now I have to go tie up the loose ends.


makes good threads.
SolidsnackooFoxhound said:
Just wait till you get to the ending cinematic :) :). It was fucking great.
Major Spoiler
I thought the stuff that happened right before the cinematic was even more mind blowing. Seriously, it was Alvin this whole time?


I have tried SO hard to like The Witcher, but while the world and story etc are very nice I just can't get myself to like the quicktime events that are waiting for flaming swords in combat.

Oh, well, another one scratched from the list. :D


It could be.
But also most sorceress have those necklace things. Alvin always plays as grandmaster in the 'kill the elves' game also refers to this. It's an unknown thing which i hope will be revealed in Witcher 2. Also i want to know what becomes of Shani because i decided to let Shani have Alvin instead of Triss. (which was sort of a bad decision)

Billen said:
I have tried SO hard to like The Witcher, but while the world and story etc are very nice I just can't get myself to like the quicktime events that are waiting for flaming swords in combat.

Oh, well, another one scratched from the list. :D

How can you not? :eek:
It was piss easy when you get used to it which doesnt really take a long time to get used to.


So....holy shit. Ending spoilers:
Really loved the climb up the icy mountain. Got to wipe Seigfried's ass with his own Bieber bowl, got a hand from Vincent the werewolf on the way, really happy with those choices. Really liked the lecture from death at the top of the mountain, turning all my choices back on me. Felt good teaching him a lesson too. And holy fucking shit at the ending cinematic. So judging by the eyes it was a Witcher that was trying to assassinate the king? Was it Berengard? In my game he fought Javed with me and died. The kick he gave Gerhalt to the groin was forshadowed by his speech in Chapter 4. Not sure what to make of that.

Really kind of baffled that they didn't make any mention of Alvin in the ending. He was the focus of most of the game and then he just teleports himself out of it. Weird.


Kyaw said:
Also i want to know what becomes of Shani because i decided to let Shani have Alvin instead of Triss. (which was sort of a bad decision)

How did that change the ending sequence? Was Triss climbing the mountain with you?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Slo said:
Really kind of baffled that they didn't make any mention of Alvin in the ending. He was the focus of most of the game and then he just teleports himself out of it. Weird.

The Grandmaster *is* Alvin. Remember the talisman pulled him through space and *time*. Thats why he tried so hard to get you to join him and why he was wearing that amulet at the end.


Sinatar said:
The Grandmaster *is* Alvin. Remember the talisman pulled him through space and *time*. Thats why he tried so hard to get you to join him and why he was wearing that amulet at the end.


So were his visions true?


Gold Member
Billen said:
I have tried SO hard to like The Witcher, but while the world and story etc are very nice I just can't get myself to like the quicktime events that are waiting for flaming swords in combat.

Oh, well, another one scratched from the list. :D

You can probably scratch TW2 off your list as well, combat will also be like this, chaining attacks and not mashing buttons.

Tbh, I don't get the complaint. There's almost no difficulty in TW. Even if you play on hard, spare a fight or two. QTEs are annoying because when you lose, you need to restart the level, but in TW, there's no penalty, you can miss the timing 10x over, and you just get another shot.


Plane Escape Torment
If you really want to experience the game's combat system to its fullest including full use of alchemy to survive as well as mandatory dodging and maneuvering you guys should install the FCR (full combat rebalance) mod. I played the entire game with it and it's really something, every battle becomes engaging where you need to really concentrate and think critically about tactics and potion/sign use.


Minsc said:
You can probably scratch TW2 off your list as well, combat will also be like this, chaining attacks and not mashing buttons.
Joke? TW2 has a completely revamped combat system. Gop showed off the combat only mashing buttons. It's gone from QTE to masher if that makes sense.


Gold Member
Exuro said:
Joke? TW2 has a completely revamped combat system. Gop showed off the combat only mashing buttons. It's gone from QTE to masher if that makes sense.

Yea, a little, but I guess I found it a little ridiculous to compare the entire game's combat to a QTE though it sorta is :(. Still, just use igni and stun, and set the game to easy, problem solved.

From the unofficial FAQ, that video was shown with some sort of god mode I think and probably on easy difficulty, as is alluded to:

Weaker player, while on "easy" level, can hit buttons as fast as he can - and he also will be having fun. But he will lost some depth which lies within the system.

However, I also read:

There will be 4 difficulty levels – easy, medium, hard, insane
• Insane difficulty is gonna be a pro mode - where death means that game restarts from zero
• Insane level will be unclocked after completing game on hard
• If someone’s not interested into fighting – he may play on “easy” and don’t give a shi.t about potions, swords etc.

You choose an action: a strong strike, fast strike, sign, block, jump, etc. but the game’s mechanics selects (depending on stats) whether it is a level 2 or 5 strike sequence, jump, pirouette, evade and it may (instead of attack) start the finisher (when the opponent has a little life ) or can push an enemy into a chasm (context action) etc. Mechanics is a bit modeled on Arkham Asylum - those who played, will quickly feel like at home.
Each type of opponent has it’s unique AI. If you happen to fight with guy equipped with shield and then guy with two swords, you tactics has to change. Combat is not like “go and mash” – it requires to develop your character. You will also be forced to try different tactics – block, jump away, attack, avoid special attack of opponent etc. It’s not that simple.
We want to do ‘easy to learn, hard to master’ combat. We want to make sure that everybody understands combat mechanisms and are able to play TW2 on difficulty level it suits them most. Mechanisms will be really easy to learn. But for more demanding players, there will be different difficult levels. Those players will be forced to use all of combat mechanisms game offers.
I’m developer myself and at this moment, while playing on ‘hard’, I’m getting my ass kicked every two steps...

Yea, so over-reaction before on my part, TW2 sounds a lot less punishing in the way it handles combat, and much more interesting. Still, TW1 on easy + igni should make short work of most combat if you can't tolerate the QTE-style. Still, it's always the same button, and always the same timing between presses, and it rarely ever punishes you for missing, so it doesn't really have the usual flaws of QTE cutscenes.
shinobi602 said:
So how long is this game?

With all sidequests= ?
Without sidequests= ?

Somewhere b/t 40-60 hours. If you just do the main quests on easy with a guide, you might be able to go through it in a shorter amount of time but this is one of the few games where you really shouldn't consult a guide.


erotic butter maelstrom
Gully State said:
Somewhere b/t 40-60 hours. If you just do the main quests on easy with a guide, you might be able to go through it in a shorter amount of time but this is one of the few games where you really shouldn't consult a guide.

Yeah. I know this is easier said than done, especially with the backlogs some of us have, but Witcher is a game that deserves to be savored. It seems that there are a lot of people who want to play it real quick in time for the sequel, but it's a long game and rushing through it wouldn't be very fun. There are some non-essential side quests like many of the collect X amount of items missions, but you could miss a lot of cool stuff if you try to rush it.

Plus, it's not always clear which missions you need to do to move the story forward, and using a guide to highlight that would greatly diminished the appeal of the game. Take your time and watch the story unfold, the sequel isn't going anywhere.


The quests with the little seal on them are primary quests that must be completed before the chapter can finish. So you could try to do all the side stuff first, and the follow it up with the main quests. But often the sidequests can tie in with the main quests, and some sidequests aren't available until you complete some portion of the main quests. It can be kinda confusing, I recommend checking out this site to see if you missed any quests. Don't read too much though since they have quest and spoiler warnings, maybe just how to initiate the quest.

Anyways, I'm in chapter 3 and just met
werewolf Vincent. I spared him, even though I kinda think he's a jerk and was heavily learning towards him being the bad guy in my investigation in chapter 2 until I figured it out. I did laugh at his Batman voice though.


makes good threads.
Snuggler said:
You won't regret that, trust me. Just wait.

Shoot. So
there's more to Vincent if he stays a werewolf? I ended up curing him right after I found out his secret. I really need to do some sort of alternate playthrough at some point.


erotic butter maelstrom
Enk said:
Shoot. So
there's more to Vincent if he stays a werewolf? I ended up curing him right after I found out his secret. I really need to do some sort of alternate playthrough at some point.

I chose not to do that, and THIS is what happened (end of ch. 3 spoiler). Probably the most badass moment yet in this game.


After reading The Last Wish (which is up there with ASoIaF), i finally started playing The Witcher yesterday.

I bought it during a sale on GamersGate, but i didn't have time for it until now (and i still don't have time to play it daily). I have the EE Director's Cut, so i guess it's the latest, uncensored, version.
I'm playing it with Polish VA and English subtitles and i must say i absolutely love the feeling. Polish VA gives it an air of fairy tale that suits the game perfectly. I'm also using the OTS(over the shoulder) camera with asdw + mouse look to move around.

I just started so i'm still in the tutorial chapter, defending Kaer Morhen (i'm actually making a potion for Triss) but overall i really like the game. I'm playing on high (or very high whatever the highest graphical setting is called) with AF x16 forced through drivers (which apparently is recommended as some kind of bug fix) and i don't have any problems with the game: it runs very smooth and looks good.
Yeah just got a new i5-2500k rig with a 6950 and have been getting back to all the games I bought on Steam but never played. This has now completely consumed my gaming time (sorry Radiant Historia). So, so much fun, it's the beautiful bastard child of NWN & Oblivion. Sure, I'd love to see some refinements to make the mechanics less opaque, but the storylines are so great I don't care.

Running it full maxed out, no perf issues whatsoever. Lots of weird glitches, though, like dwarven beards going all weird (I bet someone has some NaNs creeping through their shader parameters :p), but nothing serious.

So stoked by the Witcher 2 thread. SO STOKED.


Proudly debt free. If you need a couple bucks, just ask.
I'm in Chapter 2 and need to find some dwarven liquor for the undertaker. Where do I get it?


Im having a really hard time coming back to my save since i picked Normal difficulty and i was finding it way too easy. Like the whole alchemy side of the game was useless since i could just click away through every fight :(

Too late to start over really, gonna have to live with it.


SalsaShark said:
Im having a really hard time coming back to my save since i picked Normal difficulty and i was finding it way too easy. Like the whole alchemy side of the game was useless since i could just click away through every fight :(

Too late to start over really, gonna have to live with it.

I played pretty much the whole game that way. I barely did any potion creation at all, unless it was to gain a talent point.


I have found bombs to be particularly useful. King and Queen and Samum are awesome in fights where theres many opponents at once sending people bolting away with fear or stunning them. Also easily clickable on the left menu.

I wish I played hard too, at the end of Chapter 5 now and its really getting easier (might be the upgrade path I chose). The one fight I cant imagine on hard though is the first boss battle (I think with a pack of wolves and one main wolf) that I had to try about 150 times and fluke to beat, that on hard would be nutter.


Getting a gaming laptop soon, and I'd like to play this comfy couch style. Does this have controller support?


Got to Chapter 4.

The last part with the Kikimore queen was hella annoying. I kept accidentally killing myself. I'm glad I finally killed the Professor, but damn Javed has the most convenient escapes I've ever seen. As for major decisions, I spared Vincent and cured him, gave Alvin to Triss, and I sided with the Order. I can understand why the elves and dwarves feel persecuted, but it's hard to feel sorry for Yaevinn and his lot since they are more or less just terrorists. But now the Order seems to be corrupt since Adda is trying to stage a coup. IS THERE NO ONE I CAN TRUST?


Forkball said:
Got to Chapter 4.

The last part with the Kikimore queen was hella annoying. I kept accidentally killing myself. I'm glad I finally killed the Professor, but damn Javed has the most convenient escapes I've ever seen. As for major decisions, I spared Vincent and cured him, gave Alvin to Triss, and I sided with the Order. I can understand why the elves and dwarves feel persecuted, but it's hard to feel sorry for Yaevinn and his lot since they are more or less just terrorists. But now the Order seems to be corrupt since Adda is trying to stage a coup. IS THERE NO ONE I CAN TRUST?



Played some of this game, but stopped a while back. Gonna restart it and plan to beat it this time, so I can get Witcher 2.

Gonna install Texturen and the hi-res character mods this time. They work fine with the Steam version of the game, I hope?


Starting this again after playing the first 3 hours when it first came out. Little janky cut scenes and animations coming from DA but I remember liking the world when I played it last time. Hopefully the Enhanced edition makes noticeable improvements too.
Restarted the game tonight and got two quick questions, how do you switch between weapons and also how do you switch between magic spells? The tutorial says nothing about it that I could see.
What's the quickest it would take to beat the game by just making a bee line to the main quests? I can't stand the combat (found it really boring like Billen) but I want to experience the story for the sequel. Is something like 10 hours doable? Any god mode cheats?


fuck it imma keep playing on Normal

stepping out of town awhh yeeahhhh





Heavy said:
What's the quickest it would take to beat the game by just making a bee line to the main quests? I can't stand the combat (found it really boring like Billen) but I want to experience the story for the sequel. Is something like 10 hours doable? Any god mode cheats?

Read the plot, why bother. You wont get the true experience out of the game anyway. It deserves to be played.
SalsaShark said:
Way to take a dump on a wonderful game. Sequel isnt going anywhere, you can take your time with the first one. If you dont like it id suggest reading the plot, why bother.
How is that taking a dump on the game? It's not the same reading a wiki summary. Gotta see it for yourself. I'm hyped for the sequel and people have said part 1 ended on a cliffhanger so...

Gonna redownload it tonight


erotic butter maelstrom
zero margin said:
Restarted the game tonight and got two quick questions, how do you switch between weapons and also how do you switch between magic spells? The tutorial says nothing about it that I could see.

If you're using the keyboard based control scheme, you can switch between your different sword types with Q and E. Also, if you hold shift you can click on their icons on the HUD, which is the easiest way to select different weapons and spells.


Started my hard run, finished the prologue, started the first chapter only to get railed by the dogs lol. Got em on the second try.
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