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The Witcher |OT| Damn all dissonances


Cheech said:
Yeah, I am actually playing through the game for the first time, and I am pretty sure I fucked up. I killed somebody I probably wasn't supposed to in Chapter 2. RIP (spoiler)

The problem is, I am kind of getting impatient with the game. I am sick of the swamps and city, and am more than ready for the next chapter.

Just follow a guide if you want to not 'fuck up'.
There really isnt any right or wrong choices, just what is morally right for you.


Kyaw said:
Just follow a guide if you want to not 'fuck up'.
There really isnt any right or wrong choices, just what is morally right for you.

Yeah, I've avoided guides except for minor sidequests (i.e. Shani's 'party'). I'll just let the cards fall otherwise.

It's a fantastic game for the most part. I do hope the subsequent chapters go by faster than 2, however. Chapter 1 was long, but I didn't mind the length because the locations weren't nearly as repetitive.


Lakeside was definitely one of the graphical highlights of the game.

Finished! Goddamn I forgot just how kick ass this game gets. It's so rare for an rpg to finish so strong, and that ending cinematic.... Assassins of Kings indeed.


The 17th can't come soon enough.



All these posts are reminding me that I need to replay this game. I stopped somewhere in the middle. I suppose I could try to pick back up where I left off but RPGs often leave me majorly confused if I try to pick up in the middle after a year+ of not playing.

Much like Mass Effect though, I'd very much like to finish the first before playing the second for story reasons.


erotic butter maelstrom
Mr. Spinnington said:

realistically how long can i expect my first run to last without any guides and just playing by ear

My playthrough was 47 hours. I neither rushed or did everything, so you're looking at anywhere from 40-50 hours.

worth it
Hawk269 said:
I decided to get this game being that I was out of the PC gaming scene for over 15-20 years or so and damn it is really good. Even though it is a little old, it looks really good and looks better than most current console gen games. But when looking at Witcher 2 screens/video's we are in for such a treat.

But back to the Witcher itself, I am really enjoying the game. I am still starting out and enjoying what I have played so far. For those that have played the game alot, what is the general "preferred" control scheme? Coming from consoles for the last 20 years or so, getting use to KB/M is taking a bit. I am pumped that W2 has control pad support!

As much as I am enjoying sections of the game, I feel that the presentation feel so damn dated...the cut scene direction is straight out of the Thunderbirds. Graphically the game has some good points, but the engine really shows its edge in some aspects. Frankly, I couldn't believe the upgrade that we are seeing with the sequel... Look, I enjoy the first game, but the sequel is my most anticipated western rpg since ultima, perhaps even more so than Diablo 3....looks goddamn incredible. Biggest graphicaly turn around I have seen in a series
nelsonroyale said:
As much as I am enjoying sections of the game, I feel that the presentation feel so damn dated...the cut scene direction is straight out of the Thunderbirds. Graphically the game has some good points, but the engine really shows its edge in some aspects. Frankly, I couldn't believe the upgrade that we are seeing with the sequel... Look, I enjoy the first game, but the sequel is my most anticipated western rpg since ultima, perhaps even more so than Diablo 3....looks goddamn incredible. Biggest graphicaly turn around I have seen in a series
The first was built on that old trash barge of an engine Bioware put together an age and a half ago, and working within the constraints of that engine they put out a great looking game. This time around it's their own tech, follows suit that it would blow the original out of the water.


erotic butter maelstrom
MickeyKnox said:
The first was built on that old trash barge of an engine Bioware put together an age and a half ago, and working within the constraints of that engine they put out a great looking game. This time around it's their own tech, follows suit that it would blow the original out of the water.

Yep. Fuckin' Aurora engine. The stiff, robotic animation in cutscenes feels like it was ripped straight out of a Bioware game. I still think the game looks stunning at times, like in chapter 4, but it feels like it looked that way despite the engine.

So excited for the new engine in TW2. Hopefully the cutscenes/convo's look better.
Snuggler said:
My playthrough was 47 hours. I neither rushed or did everything, so you're looking at anywhere from 40-50 hours.

worth it
this i can cope with. i just need to play it once before TW2 hits

my playtime says 9 hours but i'm still in chapter 1 i think. the game seems to unravel pretty slowly unless i'm doing it wrong


Gold Member
Mr. Spinnington said:
this i can cope with. i just need to play it once before TW2 hits

my playtime says 9 hours but i'm still in chapter 1 i think. the game seems to unravel pretty slowly unless i'm doing it wrong

Veeeery slowly. It's the bane of many attempted playthroughs next to the combat. However it is generally worth the time, most people do love how it all comes together later on.

RedSwirl said:
I'm about to start the game guys. English or Polish?

Polish is better I've read, but you miss some of the one-liners (they don't get subbed). English was perfectly fine for me, no regrets, I enjoyed the cast of main characters VA fine, however before the EE it was more lop-sided. They re-recorded everything in the EE.
MickeyKnox said:
The first was built on that old trash barge of an engine Bioware put together an age and a half ago, and working within the constraints of that engine they put out a great looking game. This time around it's their own tech, follows suit that it would blow the original out of the water.

Yeah, thats it. Hate the bloody loading in the game though.... At least thats almost non-existant in the Witcher 2 as well...Honestly, that game is probably 50% of the reason why I am keen to get a GTX485 in my next laptop

Cutscenes sadly still look a little wooden in W2 compared to the likes of Mass Effect...at least in terms of facial experisions.


Snuggler said:
My playthrough was 47 hours. I neither rushed or did everything, so you're looking at anywhere from 40-50 hours.

worth it

I'm already in the high 50s and still not done with Chapter 4.


Apologies if this has been discussed, but don't have time read the entire thread, but:

Note: End Game / Epilogue Spoilers

Is there a consensus that

The Grand Master of the Order is really Alvin? It does make some sense when you think about it, like when he asks you all those questions about becoming a Witcher, etc. Plus the King Of The Hunt tells that the Grand Master was someone you knew, only he had a different name (only get this info if don't fight the King of the Hunt)


CushVA said:
The Grand Master of the Order is really Alvin? It does make some sense when you think about it, like when he asks you all those questions about becoming a Witcher, etc. Plus the King Of The Hunt tells that the Grand Master was someone you knew, only he had a different name (only get this info if don't fight the King of the Hunt)

While there is no way to be 100% certain it is him, it is more than likely.


erotic butter maelstrom
rogue74 said:
I'm already in the high 50s and still not done with Chapter 4.

Damn, that's a lot. I guess once I hit chapter 3 I started to pass on a few of the (seemingly) inconsequential side quests. Sometimes it's just a pain to wander around an area, waiting for enemies to respawn so I can kill them for their goodies. I do wish I could go back and do all that without having to load an older save, I wanna play more Witcher but I don't have time for another playthrough :(.


Snuggler said:
Damn, that's a lot. I guess once I hit chapter 3 I started to pass on a few of the (seemingly) inconsequential side quests. Sometimes it's just a pain to wander around an area, waiting for enemies to respawn so I can kill them for their goodies. I do wish I could go back and do all that without having to load an older save, I wanna play more Witcher but I don't have time for another playthrough :(.

I'm OCD for this type of stuff. If there is a side quest, I have to complete it. I can't just leave it hanging there in the journal :(


Just got to Chapter IV, and you guys were right. Lakeside is an awesome location. A breath of fresh air after lots of time in Vizima, or even the swamp.


I hope this isn't an inappropriate question to ask here, but is there some sort of mod or something that will allow me to increase Geralt's run speed in the Steam version of the Enhanced Edition?

As much as I'm enjoying the game, I'm spending half my playtime running around so it would be nice to be able to speed that up a bit.

Van Buren

Zozobra said:
I hope this isn't an inappropriate question to ask here, but is there some sort of mod or something that will allow me to increase Geralt's run speed in the Steam version of the Enhanced Edition?

As much as I'm enjoying the game, I'm spending half my playtime running around so it would be nice to be able to speed that up a bit.

Have you tried running around with the Steel sword in group style or the Silver sword in the fast style ? It seems to me that Geralt runs noticeably quicker when doing so. Either that, or the animations speed up to give that illusion.


I'm stuck near the end of chapter II...

I need the Sephirot from the Golem. I read the wiki, and I should buy a lightning rod from the dwarf blacksmith (the order won't talk to me). The blacksmith doesn't have the rod in its inventory, and there's no dialog options about it. Even Kalkstein never mentioned this rod, nor he gave me the Golem's Heart scroll....

Is this a bug, or am I missing something?
Minsc said:
Veeeery slowly. It's the bane of many attempted playthroughs next to the combat. However it is generally worth the time, most people do love how it all comes together later on.
oh by all means i'm enjoying it. The Witcher does 'slow burn' just as well as Rubicon or Assassination of Jesse James, i'm getting enough story not to be bored and feel consistently rewarded for my patience

i'm sure it will begin to really unfold at some point but i was also wondering at this rate if the game is going to take 120 hours. i'm uncharacteristically tending to a lot of the side characters who i can approach and then later finding that those actions tied into the main plot, it's very different from almost every RPG i've ever played in that way

Van Buren

Mr. Spinnington said:
oh by all means i'm enjoying it. The Witcher does 'slow burn' just as well as Rubicon or Assassination of Jesse James, i'm getting enough story not to be bored and feel consistently rewarded for my patience

i'm sure it will begin to really unfold at some point but i was also wondering at this rate if the game is going to take 120 hours. i'm uncharacteristically tending to a lot of the side characters who i can approach and then later finding that those actions tied into the main plot, it's very different from almost every RPG i've ever played in that way

A lot of side quests are in some way connected to the main quest - the player just doesn't know it in advance. The game takes the main plot quest for a chapter and splits it into various interconnected threads that merge back towards a conclusion at the chapter's end.

Regarding the length, Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 are packed with quests, but the remaining chapters are shorter. 60 hours for a complete playthrough is a decent estimate.


Woohoo, finally beat it.

*end spoilers*

So, the Azar Javed fight. Two flaming hammers looked pretty sweet. But man did I make a mistake by not having any Willow potions for him. Dude is the most abusive knockdown/stun enemy I've experienced in quite some time. There were times when he would knock me down, and start up another just as I was getting up. And it could reach anywhere in that little arena. Man that sucked.

I chose neutral, and Triss. As much as they threw in my face that "you have to choose a side, stop sitting on the fence!", I just felt that neutral was the way to go. Both the Order and the non-humans had their positives and negatives, but it didn't really seem to benefit Geralt to actually pick one. He doesn't need to choose one to have an identity. I think he was just fine fighting injustice wherever it was.

And the ending cinematic. =O I assume that was a witcher, but was it supposed to be someone we knew? Like one of the guys at the beginning?

Van Buren

Ending Spoilers follow -

Berengar tells you in Act 4 that Salamandra alchemists were researching the creation of Witchers of their own with the scrolls looted from the Witcher base. The Witcher at the end could be a byproduct of the Salamandra research or someone entirely new. I've also come across crazy theories stating that the Witcher showed the same weakness in his swordfighting as Geralt does to Berengar.

So, all in all, we need to wait 20 days to find out what the 3 1/2 year cliffhanger leads to. It's got its work cut out in exceeding the Grandmaster = Alvin reveal, but I'm hopeful.
Yes! I saw that the other day, because I was looking for the cheapest place to pick up the witcher when I had the cash, but when I saw it was only going to be $5... Well, I can spare $5!

Don't know when I'll be able to get 2, but the first should hold me over for some time.

Van Buren

Finally done with my replay in preparation for Witcher 2. Now the countdown begins.

Some thoughts on a couple of things from the epilogue -

It's not often that you get a villain in games you don't completely disagree with. Seeing that the Grandmaster is a time traveler, and seeing the beasts humans are reduced to, his plan to create emotionless witchers to rally the people together and shepherd them to the south seemed a decent plan. In the Witcher world, the lack of binary good and evil certainly justifies his plan - the end justifies the means. I thought the writing for the Grandmaster's scheme was a breath of fresh air after witnessing some laughably bad villains in recent times. Plus, he was portrayed to be very charismatic, and the one scene in the game where people are jovial is when they are under his protection. Certainly makes one think whether killing him was a mistake in the long run.

Also, the King of the Wild Hunt showing up and reading the death and destruction of all the choices Geralt took was a nice touch. Him pronouncing his verdict that Geralt ultimately chose the greater evil always felt like a punch to the gut since I always went in with what seemed to be the lesser evil at the time. Great bit of writing yet again.
Luthos said:
I've been listening to it some more on Youtube, and man... Witcher might have one of the more underrated soundtracks out there. Here are some of my favorite tracks that I found on YT.

Yeah, the music has a great contribution to the game's mood and atmosphere. Is one of the most surprising and gritty RPGs I've played since a long time

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Luthos said:
I've been listening to it some more on Youtube, and man... Witcher might have one of the more underrated soundtracks out there. Here are some of my favorite tracks that I found on YT.




http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_7HB7LBV9Y (love when the eletric guitar kicks in)

Yup, it is one if my favourites. If you have EE edition you should also have the soundtrack by the way...


vcassano1 said:
Yup, it is one if my favourites. If you have EE edition you should also have the soundtrack by the way...
Wow, that's sad that I never thought about the extras that came with the EE edition. Silly me.


garath said:
I don't know if this has been posted yet but GOG is putting The Witcher up for purchase on May 10th. It'll be priced at $9.99 but they'll have it 50% off at $4.99 until May 24th.

I have the game on disc but I'm definitely going to grab it on GOG so I never have to put up with finding the discs, finding the key, installing and downloading all the patches.


Yeah, this is how I'll be playing this game for the first time.


BentMyWookiee said:
Silly question here: After reading a book in this game do I have to keep it in my inventory? Or is it safe to get rid of it after it's been read?

you can get rid of it, same with scrolls and notices


Gold Member
CushVA said:
you can get rid of it, same with scrolls and notices

Yes, and by get rid of it, you should be selling it, not just tossing it on the ground (most of the books and scrolls are worth 20-100) :)
Awesome, thanks for answering! Yeah, I will definitely be selling instead of dropping. I try not drop anything, especially since it's not too difficult to walk a minute to a merchant in Chapter 1.

Also, is anybody else besides me really enjoying the music that plays during the dice game?


BentMyWookiee said:
Awesome, thanks for answering! Yeah, I will definitely be selling instead of dropping. I try not drop anything, especially since it's not too difficult to walk a minute to a merchant in Chapter 1.

Also, is anybody else besides me really enjoying the music that plays during the dice game?
Well, sell the books. You can't do anything with the notices you get for contracts. And you don't need them to turn in. So you can pretty much just drop your contract notices after you read them.

And yea, dice might of got boring/old if not for the awesome music.
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