I don't know if I agree with this, although I am only about 230 puzzles and 5 beams into The Witness. Some of the record/play puzzles in Talos (that I 100%-ed) were much harder than anything I have encountered in The Witness.
I have been enjoying it but the mechanics are just getting a bit stale I guess. I'll keep playing it but just wanted a comparison for The Witness.
Yeah you can, butthe environmental puzzle starts when the moon is at the beginning of the video, and ends at the end, and you have to do it from the back of the screen
If only it were so easy...
It looks different under different lighting: http://i.imgur.com/gR1C3y0.png
Oh yeah. That's just mean.
Took an hour long break to play some Siege and now I'm solving these swamp puzzles that had left me a broken man these past three days. So happy to finally be making progress.
Now this last blue piece tutorial is stumping meHaha. That's me man. Stepped away from at least two puzzles, came back to them and instantly got them.
It's really interesting how a break does that. Sometimes you get way too invested in a pattern and your brain has to reset.
I'll say I did a fuck ton of puzzle, 447 so far, but I'm only +12 lol
Gotta start paying closer attention.
I've been meaning to ask, what's the number after the + sign refer to in the number of puzzles solved?
I've been meaning to ask, what's the number after the + sign refer to in the number of puzzles solved?
Yeah, I have the answer here now but imgur has decided to crap out on me and don't want to upload straight to GAF. So here's it in text.2 up, 1 right, 2 down, 4 right, 2 up, 3 left, 1 up, 2 left, 2 up, 2 right, 1 up, 1 right, 3 down, 3 right, 2 up, 2 left, up and exit
Imgur working again so here's that too. http://imgur.com/gakcvvf
You should try to find about it on your own. It's a fun discovery. If you wanna know there's a in-game hint at the top of the mountain. (Or, ah, do you already have some?)
I'm guessing it refers to theenvironmental puzzles?
The second is a puzzle in the: http://imgur.com/AQsGPDBunderground section
Hey guys, I'm having some trouble with these two puzzles and could really use some help.
The first is the desert bunker/beach puzzle: http://imgur.com/mTDWilt
The second is a puzzle in the: http://imgur.com/AQsGPDBunderground section
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Wow [end game spoilers]Found out about the extra locks under the box on the top of the mountain and found a load of new puzzles to do in the cavern below. Honestly thought I had done 80-90% of all of the puzzles on the i. This is pretty awesome, but I'm pretty sure I'm getting more and more insane as I do these things.
Yeah, pretty much. Just didn't wanna tell in case you were asking because of what people were saying.
Two of the stars will be paired together, the other will be paired with a box.
First one:Second one:You can cancel the T-block completely with the blue ones.Three of the tetris shapes are combined together at thebottom left corner
You can't solve it correctly fromwhere you're standing to take the pic.
You can't solve it correctly fromwhere you're standing to take the pic.
Where in the village are these puzzles again?
Also: I suddenly have two save files, with a puzzle count difference of 7, and like, 20 minutes apart. I don't know why. Has this happened to anyone else? How do I delete the older one?
110 panels done.
Inside a door with a puzzle of pink stars and tetris blocks.It's one puzzle, three different lighting conditions.
Ok this puzzle on the right is just wreckin me
The game automatically makes a new save file after about every 100 puzzles.
I also solved the four parthedge mazes, using graph paper - bloody brilliant twist on that last one - and two of the pressure plate mazes, also with graph paper (and Natalie's help.