Stormy Grey
Hooray! Completed the main game after 30 hours and 359 +27 solved puzzles. That was amazing. I'll get back to it in a few weeks for aaaall of the stuff I left behind, but for now I'm ok with what I achieved
One question: I brute-forced the forthpuzzle. From the ones you have tolabyrinth. It's the one after theactually use the board for, not the ones you walk on.. I still don't understand why that worked our what I was supposed to do there.labyrinth where you have to listen to the sound of your footsteps to get the solution
I brute forced this one too, and no matter how many times I've redone my steps on it, I can't figure out how I was supposed to know I was ever on the right track with it.
I've moved on to the area which serves as the tutorial for the Tetris blocks, and I'm beginning to understand why so many players hate them. I don't understand how some solutions don't count, but others do. The huge jump in complexity between the first and second puzzle on the rear exit door near the red panels perfectly encapsulates my frustration. The first one was easy to figure out, the second one feels impossible.