On the contrary, I find it to be incredibly satisfying. The most satisfying I've played in a long time. It's going to be a bit before I can go back to playing anything else, I think, because even the closest modern analogs like Talos Principle and Portal just don't quite capture the same feeling. Portal is clever and humorous, but it is relatively straightforward. Talos has the philosphy aspect and some abstraction, but the environments are typically in service of the puzzles rather than working in tandem with them.
And as much as I want more, I doubt even a "Witness 2" would capture the same appeal. I don't think Blow is interested in doing a sequel, but even if he did, he'd have to come up with tons of new rules/possibilities for the core mechanic, surely composed of those that were likely left on the cutting room floor for not being interesting/fun enough. And then you'd just have a shittier game.