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The Witness |OT|


I activated the Castle laser last night, could someone please tell me if I was just doing it wrong or if its indeed done the way I expected it to be

So you look out at the final panel with the 4 previous puzzles you've done in view, the first thing you notice is now similar the panel pieces are to the lines you've just completed in those 4. I took a photo of all 4 so I could reference them when drawing the line, the 1st puzzle fits in perfect, but the 2nd no matter what variations I tried from different angles, just didn't seem to fit in anyway. In the end I just completed the panel myself without reference to the previous 4 which wasn't actually that difficult, but I felt like I was doing something wrong and that I wasn't doing it the way it was intended to be done.

I'm thinking either there are multiple ways of completing the 2nd puzzle and i've done it in a way that doesn't fit with the panel, or i'm just missing something else completely


End game spoilers:
Welp, after getting to the final 2 puzzles of the Challenge multiple times, I'm convinced this Platinum is never happening. I just can't do those rotating spindle puzzles fast. It feels like I get to them with tons of time left, and I still haven't gotten one; let alone BOTH!

You win, Blow. I'm moving on to Gravity Rush Remastered.


I activated the Castle laser last night, could someone please tell me if I was just doing it wrong or if its indeed done the way I expected it to be

So you look out at the final panel with the 4 previous puzzles you've done in view, the first thing you notice is now similar the panel pieces are to the lines you've just completed in those 4. I took a photo of all 4 so I could reference them when drawing the line, the 1st puzzle fits in perfect, but the 2nd no matter what variations I tried from different angles, just didn't seem to fit in anyway. In the end I just completed the panel myself without reference to the previous 4 which wasn't actually that difficult, but I felt like I was doing something wrong and that I wasn't doing it the way it was intended to be done.

I'm thinking either there are multiple ways of completing the 2nd puzzle and i've done it in a way that doesn't fit with the panel, or i'm just missing something else completely
For the hedge mazes you recreate the correct through line, for the build your own path stuff you have to build something else which is part of why I think the hedge maze side is the far superior set in the keep.


End game spoilers:
Welp, after getting to the final 2 puzzles of the Challenge multiple times, I'm convinced this Platinum is never happening. I just can't do those rotating spindle puzzles fast. It feels like I get to them with tons of time left, and I still haven't gotten one; let alone BOTH!

You win, Blow. I'm moving on to Gravity Rush Remastered.

Cheese it.


There are only two different colors

But I can't see them :/ I mean, from the bottom row and the left column I can see that there are two real colors. But the purples and blues and pinks and yellows and greens in the middle are so similar I can't tell them apart.

Reverend Funk

Comfy Penetration
But I can't see them :/ I mean, from the bottom row and the left column I can see that there are two real colors. But the purples and blues and pinks and yellows and greens in the middle are so similar I can't tell them apart.

use the left column and bottom row as a guide for which color on which background makes which color.


Sorry I don't know how to format this nicely:

X = Colour 1
Y = Colour 2
Z = Blank space


Hope that's right :p

Thank you, I was doing everything wrong. As to Reverend Funk, I knew what I had to do, but could not distinguish the colors. But thank you for giving me the chance to solve it myself!


idk, but the open world aspect sucks.
it's nice to explore things but it only lasts so long.
much of the time you'll be stuck and wandering around hoping to find another puzzle to progress.
as you walk around and with no waypoint or checklist you'll loose track of all the puzzles resulting in even more mileage.


I've been doing the same while walking around in the streets :/

Yep, not safe riding a bike and looking at the ground where all you see is this kind of stuff:

^^^^ Not a pic of my city but all cities have this stuff so you get an idea.


idk, but the open world aspect sucks.
it's nice to explore things but it only lasts so long.
much of the time you'll be stuck and wandering around hoping to find another puzzle to progress.
as you walk around and with no waypoint or checklist you'll loose track of all the puzzles resulting in even more mileage.

That's my biggest concern. I know I won't be able to solve all puzzles but what bothers me even more is the fact that I will miss quite a few without any way to keep track of everything.
Ok, the
is pretty tough. Right now I'm stuck on
the puzzle where I assume you have to do 5 of the puzzles with the same solution. I swear it seems impossible.


Ok, the
is pretty tough. Right now I'm stuck on
the puzzle where I assume you have to do 5 of the puzzles with the same solution. I swear it seems impossible.
I was stuck on the last one, posted about it here even. I recommend drawing a panel with all elements in one picture, makes it easier tosee everything you need to do.

I am stuck two rooms after that, where
you have to make shapes in four puzzles on the floor, then make a big puzzle with all those pieces combined. It's insane and my mknd can't see the possibilities, because there are multiple solutions to some of the first puzzles.
I was stuck on the last one, posted about it here even. I recommend drawing a panel with all elements in one picture, makes it easier tosee everything you need to do.

I am stuck two rooms after that, where
you have to make shapes in four puzzles on the floor, then make a big puzzle with all those pieces combined. It's insane and my mknd can't see the possibilities, because there are multiple solutions to some of the first puzzles.

Yeah, I got them all together I think I just have to stew on it. Oddly the toughest part to deal with for me is running over the dot in the top right corner. It's just too hard to do that AND separate the damn stars. This damn puzzle.


Ok, the
is pretty tough. Right now I'm stuck on
the puzzle where I assume you have to do 5 of the puzzles with the same solution. I swear it seems impossible.

That one fucked me over for the longest time until I decided to say fuck it and opened photoshop
and piled each puzzle ontop of each other.


I am stuck two rooms after that, where
you have to make shapes in four puzzles on the floor, then make a big puzzle with all those pieces combined. It's insane and my mknd can't see the possibilities, because there are multiple solutions to some of the first puzzles.

the way the line(s) behave(s) should give you a pretty good indication what type of shape you can draw.


down, now just
to go and I'll have finished off the lasers (I think?). The last one doesn't seem so bad so far...I already accidentally used its "gimmick" earlier with that puzzle in the
where you have to
look through a yellow screen door for the colours to change so it can become solvable


down, now just
to go and I'll have finished off the lasers (I think?). The last one doesn't seem so bad so far...I already accidentally used its "gimmick" earlier with that puzzle in the
where you have to
look through a yellow screen door for the colours to change so it can become solvable

You are well prepared for the greenhouse now....



Looking forward to the next 1GB patch tomorrow.
Seriously it's kinda bothering me now. Maybe I should just pause and wait a couple of weeks until they've figured this out.
I'm a dumbass. Drew the board I was stuck on in paint at work and realized
I was focused so hard on separating the stars and while drawing them it hit me that they're different colors so the two pairs can be together. Well I'm dumb.

Now I have to wait the rest of the work day to actually solve it.
Man, fuck the challenge! Last night wasn't a total waste because I added a couple panels to the completed tally, but man...I'm equally angry at the game and at myself.

I let out the loudest groan of disgust when I finally got through the maze but the final door was still shut, and I turned around to discover that there were more puzzles in the next room. UGH! I barely had enough time to get past the maze!

My best run so far, I got down to the very last puzzle and I screwed up. My thinking is that those last two puzzles-on-a-pole really aren't that tough, but because time is always almost about to expire by the time I get there, I frantically try to finish and I get sloppy. Those are pretty cruel puzzles to have at the end, though, lol.

So much luck goes into whether or not the challenge can be completed. Seriously, if you don't solve any of the first 9 puzzles you have to do on your first attempt, you're in deep trouble. It's only on rare occasions where I got to the maze portion when all of the previous solutions were immediately obvious to me. I'm getting better at it, though, and inching closer. I'm almost always getting through the maze on each subsequent run.

I definitely have to get better at the two maze puzzles to shave some time off. One of them is usually pretty tricky and takes me a few tries. I'm really pissed about one run where I breezed through everything in record time up until the first maze puzzle, and it just completely stopped me in my tracks there. UGH.

I'll get it eventually.
End game spoilers:
Welp, after getting to the final 2 puzzles of the Challenge multiple times, I'm convinced this Platinum is never happening. I just can't do those rotating spindle puzzles fast. It feels like I get to them with tons of time left, and I still haven't gotten one; let alone BOTH!

You win, Blow. I'm moving on to Gravity Rush Remastered.

I had nearly the same experience as you, on Tuesday I spent about three hours in total trying to finish, but yesterday I got it on my first try. Sometimes you get screwed by the random puzzles, but on the last one both my rotating puzzles only needed two moves to finish. So keep at it, it's very possible.
I had nearly the same experience as you, on Tuesday I spent about three hours in total trying to finish, but yesterday I got it on my first try. Sometimes you get screwed by the random puzzles, but on the last one both my rotating puzzles only needed two moves to finish. So keep at it, it's very possible.
Yeah, that's where I'm at with it. So much of this is luck.
One time the left pole puzzle was easy, and one time the right pole puzzle was easy. Haven't gotten fortunate yet where I was able to do both with what little time I had left.

I think even if both puzzles at the end are challenging, I really need to get through the maze without struggling with one of its two puzzles. One of those has always been tricky for me, and any extra time I've built up gets eroded right then and there. The key is having enough time at the end to not feel like you need to rush through the last two.
After finishing enough areas to move on... (early endgame?)
That puzzle at the top of the mountain to open it up was the worst one I've done in this game. I knew how to solve it immediately, but couldn't get the perspective to line up nicely, so I had to look it up to see where to stand for each of the three.

I hope the rest of the game avoids similar puzzles.
After finishing enough areas to move on... (early endgame?)
That puzzle at the top of the mountain to open it up was the worst one I've done in this game. I knew how to solve it immediately, but couldn't get the perspective to line up nicely, so I had to look it up to see where to stand for each of the three.

I hope the rest of the game avoids similar puzzles.

This is like saying "I knew how to draw a line, but there was something in the way."

Not liking those parts are all good, but that kind of is the puzzle.


awesome! Thanks. I feel like I read somewhere that is resets your puzzles or something.

Really big spoiler!
once you beat the game it puts you back at the very beginning with no puzzles completed. But that's after you finish the mountain and you can always reload your save to right before it happened.

Speaking of which.
the challenge ain't a joke. I can get through a lot of it. But those god forsaken tetris puzzles it always throws at me are a nightmare.


End game spoilers:
Welp, after getting to the final 2 puzzles of the Challenge multiple times, I'm convinced this Platinum is never happening. I just can't do those rotating spindle puzzles fast. It feels like I get to them with tons of time left, and I still haven't gotten one; let alone BOTH!

You win, Blow. I'm moving on to Gravity Rush Remastered.
There's a trick to make it easier.
you can't pause the game but you can take a video or screenshot then put your ps4 in rest mode and it'll leave the timer in tact. So record or screenshot the puzzle. Put your ps4 in rest mode, boot back up and take your vid/screen off your ps4 and onto your pc and take your time solving it.
Edit: crap I'm sorry bout the double post.


Finally got all the achievements (2) after 71 hours according to Steam.(I may have left it on a bit cause it was so fluid to alt tab.) I still have a good amount of optional puzzles left and a shit ton of +puzzles. I think that's enough for me. That
really drained it from me. It's too early to tell now, but I think this game is going to be up there for me as one of the best.


really drained it from me. It's too early to tell now, but I think this game is going to be up there for me as one of the best.

I think the thing that is killing peoples attempts the most on the
challenge, is the fact that they are unaware that the 4th puzzle denotes the location of the triangle puzzles in the maze room. If you get a really good roll where both puzzles are near the exit, and near each other, that makes a huge difference (it can cut a solid minute and a half off of search time). That, and the final two are easy to get "hyped" up on, and thus you can't think well because the music is freaking you out. I solved the problem by just putting on a song I liked to listen to, and getting a feel for how fast I was doing all the puzzles up to that point. Once I did that, I unlocked the challenge, and when I could hear the song in the game realized I was nowhere *near* running out of time.
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