I want to implore everyone, once again - A lot of these puzzles I'm seeing posted in this topic are ones that stumped me for a little while, too. But I was patient (mainly because I had early access and had no choice). I turned the game off. I went to a different area.
I left some puzzles, sometimes for days.
And then when I went back, I solved them.
Every single one.
I don't bring this up to brag, or to try and sound smarter than anyone else. I'm just saying... the immense feeling of satisfaction knowing that I turned on 7 lasers (and beyond) 100% by myself feels so, so good.
i can't promise that I wouldn't have asked for little hints either, if I was playing with you all. I just want to implore you all to pretend like you're the last man on Earth and you're on your own. If you give it enough time, you can do it!
You only get to play The Witness for the first time once. So just take your time! It's totally fine to leave a puzzle behind. I've solved almost 400, and there's still several I don't know how to do. But I'll get them eventually.
And it'll feel so good.