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The Witness |OT|

Just a simple yes/no question.

Does the ending
have anything to do with the enviroment + puzzles? Because I guess maybe something might happen if you solve all of these.

The ending as I saw it? No. However, it's worth noting I didn't find all the secrets. Maybe something changes if you do, but I don't think ANYONE can say as I'm pretty sure no one's found everything yet.
I swear the tetris shapes puzzles break their own logic.
Its driving me crazy.

If you think that, it just means you don't understand all their logic.

I do think the Tetris shapes are taught the worst of all the symbols, though. Based on my notes stars have the most rules but they are introduced slowly and as long as you experiment it's not too bad, but the Tetris tutorials never really manage to break a certain notion that people tend to have of how they should work.

So, small hint: think of what you think you know about the pieces, and start questioning those facts to see what's wrong. Keep in mind you can redo panels to experiment, and if a symbol flashes red when you input a solution that symbol's rules have not been met while if it doesn't flash, it's good (not always the case, I know vault doors don't flash and I think there's some others, but the standard area puzzles should have the flash)
Okay, I'm in the Keep and I can't figure out the
purple walking puzzle. Seems like it should be insanely simple but the broken panel takes away the easy solution
and I have no clue what to do. Need help on it.

Anyone figure this out and mind sharing a hint? I'm too hung up to walk away...
level evolution
?? Don't click that unless your pretty far, not sure if I'm just remembering the village wrong
Also my desert lazer is
pointing somewhere else?
I wouldn't call me a savant, and will admit I peeked in this thread for two specific things but each time it was just hints I looked for and not solutions.

I feel what helps with me being able to understand the puzzles and work through them quickly is actually my programming knowledge and ability to mentally visualize solutions to puzzles (particularly tetris ones). Many of the symbols can be thought of similarly to programming logic, particularly the upside down Y sign which I personally call a
NOT operator
(spoilers for those who don't know what it does).

In the end, the key is just to being able to visualize puzzles and work out the puzzle language that Blow was talking about. He wasn't being pretentious, there really IS a language to these symbols and coming to read what they mean and visualize the solution based solely off what the puzzle says... Not only can it speed things up considerably, but it's a revelation when it hits you. To clarify I don't mean the puzzles actually translate to letters or anything, I just mean the logic behind them, hence my programming language comparison. Wouldn't put it past Blow though for the panels to have some deeper meaning!

This is very much how I've been trying to approach the puzzles. I'm very interested in how you would describe the puzzle's languages and if you could share your thought process on how you've interpreted the symbols and what they say to you.

I am quite a ways in the game but I am still not 100% understanding some of the particular functions and I would really like to. I am fine with a puzzle being challenging but what's bothering me is that I feel like I don't have a solid grasp on the mechanics. I would love to see a chart with the symbols and their rules and exceptions. That would be so helpful.

Speaking of which, I was wandering around and found a few puzzles with
invisible barriers that blocked me from continuing a line down a path. Drew a grid of where my line would stop but it seemed like the barriers weren't consistent. Ship wreckage and halfway up the mountain in a stairwell are where I've run into these. Any advice?


Okay. Please help. (Swamp)
The red paneled Tetris puzzles at the top of the stairs. Is there some tutorial puzzle set I could be missing for these or should I be able to do them after the panels at the start of the swamp that introduce what the Tetris blocks mean?
Re: tetromino rules, my understanding is the following :
- basic rule : a square with a tetromino inside it has to be part of an area encapsulated by the same shape and of the same dimensions as the tetromino depicted.

- advanced rule #1 : you can put together several tetromino blocks. In that case, the resulting area can be any shape that is a combination of adjoining said tetrominos. In particular, a given tetromino doesn't have to be in its native shape. What I mean here is that if you join an I and an L shaped block, the I icon can be where the L would be and conversely, the L icon can be in a square that belongs to the I. As long as the L and I are joined in a single area that can be made with the two shapes.

- advanced rule #2 : tilted tetrominos mean you can choose the orientation of the shape, you don't have to adhere to a single direction. The way I understand it, you get two possible orientations, the ones you would get by rotating 45 degrees the depicted shape, not all four possible orientations. I might be wrong on that last part, and all four might be possible.

- colors can matter, as they do with regular squares.

I'm probably missing some rules as there's a puzzle I apparently can't solve with only these.


Down 1, left 1, down 1, right 3, up 3, left 2, up 1, left 2

Thanks! Not sure how I spent that much time on this puzzle trying just that, the answer seems logical. Forest is cleared now, off to the desert, I still haven't started this one.


I have a simple question, please don't spell out the solution. After entering the swamps and doing the tutorial I seem to have no place to go with every path blocked. Is this normal and I have to keep searching or am I missing some mechanic or something obvious?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
A good tip I saw was the boat shows where you learn mechanics. I need the star looking thing and saw it on the map so I'm heading there now.


Holy crap, those tree shadow puzzles were so annoying. Too many are simply not clear enough or randomly break away from tradition. Thank fudge I'm finally done with it!

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I have a simple question, please don't spell out the solution. After entering the swamps and doing the tutorial I seem to have no place to go with every path blocked. Is this normal and I have to keep searching or am I missing some mechanic or something obvious?
There should be a panel that adjusts things you can access


Re: tetromino rules, my understanding is the following :
- basic rule : a square with a tetromino inside it has to be part of an area encapsulated by the same shape and of the same dimensions as the tetromino depicted.

- advanced rule #1 : you can put together several tetromino blocks. In that case, the resulting area can be any shape that is a combination of adjoining said tetrominos. In particular, a given tetromino doesn't have to be in its native shape. What I mean here is that if you join an I and an L shaped block, the I icon can be where the L would be and conversely, the L icon can be in a square that belongs to the I. As long as the L and I are joined in a single area that can be made with the two shapes.

- advanced rule #2 : tilted tetrominos mean you can choose the orientation of the shape, you don't have to adhere to a single direction. The way I understand it, you get two possible orientations, the ones you would get by rotating 45 degrees the depicted shape, not all four possible orientations. I might be wrong on that last part, and all four might be possible.

- colors can matter, as they do with regular squares.

I'm probably missing some rules as there's a puzzle I apparently can't solve with only these.

That's pretty much it (for now), as long as
the overall shape includes the tetromino symbols used for that specific shape, i.e. you can have multiple disjointed groups of tetrominos, and you can rearrange the positions as long as they stay in their own group.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Okay. Please help. (Swamp)
The red paneled Tetris puzzles at the top of the stairs. Is there some tutorial puzzle set I could be missing for these or should I be able to do them after the panels at the start of the swamp that introduce what the Tetris blocks mean?
You should be able to do them I think


Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but has anyone else had issues with the game crashing? It wasn't a problem last night, but starting today the game randomly either crashes to the desktop or just to a black screen every few minutes.
This is very much how I've been trying to approach the puzzles. I'm very interested in how you would describe the puzzle's languages and if you could share your thought process on how you've interpreted the symbols and what they say to you.

I am quite a ways in the game but I am still not 100% understanding some of the particular functions and I would really like to. I am fine with a puzzle being challenging but what's bothering me is that I feel like I don't have a solid grasp on the mechanics. I would love to see a chart with the symbols and their rules and exceptions. That would be so helpful.

Speaking of which, I was wandering around and found a few puzzles with
invisible barriers that blocked me from continuing a line down a path. Drew a grid of where my line would stop but it seemed like the barriers weren't consistent. Ship wreckage and halfway up the mountain in a stairwell are where I've run into these. Any advice?

Hmm, here's a few examples of things I visualize when I see specific symbols, spoilering as to not give away their meaning to those who don't know yet:

Squares: There has to be a line in between squares of different colors. If the squares are touching, then it means a line HAS to go right between them. Also pay attention to the concept of isolation, where squares are isolated against the grid wall via lines. Probably the symbol I have the least grasp of despite its simplicity...

Hexagons: At any junction, a line can only follow two of the paths leading away from it and cannot enter a nearby junction which is already occupied by a line. Therefore, any junction with a hex that only has one exit is blocked. Any junction with a hex and two exits means that a line MUST go through those two exits. When a hex is on a square's edge, it naturally mean a line must pass along that edge and connect the two vertices. In puzzles with few hexes these "given lines" are just a small help, but when every vertex in the grid has a hex then following through on where lines HAVE to go can help work out the logic.

Stars: You must always maintain continuity between stars (or failing a pair of stars, a star and another like-colored symbol). By observing other nearby symbols, this can help you observe what areas should be closed off and where it should be open.

Tetris pieces: Related to stars and squares, Tetris pieces create a continuous area within themselves. This can be used to group together squares and stars, and seeing where two symbols can't be grouped can help position the shape appropriately.

So in the end I've come up with a few abstracted concepts from the symbols: given lines, groups, isolation, continuity... So when you see these symbols, you know to look for specific groupings, feel when you need to isolate things or when they should be continuous, and can work off given lines to aid you.

As for those puzzles you mentioned, have you done Symmetry yet? There's a specific set of panels there that should clue you in.


I did finally grasp the tetris logic. Took me about 2 hours though lol.

I still find it crazy that apparently some people in this thread have finished the game.
Its only been out a day!
Man fuck some of those puzzles in the swamp lol.
tetris blocks were bad enough, but now there are two sets of two blocks in one individual tile (solved that one but idk how) and now the next set has tilted Tetris blocks and idk what makes them special since the first two tutorials they function the exact same way as normal Tetris blocks


Ok so Ive been busy, gotten unstuck and now im at a point where i really am stuck.

Its in the swamp, with the
symbols on red panels


Please help me solve this puzzle so i can go back to roaming?

Ive not been in this thread much in fear of spoilers but the game is awesome, hard but awesome


I...think I'm more confused now. haha

I get what you're saying, I'm just having a hard time not seeing the "would be" solution.

You just have to separate the black from the white blocks. Go left around the near-right white blocks, then right around the far-right black blocks, then block off the near-left white blocks and head to the exit.


Ok so Ive been busy, gotten unstuck and now im at a point where i really am stuck.

Its in the swamp, with the
symbols on red panels


Please help me solve this puzzle so i can go back to roaming?

Ive not been in this thread much in fear of spoilers but the game is awesome, hard but awesome

You can move around connected tetrominos within their connected zone. In this case, the 4 square stick doesn't have to be on the right side.
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