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The Witness |OT|


Ohh, the desert ones? Well, the first one you find really is the tutorial :p Just... Look around some, try looking at the screen from different angles. I'm sure the answer will come to you~

(Those ones are a bit hard to pick up on at first, I had fun with them in the end though)

I see what you did there

I'm trying to be subtle.


I did. The 2nd panel of set 2 makes no sense to me. I have no idea why I am right

Does this help at all?

Tetris Tips:
Graph paper, graph paper, graph paper. Cut out the shapes to move around.
You cannot rotate them.
Unless something tells you you can.
You can move them around as much as your want as long as the icons are covered
You do not have to cover an icon with its own shape. An L block can cover a SQUARE ect. (this part is taught poorly and hard to explain)

The last one is what I think kills progression until you understand.
Got the pink trees. Duh.

Still stuck on

jungle area with camo patterns
what seems to be the last puzzle
bird chirp and a flute or something. I think it's the flute pattern but it goes quick

Any hint that isn't just the answer?
I don't get the complaints about 'rules changing'. Even if they were drastically changing (and they're not, on the spots that that's being claimed there's a gradual difficulty curve) would you want the same thing through the entire game?

You play the tutorials, you make assumptions on how they work, you mess with them enough so that a twist in the mechanics is introduced to surprise you or to confirm/deny the assumptions and to actually have an effect. If they just threw every rule at you at once you'd feel overwhelmed and lose the difficulty curve.


Monastery and Marsh
complete, making a total of 4
lasers fired
. About 5 hours of play, total. And I should have gone to bed at least an hour ago.

There were a few puzzles that caught my imagination yesterday amidst a bunch of fairly basic ones, and I was a bit worried that the bulk of the game would be fairly basic. I don't think that now. The whole
section was absolutely fantastic

Also, I've finally found some audio logs.

After all the mutterings I'd picked up about people being confused by
, I actually found it ultimately quite simple to understand. If the other explanations don't work, here's how I reconciled it in my mind:

If a section contains any Tetris pieces, it must be possible to create the shape of that section using those pieces


I think I get it? But not really? Like, I solved the puzzle I was on by doing the same thing as the previous one,
two vertical rows of three squares, closed off going down then looping around to the end point. But now the next puzzle is just like screenshot I posted except the tetris pieces are one square higher, and suddenly the solution doesn't work, Why? If the pieces don't have to be directly covered by the shapes they indicate, just jigsawed into the same area, why does it not work?
It's exactly the same but both icons are one square higher? Nothing else is different?

EDIT: I just checked on my game. There is something significantly different about the second to last one. Make sure you're counting correctly.


Just unlocked The Keep trophy by taking pictures of my screen, loading them up in photoshop and trying to make sense out of em. I love how crazy this game is making me.
I think I get it? But not really? Like, I solved the puzzle I was on by doing the same thing as the previous one,
two vertical rows of three squares, closed off going down then looping around to the end point. But now the next puzzle is just like screenshot I posted except the tetris pieces are one square higher, and suddenly the solution doesn't work, Why? If the pieces don't have to be directly covered by the shapes they indicate, just jigsawed into the same area, why does it not work?
Well I can tell you that the last picture you posted wasn't right because you
reused a square while making your shapes. You can't overlap squares while making shapes. For example, in your last one, your bottom right square of the 4 sided tetris piece was reused as your left square of the other shape.

Maybe you're doing the same thing on the puzzle you're on?


One vague audio complaint: I'm not a big fan of the audio logs, but they're mostly fine. But the audio log on top of the mountain is at least ten minutes long and I was dying by the end it. The quote was interesting in itself but completely overwrought when your player would like to move on.

Agreed. That was the second log I listened to. After a few minutes I went back to exploring with that guy still jabbering on. Bit much imo.

Have found a few more since. Really like the one in the dessert about space.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
I think I get it? But not really? Like, I solved the puzzle I was on by doing the same thing as the previous one,
two vertical rows of three squares, closed off going down then looping around to the end point. But now the next puzzle is just like screenshot I posted except the tetris pieces are one square higher, and suddenly the solution doesn't work, Why? If the pieces don't have to be directly covered by the shapes they indicate, just jigsawed into the same area, why does it not work?
I mean this image you posted: link, the way the second one is captured is wrong of course, but it can be solved exactly like panel 1.

You cannot overlap! You are not joining Tetris blocks on the same Y or X axis, they are their own things.


I don't get the complaints about 'rules changing'. Even if they were drastically changing (and they're not, on the spots that that's being claimed there's a gradual difficulty curve) would you want the same thing through the entire game?

You play the tutorials, you make assumptions on how they work, you mess with them enough so that a twist in the mechanics is introduced to surprise you and to actually have an effect. If they just threw every rule at you at once you'd feel overwhelmed and lose the difficulty curve.

Figuring out what the rules ACTUALLY are, and not what I immediately assume them to be, is the best type of puzzle in the game. It's why I love the tutorials.


All right, I moved on but now I'm stuck again and once again feel like I don't totally understand these rules.

I'm in the red
area where water was drained.


I don't understand either of these. Someone earlier said that
a blue square means it takes away one square, which worked up until now. Now in that last puzzle that'd mean there's no yellow squares left since there's 7 of each, but it's impossible to complete that puzzle without going around any square since the sides are cut off.

Any leads or tips?


Alright, enough for today. Currently at 249 puzzles completed, and only two
activated so far. Though I suck at it, I'm definitely loving the game. My only major gripe is the lack of an original soundtrack.

Hopefully I make some more progress tomorrow.


All right, I moved on but now I'm stuck again and once again feel like I don't totally understand these rules.

I'm in the red
area where water was drained.


I don't understand either of these. Someone earlier said that
a blue square means it takes away one square, which worked up until now. Now in that last puzzle that'd mean there's no yellow squares left since there's 7 of each, but it's impossible to complete that puzzle without going around any square since the sides are cut off.

Any leads or tips?
Yeah, that last puzzle is where I stopped for the night
All right, I moved on but now I'm stuck again and once again feel like I don't totally understand these rules.

I'm in the red
area where water was drained.


I don't understand either of these. Someone earlier said that
a blue square means it takes away one square, which worked up until now. Now in that last puzzle that'd mean there's no yellow squares left since there's 7 of each, but it's impossible to complete that puzzle without going around any square since the sides are cut off.

Any leads or tips?

It's definitely possible, I can see the solution in my head. Not sure how to really give a hint for it, but try to start your thought process (and line) at the
yellow square in the upper left

No one said
you have to use the blue squares.
I don't know the solution to the second one, that's where I stopped for the night.

Actually yes, you do. It fails if you don't use it.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Figuring out what the rules ACTUALLY are, and not what I immediately assume them to be, is the best type of puzzle in the game. It's why I love the tutorials.

I agree 100%. I think people are just blasting through the tutorials without really taking the time to understand why the solutions worked.
Thanks for th3 response above, but Im confused again lol

Initially I thought that

you had to create the shapes within the lines

Then i thought that

you had to simply add the tetris squares and have that many in your lines

Now I think

you have to fit in the shapes into your lines

But none of these are working in my attempt at the last puzzle in the tetris puzzle :(
All right, I moved on but now I'm stuck again and once again feel like I don't totally understand these rules.

I'm in the red
area where water was drained.


I don't understand either of these. Someone earlier said that
a blue square means it takes away one square, which worked up until now. Now in that last puzzle that'd mean there's no yellow squares left since there's 7 of each, but it's impossible to complete that puzzle without going around any square since the sides are cut off.

Any leads or tips?

need to use the blue squares, and they need to take one away. So yes, you'll end up with no yellow blocks. But is that a problem?


Alright so I'm at the windmill pretty early on and as some of you may know..

The windmill is a puzzle in itself. The dot in the middle can be clicked in "line mode" I've managed to "finish" 3/4 of the lines, but the final one is after the blade with one entrance, no exit so to speak. So puzzled as to how to make all four white.

Can someone give me a clue without spoiling anything?


Alright so I'm at the windmill pretty early on and as some of you may know..

The windmill is a puzzle in itself. The dot in the middle can be clicked in "line mode" I've managed to "finish" 3/4 of the lines, but the final one is after the blade with one entrance, no exit so to speak. So puzzled as to how to make all four white.

Can someone give me a clue without spoiling anything?

If it's the one I'm thinking of
there should be something about the blades themselves that should help you out...


Alright so I'm at the windmill pretty early on and as some of you may know..

The windmill is a puzzle in itself. The dot in the middle can be clicked in "line mode" I've managed to "finish" 3/4 of the lines, but the final one is after the blade with one entrance, no exit so to speak. So puzzled as to how to make all four white.

Can someone give me a clue without spoiling anything?

There's another difference on one of the blades other than the design of the lines.


Alright so I'm at the windmill pretty early on and as some of you may know..

The windmill is a puzzle in itself. The dot in the middle can be clicked in "line mode" I've managed to "finish" 3/4 of the lines, but the final one is after the blade with one entrance, no exit so to speak. So puzzled as to how to make all four white.

Can someone give me a clue without spoiling anything?

Just did this one, it took a while. Not really spoiling but putting tags for people that dont want a tip.
Look at each blade physically, what is different about one of them that you can use to your advantage?
I agree 100%. I think people are just blasting through the tutorials without really taking the time to understand why the solutions worked.
The tetris pieces don't really do a good job on the tutorial. I haven't had a problem with anything else but you can stumble onto the answers of the tetris tutorial puzzles far too easily, which makes it difficult to understand exactly what the rules are.

Then they quickly jump you into multiple shapes and it's even more difficult to grasp because the tutorial puzzles can be solved so easily.
Around 23 hours so far, 334 +48, 8 sections done. Did some of the final area but left cause my brain hurt. Now I'm back on the treetops and have completed tons of puzzles there, there's probably three times as many puzzles there as any other area.

Two puzzle complaints: once in the Marsh and once in the Treetops, there's a puzzle where it seems impossible with what you are told. After I finally solved it, the very next puzzle is like a Fisher Price tutorial for what you just completed. As far as I'm concerned, these should be swapped.

One vague audio complaint: I'm not a big fan of the audio logs, but they're mostly fine. But the audio log on top of the mountain is at least ten minutes long and I was dying by the end it. The quote was interesting in itself but completely overwrought when your player would like to move on.

You can move away while listening to the tapes without interruption. I did that for that particular tape. It was nice to hear it while I explored.
I honestly dont get the tetris tutorial.

There are like 3 possible rules I see in the ones I solve. And then the last one seems to not follow any of them.
Just finished the Bunker area.

I kind of brute forced/got lucky on one puzzle though.

How did you guys
figure out what colors each block was in the elevator? I figured out the blocks of color, and that the next light floor is yellow, but couldn't wrap my head around what each block's true color is.



Major spoiler for life in general, do not click unless you think you've seen EVERYTHING there is to see.

I went up high in a building near the windmill, and I noticed the lines of the walls on the ground looked kinda like the pattern of the panels. I then noticed a well/hole that looked an awful lot like the start of panels.. And.. well.. Pffhhhhhh!
Thanks for th3 response above, but Im confused again lol

Initially I thought that

you had to create the shapes within the lines

Then i thought that

you had to simply add the tetris squares and have that many in your lines

Now I think

you have to fit in the shapes into your lines

But none of these are working in my attempt at the last puzzle in the tetris puzzle :(

That's the problem when you have puzzles that make you think you got it since you solved 10 of them all with what you think is right until it fucks you over. I guess it's the nature of the beast as some other poster said, maybe there's no right way to explain it but who knows. I enjoyed the other areas so far way more than the swamp(
Pink Tree, Water House, Red Gate, Castle, Desert.etc
Tetris Tips:
Graph paper, graph paper, graph paper. Cut out the shapes to move around.
You cannot rotate them.
Unless something tells you you can.
You can move them around as much as your want as long as the icons are covered
You do not have to cover an icon with its own shape. An L block can cover a SQUARE ect. (this part is taught poorly and hard to explain)

The last one is what I think kills progression until you understand.

Point 4 could be my savior if I haven't tried that alternative yet, can't remember. Going to try to open that damn door that it's useless because I've already explored the place from the backside. -_-


need to use the blue squares, and they need to take one away. So yes, you'll end up with no yellow blocks. But is that a problem?

The fact that I end up with no yellow blocks isn't the problem, it's that I can't go around the board without making any shapes since the sides of the board are blocked off.

I'm still not getting it even with these hints lol


I'm in the tree tops and I'm having a little trouble with a puzzle involving Tetris prices. Is there some sort of special meaning behind the hollow blue pieces, in what way do they differ from the solid orange ones? Unless this is explained somewhere else that I'm unaware of.


Just finished the Bunker area.

I kind of brute forced/got lucky on one puzzle though.

How did you guys
figure out what colors each block was in the elevator? I figured out the blocks of color, and that the next light floor is yellow, but couldn't wrap my head around what each block's true color is.

I think you're supposed to compare it to
all of the different colors down by the entrance and how they look in each window color. And from that figure out what the true colors of the ones in the elevator are. I got annoyed with having to go back and record everything down so I just eventually guessed it right lol.
I'm in the tree tops and I'm having a little trouble with a puzzle involving Tetris prices. Is there some sort of special meaning behind the hollow blue pieces, in what way do they differ from the solid orange ones? Unless this is explained somewhere else that I'm unaware of.

This is explained in the Marsh/Swamp.
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