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The Wolf Among Us |OT| Season 1


Also, is that ginger guy like the only taxi driver in town or something?

Apparently. And he also hauls furniture. If he's not just an easter egg and actually happens to be important in the next two episodes, I'd say Telltale made him just a little too conspicuous.

I hope this game gets the recognition it deserves. It's 1000 times better than The Walking Dead, which I liked but not that much.

I'll withhold judgement until the season is complete. So far, nothing in TWAU comes close to delivering the whole package the way that TWD Episode 2 did, though, and the "twist"/red herring elements are off-putting in the same way that many multi-episode crime dramas (e.g., The Killing) are.


Episode 3 was really fun. This has been the best episode by far (while I did enjoy the other two). I feel that a great amount of ground was covered in this episode. Even if that ends up not being true (you tell me), I felt truly satisfied completing it.

Some notes:

I'm getting sick of Snow's "put The Wolf on a leash" routine. I like her character but that part of it's getting tired real quick. Not saying she should agree with everything Bigby says/does at all, but the way she goes about at times has me rolling my eyes so far at the back of my head.

I chucked at the "Gren won't remember this." prompt. hehe

Ripping out Tweedle Dum's throat gave me such a feeling of euphoria.
I literally shouted out "Hell Yeah!" in my dorm room with my roommate staring at me. The event held such cathartic power and beauty.

"Speak softly, and carry a big stick..." continues to be my favorite ideology in terms of interactions.


Didn't interrupt eulogy.

Checked Crane's first.

Made a deal with Jack.

Did not burn Greenleaf's tree; hired her instead

Wrecked and killed Tweedle Dum


This has been the worst one for me so far. I fell for that one HARD.


Book of Fables begging time!

Anyone that has completed all for Episode 3:

Which ones are the
two slots after Dr. Swineheart
The one after Aunty Greenleaf

I'm guessing you get at least one of them by going to
Tweedle Offices
, which I never did. But if anyone knows exactly how I can get them, that would be grand.


Book of Fables begging time!

Anyone that has completed all for Episode 3:

Which ones are the
two slots after Dr. Swineheart
The one after Aunty Greenleaf

I'm guessing you get at least one of them by going to
Tweedle Offices
, which I never did. But if anyone knows exactly how I can get them, that would be grand.

Did you
burn the tree?
I think I read that is one of them.


I finished episode 3. Best episode yet.

I really, REALLY hope this isn't leading to a
Surprise, it's fucking Bluebeard!
moment. They really just WANT us to think it's him, right? They're not going to screw this game up and make the killer THAT obvious, right?
No comic spoilers please

Nah, I doubt it,
will probably be the fakeout villain in episode 4 (like
the Woodsman and Crane were
) and episode 5 will probably have the true reveal.

Did you
burn the tree?
I think I read that is one of them.

That's the one after Auntie Greenleaf. It's the only Book of Fable entry I had to go back for.

There also a Steam community guide for all the book fables entries already.
Definitely up there with Ep1 in my opinion ... when I
killed Tweedle I didn't even give it a second thought, but when Bigby pauses after and you see Snow's reaction I felt like shit and I'm pretty sure he did too.
It was one of the few times I think that a moral choice really got to me, if only because so far I've been playing things pretty by the book ... I almost went back and changed it, but you gotta live with your choices.


Lame question that's probably been asked several times; if I purchase this off Steam for the sale price do I get only the singular episode or do I get all of them? Big fan of the Fables comics. I'd like to give this a whirl.


Lame question that's probably been asked several times; if I purchase this off Steam for the sale price do I get only the singular episode or do I get all of them? Big fan of the Fables comics. I'd like to give this a whirl.

All of them. Steam doesn't sell individual episodes of this or The Walking Dead.


Lame question that's probably been asked several times; if I purchase this off Steam for the sale price do I get only the singular episode or do I get all of them? Big fan of the Fables comics. I'd like to give this a whirl.

The Steam purchase is for the Season Pass, so you'll get all five episodes.


Unconfirmed Member
Finished it and loved the ending. And I have to say
Bloody Mary
design was fucking great. Character concept come across as original and fresh to me, such a cool character.


Why I can't shake the feeling that the game has gone through massive rewrites/development issues? I really liked the third episode (can't say the same for the second), but the achievements don't correspond at all with what's happening, the "preview image" is off, some events are handwaved and forgotten, the trailers you get after the end of an episode are quite different from the episode itself. I don't know, hope it turns out for the best, but while I might not like some things TWD Season 2 does, it feels a lot more cohesive, with Wolf sometimes it feels like I'm playing what survived a drastic cut.


Book of Fables: Okay, I got
now, I just need the slot after them.

Go to Crane's apartment first and look at the statue of the headless horseman.

What if it's this guy? The characteristics certainly fit

The Crooked Man would be the guy from the nursery rhyme.

There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile.
He found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile.
He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse,
And they all lived together in a little crooked house.
I don't like Snow. Her entire character can be summed up as being cold and serious. So boring.

Bloody Mary is alright, although Telltale should go easy on the sarcasm, it gets old
Are there issues with the Season pass on XBL again? When I go to to download episode 3 there is a red circle with a line through it next to the episode. Same deal for all my flatmates. Whats up with this?


Junior Member
Just got the season pass on the EU PSN store. Was going to wait until all episodes have been released but it was too good a deal to pass up.


Question regarding the end of Ep3
am I correct in saying that no matter how much you button bash, Bloody Mary is only stopped by Snow's interruption?


Why I can't shake the feeling that the game has gone through massive rewrites/development issues? I really liked the third episode (can't say the same for the second), but the achievements don't correspond at all with what's happening, the "preview image" is off, some events are handwaved and forgotten, the trailers you get after the end of an episode are quite different from the episode itself. I don't know, hope it turns out for the best, but while I might not like some things TWD Season 2 does, it feels a lot more cohesive, with Wolf sometimes it feels like I'm playing what survived a drastic cut.
Go back to the last achievement of episode 2 and shift everything after that forward by one chapter. It seems like the episode ending points have been changed.
Just finished, really enjoyed it, episode 2 is still my favourite so far though.

I would certainly double dip for a Xbox One/PS4 retail release. Amazing series.


Great episode, better than Episode 2. I shall spoiler my decisions:

-Did not interrupt Snow.
-Went to Cranes apartment first, Tweedle office second and Trip Trap last.
-Confiscated the money in the apartment.
-Hired Fly eater.
-Did not burn Aunty Greenleaf's tree.
-Hired Aunty Greenleaf.
-Killed Dum.

Huh, I only got to go to two of the three locations. Cranes then Trip Trap.... Looks like I'll have to play it again to see the Tweedle office stuff.


Great episode, better than Episode 2. I shall spoiler my decisions:

-Did not interrupt Snow.
-Went to Cranes apartment first, Tweedle office second and Trip Trap last.
-Confiscated the money in the apartment.
-Hired Fly eater.
-Did not burn Aunty Greenleaf's tree.
-Hired Aunty Greenleaf.
-Killed Dum.

I didn't know going to
all three places was possible. What time did you get to Greenleaf's place? I went to Crane's, then the bar and arrived at Aunty Greenleaf's apartment 14 minutes late.
Man that music, I'm in love with it. Perfectly matches the games atmosphere, really draws me in deeper. Very, very nice!

Performance was also a lot better in the episode compared to the previous ones, especially with heavy scene changes like in the intro or outro (this is on the 360 btw)


That was an utterly fantastic episode! First time I really want to play an episode again to make different choices. Things are getting really interesting. I believe I'm enjoying Wolf much more than TWD.
I just beat the third episode and oh man I cant wait to go back and play it again.

I have been reading what you guys have said and who's the
fly eater
? Is that someone you meet when going to the
offices of the Tweedledees? I ended up going to Crane's apartment and the bar.

Man this wait for episode 4 is going to be long and hard. Also, anyone know if they plan on releasing an OST for this game? The music is really good.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Really enjoyed that episode.
Gren won't remember this
was hilarious, and at the end
I killed the fuck out of Dum, no regrets
even if I've been playing pretty nice.

Also had muuuuch better performance which is great. Hope that stays true for the rest of their games.


listen to the mad man
I liked Episode 3. My favourite part was an unexpectedly cheeky twist:
Gren won't remember this


Also that episode 4 teaser!!! COLIN!!!! YEAHHHHH BOY

RE: The episode's final decision; murder is wrong. Stand your ground laws are wrong. You have a right to use mortal force to defend yourself when you are faced with imminent death, but the second you have disarmed a person to the extent that they are incapable of killing you, it is wrong to kill them. There should be a duty to flee. This is Fabletown, not the wild west.

Also had muuuuch better performance which is great. Hope that stays true for the rest of their games.

Agreed; played on 360, and performance was much better. Episode 1 had action scenes where I whiffed QTEs because of lag. Glad to see that issue gone.


burned the fuck out of that tree. If she didn't make that Snow White glamour maybe Lily wouldn't be dead. I've been a nice guy the whole series but fuck dat tree.


listen to the mad man
burned the fuck out of that tree. If she didn't make that Snow White glamour maybe Lily wouldn't be dead. I've been a nice guy the whole series but fuck dat tree.

For me, I felt the witch had a persuasive point. In societies where government is not able to respond to the people's needs, they turn to grey-market options to get by. You see this with organized crime. You see it in disputed territories--one of the reasons why Hezbollah and Hamas have as much pull as they do in the areas they operate is because they also run hospitals and give out food in the absence of a working government. And that's what's happening her. You can't have a law that says you are forced to hide in your house unless you can afford a government-issued glamour, and then expect people who can't afford the glamours not to turn to the grey market. That's what keeps her in business. It's fair that she should feel a little guiltier about her involvement in a serious crime, but the service she provides is a necessary one, and for all Snow's lamenting that government isn't responsive as it should be she sure didn't seem ready to accept the choice of people to better their lives without going through official channels.


Anyone else underwhelmed with Bloody Mary's voice actress? She seemed reaaaalllyyyy quiet and kinda like she was trying too hard.

Love the episode.
Slamming Dum into the wall over and over and then tearing out his throat was SO satisfying after all the shit they put you through.
Man that new episode was awesome. I love everything about this game; the artstyle, characters, the music.

I'm almost half tempted to buy the graphic novels/comics this is based on.


For me, I felt the witch had a persuasive point. In societies where government is not able to respond to the people's needs, they turn to grey-market options to get by. You see this with organized crime. You see it in disputed territories--one of the reasons why Hezbollah and Hamas have as much pull as they do in the areas they operate is because they also run hospitals and give out food in the absence of a working government. And that's what's happening her. You can't have a law that says you are forced to hide in your house unless you can afford a government-issued glamour, and then expect people who can't afford the glamours not to turn to the grey market. That's what keeps her in business. It's fair that she should feel a little guiltier about her involvement in a serious crime, but the service she provides is a necessary one, and for all Snow's lamenting that government isn't responsive as it should be she sure didn't seem ready to accept the choice of people to better their lives without going through official channels.

I wasn't going to burn the tree for the entirety of the conversation until I had to make the choice. I was just like "well it's illegal and Snow's pissed and this old lady's kind of a bitch and there are other black market witches so fuck it I'm going to burn it because I want to be an asshole". It wasn't a very politically based decision. lol


For me, I felt the witch had a persuasive point. In societies where government is not able to respond to the people's needs, they turn to grey-market options to get by. You see this with organized crime. You see it in disputed territories--one of the reasons why Hezbollah and Hamas have as much pull as they do in the areas they operate is because they also run hospitals and give out food in the absence of a working government. And that's what's happening her. You can't have a law that says you are forced to hide in your house unless you can afford a government-issued glamour, and then expect people who can't afford the glamours not to turn to the grey market. That's what keeps her in business. It's fair that she should feel a little guiltier about her involvement in a serious crime, but the service she provides is a necessary one, and for all Snow's lamenting that government isn't responsive as it should be she sure didn't seem ready to accept the choice of people to better their lives without going through official channels.

Great take, yes, I thought something like this. You have seen face to face Fables that struggle to get the glamour, which is not a drug or a luxury but something absolutely necessary to not be sent to a freak show in the farm, so is hard to sympathize with Snow position here.

(Spoilers for book 2 of Fables comic)

To be honest, Snow doesn't think is that bad because she thinks the Farm is a genuinely great place. Most of the resources they get from Fabletown are focused on the farm, it´s supposed to be a paradise where every need is covered, but well, she miss the point that a jail is a jail, no matter how beautiful it is.
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