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The worst time you ever traded or sold a good game for a bad game?


I remember back in Elementary school, I traded my copy of Super Smash Bros. Melee for Super Mario Sunshine. I grew to hate Sunshine as a kid so I definitely regretted it. Later traded Sunshine for Double Dash, so I guess that was a better trade.

That same year I traded in Pokemon Crystal for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 for Game Boy, expecting Spider-Man 2 for Gamecube.

The very next year I committed the worst atrocity. I was a huge Sonic fan at the time and Shadow the Hedgehog was just released. I was really itching to play it but I was broke and decided to sell some games at Gamestop instead of saving up.

You know what games I sold? Metroid Prime, Super Monkey Ball 2 and The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition. That's right, the GOAT Metroid, the GOAT Monkey Ball and the Zelda disc that had Zelda 1, 2, Ocarina and Majora's Mask for fucking Shadow the Hedgehog. There was probably several more i sold just to have Shadow but those are the one's that stood out the most to me.

I was a really stupid kid.

What about you guys?


My friend convinced me to get Crackdown 2. I traded Red Dead Redemption for it since I already got 100% on it. Still regret it even though I've bought it again.
I traded FFVI (well III at the time) for a copy of Mystic Quest back when I was a kid. I'd already beaten it and a friend got me to make the dumb trade.


It wasn't in exchange for a bad game, but I sold Panzer Dragoon Saga AND Dragon Force for $160 shipped.
I traded in Killzone 2 for Resident Evil 5. Big mistake imo. At least my roommate for some use out of it. He was obsessed with RE5.


The only game I traded that had potential to be bad was GT 5 (I think it was 5). I just wasn't getting into it but liked having a racing game and was intrigued by GTA 5 (traded it with some other games).

Luckily for me i totally did not regret that trade.

But in general I won't trade a game in unless I'm absolutely sure I don't care about playing it again (GT 5 I wasn't sure but the logical side of me said that I was obviously not interested and let it go). I tend to like to keep my games so if I let a game go it's a bit insulting to it (it means it just wasn't even worth keeping). I regret a little not trading Wolfenstien in for something else before it was worth nothing. When it was worth something I figured I liked it enough to keep it. Now I realize that while it was a good game and I'm glad I played it, I'm not going to go back to it. But it's not worth enough to let go of at this point.


I traded the original 'Tomb Raider' in for isometric-shit-fest 'Firo & Klawd'. A game so bad it never even saw a US release.
UMVC3 for No Man's Sky. It was in a pile of games I didn't want, and I accidentally included it. I thought, well, I have enough fighting games, and NMS will be pretty good.

I wish I had Marvel back.


In primary school, I traded Mario's Picross for one of the Game Boy Batman games without actually having played it.
The Batman game sucked major ass and I discovered that I really like picross/nonograms shortly afterwards.
Xenoblade Chronicles and Witcher 2 for Borderlands 2...

Borderlands 2 is pretty fun but in retrospect it was a pretty dumb trade.
I never traded any games in.

Basically same deal for me. I did trade in crackdown for a free copy of bf4 at bestbuy and a buncha other used games for a buncha copies of assasins creed 3 and CoD ghost...but i bought the majority of those games just so i could trade them in a best buy because they had a rediculous deal going on....it was like trade in any used game for bf4,assasinscreed3 or CoD for any system, and they had only come out a few weeks ago, they were still all full price games. Thats my only memory of trading in games lol. Oh yea and i had just got crackdown with gwg so it was no harm no foul imo.


Not my experience but I witnesses a friend traded a saturn and bunch of sega saturn games saying one day he will buy them back for a playstation 1 and ff7. edit: I guess ff7 is not a bad game (personally i dont see the big deal about this game) but this was a horrible trade.

All those games are hard to find and/or cost way too much to buy now. He regrets it to this day.

I traded Mario 64 for Hexen 64. Traded for it back the next day but cost me 10 dollars, store owner would not allow me to do straight up trade.


Resident Evil 4 for Sonic 06

I was a kid


Xenoblade Chronicles and Witcher 2 for Borderlands 2...

Borderlands 2 is pretty fun but in retrospect it was a pretty dumb trade.

I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I got rid of Xenoblade.
I traded the original 'Tomb Raider' in for isometric-shit-fest 'Firo & Klawd'. A game so bad it never even saw a US release.

Oh man I haven't heard that game's name in YEARS lol, my friend in school would rent it all the time, he loved it. I never really got why.
When I was like 10 I traded Donkey Kong Country 3 for Donkey Kong Country 2 with my friend. I hated DKC2, the game was so much darker and grittier than DKC3. I wanted to trade back but my friend wouldn't do it, I never spoke to him again.

edit: During my og xbox days I traded star wars episode 3 the game and elder scrolls morrowind for Jade Empire. Best trade ever.


Not so much a trade for a bad game, but one I ended up regretting is the Limited Edition Symphony of the Night for PSX. I finished it within 2 days and I traded it for Star Fox 64. Also a great game, but I'd much rather have SotN physical than SF64.


i was really little (probably 7ish) and traded in like 2-3 games to get Superman 64 at a tiny local game store my parents took me to every now and then. even at that age i knew the game was complete shit after 10 or so minutes. i'm still pissed i did that.


I rarely trade games. But I did trade Super Smash Bros. (N64) and a boxed copy of Conker's Bad Fur Day. I think I got Nightmare Creatures II on Dreamcast. Not an awful game if I remember but I didn't play hardly any of it. But not a fair trade either.


Similar to OP, traded in my copy of Melee in preparation for the release of Brawl. What a fucking mistake that was.

Also sold my Dreamcast for a PS2+GTA3 back in the day. At least almost the entire DC catalog has been ported at this point so it's not that big of a deal but... I still miss PSO a lot.

I traded Pilot Wings 64 and Blast Corps for a pack of smokes.


That's more or less the going rate for those games these days, wouldn't be much trouble to reacquire them at least.


Gave back to the shop Superfrog (Amiga), a very nice platform, for Body Blows Galactic (Amiga), one of the worst beat 'em up ever made.
This was about 25 years ago. :/


I traded in Mega Man Legends 2 when I was a kid... don't remember what I got in return but there's no way it was worth it.


In middle school I traded a few Warhead candy pieces for Judge Dredd on Gameboy. I think I lost on that trade?

Edit: I'm an idiot. Game for game. Never done that :(

El Jaffe

When I was 16 and no job I traded in Red Dead Redemption, Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition (All games I might consider to be in my top 10 of all time) for LA Noir. Not that LA Noir is a bad game but it wasn't my cup of tea and the decision to get rid of some of my favorite games hovered over me the whole time I was playing it, more than likely worsening the experience.
I traded in Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 for Madden 2007. That also went down as the last time I would ever buy a Madden game.

I remember selling my Game Gear for $75 and a copy of Rise of the Robots back in 1995. Regretted it almost immediately.
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