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The worst time you ever traded or sold a good game for a bad game?


when i was a kid i did it all the time!

My biggest memory for a bad one was swapping PS Tekken for some 2d WWF/WWE game that i cant remember the name of. Must have been 1996-1998 ish.

edit: I think it was this, the graphics i recall though it may have been earlier than 96?


never played the psx version, but the arcade version of that game was dope


Went to Game crazy for the first time and traded Pokemon Gold, Blue, Yellow, Sonic 2,3, and a bunch of PS1 games for this:


And worse of all, it still wasn't enough. Had to pay a few bucks more. I wish I could go back and slap the shit out of my 12 year old self.


WAAAAY back in the day there was a game trading site, (Think funcoland far in the past) that I can't remember where, I traded Diddy Kong Racing (N64) for Kartia (PS1). It was a great trade at the time because I was hooked on Kartia from playing it at a friends house but seeing the internet's love for DKR has made me wish I kept it. I still loved Kartia tho.. Think I still have it around somewhere in the garage...


when i was a kid i did it all the time!

My biggest memory for a bad one was swapping PS Tekken for some 2d WWF/WWE game that i cant remember the name of. Must have been 1996-1998 ish.

edit: I think it was this, the graphics i recall though it may have been earlier than 96?

That's WrestleMania: The Arcade Game. No doubt Tekken was a better game gameplay-wise, but as a kid who liked WWF, this would not have been a bad trade at all in my opinion.
It was released in 1995. Lex Luger and Doink were in it, they were long gone from WWF in 96 as far as I remember.
Not a game for a game thing, and I've posted about this before, but basically this...

I sold my Neo Geo Gold with 12 games and my TurboGrafx collection (including TG16, TGCD, TurboExpress w/ TV tuner, TurboDuo and over 120 complete games on cart and cd) in 1995 to buy my (then-)wife a computer on which to write her PhD thesis....

...she ended up having an affair with her Doctoral adviser and leaving me for him...

I still get pissed off when I think of this... and I have to stand up with her at our daughter's wedding tomorrow... gawd...


The only trade I ever did was when I was clearing out some GameCube games I wasn't playing anymore. The most notable ones were F-Zero GX, Sonic Adventure 1 DX, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, and Mario Power Tennis. I think I got like $10 or less for all of that plus some others. Then I used that money to buy Call of Duty World at War for full price.

Yup, I was a pretty stupid kid. Never again.

I should really pick up F-Zero GX again some day. I never did beat that game if I recall.


Back in the day I traded a Diablo 2 account with a level 28 Paladin, and a level 58 Barb that was for warcries two of my friend's N64s (no idea why he had 2), black and teal, 6 controllers, Mario Kart, Mystical Ninja, Mario Party, Marty Party 2, WcW vs NWO, Goldeneye, and F-Zero.

Hands down the best trade I ever made, and will ever.

Now I'm sad. :*(


Don't trade often, but I remember really regretting trading in Dishonored for Dragon's Dogma.

I really, REALLY tried hard to like Dragon's Dogma too.


I'm the opposite. (Not trade-wise) I love DD and tried really hard to like Dishonored.

Hey, to each their own.

I loved the combat with the monsters as well as the monsters themselves, but the constant back traveling and no means of fast-travel bothered me. It felt like a game that had a ton of potential but just needed a few more kinks.


Nothing for me, thank goodness. Growing up if I didn't have the money for a game I waited until I did or until a holiday.

The Orz

Not for a game, but a game soundtrack.

I was--and still am--a huge fan of Area 88 and the game itself is actually a lot of fun (U.N. Squadron to us Westerners). But for some reason I absolutely had to have Final Fantasy VI: Grand Finale. Had to! Even though I had never heard of the album nor any of the music from it!

Turns out that it's a great album and it got a lot of play time. Also turns out that it was a bootleg CD--something I didn't even know was a thing until years later. Damn that nameless mom and pop video game store in the mall that went out of business long, long ago!
I... I don't get why people trade in games they really enjoy. I mean, I get in the cases where you have literally no money and the only way to get new games is to not maintain a collection. I mean the people I seem to encounter all the time who pretty much just compulsively trade shit in and then wind up buying like half of it back within a couple years because they want to play it again... And then sometimes trade it in again.
Traded in Golden Eye for Nightfire. I was a dumb kid and PS2 stuff just looked better to my eyes. (I honestly did enjoy it though)

I remember my mom told me the GameStop employee was incredulous that we'd want to trade in GoldenEye for Nightfire, which makes me chuckle a little bit looking back.


I got a bit burnt out on FPS at the time and decided to trade in Killzone: Mercenary for SF vs Tekken... and regret it within a day.

WHY? ;_;


Not a game for a game thing, and I've posted about this before, but basically this...

I sold my Neo Geo Gold with 12 games and my TurboGrafx collection (including TG16, TGCD, TurboExpress w/ TV tuner, TurboDuo and over 120 complete games on cart and cd) in 1995 to buy my (then-)wife a computer on which to write her PhD thesis....

...she ended up having an affair with her Doctoral adviser and leaving me for him...

I still get pissed off when I think of this... and I have to stand up with her at our daughter's wedding tomorrow... gawd...

This is the saddest story of all time. :(


I traded in CIB copies of ChronoTrigger and FF3 (for $25 each) to Gamestop for Hydro Thunder when the DC launched.

That's my worst trade, but not my worst gaming decision. Looking at my previous auction sales I'm an idiot and sold many things a few years sooner than I should have. Like CIB Crusader of Centy for $35 and Metal Warriors for $48. I don't do that anymore unless I have more than 1 copy of something.


Not a game for a game thing, and I've posted about this before, but basically this...

I sold my Neo Geo Gold with 12 games and my TurboGrafx collection (including TG16, TGCD, TurboExpress w/ TV tuner, TurboDuo and over 120 complete games on cart and cd) in 1995 to buy my (then-)wife a computer on which to write her PhD thesis....

...she ended up having an affair with her Doctoral adviser and leaving me for him...

I still get pissed off when I think of this... and I have to stand up with her at our daughter's wedding tomorrow... gawd...

What the fuck.

Holy fuck, that's terrible.

I'm so sorry man.


Traded Breath of Fire GBA for Legacy of Goku...

Fuck you, Daniel, you piece of shit. You said it was an awesome game.
A valuable lesson was learned that day.

Pokemon Soul Silver, to this day I don't remember why I traded it in or what I traded it in for.

Traded a new copy of Heart Gold for Saints Row the Third.
3 shoeboxes of SNES gems including DKC 1-3, Star Fox, Super Castlevania IV, Super Metroid, Final Fantasy 3 (US), and a console + 2 controllers for a Saturn that I only had ever gotten Panzer Dragoon and Daytona USA for, AFTER the PS1 launched.

I ended up getting a PS1 for Xmas the next year and never went back to the beautiful Saturn which I neglected.

If only I would have stuck it out with that Saturn. NiGHTs, Burning Rangers, Panzer Dragoon Zwei, Clockwork Knight, and more forgotten games should've been mine.


Castlevania Symphony of the Night (non-greatest hits version). Pre-ordered Devil
May Cry 2.

I think about at that least once a week.


Gold Member
I traded in my entire og Xbox collection and about 20 ps2 games for credit at GameStop when the 360 came out. Don't remember all of the titles but one of the games I got with my credit was madden 06 I guess it was. Ugh. I never will trade anything again.


Gold Member
Not a game for a game thing, and I've posted about this before, but basically this...

I sold my Neo Geo Gold with 12 games and my TurboGrafx collection (including TG16, TGCD, TurboExpress w/ TV tuner, TurboDuo and over 120 complete games on cart and cd) in 1995 to buy my (then-)wife a computer on which to write her PhD thesis....

...she ended up having an affair with her Doctoral adviser and leaving me for him...

I still get pissed off when I think of this... and I have to stand up with her at our daughter's wedding tomorrow... gawd...

Holy crap man. I'd never be able to get over that. :(


The very next year I committed the worst atrocity. I was a huge Sonic fan at the time and Shadow the Hedgehog was just released. I was really itching to play it but I was broke and decided to sell some games at Gamestop instead of saving up.

You know what games I sold? Metroid Prime, Super Monkey Ball 2 and The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition. That's right, the GOAT Metroid, the GOAT Monkey Ball and the Zelda disc that had Zelda 1, 2, Ocarina and Majora's Mask for fucking Shadow the Hedgehog. There was probably several more i sold just to have Shadow but those are the one's that stood out the most to me.

I was a really stupid kid.

What about you guys?


what have you done
My friend in middle school decided to give me Unlimited Saga, and in return I gave him Dark Cloud.

I barely played either, but I'm pretty sure Dark Cloud was held in higher regard.
Didn't trade a good game for a bad game, however one time in middle school I traded my 360 wireless adapter to a classmate for his copy of Army of Two (which had just come out at the time). I actually had fun with the game but I certainly got fleeced seeing as how the adapter was $100 at the time.


I gave away Secret of Mana and was given George Foreman Super KO Boxing.

I gave away Donkey Kong Country and was given Joe and Mac Caveman Ninja.

Two different people, never saw any of the two again.
I traded in Far Cry 2 once I'd finished it only to really want to play it again some time later. Had to go and rebuy it. I stopped trading in games after this. Doesn't quite fit op question but it's all I have dammit.


Not me, but the person I traded with got screwed pretty bad.

I traded this:

For this:

This was back in 1996 - A friend's grandfather bought him a "random" PS1 game, he played a bit of it and didn't like it.

He was a little bummed out so I traded him a game that he always used to play when he came around mine, felt like I was doing him a favour at the time.

This was my introduction to JRPGs and I played Suikoden non-stop for that whole year.

Still my favourite JRPG to this day.
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