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The worst time you ever traded or sold a good game for a bad game?


the piano man
I traded this:


for this

and I was perfectly aware of what each game was and their qualities, I knew people would kill to own SMB3 and that F13TH was a piece of shit licensed game

but I was fed up of SMB3 and friday the 13th was a game I never managed to finish and I was itching to kill jason with fire or the fork so I parted ways with SMB3, no regrets what so ever.
Traded CIB Pokemon Red, Blue, Gold, Silver Gameboy games for Resident Evil Revelations for 3DS...

Not a bad game, but a very stupid trade...


Accidentally put Doom 3 in the trade in pile, came back with Risen 2...

I know doom 3 is shit, but doom 1 and 2 were on there


Axelay for The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare. -_- I don't know why, other than me & my brothers being dumb children back then.


I once traded in my Game Boy Advanced SP and some of my games for Call of Duty 3.

My sister had an SP as well so I could still play my other games but still, dumb move at the time.


I traded in all my Gamecube games for a Wii.

The only one I really miss is F-Zero GX though. I need to get that game again.
I traded in Modern Warfare 1 and Ass Creed 1 for credit towards my preorder of FFXIII.

I'd hardly call Ass Creed 1 good but compared to FFXIII it sure as shit was.


Resident Evil for Need for Speed (PSX). I gave up on one of the mansion puzzles and regretted that deal later when I got a walkthrough.

Not Spaceghost

It wasn't like a bad trade by any means but considering the availability of one game vs the other I strongly regret that I traded in Panzer Dragoon Orta for Knights of the old republic on the og xbox.

I also traded in gta vice city for the generic travesty that was seven samurai 20XX.
I was so broke once that I sold Ikaruga for GCN,MGS:Twin Snakes, and my ps2 along with all my games. Including Dark Cloud 2, all the .hack games, and all the Ratchets and Jaks to Gamestop, and all of it was for like $120.

I'm still trying to recover a few of those games...


When I was younger I traded my Sega Genesis and all my games for my friend's NES just so I can play Contra. If only I knew I could emulate it years later.....
Mario Kart 64 for Bomberman 64

Shows the severity of the n64 games drought in the UK round that time.


Was desperate for a puzzle game so ended up trading Goldeneye 007 for wetrix on N64. Was bored of it within an hour or two :(
I traded in Age of Empires 1 and about seven other games I liked for Pokemon Stadium when it first came out. I had the opportunity to trade them in for Panzer Dragoon Saga instead but chose not to.

Two of the stupidest decisions I've ever made regarding video games in one day. Impressive.
You know what games I sold? Metroid Prime, Super Monkey Ball 2 and The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition. That's right, the GOAT Metroid, the GOAT Monkey Ball and the Zelda disc that had Zelda 1, 2, Ocarina and Majora's Mask for fucking Shadow the Hedgehog. There was probably several more i sold just to have Shadow but those are the one's that stood out the most to me.

I was a really stupid kid.

What about you guys?

That takes some beating to be fair; I think that's even worse than mine.
When I was like 10 I traded Donkey Kong Country 3 for Donkey Kong Country 2 with my friend. I hated DKC2, the game was so much darker and grittier than DKC3. I wanted to trade back but my friend wouldn't do it, I never spoke to him again.

edit: During my og xbox days I traded star wars episode 3 the game and elder scrolls morrowind for Jade Empire. Best trade ever.
most people prefer DKC2 and would call that a good trade


I traded Folklore (PS3) for God of War 2 (PS2). You would say that they were both good games, but I regret not finishing Folklore first before trading it.
COD4 for MW2.

What a fucking mistake. I was still playing COD4 reguarly, but hated MW2 so much i stopped about a month after release.
I traded in Pokemon Colosseum, Paper Mario TTYD, and many other GameCube games that are worth a lot more now than back then :(

Forget what I traded them for but whatever it was it was not good. Probably some crappy licensed game or a crappy wii game.
The day I traded SSX Tricky for SSX 3, thinking it was better....

Not that it was a bad game. But some mute characters, characterless circuits and a total loss of some weigt to steering a character made it more of a 7 were Tricky was a 10.


Not me but a friend who got an n64 when those things were still new swapped his copy of Mario 64 for Killer Instinct Gold with another n64 owner. I mean, KI is cool, but wat??
I sold my entire PS3 for $80 for 2 games for the 360 (Halo 4 and Red Dead ( I heard red dead looked better on 360)) In 2012


Worst trade I ever made was trading my Dreamcast plus awesome collection of great games for a barebones PS2.

I still regret it.

Power Stone 1 & 2, Project Justice, The House of the Dead 2, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, Confidential Mission, Soul Calibur, Metropolis Street Racer, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Quake III Arena, San Francisco Rush 2049, Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, Ecco the Dolphin, Shadow Man, Daytona USA, 4 Wheel Thunder, Capcom vs. SNK...all gone.

Damn I miss my Dreamcast :(


Not exaclty what the thread is about but kinda similar.

When I was a kid my brother got Sega Master System II but we didnt know shit about videogames. I went to a shop with my grandpas and as a birthday present I chose Wonder Boy III: Dragons trap as a random first game ever. I loved that fucking game but mever advanced too much as i was a stupid kid.

One day, my brother and uncle went changed Dragons Trap for a F1 GP shitty game and Tazmania without even asking. They both sucked but the F1 game is what they wanted. I cried rivers and wasnt able to find out what game was that until several years later.

The funny thing is that my first owned console whas PS1. I still didnt know too much about games and the first game i bought for that console was Castlevania Symphony of the Night, a game that its first 10 minutes are almost the same as Dragons trap. Nice coincidence.

Of course when i rediscovered the game played it several times in SMS and TBGfx and still do nowadays. This year with the remake and the other wonder boy clone is probably the year of dreams for me at the age of 30.


the piano man
you know people, I usually win these threads with my "SMB3 <-> Friday the 13th" trade but damn, not this time.

some of the cases here are just heartbreaking , lol


I used to use Goozex. Not sure if anyone else is familiar with that service but it functioned as a middleman. Every game had a point value and you sent games to people, and then you could "buy" games for your points.

I traded away Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn on that service. I bought a bunch of crap over the years, nothing really of note, and eventually the site went offline one day and took my points with them. I remember what I gave away, but I don't remember what I spent those points on.


Earthbound came out on VC.

I then traded Earthbound, Chrono Trigger and some stuff for a used Wii U from a local shop which stopped reading discs a few months later.


I traded Deus Ex HR for whatever CoD was out.
Huge regrets since picking it up digitally again and enjoying it much more.
One time in elementary school I let a friend borrow my copy of Pokemon Gold and he 'lost' it. Said it got flushed down the toilet. So I asked his mom to replace it with a copy of Pokemon Trading Card Game. I mean, that wasn't a bad game, but it was no replacement...


Sniper Elite V2 was an alright game on 360, had a lot of fun with it. Traded it for Medal of Honor Warfighter, which in no way was alright. It's also the last game I've traded, what a burn.
Black Ops 3 for Overwatch (not a bad game but I sucked pretty bad and none of my firends were playing it, at least I was a beast on BO3 T_T)

But somehow I traded Metroid Prime Trilogy for The Conduit *facepalm*
I use to trade in games like a mother fucker in middle school, high school, and a bit after. I don't know how many times I bought and sold fallout 3.

Met my girlfriend 4 years ago and she told me no more trading you have a high paying job now. Haven't traded in a game since.
Collection grew from 10 current gen games (PS3/360) and some retro stuff to over 300+ in that short amount of time. I'll never trade a game again.


I traded a friend SNES Mario Kart for Paper Boy because I hadn't played it much. It ended up being permanent :(

He moved with Mario Kart, and I never saw it again.


ALL of my original CiB pokemon games from Blue/Red to HeartGold/SoulSilver for a PS3 so that I could play Final Fantasy XIII.

I really do like FFXIII, though!


I traded in my copy of Tetris DS. Don't even remember for what. Couple months later, the price of that game shot up to $60+. (Because of course it did. After all, Tetris is such a rare game, on so few platforms! wtf...)

Also traded in my copy of Pikmin 1 many years ago. Now I kinda want to play it again. :(
The very next year I committed the worst atrocity. I was a huge Sonic fan at the time and Shadow the Hedgehog was just released. I was really itching to play it but I was broke and decided to sell some games at Gamestop instead of saving up.

You know what games I sold? Metroid Prime, Super Monkey Ball 2 and The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition. That's right, the GOAT Metroid, the GOAT Monkey Ball and the Zelda disc that had Zelda 1, 2, Ocarina and Majora's Mask for fucking Shadow the Hedgehog. There was probably several more i sold just to have Shadow but those are the one's that stood out the most to me.

I was a really stupid kid.


I am

all of me


I have a friend who traded in Bad Company 2 for Brink
This was months after Brink came out
We still tease him about it to this day


when i was a kid i did it all the time!

My biggest memory for a bad one was swapping PS Tekken for some 2d WWF/WWE game that i cant remember the name of. Must have been 1996-1998 ish.

edit: I think it was this, the graphics i recall though it may have been earlier than 96?

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