Yay we medaled in luge
They are covering the US they should be focused on our athletes. But I don't really like NBCs coverage in general.I cringe at NBC's coverage. They're celebrating USA's bronze medals like gold. I guess when you don't win gold, and Shawn White is a bust this year, they have to resort to that to keep viewers.
I cringe at NBC's coverage. They're celebrating USA's bronze medals like gold. I guess when you don't win gold, and Shawn White is a bust this year, they have to resort to that to keep viewers.
Shaun's run wasn't clean. I-Pod nailed the YOLO Flip. Shaun has been on top for so long. Hard to take anything away from him.
Omagaud Chloe <3 *faints*here, have some Justine and Chloé selfies
here, have some Justine and Chloé selfies
Ugh I hate Elliotte Friedman. I don't blame Datsyuk for being disinterested with what he had to say.
No that would go to PJ Stock.Friedman is the most boring and most thoughtless sports-asshat around. Zero ability, zero personality.
I don't think they know the mics are live.
It has been started for a bit. Someone just crashed really badly. Getting medical attention.women's downhill about to start.
Suisse beasting
Top spot tied! :O
Never happened before. Crazy
According to NBC, that's because it's never happened before. Olympic history.
Never happened before. Crazy
A quick google search tells that it happened at least once at the Summer Olympics: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swimming_at_the_2000_Summer_Olympics_–_Men's_50_metre_freestyle
A quick google search tells that it happened at least once at the Summer Olympics: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swimming_at_the_2000_Summer_Olympics_–_Men's_50_metre_freestyle
the Olympics is supposed to be a celebration and a big party, but Sochi is almost empty:
"The emptyness of Putins Olympics"
the Olympics is supposed to be a celebration and a big party, but Sochi is almost empty:
"The emptyness of Putins Olympics"
This isn't really new. London used the army to fill up seats.
Yeah, but that was only because they fucked up seat allocations in the beginning and reserved too many for corporate wankers who never turned up. There was a major public outcry over the first few days because we all saw empty seats and thought 'why the fuck can't we get tickets for this instead?'. Then they released a whole load more tickets to the public and events got a lot more fans in the stands.This isn't really new. London used the army to fill up seats.
Noone is expecting every seat to be full, the summer olympics are huge and full of events most people haven't even heard about (and plenty of qualifying round), but look for example at the crowd for the triathlon in London. A huge turnout.
Are you cherrypicking? Doesn't change the fact of thousand of empty seats. Emptyness is normal for Olympia, people just act surprised everytime.
All free outdoors event were like this (cycling, marathon etc), meaning that there was a enormous public interest. In fact they sold out all 8.8million tickets and could have sold much more. the empty seats were mostly due to sponsors not showing up. Sochi has 500 000 tickets in total and is not sold out http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304450904579368840059019298
One big exeption for the London Olympics was the football tournaments which wasn't even close to selling out, but who could really blame them?
Clearly you've never experienced a British Summer...Summer in London vs winter in Russia. Apples and oranges.