lol@this arguement.
I guess she was better than Asada in this score also right lol
More love for Asada <3
Asada's free skate score (142.71) and Kim's score (144.19) make sense to me. If you compare the two, Asada had a much more technical run, but Kim edged her out in execution and presentation. It's just Sotnikova's score (149.95) that makes no sense. Her technical difficulty was midway in between, and her execution/presentation was on par with Asada, but her final score was way higher than the other two. Like that is seriously a really high score, and technical difficulty doesn't fully explain it when everything else was so rough.
Exactly. The systems changed considerably and a lot of the expression of disbelief is a resultant of people not understanding or appreciating the change. I get why people might be up in arms because Sotnikova didn't land perfectly at one point compared to Yuna, but the Russian girl went for a much riskier routine that could of ended in her not medaling at all if she had actually fallen on her ass, where as Yuna put in what for her was a pretty pedestrian performance. I have to wonder if it wasn't for that stumble whether people would be quite so adamant that Yuna was robbed. But ultimately that mindset of slight stumble = out of contention is 6.0 thinking.
People just keep saying it's because Sotnikova had a more difficult run -- compared to Kim. But what if you compare her to Asada?
Asada had a more difficult run than Sotnikova. The base value of Asada's elements was 5 points higher, but after factoring in the judges' opinions, Sotnikova's total score was 7 points higher. Was there really a massive gap in their execution? I don't think so.