Poor italians. Third fourth place today, and countless others during the games.
The Benny Hill music goes perfectly with the slalom right now.
And the other one was from shorttrack skating.So 23 out of 24 Dutch medals come from speed skating. Well, congrats.
Does that include the team events where they could only win 1 and not 3 medals?We got 23 out of 36 medals in speed skating.
Big games from Russia, and it's all spread out over a lot of different events. The last few days have been really successful, although the Russian hockey team would be the one big disappointment.Russia has increased practically doubled their medal count from Vancouver and has gone from 3 golds to 11.
And again little Norway has another solid games. Kinda like the Netherlands where they mostly specialize, but they sure rock those nordic events.
Somebody knock Russia out of the medal count lead. Somebody, anybody!
Kostelic needs to go into hiding after this.
Why did Canada change drivers? He just crashed the bus.
At least they're all OK.
Lol at the salt over our medals.
What's this skating event going on now? There's like a half dozen people on the ice!
what am I going to watch now..
▓the assess on these men good lord