Wired All Wrong
It's unlocked at 15,000 Rhythmia.
I REALLY wish they hadn't designed the scoring and item/skill-equipping aspects of the game to exist at odds with one another. It sucks to miss out on a fairly big chunk of the gameplay simply because I like going for high scores.
Yeah, I agree with that. Why should 100% criticals with items be worth less than 100% criticals without items? It makes no sense at all.
Is there one for all criticals on all ultimate? That would be crazy.Got a trophy for perfect chaining a dark note (both movements). So I decided to check out the trophy list, and daaaamn, there's a lot of them. There's even one for perfect chaining all songs on ultimate. I wonder if anybody's got that one yet.
For the same reason that taking down a charging elephant with a chain gun is less impressive than taking it down naked, I suppose.
I REALLY wish they hadn't designed the scoring and item/skill-equipping aspects of the game to exist at odds with one another. It sucks to miss out on a fairly big chunk of the gameplay simply because I like going for high scores.
I just realized why I don't really like the EMS stages...they run at 30fps. Feels a lot less responsive.
I don't mind the dichotomy - I go unequipped for Series/Challenge runs, and fully equipped for Chaos Shrine runs.
Touch controls are still read at 60 fps apparently, even if the video is 30fps, so it shouldn't interfere much with gameplay.
This game is so much nostalgia overload for the games I've played...
But I'm going to blaspheme a little now: One Winged Angel should NOT have been the FF7 battle song. Both the regular battle song (Those Who Fight) and the boss song (Those Who Fight Further) would have been better. One Winged Angel should have been an unlockable... and hard as nails, too.
I would have thought Celes and Tifa would have been shoe-ins.This game is missing a playable Celes.
So I finally got it and I absolutely wuv it.
The Series mode is incredibly slow/easy though.
I really wish this game had an actual playable version of "Main Theme of Final Fantasy V." Such an epic, beautiful, catchy, upbeat song.
I really wish this game had an actual playable version of "Main Theme of Final Fantasy V." Such an epic, beautiful, catchy, upbeat song.
Still feels sluggish. =\
So I finally got it and I absolutely wuv it.
The Series mode is incredibly slow/easy though.
Still feels sluggish. =\
That would have worked great as a FMS.
If you unlock all the expert songs in challenge I believe it unlocks expert story mode
Whoa, really, must've missed that. Need to go back to Series and check!
Whoa, really, must've missed that. Need to go back to Series and check!
Just beating the 3 songs on Expert or Ultimate in Challenge mode unlocks that difficulty for that game in Series mode.
Yeah, clearing all the Expert tracks within a game in Challenge unlocks the Expert version of that game in Series - the game gives you a little message even stating it's unlocked when you finish the last track in that game series. Same with Ultimate, so you can have Expert and Ultimate series.
Not a deal breaker, but does this have online versus?
You choose a Dark Note, character, and rather than playing all four, every participant plays one character. HP is shared, so if one dies, you all die.Not a deal breaker, but does this have online versus?
Someone on Gamespot posted this image:
Real or not, time will tell, but getting DLC songs and DLC characters as well would be fantastic!
Leon, Vincent Valentine, Cid Raines, Rinoa Heartily, Auron... I'd buy that for a dollar.
Someone on Gamespot posted this image:
Real or not, time will tell, but getting DLC songs and DLC characters as well would be fantastic!
Leon, Vincent Valentine, Cid Raines, Rinoa Heartily, Auron... I'd buy that for a dollar.
You choose a Dark Note, character, and rather than playing all four, every participant plays one character. HP is shared, so if one dies, you all die.
Really wish it wasn't just local. No one in my area seems to have a 3DS. I need to go to a demo 3DS in the store to get Streetpass hits. foreveralone.jpg
It's a problem I live in a small town. For work I often go to bigger cities and then I do get streetpass hits from actual 3DS owners, but never more than 1 or 2 each time.Just take it everywhere you go, you'll be surprised where you get hits. Just the other day I got a hit from someone by leaving my 3DS in the car when I went grocery shopping.
Now getting a hit from someone with a specific game? That is a challenge.
Same here! I'm glad it doesn't take long to unlock it, it's such a blast to play.Just unlocked Blinded By Light...man that song is a lot of fun! Love it!
Nah. I really broke down the first time I played Suteki da ne.Am I too much of a fanboy if I got goosebumps and even a little tear in my eye during some segments?
It really feels like the perfect anniversary title, because it makes me want to play the FF games again.
Streetpass NYC is doing an event for this game tomorrow: http://streetpassnyc.blogspot.com/2012/07/feel-theatrhythm-final-fantasy-25th.htmlI live in NYC..I need to go walk around and see if I get any Streetpasses. NYC is big enough...SOMEONE out there must have the game lol.
Love FF music and especially the older games. Hate this genre of game, and could not at all get into games like Elite Beat Agents or Gitaroo man.
Unsure to buy.
Touch controls are still read at 60 fps apparently, even if the video is 30fps, so it shouldn't interfere much with gameplay.