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Things you lazy Americans (and Europeans) MUST need to know about India's New PM

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came to say the same thing.

To all our Indian gaffers, I understand your frustration but first I think you are mistaken that west, in particular that part of the west you accuse of not liking your new leader because they see their homogeny being threatened, doesn't like this guy. On the contrary, you will see a lot more Republican liking him than "liberal Democrats".

Its not frustration that the west doesnt like our guy, its frustration that the west paints with a broad brush and then considers that the truth, missing every nuance on the way like its a hooker with STD's coming out of her every orifice.

Second, it is not about the person. Every time I saw a politician came in and advocated honesty and at the same time presented him/herself as a no-bullshit man, behind him lined up a lot of corrupt people with their hands in big military contracts.

Let me tell you a little secret... a lot of Indians I know dont have a problem with corruption, if the work gets done. With the previous government, there was widespread corruption and no work done. I do not doubt that there might have been widespread corruption in Gujarat as well for the last 10 years, but as long as work got done, they were appreciated. Everyone wets their beak, not all do the work required. As a real estate developer, I know more than most others how corrupt the entire system is. However, since we have projects all over India, it is fairly easy for me to see where the system works and where it doesnt. Corruption is everywhere, getting shit done is only in a few places.

I dont expect Modi to suddenly turn into Jesus and make his government the most non-corrupt, honest government in Indian history. I do expect his government to work. Expectations are very high, and if he doesnt deliver, he will be thrown out, just like the last government.

And some of you may not notice it but you talk about "minorities" exactly the same way racist Republicans here talk about blacks.

The only thing I have to say about minorities is that vote bank politics needs to end. Minority voting has increased for BJP since the last election. Look at Assam, look at Delhi... minorities are promised the moon every election by Congress, along with spreading fear about the BJP, but they are getting pretty tired of nothing ever coming to fruition. Perhaps its time the minorities stopped being taken for granted and thus forced parties to perform?

And "strong nation", "good for country" ? Really? These are exactly the same terms used by ultra-right fascist and racist everywhere (not claiming you are one).

WTF? Which leader is going to say "I hope that by the next election, we will be proud citizens of a weak nation. I also hope that the policies I institute will be bad for our country!"

Obama says the same shit, as has EVERY single Prime Minister/President in the history of the world.

Now granted people apparently didn't have much choice and when extremists come to power, they have to moderate their stance some. So I hope we will not see a round of discriminatory policies against minorities in the pretext of "getting rid of affirmative action" policies. Should we see a reversal of recent attempts to change the Indians attitudes toward rape and a return to "it's the woman's fault"?

The electorate had a pretty stark choice, actually. No choice is when every candidate says the same slogans and has the same position on issues. In this election, the difference was for everyone to see. Rest assured that the Indian population did not vote blindly, contrary to popular belief, which considers them country bumpkins who dont know whats good for them.

You dont know what you are talking about. Affirmative action and quotas in India make affirmative action in the US look like a joke. I wouldnt support a wholesale rollback of all affirmative action, however I will definitely support streamlining that shit. It would be ideal if the quotas or allocations could be based on social status and income, rather than the religion I follow or my caste. Furthermore, the rate of crime against women in Gujarat is 1.4%. In all of India, its 10.2%. Modi has also made safety of women a major issue of his poll pitch.

But I have one question. Is it true that this guy has never expressed regret over what happened back then?

He's called them unfortunate on one occasion, a blot on his term which he has to remedy in another. His direct quotes:

"I say the same thing. The communal riots in Gujarat were unfortunate and I am sad they took place." November 2002.

In Gujarat assembly, "Are we not supposed to soul search ourselves? Whether it is Godhra incident or post-Godhra, it does not enhance the prestige of any decent society. The riots are a stigma on humanity and do not help anyone to hold his head high. Then why is there a difference of opinion?" March 2002.

"Constitution of India is supreme for us. As a Chief Minister of the state, pain of anybody in the state is my pain. Delivering justice to everyone is the duty of the state." 2011.

Finally, read this post on his blog. For the lazy, some quotes:

"the mindless violence of 2002 had dealt us another unexpected blow. Innocents were killed. Families rendered helpless. Property built through years of toil destroyed"

"I was shaken to the core. ‘Grief’, ‘Sadness’, ‘Misery’, ‘Pain’, ‘Anguish’, ‘Agony’ – mere words could not capture the absolute emptiness one felt on witnessing such inhumanity."

"On one side was the pain of the victims of the earthquake, and on the other the pain of the victims of the riots. In decisively confronting this great turmoil, I had to single-mindedly focus all the strength given to me by the almighty, on the task of peace, justice and rehabilitation; burying the pain and agony I was personally wracked with."

"I often recollected the wisdom in our scriptures; explaining how those seating in positions of power did not have the right to share their own pain and anguish. They had to suffer it in solitude. I lived through the same, experiencing this anguish in searingly sharp intensity. In fact, whenever I remember those agonizing days, I have only one earnest prayer to God. That never again should such cruelly unfortunate days come in the lives of any other person, society, state or nation."

"However, as if all the suffering was not enough, I was also accused of the death and misery of my own loved ones, my Gujarati brothers and sisters. Can you imagine the inner turmoil and shock of being blamed for the very events that have shattered you!"

"Yesterday’s judgement culminated a process of unprecedented scrutiny closely monitored by the highest court of the land, the Honourable Supreme Court of India. Gujarat’s 12 years of trial by the fire have finally drawn to an end. I feel liberated and at peace."

"I am deeply convinced that the future of any society, state or country lies in harmony. This is the only foundation on which progress and prosperity can be built. Therefore, I urge one and all to join hands in working towards the same, ensuring smiles on each and every face."

He went on National TV on the days of the riots to plead for peace. He ordered preventive arrest of 827 people on the day of the riot itself, called the army the next day, called Congress Chief Ministers in his nearby states for help and they all refused, spent more than 200 crores on rehabilitation measures, relief camps, house building, arrested more than 35,000 people within 2 months, including almost 28,000 hindus. Also, Godhra might be the only riot where people have actually been brought to justice. 443 people have been convicted, including 332 Hindus and 111 Muslims. How many people have been convicted for the riots in 1984 under Congress watch?

If he has committed a mistake, he should be brought to trial, evidence against him should be presented and he should be given the death penalty. Apologizing does nothing. Congress apologized for 1984. Who gives a shit? Were the people responsible convicted? I'd rather the wrong doers be punished than go on TV, apologize without accepting any blame, and go on their merry way.

Also, people might not like to hear this: But small government, ultra capitalist policies do not work that well in third world countries.

How about smart government? Or is that too much of a pipe dream and no one should even try it?
As for the OP, it is hyprbole of the highest order. I dont expect Modi to bend over backwards to appease any minority, and I am extraordinarily happy about it.

absolutely agreed. the media repeatedly questioned him why he refused to wear the skull cap and his answer to them well was easy enough to understand that here's one indian politician who wont bend over backwards every 5 years to get a few extra votes.


For the self appointed foreign policy experts of GAF predicting heightened tensions based on some shitty alarmist article....

Anyway, I guess China and Pakistan are feeling pretty concerned right now.

Cold War scenarios again between Pakistan and India

The whole world should be concerned about this region. Vice did some good stuff on how nuclear war between Pakistan and India would destroy the world.

Pakistan PM to attend Indian inauguration, a first

Pakistan’s prime minister will attend the inauguration of India’s Prime Minister-designate Narendra Modi, a first for the nuclear-armed rivals, his spokesman said.

Pakistan and India have a history of uneasy relations and they have fought three wars over the Himalayan region of Kashmir since their independence from Britain in 1947. Saturday’s decision by could signal a further easing of tensions.

A statement from Nawaz Sharif’s office said the prime minister had been invited this week by New Delhi to attend the ceremony. Sharif already congratulated Modi over his Bharatiya Janata Party’s landslide victory in the elections that concluded last week.

State-run Pakistan Television said Sharif also would meet with the Indian president during his visit.
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