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Thirteen adult men and five boys arrested in gangrape of an 11 year old.

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Satyamdas said:
But they are only cries. And since our system of justice does not carry out immediate (or even delayed) executions, then what is the harm in voicing your outrage in the most plain way possible?

If you start hearing Supreme Court justices opining in GAF threads about how they want to see the perps fry, then we have something to worry about. Private citizens typing a few angry words of disgust at this type of story should not even be a blip on any rational person's radar.

I say I don't give a shit if you think it's fucked up. You are still dealing with nothing more than words. Harmless words that have been spewed due to an astonishingly depraved and very harmful act. Actions speak louder than words.

Have you ever noticed that these type of outburts from posters only occur in threads like this where the story is unbelievably heinous, and that their ire is directed squarely at people who have committed the most terrible acts possible??

If these same posters were going around recommending torture and rape as punishment for everyone who didn't like GTA4 as much as they did, or who doesn't like The Social Network, your point would hold more weight. As it is, you are rushing to the defense of pieces of shit who through their own actions have shown that they are not deserving of even the most basic common courtesies, and as such I honestly don't give a fuck what you think about posters who call for their blood.
The fact that you think we're actually defending the fuckers in the OP makes me think you're reading only every third word.

Oh, excuse me, you're such a rational man, one who defends those of privilege (every past thread) and cries of bloodlust.
Mechanical Snowman said:
Someone already brought this up but I think it's a disturbing point; how do 18 different people find common ground in the rape of a little girl?

18 people. If rapists and murderers are so anomalous among civilised society then what are the chances of that shit, it doesn't make sense to me.

Also there's no way an 11 yo can look anywhere near legal age, not that that redeems anyone of this crime.

I will follow this story because the whole thing is confusing as hell for me.

Rapists aren't as anomalous as you think because of our current culture. People will scoff but there really is a rape culture at work.


ZephyrFate said:
The fact that you think we're actually defending the fuckers in the OP makes me think you're reading only every third word.

Oh, excuse me, you're such a rational man, one who defends those of privilege (every past thread) and cries of bloodlust.
No one in this thread has demonstrated any willingness to exact vigilante justice. All you have are angry words expressing anger. Yet you are acting as if these words might somehow manifest into actual retribution against the perpetrators, and you are wagging your fucking finger as if to scold those who register their disgust. And for what? To protect the rights of this scum from being trampled on by an angry message board post?? :lol indeed.

faceless007 said:
Not that I care that much but

Originally Posted by Satyamdas:
you are rushing to the defense of pieces of shit

No they aren't. "You are bad" != "The people in the story are good."
Uh, you can defend something without believing that it is good. Clearly KO and Zephyr don't like seeing people wish harm upon the perpetrators, and they are trying to defend them from angry comments calling for vigilante justice. That doesn't mean they approve of their behavior, and I didn't imply that they do.
Satyamdas said:
No one in this thread has demonstrated any willingness to exact vigilante justice. All you have are angry words expressing anger. Yet you are acting as if these words might somehow manifest into actual retribution against the perpetrators, and you are wagging your fucking finger as if to scold those who register their disgust. And for what? To protect the rights of this scum from being trampled on by an angry message board post?? :lol indeed.

Uh, you can defend something without believing that it is good. Clearly KO and Zephyr don't like seeing people wish harm upon the perpetrators, and they are trying to defend them from angry comments calling for vigilante justice. That doesn't mean they approve of their behavior, and I didn't imply that they do.
I love how you are continuously implying that I don't wish harm upon these people; they will receive what is just and proper for them in our court system, and in prison.

Vigilante and/or mob justice is just fucking retarded.
Pristine_Condition said:
One of the suspects is named Devo?


I'm guessing whoever named him didn't know what the word "Devo" meant.

Huh...kinda prescient, if this suspect took part in this crime.

Or they just wanted something short for Devon. I go by dev or devo online.
Satyamdas said:
No one in this thread has demonstrated any willingness to exact vigilante justice. All you have are angry words expressing anger. Yet you are acting as if these words might somehow manifest into actual retribution against the perpetrators, and you are wagging your fucking finger as if to scold those who register their disgust. And for what? To protect the rights of this scum from being trampled on by an angry message board post?? :lol indeed.

Uh, you can defend something without believing that it is good. Clearly KO and Zephyr don't like seeing people wish harm upon the perpetrators, and they are trying to defend them from angry comments calling for vigilante justice. That doesn't mean they approve of their behavior, and I didn't imply that they do.
They aren't expressing the willingness to commit the acts, but they are condoning them.


Ignis Fatuus said:

Wtf at everyone blaming Texas for this? There are similiar stories that took place in other states and were posted about on gaf. Not to mention the recent story (posted on gaf) about those two lower than scum monsters that were involved in distributing a video involving sexual assault of the woman's OWN infant. That happened in California, but let's blame Texas since awful shit only goes down there.
I'm unsure if you people are being hyperbolic, or bombastic, but saying things like "They're animals" or "their monsters" only serves to diminish their crimes. It's almost childish and it annoys me. Humans are animals. But even animals have standards. Monsters don't exist.

In the end, the people responsible are unimaginably cruel and incredibly stupid. That they were foolish enough to video tape it is something of a blessing in disguise. There is no way they are getting out of their crimes.


Trucker Sexologist
xbhaskarx said:
""They have no proof of anything," said another man who said his cousin was in custody."

"when cell phone video recordings of the assault surfaced"

Two different cases. Confused me too.


Mortrialus said:
I'm unsure if you people are being hyperbolic, or bombastic, but saying things like "They're animals" or "their monsters" only serves to diminish their crimes. It's almost childish and it annoys me. Humans are animals. But even animals have standards. Monsters don't exist.
WTF? You are seriously having trouble deciphering the figurative usage of the term "monster" being used to describe people who gangraped an 11 year old? Not quite sure if it's hyperbole or bombast? These childish people might actually believe monsters exist?

Humans are animals. But even animals have standards.

So if these fucks are engaging in behavior that even animals can manage to avoid, and which the vast, vast, vast majority of humans can avoid, can you not see why people would describe them with a word which denotes neither human nor animal, such as "monster"?

The reason people call them animals or monsters is because what they did falls so far outside the realm of normal human behavior, and saying such labels "diminishes their crimes" is absurd.
Satyamdas said:
The reason people call them animals or monsters is because what they did falls so far outside the realm of normal human behavior, and saying such labels "diminishes their crimes" is absurd.
Look at it this way: a human is perfectly capable of abstaining from such behavior, and it takes a conscious decision to commit the crime. A monster or subhuman is held to lower standards, and is even expected to behave in such a way.

Also, you need to take a chill pill, broseph. Getting so angry over posts on the internet cannot be conducive to long term health.
It's almost like they justifying it's ok to rape and they honestly didn't know she was a middleschooler. Boys will be boys mentality my ass. They have it on video on a cellphone where they're easily identified. Raping a minor? They deserve the harshest punishment.


KO Traveling Hobo said:
Look at it this way: a human is perfectly capable of abstaining from such behavior, and it takes a conscious decision to commit the crime. A monster or subhuman is held to lower standards, and is even expected to behave in such a way.
Exactly, which is why the pejorative fits in cases like this.

Also, you need to take a chill pill, broseph. Getting so angry over posts on the internet cannot be conducive to long term health.
Nah son, I think you just need to lay off the armchair psychoanalysis. I'm not angry about this in the slightest. Don't let a few expletives and a willingness to engage on a subject be mistaken for anger.
InfiniteNine said:
Dude what the fuck? Are people seriously blaming the little girl? >:
It's called "slut-shaming." Thankfully this thread seems relatively empty of it, but if the girl were a few years older I think it'd be a different story.
MIMIC said:
I live in Cleveland and for a moment, I thought I recognized those names @_@
I find this part messed up. The story outright gives the full names of suspects in the case, some of whom are underage, and yet it 'protects' the name of the victim.

Regardless of your views on the crime, it still remains that in this country, a person is innocent until proven guilty. While there is a video of the crime, it only showed 5 men who had already been arrested. Even then, until convicted, their names should be protected as well.

What happened to that girl is wrong and the people responsible won't make it very long after convicted and sent to prison. I do not condone what happened. I just don't believe it's responsible of the press to be reporting the names of suspects in such a fashion.
The logistics are fucking with me. How the hell do you get THAT many people together at once to do this sort of thing?

This is just fucking terrifying if the facts are right.
Satyamdas said:
Exactly, which is why the pejorative fits in cases like this.
But consciously choosing to commit such a crime is so much worse than doing something that you have no control over. They knew what they were doing and the consequences of their actions.

And personally, I think that labeling and perceiving people as subhuman is just a bad habit in general.


Fuck, rarely does a news article send chills down my spine and piss me off at that same time but good lord that's disturbing and downright barbaric. Finding it really hard to find a shred of kind feelings for any of these guys...........


There is outrage and there is anger -- but much of it is being directed at the victim. "People have a tendency to say, 'Boys will be boys.' That is a common mentality now,"
Really? Who the hell says that about the gang rape of an 11-year-old?
I'm calling bullshit. There's no way that's a common mentality.
I have no understanding how someone could blame the damn girl in this situation.

Satyamdas said:
The reason people call them animals or monsters is because what they did falls so far outside the realm of normal human behavior, and saying such labels "diminishes their crimes" is absurd.

"Outside the realm of acceptable human behavior," certainly. Gang rapes are more common than we would like to believe, though.


you can't put a price on sparks
Night_Trekker said:
I have no understanding how someone could blame the damn girl in this situation.

well that one cop in canada woulda said something like "maybe she shouldnt have dressed the way she did" right?

as terrible as this sounds, i'm sure it happens a lot more than we actually realize. at least these fuckers were caught.


Night_Trekker said:
"Outside the realm of acceptable human behavior," certainly. Gang rapes are more common than we would like to believe, though.
They are still not so common as to be considered "normal" human behavior. Not by any stretch of the imagination.
KO Traveling Hobo said:
Look at it this way: a human is perfectly capable of abstaining from such behavior, and it takes a conscious decision to commit the crime. A monster or subhuman is held to lower standards, and is even expected to behave in such a way.

Also, you need to take a chill pill, broseph. Getting so angry over posts on the internet cannot be conducive to long term health.

That is exactly my point.

And yes, a healthy person is perfectly capable of abstaining from abhorrent behavior like this. But it doesn't take as much as you think to make otherwise normal healthy people commit abominations. Do you want me to start throwing history at you?

Also, I'm not angry in anyway. How did you even come to that conclusion? I criticized the use of rhetoric going on, but I'm not mad at anyone here.

Satyamdas said:
Exactly, which is why the pejorative fits in cases like this.

No, not exactly. In fact, that demonstrates my point. These people were not held to lower standards. They are not "monsters". They were not expected to behave this way. They are people who failed to meet the standards of our society, not 'boogeyman's'. Calling them monsters means they were never expected to be healthy members of society in the first place, which is just a stupid thing to say.
Satyamdas said:
They are still not so common as to be considered "normal" human behavior. Not by any stretch of the imagination.

No, but neither is murder, and I firmly believe every person on the planet has the capacity to commit murder.

But your point is well made. I don't think everyone has the capacity for gangrape, even if this kind of brutality is more common than we would like it to be (and I do think that says something important and disturbing about human nature). That's what I was trying to get at, awkwardly, in the other post.


Still Alive
Satyamdas said:
They are still not so common as to be considered "normal" human behavior. Not by any stretch of the imagination.
There is no 'normal' human behavior. Your behavior is detriment on the environment you live in. Surely gang rap was non-existent in the days of early agrarian societies.

What they did was shit, but people should never forget the fact that these guys weren't born with the destined goal of gang raping this child..
"People have a tendency to say, 'Boys will be boys.' That is a common mentality now," Dr. Walter E. Afield, a nationally known mental health expert, told AOL News. "But rape can be just bad as murder, and if they had killed an 11-year-old people would be outraged."

Wow. 'Boys will be boys' eh?

Who on earth says that in gang rape cases!?

That is apart from when the people are Australian Rugby League stars.


statham said:
send them to an island and let them rot in hell. parachute them down. out in nowhere with no food or anything. many days from reaching society. radar watches implanted chip in brain if any ones figures a way to leave. what ever chaos happens happens. we don't report none of it.

sounds like battle royale. put down the pipe.

edit: it said the video had been passed around - anyone in possession of the video should also be on trial, just obviously for lesser charges. the victim is 11yrs old which equals possession of child pornography. hopefully their throats are all promptly slit.


KO Traveling Hobo said:
But consciously choosing to commit such a crime is so much worse than doing something that you have no control over. They knew what they were doing and the consequences of their actions.
The level of extreme detachment from basic human decency which enables a person to do something this terrible is exactly why many peoples' first reaction is to say something like "OMG what a sick and twisted creature, what you have done is inhumane".

The average human has no desire to rape or torment fellow human beings. Therefore one who does have that capacity within them must be something "else". This is strictly a gut-level emotional reaction, because no one will dispute that the attackers are factually human beings.

One of the main functions of the mind is to categorize stimuli, and in the case of something like this, the mind immediately rejects the idea that "the kind of person who could do this is similar to me", and instead searches for a description of some more evil, objectively "lower" form of life to describe them as, thereby distancing themselves from the wretched beings in question.

You have to keep in mind that people responding immediately after reading something like this are not in a mode of intellectual contemplation, they are in a mode of emotional revulsion, and are simply trying to register the degree to which they find the actions abhorrent.

KO Traveling Hobo said:
And personally, I think that labeling and perceiving people as subhuman is just a bad habit in general.
I agree, if a person is willing to throw those kinds of terms around willy nilly at any little thing or if they are apt to using that term to apply to groups of people, that is probably an indication of an overly judgmental and possibly dangerous mentality.

In cases like this which are on the extreme end of the depravity scale, I don't really have a problem with it.

Night_Trekker said:
No, but neither is murder, and I firmly believe every person on the planet has the capacity to commit murder.

But your point is well made. I don't think everyone has the capacity for gangrape, even if this kind of brutality is more common than we would like it to be (and I do think that says something important and disturbing about human nature). That's what I was trying to get at, awkwardly, in the other post.
I don't even think we all have the capacity to commit murder, unless you would consider lethal self-defense murder. Having the physical ability to do something and having the moral desire or willingness to do it are completely different, and I would wager that a sizable portion of the population could never bring themselves to murder in cold blood.

Totally agree that this kind of shit happens far too often. Especially considering that while we hear of stories like this in the news none of us hears them all, and that is of course not counting the times where it happens and is never reported. Shit really bums me out. :(

Sentry said:
There is no 'normal' human behavior. Your behavior is detriment on the environment you live in. Surely gang rap was non-existent in the days of early agrarian societies.
I assume you meant "your behavior is 'determined' by your environment"?

While I agree there is no strict "normal" human behavior, I was using the term to mean "commonplace" or "typical". There are too many of us and too many various things that various cultures do to say that there is some "normal" mold which applies to everyone. But the fact is that humans who rape and kill are in the extreme minority, and in no way can be considered an example of "typical" or "normal" human behavior, which does exist. It is not hard to recognize common behaviors across different cultures and societies, and those commonalities can be called the "norm". That classification makes no value judgment one usually associates with the word "normal", it is mere observation.

There are regions of the world where rapes like this happen exponentially more often, and even considering them within the global population, gangrape cannot be considered "normal" human behavior. It is terrible, and it happens far more frequently than it should (it should never fucking happen), but that still doesn't mean that it is not an abnormal occurrence.

Sentry said:
What they did was shit, but people should never forget the fact that these guys weren't born with the destined goal of gang raping this child..
Well on one hand you are saying environment determines behavior, and on the other you say they didn't have a predestined goal laid out. If one's environment does determine behavior, that would mean that this goal was at least partially laid out for them.

I tend to agree with you though, that when it comes to nature vs. nurture in cases like this, I lean pretty heavily towards nurture being the dominant factor. Nature gives us all the physical abilities to do horrific things, but I think the capacity to do them is forged largely by cultural influences. If everyone you know and interact with is of the opinion that women are objects for male pleasure and that raping or assaulting them is no big deal at all, then you are probably more likely to engage in that behavior than if you were taught by everyone you know that the opposite is true, that such actions are unequivocally wrong, detestable, and unacceptable.
kiunchbb said:
WTF? How the hell a 11 years old can pretend to be 18+?
Pretty easy if they look old. On a rare ocassion, young people can look quiet old.

My god-brother was getting carded at 11 for youth movie ticket prices because nobody believed he was 11.

and I already told the story about the 12 year old girl I knew who as pulling grown men. She looked 19, at the very youngest.


Everything is tsundere to me
The Skater said:
Electric chair. Needs to happen yesterday.
Why kill them when they're clearly going to be raped in prison? I'll hold my tongue on my opinion of prison rape, but it's what's going to happen. Better that than the death penalty as far as I'm concerned.
Satyamdas said:
The average human has no desire to rape or torment fellow human beings. Therefore one who does have that capacity within them must be something "else". This is strictly a gut-level emotional reaction, because no one will dispute that the attackers are factually human beings.

Perhaps, but you will be surprised how far most people will go when the right psychological buttons are pushed, particularly with authority figures. Do I need to remind you of the Milgram Experiment and the Stanford Prison Experiment .

I don't even think we all have the capacity to commit murder, unless you would consider lethal self-defense murder. Having the physical ability to do something and having the moral desire or willingness to do it are completely different, and I would wager that a sizable portion of the population could never bring themselves to murder in cold blood.

Cold blood? Perhaps not. But if the Milgram Experiment is anything to go by, about 60 percent of people can be expected to do kill another under the command of authority figures.

I assume you meant "your behavior is 'determined' by your environment"?

While I agree there is no strict "normal" human behavior, I was using the term to mean "commonplace" or "typical".

With human behavior and psychology, there is always going to be some levels of variation in every one, and collectively in almost every factor. That is how biology works and psychology as well. There are social norms, but I think its better to refer to things as natural verses socially acceptable. Abominable behavior like gang rape is a minority likely because the society as a whole as deemed it unacceptable. Humans are a hierarchical species. We are biologically disposed to following authority and I think you gravely underestimate how easily people can go when under the influence of an authority figure, which is, unfortunately, natural and frighteningly common.


Neo Member
LyleLanley said:
What the fuck kind of idiot logic is this? Why does it matter that she was pretending to be older(aren't all kids like this by the way)? And what difference does it make that she was wandering around late at night? Is rape okay after a certain time?
was she asking about the parents? Cause if so, yes the parents are surely to blame as it's their responsibility since the victim is a minor.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
The Fuck?!

Only KENS 5's sister station, KHOU News 11, was in Cleveland on Wednesday when angry family members gathered outside the police department to complain about the arrests.

One woman, who said her nephew was among those arrested, said the community has been torn apart by the case.

"It's upsetting everybody," said the woman, who didn't want her name used. "It ain't nobody in this community not upset behind this. It's pitiful."

"They have no proof of anything," said another man who said his cousin was in custody.



"It ain't nobody in this community not upset behind this. It's pitiful."

What? Are they upset or not? Are there native English speakers who talk like that? It doesn't make sense at all.


I wouldn't mind the subhuman monster name-calling so much if it didn't encourage ridiculous hyperbole and calls for mob justice. Not that posting shit on a message board is going to make a difference, but it's hard to tell who's serious and I dislike reading bad opinions either way.

Router said:
The Fuck?!

They can't and won't believe their loved ones could have committed an act like this. It's not hard to figure out.


This story... from the incident, to the police handling, to the public response... is all kinds of fucked up. WTF?!


The community and families of the rapists bother me more than the rapists themselves.

tiff said:
They can't and won't believe their loved ones could have committed an act like this. It's not hard to figure out.
It is hard to figure out. You see these cretins all the time on the news and I never understand them. If they genuinely didn't know that their kids / friends / guys down the road were scum then they're as thick as pig shit.
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