KO Traveling Hobo said:
But consciously choosing to commit such a crime is so much worse than doing something that you have no control over. They knew what they were doing and the consequences of their actions.
The level of extreme detachment from basic human decency which enables a person to do something this terrible is exactly why many peoples' first reaction is to say something like "OMG what a sick and twisted creature, what you have done is inhumane".
The average human has no desire to rape or torment fellow human beings. Therefore one who
does have that capacity within them must be something "else". This is strictly a gut-level emotional reaction, because no one will dispute that the attackers are factually human beings.
One of the main functions of the mind is to categorize stimuli, and in the case of something like this, the mind immediately rejects the idea that "the kind of person who could do this is similar to me", and instead searches for a description of some more evil, objectively "lower" form of life to describe them as, thereby distancing themselves from the wretched beings in question.
You have to keep in mind that people responding immediately after reading something like this are not in a mode of intellectual contemplation, they are in a mode of emotional revulsion, and are simply trying to register the degree to which they find the actions abhorrent.
KO Traveling Hobo said:
And personally, I think that labeling and perceiving people as subhuman is just a bad habit in general.
I agree, if a person is willing to throw those kinds of terms around willy nilly at any little thing or if they are apt to using that term to apply to groups of people, that is probably an indication of an overly judgmental and possibly dangerous mentality.
In cases like this which are on the extreme end of the depravity scale, I don't really have a problem with it.
Night_Trekker said:
No, but neither is murder, and I firmly believe every person on the planet has the capacity to commit murder.
But your point is well made. I don't think everyone has the capacity for gangrape, even if this kind of brutality is more common than we would like it to be (and I do think that says something important and disturbing about human nature). That's what I was trying to get at, awkwardly, in the other post.
I don't even think we all have the capacity to commit murder, unless you would consider lethal self-defense murder. Having the physical ability to do something and having the moral desire or willingness to do it are completely different, and I would wager that a sizable portion of the population could never bring themselves to murder in cold blood.
Totally agree that this kind of shit happens far too often. Especially considering that while we hear of stories like this in the news none of us hears them all, and that is of course not counting the times where it happens and is never reported. Shit really bums me out.
Sentry said:
There is no 'normal' human behavior. Your behavior is detriment on the environment you live in. Surely gang rap was non-existent in the days of early agrarian societies.
I assume you meant "your behavior is 'determined' by your environment"?
While I agree there is no strict "normal" human behavior, I was using the term to mean "commonplace" or "typical". There are too many of us and too many various things that various cultures do to say that there is some "normal" mold which applies to everyone. But the fact is that humans who rape and kill are in the extreme minority, and in no way can be considered an example of "typical" or "normal" human behavior, which does exist. It is not hard to recognize common behaviors across different cultures and societies, and those commonalities can be called the "norm". That classification makes no value judgment one usually associates with the word "normal", it is mere observation.
There are regions of the world where rapes like this happen exponentially more often, and even considering them within the global population, gangrape cannot be considered "normal" human behavior. It is terrible, and it happens far more frequently than it should (it should never fucking happen), but that still doesn't mean that it is not an abnormal occurrence.
Sentry said:
What they did was shit, but people should never forget the fact that these guys weren't born with the destined goal of gang raping this child..
Well on one hand you are saying environment determines behavior, and on the other you say they didn't have a predestined goal laid out. If one's environment does determine behavior, that would mean that this goal was at least partially laid out for them.
I tend to agree with you though, that when it comes to nature vs. nurture in cases like this, I lean pretty heavily towards nurture being the dominant factor. Nature gives us all the physical abilities to do horrific things, but I think the capacity to do them is forged largely by cultural influences. If everyone you know and interact with is of the opinion that women are objects for male pleasure and that raping or assaulting them is no big deal at all, then you are probably more likely to engage in that behavior than if you were taught by everyone you know that the opposite is true, that such actions are unequivocally wrong, detestable, and unacceptable.