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Thirteen adult men and five boys arrested in gangrape of an 11 year old.

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Also the craving for sexual conquest is ubiquitous among men of any race or social status. To pin all the blame on ghetto culture is pretty unfair and comes off as a little racist.
tiff said:
Also the craving for sexual conquest is ubiquitous among men of any race or social status. To pin all the blame on ghetto culture is pretty unfair and comes off as a little racist.

Yeah I know it's like people don't understand a simple thing.

Just because you happen to I guess "be something" (rich, poor, murderer, etc) does not mean that you "are something" (IE rich: physically and mentally healthy, law abiding citizen etc).


Shanadeus said:
I'm very aware of the historical origin of the word ghetto but I can't see it's relevance here..

You asked what this had to do with race. The word ghetto is inherently racial. For someone who claims to be very aware of the meaning of the word, you've used it wrongly throughout this thread.


tiff said:
Having talked to actual, real life, impoverished black people before, I can confirm that not all of them want to be pimps and gangbangers, yes.
Again, never brought up the ethnicity of those in the "hoods". And while I might as well accept your anectdote it doesn't exactly contradict my guess.
Since you seem to have contacts in the ghettos then you might perhaps ask yourself if it's possible that a large part of the youths there model themselves after the people who talk about bling, hoes and shooting people.

Sure, they might want to be rich, have hoes and shoot people because they live in poor areas. Which is why I suggeted that a comparative study be done between an area exposed to a lot of BET and Ghetto-culture media and another area, with similar factors in terms of poverty and literacy, which isn't exposed to the glorification of living like a "gangstah".


SmokyDave said:
I think you're looking at this in far too simplistic a manner. It's not as if someone is going to listen to a track, flick the iPod off and then immediately go out and get their rape on. It's more the cumulative effect of hearing the same pervasive messages over and over again, propagated by people considered as role-models.

Would you consider things like 'advertising' and 'propaganda' to be utterly ineffective?

Do you think it is possible that people can have their views shaped by the people around them and people they consider as 'role-models'?

I don't think we'll ever 'know' the effects of different media on different people for sure, but I think it would be foolish to dismiss the possibility out of hand. Marketing departments exist for a reason.
I appresiate your opinion but until there is a study showing other wise, media doesn't cause mentally healthy individuals to be violent.
bengraven said:


Why are 13 men so desperate that they gang together to rape a little girl? I hate to say this, but can't some of them find women to consensually fuck them, even if for money? I suppose if they raped anyone older, they would be worried that person would turn them in.

We no longer live in a world where rape is an act of warfare or necessary for brutish copulation.

Why are there 13 people so fucking crazy that end up meeting up with each other?

I hate this planet. I hate this country. Fuck the planet. We deserve a meteor.
The studies coming out of South Africa indicate that it's a perverted form of male bonding/initiation. The younger guys were likely pushed into by the older ones to prove their "manliness" or to lose their virginity. It's also used as a way of "punishing" alluring females who reject sexual advances or for "correcting" homosexual behavior.

All of it is reprehensible, but there is definitely a socializing aspect behind it that explains why mobs of people go along with it, not unlike public lynching.

Edit: for all the talk of affluence and media, aren't college campuses the most likely place for women to be raped? Something like 20% of women on campuses around the country are raped, I doubt the gang-rape stats are that bad in the worst cities in America.


besada said:
You asked what this had to do with race. The word ghetto is inherently racial. For someone who claims to be very aware of the meaning of the word, you've used it wrongly throughout this thread.
That is possible, I've throughout this thread meant it being an overcrowded urban area in which rap culture is at large and where a large significance of the population listen to BET.

Can't think of a better term than "ghetto" for that.


Londa said:
I appresiate your opinion but until there is a study showing other wise, media doesn't cause mentally healthy individuals to be violent.
It's a little disheartening that you must see a study before you can even open your mind to the possibility. It's doubly disheartening when I can produce one for you...


And you can probably refute it with a ten second Google search and a conflicting study. I guess we'll have to call it a day. Oh well, back to dog-piling Shanadeus for saying the same thing I am but in a far clumsier manner.


Shanadeus said:
That is possible, I've throughout this thread meant it being an overcrowded urban area in which rap culture is at large and where a large significance of the population listen to BET.

By that definition, the entirety of New York is a ghetto. Ghettos are sections of cities where one predominate race lives, usually because they've been forced there via legal or financial means. Poverty and overcrowding are certainly implied in the word ghetto, as most ghettos have been poor and overcrowded, but the word is inherently racial.

In America, in particular, when you say ghetto, you're discussing the American black ghettos. Yes, some white (hispanic, asian, etc.) people live in the American black ghettos, but they are predominantly black (which is why they're ghettos) and making sweeping generalizations about the habits of people who live in American ghettos is going to lead you into making sweeping generalizations about black people, their primary residents.

None of which has anything to do with this discussion, because Cleveland, Texas isn't any kind of ghetto, as I already pointed out.

(And seriously, how do you think inclusion of BET as a criteria for ghetto makes your commentary non-racial? You know that B stands for Black, right?)


SmokyDave said:
It's a little disheartening that you must see a study before you can even open your mind to the possibility. It's doubly disheartening when I can produce one for you...


And you can probably refute it with a ten second Google search and a conflicting study. I guess we'll have to call it a day. Oh well, back to dog-piling Shanadeus for saying the same thing I am but in a far clumsier manner.
Thanks, but that study only shows that they are desensitized to violent images. The other test used a game. Everyone likes to do the most flashiest actions in games. This does not show that they would carry out a violent act in real life.

I also don't see anywhere where they test their mental health.


B.K. said:
It's not bloodlust. It's justice. Animals deserve to be treated like animals.
But what would the portion of GAF who believe animals should be treated like people have to say about this? If you are going to kill these people like you would kill an, oh I don't know, an owl, how would you kill them? Since owls are put on a pedestal and treated like (or better than) infant children and all.


The gang rape was horrible enough. Then I readed about the fucking idiots justifying the acts of their sons because "she asked for it". Sterilize them all and put their children into goverment custody. They are clearly unable to educate anyone,and their shitty parenting and gene pool endagers our society.


Put them on trial. Prove which of the lot are guilty. Sentence them to the most vile ass-rape facility known to mankind, wherever that might be. Then fine each one's family for the money it takes to house and feed the person they raised, defended, and taunted their victim for.
Shanadeus said:
That is possible, I've throughout this thread meant it being an overcrowded urban area in which rap culture is at large and where a large significance of the population listen to BET.

Can't think of a better term than "ghetto" for that.

Shanadeus - please don't take this the wrong way - I can't tell if you're just a misanthrope by nature, a very clever troll, or just extremely naive, but your philosophy on life is unique to say the least. Your ability to post something that outrages a large number of people in nearly every thread is just staggering. To answer your question, rape is obviously older than rap music. Rape per capita has gone down over the last three decades, the entire existence of known gangsta rap.

Sexual assault is not an uncommon occurrence, even amongst the affluent.

And race has little to do with it in the US, for anyone who would suggest otherwise. Black women are for the most part raped by black men, and white women are for the most part raped by white men:

Wiki said:
There were 194,270 white and 17,920 black victims of rape or sexual assault reported in 2006. Out of the 194,270 cases involving white victims, 50.6% had white offenders and 16.7% had black offenders, while the 36,620 black victims had a figure of 43% black offenders, the remaining being of other or unreported race, with a negligible number of white offenders.

pieces of worthless shit. but they'll get whats coming to them.. and those people daring to blame the victin are astonishingly stupid and fucked up.

btw whats up with so many people thinking rape is nothing nowadays..? even here on GAF, just yesterday i saw two random users sporting avatars of a rapper that belongs to a group that literally raps about raping girls ("Tyler the Creator"..) so fucking sad and i simply cannot understand at all..


astroturfing said:
pieces of worthless shit. but they'll get whats coming to them.. and those people daring to blame the victin are astonishingly stupid and fucked up.

btw whats up with so many people thinking rape is nothing nowadays..? even here on GAF, just yesterday i saw two random users sporting avatars of a rapper that belongs to a group that literally raps about raping girls ("Tyler the Creator"..) so fucking sad and i simply cannot understand at all..
Rape culture, which spread is aided by rappers such as the one you just brought up.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Sho_Nuff82 said:
Shanadeus - please don't take this the wrong way - I can't tell if you're just a misanthrope by nature, a very clever troll, or just extremely naive

my money's on troll


Most you you here are lucky. I live near Houston and get to watch this play out on every news broadcast.

So far the 'best' bit was one of the mother's on TV saying how the victim always acted like she was older and tricked the 20+ guys into having sex with her in that abandoned trailer home. It will be interesting as they always report that multiple cellphone videos were taken during everything.

I haven't seen anything on here (yet) of another news story here in Houston where a single 22yr old woman ran a 24/7 daycare out of her house without any employees. She left the stove on and went to the store while her house was filled with kids (20 months - a few years old) and 4 kids died from the fire. The lady then fled to Africa.

Houston. Texas. What a great place to live :-/


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
With each passing day, the idea of becoming an old hermit who lives out in the woods, completely separated from the rest of humanity grows stronger and stronger.


Shanadeus said:
That is possible, I've throughout this thread meant it being an overcrowded urban area in which rap culture is at large and where a large significance of the population listen to BET.
...You don't listen to BET. It's a television network.


Sir Fragula said:
Getting away from the usual pathetic GAF bloodlust... Is it really acceptable to post the names of rape suspects prior to their conviction in a court of law?
Absolutely, in fact pretty much any arrest or case is public record in every state. State/county websites contain all of this information. If you've ever been arrested, its documented and your coworkers have probably already read about you.

Public record.


Used-ID said:
Most you you here are lucky. I live near Houston and get to watch this play out on every news broadcast.

So far the 'best' bit was one of the mother's on TV saying how the victim always acted like she was older and tricked the 20+ guys into having sex with her in that abandoned trailer home. It will be interesting as they always report that multiple cellphone videos were taken during everything.

I haven't seen anything on here (yet) of another news story here in Houston where a single 22yr old woman ran a 24/7 daycare out of her house without any employees. She left the stove on and went to the store while her house was filled with kids (20 months - a few years old) and 4 kids died from the fire. The lady then fled to Africa.

Houston. Texas. What a great place to live :-/

Houston isnt that bad 24/7 though. There are dumb people everywhere...and dont most large city news broadcasts focus on the death/destruction/crime of the day?


So heres the thing, does the rap culture influence the rape culture or is it in fact so that there already was a rapeculture and that it just influenced the rap culture?

Looking at statistics, blacks are grossly overrepresented even if you take socioeconomic factors into count. What does this mean?
There is all kinds of answers, some are more controversial than others.


According to a study of race and the victims of rape(the latest one I could get from BJS) it basically says that in 2007, 7.6% of all the raped white victims had a black offender, and of all the raped black victims 0.0% of the offenders were white.

This is the same for 2005 and 2006(the percentage was much higher for black-on-white rape, about 16-17%).


So is this to be considered hatecrimes?


Neo Member
SmokyDave said:
I think you're looking at this in far too simplistic a manner. It's not as if someone is going to listen to a track, flick the iPod off and then immediately go out and get their rape on. It's more the cumulative effect of hearing the same pervasive messages over and over again, propagated by people considered as role-models.

Would you consider things like 'advertising' and 'propaganda' to be utterly ineffective?

Do you think it is possible that people can have their views shaped by the people around them and people they consider as 'role-models'?

I don't think we'll ever 'know' the effects of different media on different people for sure, but I think it would be foolish to dismiss the possibility out of hand. Marketing departments exist for a reason.

it could be a little of both.

the Charles Manson murders were said to be inspired by tracks from the Beatles, that after played over numerous times foretell an upcoming racewar.


Fuck the family members that defend the suspects and try to make excuses. Just hang your heads in shame away from the media and regret the decision you originally made to reproduce because you obviously didn't know how to raise the animals.


The people trying to justify the act with things like "she acts older than she is" or "she shouldn't be out by herself" are more upsetting than the act itself.

Why is it that a girl's body is not her own in those situations?

The whole thing is really depressing.


alphaNoid said:
Absolutely, in fact pretty much any arrest or case is public record in every state. State/county websites contain all of this information. If you've ever been arrested, its documented and your coworkers have probably already read about you.

Public record.
Well, that answer deals with how things *are* (in America). It doesn't really touch on whether it's acceptable or right or not.

With rape especially, there are far too many instances of wrongful arrest where innocent people have their lives destroyed because the shadow of suspicion forever hangs over them... that I think their names should be kept secret until they've been convicted at the very least.


geebee said:
Fuck the family members that defend the suspects and try to make excuses. Just hang your heads in shame away from the media and regret the decision you originally made to reproduce because you obviously didn't know how to raise the animals.

The situation sucks all the way around, but the same happens when people come from "good homes" with no problems whatsoever, yet still end up doing something completely crazy. The parents and relatives are completely clueless as to how or why it happened.
Sir Fragula said:
Well, that answer deals with how things *are* (in America). It doesn't really touch on whether it's acceptable or right or not.

With rape especially, there are far too many instances of wrongful arrest where innocent people have their lives destroyed because the shadow of suspicion forever hangs over them... that I think their names should be kept secret until they've been convicted at the very least.

Yep, good old common sense. Unfortunately, the law trumps it every time. The problem also lies within the media - they love to throw accusations about - but also know that reporting about people being eliminated from enquiries doesn't sell sh*t.
I'm surprised so many people are surprised about people blaming the victim. This is a tradition that goes back since the beginning of human history. Look at sharia law in Muslim societies, the movie The Magdalene Sisters and Irish Catholocism...
The idiots who are saying it's because of ghetto or rap culture should look into the times where these things did not even exist....because rape did, maybe even more so than before these cultures existed.
F@mous said:
Lol how? What rap song talks about raping people?

As a rap fan, plenty. Does that mean it causes rape? absolutely not and it is foolish to think so. That's like saying action movies where people get killed inspire murder irl.
Lionheart1337 said:
As a rap fan, plenty. Does that mean it causes rape? absolutely not and it is foolish to think so. That's like saying action movies where people get killed inspire murder irl.

It reinforces the attitudes that make men/boys think that consent is some joke and that women are nothing but fuckholes.
The root cause is, and always has been, the objectification of women. Treating them like a piece of disposable property, claiming ownership, judging on beauty, using them as tools for financial advancement, etc.

As a society we are supposedly enlightened - but if you look around any culture you can still see it everywhere. It's just another dark part of human nature that we can't shut out.

Music that reduces women to a pair of t*ts is just a tiny part of it. It helps keep the fire burning. It is normally the music of young males. Factor in the pack mentality (seen in your local Frat) and it doesn't paint a pretty picture of us.
Lionheart1337 said:
And without data to support that, you are cherry picking.

No I'm not. You seriously need data when its common sense that prevailing attitudes towards women, especially in rap, are misogynistic?
Sir Fragula said:
Well, that answer deals with how things *are* (in America). It doesn't really touch on whether it's acceptable or right or not.

With rape especially, there are far too many instances of wrongful arrest where innocent people have their lives destroyed because the shadow of suspicion forever hangs over them... that I think their names should be kept secret until they've been convicted at the very least.

I'm going to go out on a limb and state that the number of unreported or unprosecuted rapes far, far outweighs the number of false accusations. Being indicted (not merely arrested) for a crime should always remain a part of public record.

Devolution is correct: a large portion of hip hop music in general is disrespectful to women and objectifies them as sex objects. It also promotes a definition of masculinity defined by sexual prowess/promiscuity, and opulent spending. But I truly believe that the music is reflective of the rape culture pervasive in America, not responsible for it. I'd really love to have someone sit down and interview these guys after the trial (make no mistake, they're all going to jail for a very long time) and ask them why they did it and how they felt about it. I think you'd find a widely varying mix of remorse, peer pressure, sexual excitement, and utter contempt for the victim amongst the group.

From the South African study on gang rapes:


msnbc said:
"Rape is an expression of male sexual entitlement," said Rachel Jewkes, chief researcher for the survey conducted by the government-funded Medical Research Foundation. "South Africa is an immensely patriarchal society. The history of the country has shaped the dominant forms of South Africa's racially defined masculinities."

msnbc said:
For Rebombo, rape was a means to prove his manhood.
As a teen, he said he was cruelly taunted because he was not circumcised.
Circumcision is considered a rite of passage in some tribes — but his father had almost died as a result of the unsanitary and brutal procedure, and swore his son would not be abused that way.
So Rebombo was subjected to daily, constant jeering.
"I was viewed as not man enough," said the large, soft-spoken man.
Peer pressure involving girls
Other boys pressured Rebombo to "teach a lesson" to one teenage girl who did not want to go out with them. He resisted at first, fearful of his religious parents and their good standing in the community. Then he relented.

On that Saturday, Rebombo was plied with beer and marijuana to overcome his nerves. "I had difficulty breathing," he said. "I had never had sex before. I was terrified."
The girl was brought to a field and Rebombo and another boy were left with her, he said.
The other boy "started raping her. She fought him. I was just there, dizzy with all the stuff. He just stood up and said: 'Your turn.' I was there on top of her," he said.

Afterward, "she just ran home."

It's passed down from generation to generation. The older guys in this case were probably similarly sexually initiated when they were younger. Though traumatic, rather than rejecting those that pushed them into it, they normalize their behavior by repeating it to another generation of teens when they get older. This cycle allows them to reconcile the actions in their minds because "hey, everybody does it."
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