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This week, on The OT

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StrikerObi said:
We've been leading you on this whole time. This thread is actually an intervention!

Drama, Ratings, +1

I've admitted I have a problem, now let's celebrate with VODKA :D
BuddyChirst and Agent Dormer need to hurry up and get home from work. Ratings are dropping!

Edit: Also I'm going out to Taco Bell. I'll be back in a bit but for the time I've got to think outside the bun.

*cue Taco Bell commercial*


It turns out I raped a rock! OUCH

BuddyC makes the ladies tune in, I say me and Agent Dormer make sweet love to boost ratings, LIVE ON AIR.


i might as well make an appearance in the thread +1 post count, and thanks to anyone who liked the chickmin pic


StrikerObi said:
You bastard! How could you cheat on me with that.... that animal!


Who wouldn't?
StrikerObi said:
You bastard! How could you cheat on me with that.... that animal!

I'm sorry I wash drunk, I didn't know what I was doing and he looked at me with those puppy dog eyes.

Suerte said:
What are our new roles?!

Mr. Ping is the chief, who has an addiction to fabragie eggs
mightynine is cop #1, who is a total klutz
Suerte is cop #2 who is secretly gay but can't let anyone know or else he'll be fired
BuddyChrist is the pet monkey sidekick
Agent Dormer is the nafarious villian
StrikerObi said:
Mr. Ping is cop #1, who has an addiction to fabragie eggs
Suerte is cop #2 who is secretly gay but can't let anyone know or else he'll be fired
BuddyChrist is the pet monkey sidekick
Agent Dormer is the nafarious villian

ahh even better
ok righteo

Ok guys We got a Asian smuggling ring smuggling WOMANS USED PANTIES! I want you guys to get on the case.... and bring me back an egg!
Suerte said:
Man this isn't gonna work till the other actors get their lazy asses over here! I CANT DO A ONE MAN SHOW!

Yeah, these stupid bum actors. Let's just sit around and bitch until they show up.


StrikerObi said:
Yeah, these stupid bum actors. Let's just sit around and bitch until they show up.

I hear Agent Dormer is gay you know..

NEWS JUST IN - gayming age completes the 25th member mark!


friend: Dude what are u watchin?
me: I dunno man some crazy ass show man...
friend: is it good? whats it about?
me: i dunno man, its like this really crazy shit, and they are always doing something diffrent, it got this gay dude who wants to sleep with everyone, and dude this one guy fucked a dog, i dunno man this is like the best tv show ever.
friend: wanna get stoned?
me: fuck yea.
evil solrac v3.0 said:
im pretty sure my agent has placed a call. i wanna audition for the villain role....

We've got an opening for the villian's sidekick who's obviously smarter than the villian and should be in charge. It's yours.

Also, the clarify the nefarious villian character is to be played like the stereotypical James Bond villian.
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