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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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El Odio

I actually saw something labeled "Conservative Logic" for once today:
Posthumous quotes. That's new.

I'm not really sure what point they're trying to make though.

The three are making race relations worse by complaining about whites killing blacks, but not blacks killings whites or other blacks.


Another Republican who doesn't know how Internet memes work.
In Jr. High in 1970's West Virginia, we were taught shooting with BB guns in Gym. The first day of hunting season was a holiday.

Our college had the first day of hunting season off (rifle/shotgun for deer), which was the Monday after Thanksgiving. Still really fucking weird...
This is a friend of a friend. I don't believe he's an actual right-winger, but I simply could not believe this shit he wrote about Kim Davis on Facebook:

Hey the law is the law. But you can't say she is wrong for thinking that way, especially having such a deep religious background. A man was beheaded for being gay in Africa last week. It's not as simple as its the law, now fully accept. Yes, we must obey laws and put beliefs aside as she should have. But you can't get mad at people for opposing homosexuality. Not everyone understands it. We have to ease it to it and let people adjust, not BAM, take it. It goes for everything in life- 2 way street. But I agree, if she did not comply, she should be held accountable. But jail? One wishing jail on her for her belief is the same as her refusing to serve homosexuality.

Yeah, "ease into" civil rights to accommodate the stupid, white trash who doesn't "understand" homosexuality. A 2-way street. Gays get the right to legally married, but that means those who oppose it should get something in return, I guess? Wow. I responded basically saying that and asking if we should eased into ending segregation, like started ending it in some places and not others, in consideration of all the worthless, racist fucks who were horrified at the prospect that they might see blacks at their schools.

Then came:

I just feel that there also needs to be tolerance for those that don't understand this lifestyle. Now imposing views on either side is wrong. But it just got legalized. It takes time for many to adjust.

Again with the "understand" shit. Understand what???? Again i responded saying absolutely fucking never should we tolerate people who can't grasp homosexuality living in 2015.

Crazy, crazy stuff.
So this isn't Facebook, but...


Check out the comments and the upvotes, too.

I used to check Imgur daily for some laughs, but holy shit it's a fucking right-wing cesspool these days.
Can I get an explanation on what the penguin has to do with anything? Is it just to make us laugh? I definitely laughed, because I couldn't for the life of me figure out what in the world that penguin has to do with transgendered people..
Can I get an explanation on what the penguin has to do with anything? Is it just to make us laugh? I definitely laughed, because I couldn't for the life of me figure out what in the world that penguin has to do with transgendered people..

It's one of those Advice Animals memes. This one is apparently called "Unpopular Opinion Puffin."


^^ Did Obama was the pres. when 9/11 happened? Or i've missed all them turrist attacks since he was elected in 2000 fucking and 8?
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