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Time to eat crow regarding "Guardians of the Galaxy"

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Marvel makes fun movies that most people enjoy. All that matters.

They need to be redefining pieces of art on Sixtine Chapel calibre, no one will talk about them in a couple of years like they do with Pixar Movies...

Even though people still talks about the OG Iron Man 6 years later


Well, didn't take long for the salty Marvel haters to show up with the crap about TDK and randomly Pixar. Stay mad brehs, Marvel is kicking major ass right now.

Oh Oh can I add some crow?!

My post is already in the OP brah, and I even responded on like page 3. You laaaaaaaate
Link 'em. I'd be surprised if they weren't surface-level comparisons for the most part, a quick touchstone for reference purposes more than straight up analysis. Curious to read how those might read.

I just linked one that named WS as "marvel's dark knight", here's a second-

That’s the word that continually prefaced everything I had to say about this movie once the lights came up in the theater. Not since seeing The Dark Knight have I left my seat feeling like I just watched a comic book movie transcend the usual pitfalls that plague the genre, becoming something else entirely. During the drive home I couldn’t shut up about the movie. It felt like I was a hyperactive kid who had just seen something completely new, original and exciting. In other words: Captain America: The Winter Soldier is just amazing.

I referenced The Dark Knight earlier in this review as a comic book movie that transcends the genre. That’s exactly what Captain America: The Winter Solider does, just as adeptly. Where The Dark Knight was clearly a crime movie with capes, this is an espionage action thriller that just happens to have guys dressed in costumes with superpowers. It even draws on our current real world situations with the NSA, Wikileaks, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, et al., and spins them into an enthralling action flick. This world seems plausible because it’s an exaggeration of the world we live in now. There is an air of verisimilitude to The Winter Solider that truly makes us wish we had a Captain America of our own.


and a third

Captain America The Winter Soldier: Marvel Studio's Dark Knight

The inclusion of Redford to the cast speaks volumes to what Marvel and the Russo brothers set to accomplish with Winter Soldier, a political thriller in the same vain as previous Redford starrers, All the President's Men and Three Days of the Condor, mixed in with the typical trappings of a superhero tent pole film. While the film may lean closer to the side of the super-action movie spectrum, Winter Soldier is still the most politically aware superhero movie since The Dark Knight.

and a fourth

Critical consensus seemed to be that Marvel's The Avengers was the best of the Marvel Studios films up until now, and the only film that competed with that for the "best superhero movie" designation in the eyes of many critics was Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight.

There is, of course, a massive difference in the types of films that The Avengers and The Dark Knight represent. Part of the reason so many people have fallen in love with The Winter Soldier seems to be that it bridges that gulf without seeming too preoccupied about doing so.


and a fifth

It should come as no surprise to learn that Captain America: The Winter Soldier is yet another triumph for Marvel Studios, and I don't think it's in the least bit unfair to declare it hands down the best Marvel solo movie yet. In fact, I would go so far to say that the sequel is up there with The Dark Knight in terms of quality and setting the benchmark for the genre moving forwards. In short, it's a resounding success on every level.


There's pretty clear consensus the two films are aiming for the same ground, though WS is not out to Ape what TDK does, and the Russo's aren't Nolan and aren't trying to be.
Giant alien-cat hybrids starred in the biggest box office success of all time

Talking trees were in another huge blockbuster event film

A raccoon with a gun is digestable too

Now an advanced African civilization? Hahahhaaaa


Given everything I knew about cosmic marvel, I was sure this would be a really good/big movie unless Marvel screwed up and I didn't see that happening.


Also, Scullibundo saying the special effects look cheap in the trailer does not entitle him to eat crow either. The movie performing well does not mean his opinion about the special effects is wrong.

Dude, I think you should go reevaluate some of the quotes you used

Yes it does, because he says that shit about any movie not named avatar and it's getting old.


That one is my personal favorite.

Its still mind blowing to me. I'm generally much better with gauging these things but I felt the advertising for GotG was ATROCIOUS. It was just.... man it was so bad...

But perhaps it wasn't; it appears it was only me that felt that way. 95 million opening weekend on this franchises first movie is absurd. Im still trying to digest that, the crow will have to wait in line.


yes, me and every critic ever, tens of millions of people around the globe. There are people who love twilight, but twilight does not have universal critical acclaim.

There's a difference between "shit movie" and "movie I don't like." learning the difference between the two will get you pretty far.


The truth is, the entire discussion of film quality is a wholly subjective thing. What we view as "objectivity" in this context is really more of a silent contract we all sign through general consensus of what parameters make a movie good or bad. That said, it's still opinionated and individual people will still have their own reactions to art. Even critical acclaim is just a mass of opinions aggregated to come up with a consensus from people we trust to tell us about film.

Point is, you can post as many metacritic scores as you'd like, but that doesn't make a movie "objectively" good or bad. Because objectivity doesn't really exist here.

Giant alien-cat hybrids starred in the biggest box office success of all time

Talking trees were in another huge blockbuster event film

A raccoon with a gun is digestable too

Now an advanced African civilization? Hahahhaaaa

Black people being smart enough to use computers and run a functional society without outside interference is pretty high fantasy, to be fair.


I don't get it. What's the deal with trying to hang this stuff over the heads of others?

I understand its a videogame forum and popular culture encompasses a large part of that media, but this movie (and more generally popular entertainment) seems like a petty thing to quibble over.

Is there some hidden joke behind all this or is there a meanness to all within this?
I just linked one that named WS as "marvel's dark knight", here's a second-


and a third

Captain America The Winter Soldier: Marvel Studio's Dark Knight

and a fourth


and a fifth


There's pretty clear consensus the two films are aiming for the same ground, though WS is not out to Ape what TDK does, and the Russo's aren't Nolan and aren't trying to be.

I think the Winter Soldier certainly goes more in TDK's direction then any other Marvel movie, in the same way that Kansas City is a long drive away from New York in the direction of Los Angeles.


Well, didn't take long for the salty Marvel haters to show up with the crap about TDK and randomly Pixar. Stay mad brehs, Marvel is kicking major ass right now.

My post is already in the OP brah, and I even responded on like page 3. You laaaaaaaate

Doh, but I did say I was going to post it, so can't blame me there!
I just linked one that named WS as "marvel's dark knight", here's a second-

Thanks for digging up the links, man.

Most of those are absolutely using Dark Knight as a touchstone for easy reference as a means to get the idea that Cap is trying to step outside the "superhero" genre. The Clock & CutPrint aren't comparing the two directly and saying they arrive at the same point dramatically, and CutPrint makes it a point to say this is a movie that gets CLOSE to that benchmark (on a political level only), not that it actually measures up. "The Dark Knight" is being used mostly as shorthand for "serious, great Superhero movie."

Also, one of those links is a not all-that-well written review at comicbookmovie, which you should stop reading, as any given messageboard post here at GAF is bound to have as much cogent and coherent analysis as whatever the not-great writers at a clickwhore enthusiast site might cough up :)

Also, I'm not sure that really goes towards your claims of "consensus" as you don't have any mainstream/general pop-culture sites/outlets represented.
Its pretty amazing that rdj can demand 50 mil per movie and tbe studio is ok with that.. They realize how important he is to the mcu at this point. His.prescence in im1 made such an impact that.marvel now has rabid audiences for anything they put out
I don't get it. What's the deal with trying to hang this stuff over the heads of others?

I understand its a videogame forum and popular culture encompasses a large part of that media, but this movie (and more generally popular entertainment) seems like a petty thing to quibble over.

Is there some hidden joke behind all this or is there a meanness to all this?

Some people get REALLY invested in a property, to the point where they all rock avatars and watch Metacritic/RT like a hawk and hang around BoxOfficeMojo for results.

Its validation, its all its about. This geeky thing of mine is well-liked, and thus I can feel better about myself.

See also: the reaction to negative reviews of The Dark Knight Rises being so bad RottenTomatoes shut off comments entirely. Because if someone didn't like this thing I love so much, its a personal affront.
Some people get REALLY invested in a property, to the point where they all rock avatars and watch Metacritic/RT like a hawk and hang around BoxOfficeMojo for results.

Its validation, its all its about. This geeky thing of mine is well-liked, and thus I can feel better about myself.

See also: the reaction to negative reviews of The Dark Knight Rises being so bad RottenTomatoes shut off comments entirely. Because if someone didn't like this thing I love so much, its a personal affront.

Its in good fun then. I'm okay with that, and understand - even if its not my thing.

I'll find that thread for reading later.


I said calibre, not winner. The Academy Awards created the animated category to KEEP Pixar from getting in. There was too much noise about Pixar deserving to be nominated every year in the mid to late oughts.

Marvel has never made a Toy Story 2, a Wall E or an Up. They've never even made a The Dark Knight. They aren't even trying to. It's a "it is what it is" type deal and Marvel's review curve is different because of it.

This has to be a joke post


Junior Member


Its pretty amazing that rdj can demand 50 mil per movie and tbe studio is ok with that.. They realize how important he is to the mcu at this point. His.prescence in im1 made such an impact that.marvel now has rabid audiences for anything they put out

He's important to be sure, but if future Marvel movies are on the same quality as winter soldier and guardians than the MCU doesn't soley rely on him and tbh would still be in good hands without.
Thanks for digging up the links, man.

Most of those are absolutely using Dark Knight as a touchstone for easy reference as a means to get the idea that Cap is trying to step outside the "superhero" genre. The Clock & CutPrint aren't comparing the two directly and saying they arrive at the same point dramatically, and CutPrint makes it a point to say this is a movie that gets CLOSE to that benchmark (on a political level only), not that it actually measures up. "The Dark Knight" is being used mostly as shorthand for "serious, great Superhero movie."

Also, one of those links is a not all-that-well written review at comicbookmovie, which you should stop reading, as any given messageboard post here at GAF is bound to have as much cogent and coherent analysis as whatever the not-great writers at a clickwhore enthusiast site might cough up :)

Here's the thing with that- the sites I listed were the results of a 10 minute google search for "winter soldier" and "dark knight". those were the ones with the most immediate and obvious references to the two, and I disagree that they're simply using it as an 'easy touchstone." no less than two explicitly label the film as "marvel's dark knight" not because it's a serious great superhero movie, but because both WS and TDK are using the genre to make social commentary as much as they are about punching people in the face and having things explode. They're not the exact same movie and don't try to be, but both tread similar ground and go in the same direction. These are thrillers making social commentary that happen to have superheroes in them, rather than "superhero movies." I would probably throw watchmen or "V for vendetta" in the same category.

Also, I'm not sure that really goes towards your claims of "consensus" as you don't have any mainstream/general pop-culture sites/outlets represented.

consensus was in referring to WS as being a good movie, which is unanimous no matter who you look at. there are very, very few outlets that say it's not worth seeing, or is anything less than "well above average." There's no real way to determine whether there's critical consensus about having similar goals and themes to TDK without going through 500 or so reviews with a fine toothed comb, and no one really has that kind of time.


Should I start compiling a Turtles crow eating thread?

folks already started to eat a bit due to first reactions. And the initial shock that this new movie is in fact not at all made by Michael Bay.

But by all means please make a thread.


I have been shocked by the positive early impressions to TMNT and the latest trailers do make it look like a fun action comedy. So maybe...


I just can't deal with the new look of the turtles.
I love all things TMNT and the movie could be kinda fun, but they look so fucking awful!
consensus was in referring to WS as being a good movie, which is unanimous no matter who you look at.

That's not what consensus should have been referring to, as Winter Soldier being a good movie was never in question, and not the statement you made that caused me to address your post, either.

I disagree that they're simply using it as an 'easy touchstone." no less than two explicitly label the film as "marvel's dark knight" not because it's a serious great superhero movie, but because both WS and TDK are using the genre to make social commentary as much as they are about punching people in the face and having things explode.

But that's essentially what I mean by their using TDK as a touchstone - TDK is a movie that tried to do more than just be a Superhero movie, and was very, very successful with it. Using that as a positive example to highlight the manner in which Winter Soldier stepped out of its box is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. They're using it as a comparison point, but they're not putting them on the same plane of quality, or suggesting that Winter Soldier made the same impact that TDK did on a storytelling level.

There's no real way to determine whether there's critical consensus about having similar goals and themes to TDK without going through 500 or so reviews with a fine toothed comb, and no one really has that kind of time.

You don't have to go through 500 or so, and you don't have to use a fine-toothed comb. You gave me four reviews and I went through them in like 10 minutes. :)

edit: and yeah, Michael Bay didn't write or direct Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He's just one of (I think) five different producers on the credit block.


Junior Member
folks already started to eat a bit due to first reactions. And the initial shock that this new movie is in fact not at all made by Michael Bay.

But by all means please make a thread.
Does TMNT have the potential to be good, yes. Will it outgross GotG Week 2, not likely unless TMNT is amazing. Like I said before, it's tracking pretty low. Even GotG had great projections for a new franchise.

Also, initial Twitter reactions aren't a good way to see if a movie is gonna be good. TASM2 was being praised by early viewers on Twitter, & we all know how it turned out. The best way to know is to wait for full reviews to come out.
TMNT's marketing only JUST recently stopped sucking, and it's probably too late to reverse that damage.

The quality of the movie has almost nothing to do with how big the opening weekend is. That's all a reflection of the marketing.

Are crow threads for reviews or box office haul?

It's usually box-office, as most people shitting on the film are shitting on it by saying "It's gonna bomb, nobody wants to see this shit."

100 mil opening weekend means crow is served.


*Shrugs*. Looks like a TV Show, right?

cinematography noun (Concise Encyclopedia)
Art and technology of motion-picture photography. It involves the composition of a scene, lighting of the set and actors, choice of cameras, camera angle, and integration of special effects to achieve the photographic images desired by the director. Cinematography focuses on relations between the individual shots and groups of shots that make up a scene to produce a film's effect.
Those are pretty generic shots with some CG thrown in.

but lol just like The Master am I right?
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