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Time to eat crow regarding "Guardians of the Galaxy"

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I'm really not, but you're being childish, again, and it irked me enough to reply. I would say upset is a stronger reaction than what I am displaying currently.

Man enough to call people names and post in a thread over and over about it, not man enough to just admit that you were wrong or ignore the thread altogether if you don't really care about it? That is the definition of -salt-! :)
So wait, these kinds of name and shame threads are allowed again? The last one I saw was closed pretty quick.
eh, getting a movie's box office wrong is pretty inconsequential and hardly a reflection on the poster's ethical/moral compass. I imagine this is still here because, well, it's hilarious to watch.


Some of those quotes are commenting on subjective things like the look of the film and whatnot and have no bearing on it whether that means it would be a success
How does "eating crow" work?

If GotG turned out to be a failure could those that believed it would, make a "lol these people thought it would be great: <names here>. Let's laugh at them." thread? Or is it only for "positives" instead of "negatives"?


To be fair I still think it's a bomb.

Ipad to. I just can't understand the appeal.
How does "eating crow" work?

If GotG turned out to be a failure could those that believed it would, make a "lol these people thought it would be great: <names here>. Let's laugh at them." thread? Or is it only for "positives" instead of "negatives"?

I know what you're thinking, angular.

I will never eat crow, even if Jupiter Ascending does a billion dollars. Youcanttrustme


Man enough to call people names and post in a thread over and over about it, not man enough to just admit that you were wrong or ignore the thread altogether if you don't really care about it? That is the definition of -salt-! :)

I'm not calling you names though I'm identifying your behavior.

My suspicion in this case was obviously wrong, but that's not what eating crow has ever been about. If merely bringing up your thoughts on something in a thread and being wrong about is eating crow then you and the OP are missing the boat. It's for people who showed an immense belief/interest in it failing. Which I didn't. The only reason I care enough to post in this thread now is because I clicked on it and saw my name in the OP. I was going to leave it at that one post as well but then you further tried to use my post as a proxy argument with someone else and I do very much care about people misrepresenting me, I never cared enough about the financial success of this movie to 'eat crow'

Look I don't want to start beef over some throw away comment I made god knows when over something as frivolous as a movie, so not to misunderstand me, I never cared enough to eat crow, so just drop it and stop injecting your personal misreading on me, that is in fact the part that irks me here.
Is there a; ticket sales, production cost, and marketing fund metric for film, where these three inputs (or more) output a score?

The Guardians of the Galaxy is interesting, I know nothing about it but it seemed really hyped last week. I'm not really interested in seeing it now (or any other film in a theater) but I'm curious if there are better measures than rotten tomatoes and ticket sales.


I think it's way too early for a thread like this. shoulda waited a few weeks before making it, just in case it doesn't backfire big time.


Completely anecdotal but I'm sipping coffee and across the place is a theater that is about to open up for the day and the lines are already forming. Its all families with kids so I'm assuming its either for gotg or planes 2.
I'm not calling you names though I'm identifying your behavior.

My suspicion in this case was obviously wrong, but that's not what eating crow has ever been about. If merely bringing up your thoughts on something in a thread and being wrong about is eating crow then you and the OP are missing the boat. It's for people who showed an immense belief/interest in it failing. Which I didn't. The only reason I care enough to post in this thread now is because I clicked on it and saw my name in the OP. I was going to leave it at that one post as well but then you further tried to use my post as a proxy argument with someone else and I do very much care about people misrepresenting me, I never cared enough about the financial success of this movie to 'eat crow'

Look I don't want to start beef over some throw away comment I made god knows when over something as frivolous as a movie, so not to misunderstand me, I never cared enough to eat crow, so just drop it and stop injecting your personal misreading on me, that is in fact the part that irks me here.
You're not protesting enough at all.
I would but that means I was involved in the contest to start with, which I wasnt!
You clearly don't care at all....hahahaha

Extra salted crow


Unconfirmed Member
So I guess this means there is no chance this endless stream of shitty comic book movies will ever stop? Great.


You guys are eating so much crow that I CAW-nt even keep up with it.
I would but that means I was involved in the contest to start with, which I wasnt!

Take the L or get F'd in the B, man! Those are the options!

And let's be real here, GOTG is some best case scenario shit. They're obscure and people thought it was a hard sell. It is, but Gunn nailed it, and the movie is probably hitting 600 mil.

Suite Pee

Willing to learn
Lmao is that the biggest wall of shame ever made?!

Dunno about biggest, but that one wall that Stet made in a topic I can't remember is probably my favorite.

I love the post that seems to imply that Seth McFarlane's movie would do well and this wouldn't.

Rocket may not be high-tier in Mahvel, but he is in my heart.


I enjoy this thread. The crow is quite nice.

I too didn't believe it would ever be breaking records like this. I enjoy the comic series but thought it would only manage Cap 1 or Thor numbers. Marvel really nailed the marketing with this movie.

The Adder

there has to be a decline eventually, nothing stays on top forever especially at the rate they're putting these out- 3 films a year? from the same studio, genre, and source material?

Studio and source material? Yes(ish). Genre? No. In DnD terms, superhero is a template, not a class.


Captain America 2 is a superhero political thriller

GotG is a superhero space opera
Just remember, it can still crater today and next weekend. Should wait to see what the drop is next week before serving up too much crow.


Lol if you watch comic book movies and say this
I want to like GOTG, but here's my problem....

It's a FUCKING RACOON! I just can't take it seriously, at all. I know its a comedy of sorts, but its also supposed to fit in the same universe as Captain America: TWS and Iron Man. Am I the only one having a really hard time picturing RDJ's Tony Stark talking to a raccoon, without it be eyeball roll inducing?

I mean, it's a RACOON. I'm picturing Rocket sitting around the table on the Helicarrier with the Avengers, and man does it seem dumb. Oh well, still hope the movie is fun, regardless.


The second you posted your suspicions, you were in the contest.

Sorry! :(
Nuh uh, no such thing as an opt out sport!

Take the L or get F'd in the B, man! Those are the options!

And let's be real here, GOTG is some best case scenario shit. They're obscure and people thought it was a hard sell. It is, but Gunn nailed it, and the movie is probably hitting 600 mil.
Not taking what doesnt belong to me, I am not a thief!

Oh yes, as a sci-fi guy I'm happy this made money as it obviously serves as evidence to further the kind of movies I want to be made, I really hope Interstellar too makes bank and we'll have more sci fi on TV and in the cinema going forward.
I'll admit I was skeptical of Marvel putting up a new property I had never heard of, but the rumor of David Tennant playing Rocket Raccoon caught my interest, and the trailers did look good. Still want to see it, even if I'm not hyped for it.


Just watched, I'm from brasil. The theater had less than 10 people. I was the only one laughing (but I didn't enjoy it a lot either...)


I'm not calling you names though I'm identifying your behavior.

My suspicion in this case was obviously wrong, but that's not what eating crow has ever been about. If merely bringing up your thoughts on something in a thread and being wrong about is eating crow then you and the OP are missing the boat. It's for people who showed an immense belief/interest in it failing. Which I didn't. The only reason I care enough to post in this thread now is because I clicked on it and saw my name in the OP. I was going to leave it at that one post as well but then you further tried to use my post as a proxy argument with someone else and I do very much care about people misrepresenting me, I never cared enough about the financial success of this movie to 'eat crow'

Look I don't want to start beef over some throw away comment I made god knows when over something as frivolous as a movie, so not to misunderstand me, I never cared enough to eat crow, so just drop it and stop injecting your personal misreading on me, that is in fact the part that irks me here.

I think you're being really defensive over what is ultimately a silly fun thing. The eating of crows here is collective. It's just a fun look at the barometer on the forum about the vibe of a film and how it turned out wrong. You, like many other people, expressed an opinion on the matter. Whether it was a throw away comment or not is irrelevant, it forms part of the tone on the forum along with many other comments like it.

You don't have to take it personally, you should feel included as part of a community that talks shit about everything under the sun and sometimes some people get stuff right and some people get stuff wrong. :p
This is possible...but really unlikely. Even a Godzilla level crater means 600 mil worldwide, probably. That's a success.

When you play the Game of Bans..
Yeah, it will still be big. I just want to see it do more than Man of Steel worldwide. Just for giggles.

I originally thought GotG would only put up Thor 1 or Cap 1 numbers. Looks like it will be much bigger than that.


I think you're being really defensive over what is ultimately a silly fun thing. The eating of crows here is collective. It's just a fun look at the barometer on the forum about the vibe of a film and how it turned out wrong. You, like many other people, expressed an opinion on the matter. Whether it was a throw away comment or not is irrelevant, it forms part of the tone on the forum along with many other comments like it.

You don't have to take it personally, you should feel included as part of a community that talks shit about everything under the sun and sometimes some people get stuff right and some people get stuff wrong. :p

For sure-look at the crow eating in the infamous At the box office: The Avengers vs The Dark Knight Rises
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