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Titan submarine for Titanic tourism - Nightmare fuel




Can also add:

*** The forward viewport (according to the manufacturer) is only good up to a depth of 1300m. Titanic sits at around 4000m.

So yeah corners were cut and massive lawsuits incoming if they find these guys dead on the bottom of the sea floor. My gut is that there was an implosion.

Time is ticking. If they're not found in the next 8 - 10 hours then we can pretty much confirm it will become a retrieval mission and not a rescue mission.
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You're right. They've real depth to them.

The video in the opening post reminds me of the Byford Dolphin Incident which involved a similar concept. Basically it was a large moveable oil platform that had a diving bell and decompression chambers. One of the divers used the incorrect procedure and the chamber exploded due to decompression with bodies literally torn apart in seconds. I'm not sure if this is true, but they say it happened so quickly that their brains didn't realize they were dead, though this could be for drama.
Is this all confirmed true?


On top of that the CEO complained about obscenely safe regulations holding the industry back. And this was years ago.
The use of Carbon Fiber in the hull construction was also largely untested and wasn't certified or approved by any regulatory board. Apparently the material is subject to cracks if continously pressure cycled after each dive.
They really should have some industry vets look over the design to ensure it's safe.
So this guy (Stockton Rush) was playing russian roullete with people's lives advertising these dives to the Titanic wreck site.

The Marine Technology Society, an industry group made up of ocean engineers, technologists, policymakers and educators, expressed “concern regarding the development of Titan and the planned Titanic expeditions” and warned against the “current experimental approach adopted by OceanGate”.

If there's been a breach or implosion, there'll be nothing to be found.

Surely there'll still be a piece of the veseel to recover. I mean its not going to implode into nothing.
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With how fast this turnaround is for a doc and that we are still waiting to hear on finding anything there is a part of me that's wondering if this wasn't an accident and if this guy was simply offed.
Ehhhhhhhh I would say that is a bit of a stretch. The channel that is doing this "documentary" is as low brow knuckle dragging as you can get. Not quite as respected as the history channel and their "aliens did it" documentaries. In the UK it is recognised as "the trash channel".

As for these fuckwits and yes they are fuckwits. When I saw the sub I spent a full 5 mins laughing at that death trap. How they hell they did not take one look at that sub and NOPE the fuck out of there will probably be the mystery of our times.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
The developer of the indie game Iron Lung is going to see the sales of his game rise now. Especially since it's trending on Twitter as a comparison to what's happening.


Given how long it took to find the Titanic itself which is much larger and the fact they had to use the debris field to trace back to it, yeah they're never going to find this thing.
I wouldn’t put it beyond some driven people with enough money to find it but…yeah the ocean is fucking huge, needle in a haystack doesn’t begin to describe it.
They keep hearing banging according to the latest reports.

Are they fucking down there? The CEO's probably getting DP'ed

Jokes aside. I can't imagine the conditions down there. Cold and pitch black inside the vessel (that's if they've lost power and all means of rising to the surface).
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Given how long it took to find the Titanic itself which is much larger and the fact they had to use the debris field to trace back to it, yeah they're never going to find this thing.

Finding Titanic from scratch in this day and age wouldn't be as difficult as it was in 1985, but yeah, it's highly unlikely they'll ever find it unless it's surfaced or is close to the wreck. If it hasn't, I wouldn't be surprised if the rescue/salvage effort just gives up.

Really is ironic that Cameron made a Titanic movie overtly warning about the dangers of putting blind faith in/over-reliance on technology (as he always does, it's pretty much his signature subtext), and these idiots happily jumped in an amateur submersible deathtrap assuming it was perfectly safe and will almost certainly horribly die.
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Given how long it took to find the Titanic itself which is much larger and the fact they had to use the debris field to trace back to it, yeah they're never going to find this thing.

Yeah. That seems like a more likely miracle than them being rescued unfortunately. I think the answer is clear, from what most experts are saying, but I get sending a message of “if someone goes missing, they’ll be looked for”. It’s a good message to convey.

Terrible situation though. All around. Lot to dissect and muse about.

I do feel for the kid. He agreed to it but..had his whole life ahead of him.


Finding Titanic from scratch in this day and age wouldn't be as difficult as it was in 1985, but yeah, it's highly unlikely they'll ever find it unless it's surfaced or is close to the wreck. If it hasn't, I wouldn't be surprised if the rescue/salvage effort just gives up.

Really is ironic that Cameron made a Titanic movie overtly warning about the dangers of putting blind faith in/over-reliance on technology (as he always does, it's pretty much his signature subtext), and these idiots happily jumped in an amateur submersible deathtrap assuming it was perfectly save and will almost certainly horribly die.
not only that but one of the morals of the titanic story is man’s hubris in the face of unforgiving nature, the ‘unsinkable’ ship sunk on its maiden voyage, partly on account of its captain going full speed ahead, at night, to arrive in NY ahead of schedule. hell the titanic took the lives of some of the wealthiest men of its time, now the titan can claim a similar dubious honor.


not only that but one of the morals of the titanic story is man’s hubris in the face of unforgiving nature, the ‘unsinkable’ ship sunk on its maiden voyage, partly on account of its captain going full speed ahead, at night, to arrive in NY ahead of schedule. hell the titanic took the lives of some of the wealthiest men of its time, now the titan can claim a similar dubious honor.

Yep, it all ties into that. Technology is powerful, but nature is forever dominant and must be respected. The parallels are unfortunately very apt.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
It's crazy that Gabe Newell is probably the only person who can save them now.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?

On top of that the CEO complained about obscenely safe regulations holding the industry back. And this was years ago.
The use of Carbon Fiber in the hull construction was also largely untested and wasn't certified or approved by any regulatory board. Apparently the material is subject to cracks if continously pressure cycled after each dive.
They really should have some industry vets look over the design to ensure it's safe.
So this guy (Stockton Rush) was playing russian roullete with people's lives advertising these dives to the Titanic wreck site.

The Marine Technology Society, an industry group made up of ocean engineers, technologists, policymakers and educators, expressed “concern regarding the development of Titan and the planned Titanic expeditions” and warned against the “current experimental approach adopted by OceanGate”.

Surely there'll still be a piece of the veseel to recover. I mean its not going to implode into nothing.
I certainly wouldn't doubt it considering companies nowadays but is there a link to a reliable news source regarding this information? It's just that there is so much disinformation out there.

Edit: I just heard the audio from the CEO and I think this is a little taken out of context. It doesn't really sound so woke and he's just saying he wanted to give younger people more of an opportunity and so on and so forth. I agree it was still a stupid thing for the CEO to say but they make it sound worse than what it actually is.

Regardless, the CEO is an idiot. That whole thing was a death trap.
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Apparently there is a failsafe that dissolves after 16/17 hours and drops sandbags allowing the craft to surface, but that it can only come up to just underneath the surface…😳 A blue and white vehicle.. just under the surface…

If they didn’t get snagged on something and if the thing didn’t implode… they’re just going to suffocate irrespective of the depth they’re at.

Nightmare fuel indeed.
They could have been floating just below surface for days now but it's such a large area to search and even if they are looking in the right area it might be hard to spot. The sub can't be opened from inside so they need outside help.

At some point they would legit consider killing one or more people to reduce oxygen consumption and increase chance of survival.
You don't want to be locked in a tin can with decomposing body that is leaking shit and piss. Probably better just everyone suffocating on "fresh" air. Imagine dying choking on fumes of poop and rotting flesh.
I wonder if with fewer people there will be more oxygen (I am honest, not sure if this affects the survival rate or not). I could not be surprised if they find it (alive or not) and found dead people fighting for oxygen, even if it was futile.

Scared Bruce Lee GIF


They could have been floating just below surface for days now but it's such a large area to search and even if they are looking in the right area it might be hard to spot. The sub can't be opened from inside so they need outside help.
Well if it's only say 10 feet down it'd probably be impossible to open the hatch anyway. Let's see 1 atm is 33ft so if it was down at 10ft and the hatch was 2 ft across

pi*(12in)^2 * (10ft/33ft )14.7lb/in^2 = 2014lb

So 10 ft down with a small hatch you'd need to push with a ton of force to open the hatch. Yeah, you'd need to pressurize it before you could even open the hatch.


Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
”I really want to feel what my stepdad is feeling, running out of oxygen at the bottom of the ocean… and the only way I can think to do that is for you to sit on my face for an extended period”

I dunno there’s worse pick up lines out there
Only his step dad innit. Not his real dad and when step dad becomes shark food no doubt this chad inherits a few hundred million odd.


Well if it's only say 10 feet down it'd probably be impossible to open the hatch anyway. Let's see 1 atm is 33ft so if it was down at 10ft and the hatch was 2 ft across

pi*(12in)^2 * (10ft/33ft )14.7lb/in^2 = 2014lb

So 10 ft down with a small hatch you'd need to push with a ton of force to open the hatch. Yeah, you'd need to pressurize it before you could even open the hatch.

As bonus, the submersible is bolted from the outside. This means that the crew inside cannot open it — to be let out.
Can also add:

*** The forward viewport (according to the manufacturer) is only good up to a depth of 1300m. Titanic sits at around 4000m.

So yeah corners were cut and massive lawsuits incoming if they find these guys dead on the bottom of the sea floor. My gut is that there was an implosion.

Time is ticking. If they're not found in the next 8 - 10 hours then we can pretty much confirm it will become a retrieval mission and not a rescue mission.
Idk if they can. They read and sign the paper. It even say death and that capsule hadn’t been certified


Following this off and on for the last few days has had my heart racing. I try not to imagine myself in their situation because I'm already claustrophobic as it is. Their inevitable urine and feces has got to be festering in that thing, making what little oxygen they had/have even harder to breathe...I would imagine. I mean, unless the cold temperature of the ocean depths limits that sort of thing. I really hope this thing gets recovered but even if they find it and attach a cable to pull it up, that's gonna take hours for it to get back up to the surface. Shit is scary.


Following this off and on for the last few days has had my heart racing. I try not to imagine myself in their situation because I'm already claustrophobic as it is. Their inevitable urine and feces has got to be festering in that thing, making what little oxygen they had/have even harder to breathe...I would imagine. I mean, unless the cold temperature of the ocean depths limits that sort of thing. I really hope this thing gets recovered but even if they find it and attach a cable to pull it up, that's gonna take hours for it to get back up to the surface. Shit is scary.
Yeah man when I heard that there was no toilet onboard that somehow just made the entire ordeal seem like hell on earth and not worth the risk: I could probably manage hunger and slowly dying as oxygen ran out but living in a pitch black cramped space for days with the smell of human feces and piss would make me want to smash my head open and get it over with.

If space X flights ever become affordable within my lifetime Musk had better spring for a usable fucking toilet.

Seriously if hell exists it’s full of human poop screaming and absolute darkness.
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I just read an interview of one of Ocean's Gate investor saying the sub was design to automatically come to the surface 24h after the dive (with a ballast system).
There is 4 different ways to activate the system (2 automatic and 2 manual).
It doesn't sound good if it didn't resurface.
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I just read an interview of one of Ocean's Gate investor saying the sub was design to automatically come to the surface 24h after the dive (with a ballast system).
There is 4 different ways to activate the system (2 automatic and 2 manual).
It doesn't sound good if it didn't resurface.
We wouldn’t know if it did anyway and it would be incredibly hard to spot. Regardless, it can’t be opened from the inside and even if it did surface they are likely to perish before they are found.
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