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TITANFALL 2 |G2.1| "Whatever The Fuck That Means"


Even after over 50 hours of playing this game I still don't have all the maps memorized. Sometimes I'm just moving around without knowing exactly where I am so that's definitely something I should consider. As for camo, I must admit I prefer the stock colors. But something that suits the maps could help.

After ~70h I have most of the maps down but some maps don't appear in my rotation ever.
Like this Canal Map or the one with the Bridge in the middle, both are very rare and I can't even remember their names :D


Wtf? :|

There's no IKEA near me so I'd have to get it delivered, but...

Technically I can cancel the pick up. Lemme see what I can do...

Yeah I just recently found out anf will def. switch over to Ikea ones after reading this :D
Good luck and buy yourself some Toblerone from the leftover money ^_^


Yeah I just recently found out anf will def. switch over to Ikea ones after reading this :D
Good luck and buy yourself some Toblerone from the leftover money ^_^

£7 delivery and will be after Christmas...

I'll remind myself to pick some up if I ever find myself at an IKEA...

There are these Amazon ones that I could get too... But I want batteries today :S hmm...


£7 delivery and will be after Christmas...

I'll remind myself to pick some up if I ever find myself at an IKEA...

There are these Amazon ones that I could get too... But I want batteries today :S hmm...

Oh that sucks...

I don't know any Amazon ones but usually you can not go wrong with Amazon products :D


£7 delivery and will be after Christmas...

I'll remind myself to pick some up if I ever find myself at an IKEA...

There are these Amazon ones that I could get too... But I want batteries today :S hmm...

Oh that sucks...

I don't know any Amazon ones but usually you can not go wrong with Amazon products :D

Amazon has ones that are 2400 mAh


for UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00HZV9TGS/

Apparently from the same source as the IKEA ones from the link deoee posted


If you Phase Shift as Ronin, do you ditch any enemy pilot who is currently hanging on to you?

Also, holy shit, just had a game where I went 27:0 with 8 titan kills. To be fair, it was against a bunch of terrible, terrible players. I luckily got off to a great start with a triple kill in the first 20 seconds and got my Ronin fast. Then just zipped around as the only titan for a long time and managed to build up core from picking off pilots and AI so I could just dominate any enemy titan that dropped. Felt good!

I'm also starting to think that using anything other than nuclear ejection is pointless. Sure sometimes that extra dash saves me, but it doesn't come near sneaking up behind 2 titans and nuclear ejecting in their back to immediately get a new titan. Or waiting for someone to dash to punch and ejecting to finish them.


Unconfirmed Member
As for camo, I must admit I prefer the stock colors. But something that suits the maps could help.

I think they were talking about Stealth. That could certainly buy you some more time and help you study routes/enemy movement.

You may also want to consider spending some Credits on Low Profile.
That kit silences your footsteps and jump-jet noise, and also masks your jump-jet exhaust, making you slightly harder to spot in the air. Essential for if you're using Stealth, as jump-jets give you away even if you're invisible.

About camos, though... I don't know what it is, but something about this game makes me want to use the most gaudy and obnoxious ones.

Flying around the map as a pink/yellow superstar pilot just feels right, you know?
Man... so bummed. I was unaware of the level cap shenanigans.

I was so excited to Regen to 11 and unlock that smooth Black camo. Finish the match, get back to menu, and there's no Regen option. Grabbed my laptop and saw how Gens 11-15 are locked until further notice.

Lame. Stuck at 10.49 for the time being. Still an amazing game. I'm just running around trying all kinds of stuff now and finish getting all the weapons to at least 20.

Anyone have a good kit setup for a "Titan Killer" as a pilot?


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Anyone have a good kit setup for a "Titan Killer" as a pilot?

MGL + extra ammo + fast loader

Put tactikill on your main weapon whichever you choose

Phase shift for tactical

Power cell or ordinance expert ( I use this in LTS if I die early) for kit 1

Low profile for kit 2

Arc grenades

Amped weapons for your boost

In LTS I swap phase shift with stim because it makes hopping out of your titan and grabbing batteries a lot easier.
I don't think regenerating is that satisfying. It's more annoying than anything. I had really great loadouts by the time I reached 50 but I'd earned most of it before I had the money to buy it. I know part of it is the challenge but I feel the system atm is just a bit annoying/boring.

I think regenerating should reward you with like 500 coins or something.


Man... so bummed. I was unaware of the level cap shenanigans.

I was so excited to Regen to 11 and unlock that smooth Black camo. Finish the match, get back to menu, and there's no Regen option. Grabbed my laptop and saw how Gens 11-15 are locked until further notice.

Lame. Stuck at 10.49 for the time being. Still an amazing game. I'm just running around trying all kinds of stuff now and finish getting all the weapons to at least 20.

Anyone have a good kit setup for a "Titan Killer" as a pilot?

First World Problems? I am jk. So you cant unlock the black until Gen 11 huh? That sucks. I am Gen 6 still right now, havent been able to play that much.

What is the most fun gun you have used that you didnt think was going to be fun?

As far as the Titan killer goes it seems like the MGL and the Archer are the two best. As far as kit I would probably say phase shift, cloak or stim.
First World Problems? I am jk. So you cant unlock the black until Gen 11 huh? That sucks. I am Gen 6 still right now, havent been able to play that much.

What is the most fun gun you have used that you didnt think was going to be fun?

As far as the Titan killer goes it seems like the MGL and the Archer are the two best. As far as kit I would probably say phase shift, cloak or stim.

Yeah I know, right? Oh no I can't put different clothes on my digital action figure. I think the only thing that bugs me about it is that it's even pictured. Don't dangle a carrot in front of me if I can't have it when I catch it.

When it comes to the "Titan Killer" stuff I've pretty much used:

Random Primary
MGL w/Speedloader & Extra Ammo
Arc Grenades

I had some success with the Archer but only if I was using A-Wall or Amped Weapons. Even with Speedloader equipped the Archer just doesn't hold up against the MGL's DPS to me. Are any of the Grenadier weapons actually useful against Titans?

Anyways, fun gun wise... I'd have to say the Hemlock. Considering how it was basically useless in R1, it's now almost mandatory. It's basically like they took the M16 from Modern Warfare and slapped some Aliens Pulse Rifle style furniture on it.

I'm almost embarrassed to admit it but I put in around 250-300 hrs with R1 on PC (even got Gooser the hard way before they changed the requirements) and while I'm playing on PS4 now, I can easily see myself blowing past that depending on how the game is supported. Such a blast to play. However, I will say other than the custom Titan AI voices from R1, the thing I miss the most is the old Rodeo System. God I loved jumping on a titan and just unloading a Spitfire into it's "brains". Tossing a grenade into a pipe just isn't as satisfying.

I've picked up some stuff lately with the PSN sales but I can't stop playing this. Just an amazing job by Respawn. I never buy cosmetics for games but I just had to show them some love and picked them all up. I think this may be my GotY.


Yeah I know, right? Oh no I can't put different clothes on my digital action figure. I think the only thing that bugs me about it is that it's even pictured. Don't dangle a carrot in front of me if I can't have it when I catch it.

When it comes to the "Titan Killer" stuff I've pretty much used:

Random Primary
MGL w/Speedloader & Extra Ammo
Arc Grenades

I had some success with the Archer but only if I was using A-Wall or Amped Weapons. Even with Speedloader equipped the Archer just doesn't hold up against the MGL's DPS to me. Are any of the Grenadier weapons actually useful against Titans?

Anyways, fun gun wise... I'd have to say the Hemlock. Considering how it was basically useless in R1, it's now almost mandatory. It's basically like they took the M16 from Modern Warfare and slapped some Aliens Pulse Rifle style furniture on it.

I'm almost embarrassed to admit it but I put in around 250-300 hrs with R1 on PC (even got Gooser the hard way before they changed the requirements) and while I'm playing on PS4 now, I can easily see myself blowing past that depending on how the game is supported. Such a blast to play. However, I will say other than the custom Titan AI voices from R1, the thing I miss the most is the old Rodeo System. God I loved jumping on a titan and just unloading a Spitfire into it's "brains". Tossing a grenade into a pipe just isn't as satisfying.

I've picked up some stuff lately with the PSN sales but I can't stop playing this. Just an amazing job by Respawn. I never buy cosmetics for games but I just had to show them some love and picked them all up. I think this may be my GotY.

... The hemlock that is a dirty word around here! Haha. I switched to the Softball a little and it is a ton of fun but its very inconsistent at times.

I got the black skin for Tone then I stopped using her. Currently working on Ronin and Northstar. This game is a ton of fun, glad to see it doing well on the GOTY lists because it is definitely mine.

I havent been one to get really hooked on MP for a long time in the past but Rainbow Six Siege and this really changed that. I have a bit of a backlog now but i keep coming back to TF2.
I'm surprised how accurate the R97 is, even at medium ranges where I'd think the large spread would make it hard to kill, I still land shots.


I don't think regenerating is that satisfying. It's more annoying than anything. I had really great loadouts by the time I reached 50 but I'd earned most of it before I had the money to buy it. I know part of it is the challenge but I feel the system atm is just a bit annoying/boring.

I think regenerating should reward you with like 500 coins or something.
I'd like some unique looking cosmetics. I know they have some tied to regeneration, but nothing really stands out. I basically regen for the higher number on the calling card.


Ok, so some things i'd like to point out about the first ever titanreddit xbox ctf tourney play for some of you that didn't bother to watch.

  • Hemlok/G2 were overpowered annoyances like i thought they would be
  • No one used volt. alternators were used to great effect however. 201's were most popular, followed by alt and EVA. (1 gun limit for hemlok/g2/devotion)
  • Cloak was viable a lot more than i thought after the nerf. it had arguably one of the former best titanfall 1 players utilize it to the fullest. I think this was because of how much faster TTK is, and how much less of movement strafing you can do to get out of death.
  • Phase shift broke a lot of matches. Phase shift is an overpowered piece of shit in competitive play. A huge mistake was made allowing phase shift flag runs/caps. PC already banned this but the console tourney organizers failed to do the same.
  • Titan dominance at times was insanely important (boomtown) and other times didn't matter at all (exoplanet)
  • A good Ronin can go a long way Ronin>Tone in 1v1. Tones did not dominate as much unless they were the only Titan left standing then you could wipe out an entire team for a cap. A good legion was probably the worst to deal with. It has too much health for a 4v4.
  • Overall, movement didn't matter nearly as much as in Titanfall 1 despite for flag cap runs.
  • Falling asleep prior to a semifinal match and potentially costing your team a trip to the finals is not advised.
  • The top 3 teams were all top teams/players from Titanfall 1. Some new entrants did really well though.
Favorite CTF maps (from what i noticed) in order of most chosen
  1. Eden
  2. Angel city
  3. Exoplanet
  4. Boomtown
As good as forward base is for CTF that middle flag cap route is too fast and dry dock is a bit too big for 4v4. Eden is by far the favorite right now. Angel city, despite being the best map in the game currently is too annoying with hemlok/g2 dominance, and the flag cap routes are a bit too fast now with the current stim. This could be fixed with hemlok/g2 nerfs and a faster respawn time.

Overall it's still pretty fun but there's too many broken/overpowered things going on that sour some of the higher level play.
I switched to the Softball a little and it is a ton of fun but its very inconsistent at times.

Yeah it is! I actually messed around with the Softball a bit yesterday and was just puzzled. There were a few rounds were I was able to decimate people with it but more often than not I just ended up getting shot in the face. I found that Amped Weapons really helped though. Turned it into a 1HK as long as the round lands relatively close to the target.

The buffed R97 is a beast.

The RoF is nice in close quarters but I find the recoil a bit jarring at Mid-Range. Hard for me to use this when the Volt and Car are good at range.


Yeah it is! I actually messed around with the Softball a bit yesterday and was just puzzled. There were a few rounds were I was able to decimate people with it but more often than not I just ended up getting shot in the face. I found that Amped Weapons really helped though. Turned it into a 1HK as long as the round lands relatively close to the target.

I think the Softball is very ping dependant and the ping likes to fluctuate from match to match :v(


Is everyone trying to kill this game because it would be so big success if it had chance?
First EA launches it at worst possible time, other 200 things.
Now I try to find titanfall 2 from twitch.tv, cant find it when I scrolled until games with 10 viewers total started popping, had to use search and it had over 200 viewers... ?!?


Is everyone trying to kill this game because it would be so big success if it had chance?
First EA launches it at worst possible time, other 200 things.
Now I try to find titanfall 2 from twitch.tv, cant find it when I scrolled until games with 10 viewers total started popping, had to use search and it had over 200 viewers... ?!?

It's just not that big among popular streamers.


Man... so bummed. I was unaware of the level cap shenanigans.

I was so excited to Regen to 11 and unlock that smooth Black camo. Finish the match, get back to menu, and there's no Regen option. Grabbed my laptop and saw how Gens 11-15 are locked until further notice.

Lame. Stuck at 10.49 for the time being. Still an amazing game. I'm just running around trying all kinds of stuff now and finish getting all the weapons to at least 20.

Anyone have a good kit setup for a "Titan Killer" as a pilot?

A Wall and Devotion. Melts Titans.


I'd like some unique looking cosmetics. I know they have some tied to regeneration, but nothing really stands out. I basically regen for the higher number on the calling card.

I think your Regen Number needs to show up on the banner somewhere. I dont like having to switch between the Gen patch and the other patches.


I just can't use any of the SMGs. Don't hit anything. Much prefer the Assault rifles and LMGs.

You probably know this but just in case you dont, do not ADS with an SMG. Unless it is really far range. Took me a while to break the habit but damn is it refreshing to not have to ADS all the time in a shooter.



Maybe no one bothered to watch because there's no point watching something with more complicated rules than the actual game. Yes, a lot of crap in R2 is silly and "overpowered", but that's the game. They certainly didn't bother to balance this game for e-sports, and stuff like 1 item limits are silly/stupid.


Titan Killer Loadout

Presuming you don't mean in LTS (in which case you would use the Sidewinder)

Archer with Gun Ready + Faster Reload
Phase Shift
Amped Weapons

3 shots and you have your Titan. Aim, shoot, Phase if they look at you. You can kill Doomed Titans in one hit (a lot of Titans don't eject just because they have full Doom health).

Since I have a ton of Double XP codes, this doesn't mean anything to me :D

Not sure if I want to be playing on Christmas.

;( since I didn't pick up the batteries, I don't think I can play. Gunna go look for a usb cable or smth or steal my old Eneloops back...
Another Double XP weekend, I better hope that my internet doesn't crap out on me for hours?

Edit: I do wish that Respawn would do something like Double Weapon + Titan XP, because I do not want to waste that much time trying to get all the mods for Pistols.
How big is the PC community? Already have this on PS4 but was thinking of getting that version.

Around 3k - 4k players when I play.

I have no problems finding Angel City 24/7 and Attrition matches, have some problems with Bounty Hunt, and never bothered with the other modes.


Another Double XP weekend, I better hope that my internet doesn't crap out on me for hours?

Edit: I do wish that Respawn would do something like Double Weapon + Titan XP, because I do not want to waste that much time trying to get all the mods for Pistols.

I am not sure what is happening to my connection I keep getting lag spikes and crap. I have had perfect connection before this week.


You probably know this but just in case you dont, do not ADS with an SMG. Unless it is really far range. Took me a while to break the habit but damn is it refreshing to not have to ADS all the time in a shooter.

I tried not ADS and I SUUUUUUUCK. Can't even hit the grunts lol.
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