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TITANFALL 2 |OT| Don't Misgender Tone.


I havent looked at any recent balance updates since the first one they made, but I'm pretty sure they tweaked wall hack again. Feels like it's passing by very fast now. Its almost useless.


Just remove the fucking melee for pilots. It's such jank shit, it has no business in the game. It's not like you even need melee with the ridiculous TTK in close quarters.

When is the roadmap being announced. I'm ready for new maps and Titans.


They could expand the Colosseum mode so that it accommodates groups and high skill players, so that you gamble 10 credits per match and get some kind of big reward at the end of it if you win... but that would require changing the "economy".
That's not a bad idea. Pretty cool actually. They should definitely consider that.
Just remove the fucking melee for pilots. It's such jank shit, it has no business in the game. It's not like you even need melee with the ridiculous TTK in close quarters.

When is the roadmap being announced. I'm ready for new maps and Titans.
Nah, the melee is too fun. I'm ready for new maps though.

They should have done a better job on these skins. They all kind of suck. I'm happy i finally hit Gen 5. I now decked out my pilot in all white. Dude is so smooth looking right now.


I just rented this game, I'm shocked at how much I'm enjoying it. I haven't touched the campaign but I've been having so much fun with the multiplayer. I'm sure the campaign is great, these game mechanics in a single player experience sounds amazing.


I guess I'm not very good, but the TTK is so quick that regardless of headshots just getting the first bullet on someone makes all the difference. Bit disappointed in the multiplayer matchmaking. Was getting thrown in against guys that were level 40+ using my favorite weapons from single player while I was stuck with the crappy starter gear. Throw on top of that I don't know the maps and it's a recipe for not having a good time.

But the gameplay is top notch, can't deny that, might not be the MP style for me though.
Annoying lag issues

Ping bouncing from 40-150 and stutters during the whole match
Yeah, I'd never had this before until tonight. Just played a match where my ping spiked between 70-180 the entire time, and there was a ton of positional stuttering. It also made it hard to fire rifles/LMGs, as the firing pattern would "reset" occasionally while holding it down which really messed with the recoil.
Just remove the fucking melee for pilots. It's such jank shit, it has no business in the game. It's not like you even need melee with the ridiculous TTK in close quarters.

When is the roadmap being announced. I'm ready for new maps and Titans.

Melee saved/kicked my arse more often than I imagined.


Anybody on PS4 Pro notice the weapons firing on a hair trigger?
Actually I think it's the updated controller that has slightly more sensitive triggers compared to og as I've noticed this issue in other games too. For example I've also accidentally blinked a couple of times in dishonored because I rested my finger on the trigger with slightly too much pressure.


Just remove the fucking melee for pilots. It's such jank shit, it has no business in the game. It's not like you even need melee with the ridiculous TTK in close quarters.

When is the roadmap being announced. I'm ready for new maps and Titans.

I disagree on the melee part. No issue with it and think it is very fair. One thing I would change would be to make executionsd unvinceable.

And Respawn this game needs a roadmap or something of that nature.


Man im loving this game. Anybody else getting some strong UT/Quake 3 vibes? The speed is just like that. Awesome.


We should have the ability to melee a teammate when they steal a battery from under your nose. Three times I disembarked my flaming Titan to grab a lifeline only to see a teammate nip in before me. Doesn't give me the battery, and doesn't even have his own Titan to put it into. The selfishness is astounding.


Subete no aware
We should have the ability to melee a teammate when they steal a battery from under your nose. Three times I disembarked my flaming Titan to grab a lifeline only to see a teammate nip in before me. Doesn't give me the battery, and doesn't even have his own Titan to put it into. The selfishness is astounding.
Not sure why anyone would take a battery if they don't want to use it, since it basically paints you on the hud for everyone to see. In fact, I kind of wish there was a way to rodeo a Titan without taking out the battery, but I guess that's their way to preventing people from just rodeoing the same Titan over and over again.


I disagree on the melee part. No issue with it and think it is very fair. One thing I would change would be to make executionsd unvinceable.

And Respawn this game needs a roadmap or something of that nature.

I mean, they're not unfair, just jank shit. I've gotten kills while looking the other direction and have whiffed on damn near motionless targets in the middle of my crosshairs. The same has happened to me as the target. They're just unreliable, random nonsense right now. Executions are fine, but the regular melees are dumb as hell.
I really think amped damage should be nerfed. While it's the only boost that I myself use, I can appreciate why it's not fun for the people I shoot to lose gunfights just because I have amped damage.

I think it should cost less and only deal increased damage to Titan's and NPCs, or something like that.

At the moment, certain combinations of weapons and amped damage are straight up overpowered. Running around with the wingman, a revolver that can one-shot kill anyone, or the DMR, a semi-automatic sniper which can also, one shot kill anyone, feels incredibly overpowered.

The discussion of whether this games time to kill is too fast becomes very apparent when I find myself running around with a set of weapons that cover both close and long range, both capable of one-shotting anyone with a body shot.

I don't see many, players taking advantage of these combinations very often at the moment. The only instance I see it is with people using A-Wall, but those people sacrifice mobility for increased damage, and they also paint themselves as as a big orange target.

Yeah, I was kind of looking forward to using it, but they were mostly boring. lol

Hah, it's funny because I read Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's book because I wrote my thesis on game narratives (and because every single game scholar basically cites him or someone else who cites him in order to describe how people play games) and I didn't expect him to come up here.

Titanfall 2 already does a lot to encourage flow, so that you aren't too overwhelmed even if you are a solo player running around with no idea what to do.

The R-204 is an amazing gun that you can use forever if you wanted to.
The simplified leveling system means that you feel like you are making progress all the time.
Everyone should be able to get at least one Titan per match, so you get to experience the big "killstreak" reward every time even if you are getting crushed.
It's a game that rewards players heavily for playing the objective, so even if you aren't MLG-pro, you can still contribute.

I can understand the frustrations of constantly dying in moment-to-moment gameplay, but the problem with all shooters in 2016 is that a) no one talks and b) everyone is in parties. There's no balancing method to fix that. If you are a group of solo players playing against a group of 5 or 6, I would say you are most likely going to lose the match unless the solo team is just superior in terms of ability.

I guess Destiny solved that problem with a 3v3-only Trials mode, but I don't think that would work for Titanfall because of the number of players.

They could expand the Colosseum mode so that it accommodates groups and high skill players, so that you gamble 10 credits per match and get some kind of big reward at the end of it if you win... but that would require changing the "economy".

They could bring back the ladder/league system from Titanfall 1, and then at the very least you can see the skill level of every player in the game so if you get destroyed by someone who is a whole different tier above you then at least you don't feel too bad about yourself.

I don't know if a ranked mode will solve the group play problem, because it's a problem that exists in every game - Battelfield, Overwatch, Rainbow Six, etc. If anything, the frustrations will be intensified because if the player base is too small, you're still going to get same same mismatches by virtue of there not being any other options.

I think ranked works in 1v1 situations or group-only situations, but when team compositions are completely random, I don't know if it offers anything that a non-ranked mode brings.

Could you describe the ladder system from previous games? That sounds like something at least. Would be nice to have something to shoot for rather than just this grind. I agree that to a degree, some of the systems to promote flow, or keep players within their zone of proximal development, however for the most part this isn't enough do so, and it's clear that when we're stomping a team of randoms, forcing them to finish games with scores like 0-8, the game hasn't been successful in keeping those players within their sweet spot.

The Titan's do help, but they are not akin to killstreaks and against good teams using your Titan is suicide, as they all have their Titan's sooner than you, and are just looking for the first opponent to use his, so that they can take it down. It's difficult in public lobbies to coordinate Titan drops. I've been on the other side of this too, there's a clan called CORP that play on the UK servers, they're Russian and play as an 8 man team. I've not been able to beat them when there are just two or three of us in a party. They hit the mid map quickly, and kill all of my team mates, summon their Titans, I find myself playing cautiously and slowly just to snag a few kills before being faced with an inevitable defeat. As soon as they come up in the playlist I know the match is already lost because they are very coordinated and my team that's largely composed of assorted randoms, are not. I haven't seen them in the last few days but they've put me on the other end of 100-400 score games where it felt like there was nothing I could do to win the match even if, I myself manage to be double positive or so.

As far as whether ranked would work for average solo players and whatnot, it probably would be a tougher experience but some games like Overwatch manage to make a solo queuing ranked playlist that works. With that said, if you are distinctly average, the majority of your experiences in the regular playlists are probably pretty good. You are likely to match the average skill of the average lobby as a result of the random sample taken to form that lobby. Ranked just gives the upper echelon of players a means of retaining their engagement, sure lower skill players can, and will play too, but it's not the end of the world if ranked ends up being overly difficult for them because the default playlists do not fail to provide challenge for these players.

The only really worry is the very worst players in the game. Ranked isn't going to make the experience any more comfortable for them, and they do not match the average skill, of the average lobby, so those are going to be disproportionately punishing for these bad players. At least however, the gametype variety allows people to find something that they're good at. So I like to think that most players, even if they are bad at the game, even if they don't have great reflexes, they can't snap onto a target within 200 ms, or react to gunfire before they're killed, at least they can find something they're good at like hardpoint, or attition, that allows them to play the objective and still feel valuable.

My team mates and I were joking about the guy that sat at the top of our team with 1 kill in hardpoint yesterday, supposing that it was 'lucky he had people to kill them all before he got there', however I imagine for him, the objective play made him feel incredibly valuable compared to what he would feel in something like TDM, where killing just one player would usually be a sign of remarkably poor performance.

There are other techniques that encourage flow too, that the game does not presently use. Challenges are a big component of that within the Call of Duty games, but personally I find the sheer quantity of challenges in those games overwhelming. Personally I think match-specific challenges are good, what if for instance the game allowed you to select one of three challenges that were adapted to your skill level (get x kills, score x defence points, get x titan kills) adapting the value (x) to the skill of the player (based on the challenges they've been able to complete previously). That's just one suggestion though, there are lots of ways of cultivating flow with challenge systems. Personally I think most challenge systems in games like Call of Duty fail to best cultivate flow because they are not adapted to the individual player, therefore people eventually run out of challenges that they can complete, but user directed challenge or adaptive challenge systems work pretty well.

One really cool method of cultivating flow from a completely different competitive game featured in Motorstorm Apocolypse, that game let you select a player that you could 'beat' at the start of the game', and you would get a credit reward if you beat that target. That self-directed challenge system cultivated flow within a genre that often lacks it. In many cases racing games only reward the top player, or top three, so it's easy to feel bad at the game if you're not consistently getting those positions, but allowing players to select their own targets enabled that game to enhance its engagement and avoid the difficulty anxiety liable to come with not winning on a consistent basis. People can go from the game thinking 'at least I achieved this', even if they didn't win.

Titanfall kind of tries to do something similar that with the extraction system but sadly losing the match just provides another means in which to get wrecked during the post-game objective. Against a decent team the extraction ship isn't going to get out alive, and you have to sit there and be killed again, or hide. It's a little odd, and while it works well in relatively evenly matched games, it's just another 2 minutes of discomfort in games that were one-sided. Against bad teams I often use it as an opportunity to get as many melee takedown kills as possible, I imagine getting a knee to the face is just the icing on the cake for the players that didn't perform very well.


I'm starting to think Ronin is an anti-personnel Titan hence he's more effective in Attrition than in LTS.

Oh yeah, first time trying out Attrition, perhaps I have the wrong expectations but I was expecting the battle lines to be a lot clearer lol.

At first, that's what I thought but after getting better with him, he's very lethal against titans up close especially when you creep up to them
Is there any weapon that feels as good as the Hemlock? I want a change of pace but I'm not sure If I'm ready to leave the Hemlock ;0;

Complex is such a terrible, terrible map. Or rather, I just do not have any fun on it.
Yup, terrible map. Even the beta maps feel so much better compared to Complex.

Man im loving this game. Anybody else getting some strong UT/Quake 3 vibes? The speed is just like that. Awesome.
Yeah, same. Game's CRAZY fast, no other modern online shooter feels this way. I haven't invested this much time on multiplayer since the first Black Ops.
At first, that's what I thought but after getting better with him, he's very lethal against titans up close especially when you creep up to them

Nah, seeing the number of Ronins that get wrecked in TLS, I disagree. Any amount of communication absolutely destroys Ronin's playstyle. Even if he does get the flank, gets behind someone, and starts dealing damage, it only takes a moment to notify a team mate and Ronin has to pull out of the 2 vs 1. He leaves with half health or dies, having usually dealt less to the person he attacked.

In reality though, good communication and situational awareness do not allow Ronin to get close in the first place, and he finds himself picked off to low health before he even gets up on someone.
It really only works against bad players and uncoordinated teams that fail to retain a good sense of situational awareness. Take this GIF for example, this is the result of a successful flank on three enemy Titan's with Scorch


What would Ronin have done here? There's no good option for him. Going into that room would have lead to his death had the four Titan's (and pilots) turned towards him. His glass cannon status doesn't work when he does not deal enough damage to justify his vulnerability, and his gameplan of isolating players for one versus one scenarios just does not work against coordinated teams in LTS.

I think they need to give him a some real means in which he can mitigate damage. Honestly I would like to see a more powerful version of Ion's parry on Ronin, perhaps one that's timing based rather than energy dependent, so in theory it could absorb anything if timed correctly. That's type of thing is the only manner in which I would see making him viable. It would give him good support utility also as he would be able to dash catch enemy barrages to save team mates from damage, similar to Genji from Overwatch.


Not sure why anyone would take a battery if they don't want to use it, since it basically paints you on the hud for everyone to see.

They were obviously grabbing it in advance of their drop. Thing is they have a flaming great Titan right next to them in dire need of one right now, while theirs can wait till the next opportunity. It's also in their interests to have my Titan around for when theirs does finally drop. Matches are won or lost on these decisions.
They were obviously grabbing it in advance of their drop. Thing is they have a flaming great Titan right next to them in dire need of one right now, while theirs can wait till the next opportunity. It's also in their interests to have my Titan around for when theirs does finally drop. Matches are won or lost on these decisions.

Maybe they decided your Titan was done anyway, you're already in a doomed state so you're already just a couple of shots away from death, with or without the battery. Perhaps it's better to preserve a Titan with higher HP that has higher odds of making an impact with the battery.

I doubt it though. I mean, people are just plain stupid in public lobbies. They play alone and do not think about the other players around them. It's not uncommon to have my battery stolen by an enemy pilot, only for a team mate to kill the pilot, take the battery and place it into their own Titan.


Losing interest in this game. Maybe the XB1 group can get some games in?

I feel like the multiplayer is too much of a lonely island still.


Maybe they decided your Titan was done anyway, you're already in a doomed state so you're already just a couple of shots away from death, with or without the battery. Perhaps it's better to preserve a Titan with higher HP that has higher odds of making an impact with the battery.

Does a Titan have to be doomed to be flaming? Serious question, thought they started flaming at very low health. I wouldn't bother going for a battery when doomed either.
I apologize if this has been mentioned before, but I searched and couldn't find anything.

I'm having a really hard time adding a network and setting it as active over Advocate. I'm not an idiot - when I see a prompt to "Press X to set this as the active network," I do so; it just doesn't take. I'm perpetually stuck in the Advocate network. I can't even browse networks in-game; I always only just see Advocate.

Advocate for life! :/

Playing on Xbox One FWIW.


Subete no aware
Could you describe the ladder system from previous games? That sounds like something at least. Would be nice to have something to shoot for rather than just this grind. I agree that to a degree, some of the systems to promote flow, or keep players within their zone of proximal development, however for the most part this isn't enough do so, and it's clear that when we're stomping a team of randoms, forcing them to finish games with scores like 0-8, the game hasn't been successful in keeping those players within their sweet spot.
Someone who played TF1/R1 more could probably elaborate better, since I had stopped playing the game by then since it stopped working for me. But you played matches as normal, and then at the end of the league period, you would be given a rank. I think it was tied into the credit system they introduced that allowed you to buy burn cards and AI speech packs and whatnot.
The Titan's do help, but they are not akin to killstreaks and against good teams using your Titan is suicide, as they all have their Titan's sooner than you, and are just looking for the first opponent to use his, so that they can take it down. It's difficult in public lobbies to coordinate Titan drops. I've been on the other side of this too, there's a clan called CORP that play on the UK servers, they're Russian and play as an 8 man team. I've not been able to beat them when there are just two or three of us in a party. They hit the mid map quickly, and kill all of my team mates, summon their Titans, I find myself playing cautiously and slowly just to snag a few kills before being faced with an inevitable defeat. As soon as they come up in the playlist I know the match is already lost because they are very coordinated and my team that's largely composed of assorted randoms, are not. I haven't seen them in the last few days but they've put me on the other end of 100-400 score games where it felt like there was nothing I could do to win the match even if, I myself manage to be double positive or so.
It's the idea that you can work up to the Titan phase of the game regardless of ability. It just adds something to look forward to in each match, regardless of your ability. Of course you can still get destroyed in them, but then you just try working to the next one.
The game also tells you when your team has Titanfalls ready, so it's possible to coordinate them visually at least.

I can see skill being much more frustrating in a pure objective mode like CTF or Amped Hardpoint, because a well coordinated group will just wreck a team of randoms... but I just solve that by not playing those modes.

But again, unless there's some way to keep groups from playing a playlist - which is something that has been a problem for probably over a decade now - I don't know if there's necessarily an easy solution outside of a solo-only playlist.
As far as whether ranked would work for average solo players and whatnot, it probably would be a tougher experience but some games like Overwatch manage to make a solo queuing ranked playlist that works. With that said, if you are distinctly average, the majority of your experiences in the regular playlists are probably pretty good. You are likely to match the average skill of the average lobby as a result of the random sample taken to form that lobby. Ranked just gives the upper echelon of players a means of retaining their engagement, sure lower skill players can, and will play too, but it's not the end of the world if ranked ends up being overly difficult for them because the default playlists do not fail to provide challenge for these players.
I just think the best players are happy wracking up high scores and K/Ds, particularly those with SCUF controllers or have managed to master the Evolved control scheme/skiing. A team Colosseum mode for those people would probably help the super upper tier players pit their skills against each other in a relatively fair/balanced manner, but I feel like if you're the type of player that Respawn invites for preview events and whatnot, you're probably doing private clan matches or something anyway.

The only really worry is the very worst players in the game. Ranked isn't going to make the experience any more comfortable for them, and they do not match the average skill, of the average lobby, so those are going to be disproportionately punishing for these bad players. At least however, the gametype variety allows people to find something that they're good at. So I like to think that most players, even if they are bad at the game, even if they don't have great reflexes, they can't snap onto a target within 200 ms, or react to gunfire before they're killed, at least they can find something they're good at like hardpoint, or attition, that allows them to play the objective and still feel valuable.

My team mates and I were joking about the guy that sat at the top of our team with 1 kill in hardpoint yesterday, supposing that it was 'lucky he had people to kill them all before he got there', however I imagine for him, the objective play made him feel incredibly valuable compared to what he would feel in something like TDM, where killing just one player would usually be a sign of remarkably poor performance.
I think this is why Amped Hardpoint exists, so that someone gets to contribute even if they're just camping at the home point waiting for someone to come. Same with CTF camping I guess.

TF1's Attitrion mode is really good in terms of giving you lots of grunts to kill (which they've toned down in this game). I still remember Andrea Rene talking excitedly about how she got a few dozen kills in her press event match, until someone told her that she was killing bots and not other players. lol

There are other techniques that encourage flow too, that the game does not presently use. Challenges are a big component of that within the Call of Duty games, but personally I find the sheer quantity of challenges in those games overwhelming. Personally I think match-specific challenges are good, what if for instance the game allowed you to select one of three challenges that were adapted to your skill level (get x kills, score x defence points, get x titan kills) adapting the value (x) to the skill of the player (based on the challenges they've been able to complete previously). That's just one suggestion though, there are lots of ways of cultivating flow with challenge systems. Personally I think most challenge systems in games like Call of Duty fail to best cultivate flow because they are not adapted to the individual player, therefore people eventually run out of challenges that they can complete, but user directed challenge or adaptive challenge systems work pretty well.

One really cool method of cultivating flow from a completely different competitive game featured in Motorstorm Apocolypse, that game let you select a player that you could 'beat' at the start of the game', and you would get a credit reward if you beat that target. That self-directed challenge system cultivated flow within a genre that often lacks it. In many cases racing games only reward the top player, or top three, so it's easy to feel bad at the game if you're not consistently getting those positions, but allowing players to select their own targets enabled that game to enhance its engagement and avoid the difficulty anxiety liable to come with not winning on a consistent basis. People can go from the game thinking 'at least I achieved this', even if they didn't win.

Titanfall kind of tries to do something similar that with the extraction system but sadly losing the match just provides another means in which to get wrecked during the post-game objective. Against a decent team the extraction ship isn't going to get out alive, and you have to sit there and be killed again, or hide. It's a little odd, and while it works well in relatively evenly matched games, it's just another 2 minutes of discomfort in games that were one-sided. Against bad teams I often use it as an opportunity to get as many melee takedown kills as possible, I imagine getting a knee to the face is just the icing on the cake for the players that didn't perform very well.

I wonder if they'll reintroduce daily challenges to Titanfall 2. But I don't know if they want to give people another way to earn currency... unless they end up introducing more cosmetics and allow you to purchase advocate gifts directly. But that was one way to add goals to the game in Titanfall 1 without having to worry about winning or losing.

Whenever they get around to adding the co-op mode, it should help (assuming you are rewarded equally for those matches as you are in the PVP modes... although that wouldn't help for Titans/Weapons giving the current system).

I've never thought of the pure high level players, like the guys who breakdown the PC code and can tell you exactly how much damage a single bullet from the each of the weapons can do and know how much the A-wall boosts damage. I assume the problem of flow for these people would be based on whether or not an "esports" community exists for the game.

For mid-level players like me, who can swing from being the top of the leaderboard (I'm genuinely surprised that I managed to unlock the "Pro" tag for 10 top finishes and the "VIP" tag for 5 first kills), to getting destroyed I feel like the game is balanced enough for me that I can have fun and be challenged at the same time. That is, most of the time I recognize that I'm to blame for my death and I rarely find a death cheap and frustrating.

For new/bad players, I feel like they've tried to balances the matches to try to get people into Titans as fast as possible, which is why taking a battery and giving it to a friendly Titan gives you a huge percentage towards your next Titan. Maybe they can boost that even more, so that Titans are raining from the sky all the time? There is going to be a learning curve that runs concurrent with the flow curve, and I'm sure every designer hopes that the two curves will line up so that they can teach the player and keep them engaged at the same time.

Looking at the default first class, you can see that they give you almost everything you need to get started. Grapple gives you some good mobility options. R204 is a great gun, and the Charge Rifle is a good anti-Titan weapon. Even if you just try playing the game like CoD and try to find rooftops to camp from, you should be able to have some success. The difficulty comes from learning how to counter the dozens of effects/events that can pop off around you - map hacks, pulse blades, gravity grenades, pilot turrets, cloaked pilots, etc - and hopefully you don't rage quit the game if you keep dying to a cloaked guy camping in the corner because you haven't figured out how to spot him yet.

You know, for the extractions, at least they changed it so that you can't drop Titans onto the ship and destroy it via Titanfall. Doing that in the first game was hilarious, but I'm sure was really annoying to the escaping team.

E92 M3

As a huge fan of Jet Set Radio, I'm having a blast discovering new wall running routes.

Also, I think Tone got stealth nerfed again lol.


What do you think if wall hack had a team cool down time like if I use it, no one else on my team can use it for 1 min after the affects have worn off.

stuff like that is just too un-intuitive imo. Either remove it (not gonna happen), make it only work for the person who activates it, or add immunity to Radar Jammer. Same for Sonar.


Trimming some playlists then adding a ranked playlist would be alright... but just adding sbmm would be terrible. It's literally ruined multiple other fps games I've enjoyed this gen especially as someone that solos the vast majority of the time.

It's a valid complaint to want a place to have competitive matches at your choosing... but requesting them to force that on everyone? Nooooope.
Looking at the default first class, you can see that they give you almost everything you need to get started. Grapple gives you some good mobility options. R204 is a great gun, and the Charge Rifle is a good anti-Titan weapon. Even if you just try playing the game like CoD and try to find rooftops to camp from, you should be able to have some success. The difficulty comes from learning how to counter the dozens of effects/events that can pop off around you - map hacks, pulse blades, gravity grenades, pilot turrets, cloaked pilots, etc - and hopefully you don't rage quit the game if you keep dying to a cloaked guy camping in the corner because you haven't figured out how to spot him yet.

I actually really appreciate what they did with the starting class. It's a great option and you don't really feel disadvantaged in any way. Having played Infinite Warfare and Modern Warfare Remastered recently, those games have really horrible default loadouts that leave players severly disadvantaged relative to more experienced players. Like you say, the R201 is a great gun, and while I don't think grapple is a great ability, I do think it's valuable when you're becoming familiar with the maps.

Trimming some playlists then adding a ranked playlist would be alright... but just adding sbmm would be terrible. It's literally ruined multiple other fps games I've enjoyed this gen especially as someone that solos the vast majority of the time.

It's a valid complaint to want a place to have competitive matches at your choosing... but requesting them to force that on everyone? Nooooope.

Who has requested anything like that to be forced onto everyone? My original post asking what people think says...

I don't want skill based match making personally, but I want a ranked mode, a playlist for people to test their skill, and something that effectively encourages a higher level of play.

I do appreciate the input but suggesting I've requested anything like SBMM to be forced on everyone reflects a misunderstanding of my intentions. I brought up SBMM because it's often used to address the issue that the game currently faces, I do not think it's the right solution, but it's worth mentioning either way, and discussing the pros and cons of that type of system is not without value in and of itself. In either case, we are on the same page.

stuff like that is just too un-intuitive imo. Either remove it (not gonna happen), make it only work for the person who activates it, or add immunity to Radar Jammer. Same for Sonar.

Personally my suggestion would allow it to last a little longer but only show people who are moving. That way it would help push through heavily contested objective areas but could easily be negated by significant movement.

At the moment it's still unfair. It allows people to prefire doorways and choke points with little to no options for the aggressor in these situations. It promotes immobility and personally I would work towards a change that did the opposite, promoting mobility as a counter. I want map hack to be a counter to campers and whatnot, that seems like it's what it was intended to be, but I don't want it being used to sustain low-mobility playstyles. You shouldn't be able to pop map hack and see everyone on the map.

I also think that people using the radar jamming boost should be able to take their team off map hack and sonar for the period of the jadar jam. The radar jammer boost is quite useless at the moment, so it would then exist as a substancial hard counter to map hack. Perhaps so as not to waste the map hack users boost, it could stop it working for everyone but the user, so that only 1 person benefits from map hack while jammed, rather than the entire team.
How different is Attrition in TiFa2 compared to the first game? I keep hearing how it always feel like a massive battle and the bots would fill up the area to always give you something to shoot. While it does still have moments like that, I seem to find a lot of ground with nothing happening quite often.

Are there less bots now or something?


Subete no aware
How different is Attrition in TiFa2 compared to the first game? I keep hearing how it always feel like a massive battle and the bots would fill up the area to always give you something to shoot. While it does still have moments like that, I seem to find a lot of ground with nothing happening quite often.

Are there less bots now or something?
Yeah, it feels like there are fewer bots in this game than in the first one. That or the maps are bigger, so there are just more empty areas where nothing happens.


Nah, seeing the number of Ronins that get wrecked in TLS, I disagree. Any amount of communication absolutely destroys Ronin's playstyle. Even if he does get the flank, gets behind someone, and starts dealing damage, it only takes a moment to notify a team mate and Ronin has to pull out of the 2 vs 1. He leaves with half health or dies, having usually dealt less to the person he attacked.

In reality though, good communication and situational awareness do not allow Ronin to get close in the first place, and he finds himself picked off to low health before he even gets up on someone.
It really only works against bad players and uncoordinated teams that fail to retain a good sense of situational awareness. Take this GIF for example, this is the result of a successful flank on three enemy Titan's with Scorch


What would Ronin have done here? There's no good option for him. Going into that room would have lead to his death had the four Titan's (and pilots) turned towards him. His glass cannon status doesn't work when he does not deal enough damage to justify his vulnerability, and his gameplan of isolating players for one versus one scenarios just does not work against coordinated teams in LTS.

I think they need to give him a some real means in which he can mitigate damage. Honestly I would like to see a more powerful version of Ion's parry on Ronin, perhaps one that's timing based rather than energy dependent, so in theory it could absorb anything if timed correctly. That's type of thing is the only manner in which I would see making him viable. It would give him good support utility also as he would be able to dash catch enemy barrages to save team mates from damage, similar to Genji from Overwatch.

I know what you are saying but that hasn't been the case in my experience. I just played now and I took down a scorch and legion by myself. I think it's more to do with whatever load out and how you choose to play. Ronin tends to like his battled one vs one but the phase dash and double dash can be used effectively against multiple titans
I know what you are saying but that hasn't been the case in my experience. I just played now and I took down a scorch and legion by myself. I think it's more to do with whatever load out and how you choose to play. Ronin tends to like his battled one vs one but the phase dash and double dash can be used effectively against multiple titans

Having played Ronin for quite a bit since I like the close quarters hit and run playstyle, I really do think that his block needs to be something similar to Genji from Overwatch where he deflects some damage back at the enemy but on a cooldown so it can't be spammed and needs to be deployed at the right time.

I also feel his R1 needs a bit of a buff. I feel like it just doesn't do enough damage and travels very slowly, making it easy to avoid. Maybe up the damage a bit or increase its speed a bit, but keep its range a limited. I can definitely see why you wouldn't want to go overboard with this. You don't want to give this guy an incredibly powerful fast long range option. Keep him close range with a small mid range poking option that should be avoidable.


Northstar's core ability wouldn't have even managed one kill there, lol. Still, I destroy Scorch for free, so there's some comfort.

SMGs are so stupidly overpowered that pretty much the entire PC playerbase has started using them now. You should just assume every single person has one equipped at this point, but that doesn't really help adjust your playstyle because their range is too long and the spawning system is so fucked that it just drops the guy you killed 5 seconds ago in behind you. Unavoidable random death in any game drives me nuts.

edit: most people seem to be in attrition on PC, I typically see numbers like 1200-1600. If you pick mixtape you get attrition most of the time.
Man this mission towards the end where
you have to fight like 500 titans on the way to the ark
is just kicking my ass. I almost want to stop playing the game and just call it a day on the (admittedly great) campaign. Just not fun and completely frustrating.
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