Played for a few hours last night on PS4. Love the game. Having much more fun than I was with BF1.
I added my name to the spreadsheet, may I please get an invite to PS4 Titangaf? I only play late night west coast time.
PSN SmokedOyster
My first game was so laggy it was unplayable. It felt like I was walking in molasses, not rubberbanding. 2nd game was better, then the rest of the games for the night were fine. I had about a 34ms ping to the Oregon servers.
Framerate is decent, better than BF1 for sure, but plenty of dropped frames in hectic situations. I was also getting a lot of dropped frames when my Titan was falling. Does the game load the titan assets when you call it in or something? Seemed to get dropped frames every single time my Titan was falling down from the sky.
Where is the Red Baron skin? I can't seem to find it, even though I have BF1 and TF2 both installed on my PS4.
I think Tone is my favorite Titan right now. The 40mm was my favorite in TF1, so I naturally gravitated towards that here, and I like it a lot. I tried Legion but the spin up on his gun catches me off guard sometimes.
I can tell there is a lot to learn about titans, and how to synergize their various attacks and abilities. I find myself forgetting to use secondary abilities in the heat of battle.
I mostly played Attrition just so I could get back into the feel of Titanfall after a year of playing BO3. The movement looks similar on paper, but feels totally different in practice. Takes some adjusting. I also need to get used to hipfiring more often. I'm so accustomed to ADS'ing everything and I don't think it's too necessary in TF2.
Anyway, loving the game overall, can't wait to play more.