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TITANFALL 2 |OT| Don't Misgender Tone.

Glad to see someone else feels and or sees it as such. Basically my final verdict is this, it's a polished, gorgeous, smooth feeling game. It's got a ton of content which is great. But it's imho the new call of duty, this is probably what call of duty should of been in terms of polish compared to how infinite warfare feels. But yea, this game has its moments of fun and I'll continue to keep playing to get my money's worth, but let's call a spade a spade. It's way more COD than the first ever was, take out those mechs and this game is modern day call of duty. But it's a good call of duty, that's my point. But that's why I'm having personal struggles, because it's simply cod. But it's got more polish than any current cod that's for sure.

...it's a twitch shooter. The first one was as well. Just had a couple of horrible maps and grunts around the place to gussy it up some. I'm not sure why if you were good at the first one you aren't good at this one.


I don't know if I'll ever be listened to here, but I'm going to post these hopeful changes and quote my post at least once later. I probably post too much about little things I perhaps don't like, but the following is just bad for the game.

Please allow me to adjust the transparency of the blips on the Radar (not the dots)
  • without this, I literally cannot ever see the map of pings when people are firing. You may as well have nothing else there but the blips with the amount of space they take.

Please give me a way to refill my ammo (in R1 this happened when I would enter a Titan)
  • I played a full game of Attrition and ran out of ammo in my Mag Launcher 2/3rds of the way through. Considering Pilots will rarely drop Anti-Titan weapons, that's horrible.


Not enough score comes from Minion kills in Attrition.
  • The score is 500 but it seems like I can only get to kill like 3 spawns or so even if I spend the whole match trying to kill them. In certain maps, like Drydock, there are massive areas that are never used. Not only do Minions not spawn there so there's no reason, but when they do spawn, they just end up in the same linear line as the initial Pilot spawns. It makes Attrition feel empty.


This doesn't feel like cod at all , cod wishes it feels this good and have this kind of gunplay.

It kind feels like good old cod though . Man I just played my first two hours . Sooooo good. Solid 49 ms ping throughout, cod is dead to me (well since aw anyway so didn't take much extra)


i'm playing through the campaign again.

for me this is unheard of. i've never played through a compaign more than once.

I've only done that for Halo when I was much younger. Otherwise it'd require higher difficulties or something like Arcade Mode for me to ever return to a campaign.

I can definitely see myself going back and replaying R2 Campaign if there's a Scorpio update however.


I've only done that for Halo when I was much younger. Otherwise it'd require higher difficulties or something like Arcade Mode for me to ever return to a campaign.

I can definitely see myself going back and replaying R2 Campaign if there's a Scorpio update however.

i'm not a campaign person. at all. i mean, really, at all.

there's something very Blade Runnerish about this campaign. It's an old school feel with something so new that we haven't experienced before. Yes, it sounds hyperbolic but i'm being genuine here.


i'm not a campaign person. at all. i mean, really, at all.

there's something very Blade Runnerish about this campaign. It's an old school feel with something so new that we haven't experienced before. Yes, it sounds hyperbolic but i'm being genuine here.

you're not being hyperbolic at all, it's one of the bloody best ever


Jesus fucking Christ the MP IS SOOOOO DDDAMMMNNN GOOOOOD. I was playing LTS for 5 hours straight tonight. So damn satisfying Tone is godlike. I love this freaking game amazing job Respawn.
I can get a lot more entertainment from different games and/or different mediums than the 5 hours I got out of the campaign for the same amount or less than the game costs. So really you're the only one who can answer that question since only you know what you expect your money to buy.

Also think people are grading the campaign on a bit of a curve. Don't think it really holds a candle to Wolfenstein:TNO, Dishonored, Deus Ex:HR, Shadow Warrior 2, just as examples. Sure it is great compared to the campaigns of other EA multiplayer games that have token campaigns. :)

Alright. I get that whether something is "worth the money" is subjective, when I ask that question I'm usually accounting for that subjectivity and am essentially just asking for a quick and short review really. :) Good to know that the campaign may be getting judged compared to only its direct competitors and not the top dogs in single player.

One of the most popular Titans, Tone, is female. Some people may refer to all Titans as a he automatically.

and http://i.imgur.com/fNGnxwl.png <-- R2 is the internal name for Titanfall 2. R1 was for the original.

Oh god yes.

If Half Life Episode 3 came out with just the campaign, would it be worth it?

I feel like I've played something even better.


I have just finished the Campaign on Master. Outside of that one area I skipped early on, it wasn't too challenging but it sure died a bunch the first time I encountered certain things.

Respawn, you guys are fucking incredible.

OK, I guess that clears up the R1/R2 and Tone stuff, I had a feeling it was something like that for the former, but I seriously couldn't figure out the latter. That's quite some praise for the single player, I think the most ecstatic I've ever seen. I appreciate the input, and if I do get the game, I hope the single player is as standout for me as it seems to have been for you.

its good but still probably not worth full price if you just want to play the campaign. any reason you can't just wait for it to go on sale? or rent it if you have a redbox near you.

This is a little more modest of an endorsement obviously. There isn't actually any reason why I can't wait for a sale or rent it, I was already basically planning on it. Since I only a few times a year where I have a couple of weeks break in studying to feel that I can spare a couple hours a day to gaming, I've begun to develop a habit of making a list of games to buy on sale and save up until those short breaks. So I'm not in need of a game this second, since I wouldn't be able to play it until the middle of December, and even then, I've got so many games already on the backlog anyways. I'm basically just trying to get some user impressions straight from GAF since I find that we generally do a good job of providing user "reviews". I also wanted to check whether problems of the somewhat infamous beta I had heard of had indeed been improved upon.

I finished the campaign tonight, and I think it is excellent. Fun from start to finish, lots of varied gameplay mechanics to keep it mixed up, and very high production values throughout. My only gripe would be that the game isn't particularly difficult, but I only played on Hard (there is one more higher difficulty level than that).

Having said that, it is very short. I'm not sure of the exact amount of time it took me to get through it, but Origin shows I've played TiF2 for 5 hours. If you're pressed for time and want a great single player campaign that you can complete in a few hours... go for it. If you don't think that's enough gameplay value for your $, I'd wait for it to go on sale.

OK, thanks for the reply! It looks like in general, pretty much everyone is positive on the single player, the magnitude of the praise is all that seems to vary. It sounds promising, but I will probably get it on sale. I was very happy to get DOOM for $30 back in August (I think), so I'll probably repeat that here but in Jan/Feb/Mar.

I'd say so. I had tons of fun with the SP campaign.

First level is kind of slow with all the tutorial hand-holding stuff and story bits. Once you get your Titan the game picks up dramatically and it's amazing from then on. Not really any filler or any down moments imo. Everything about the combat is super satisfying, but even the portions where you're not in combat and simply traversing the level, the game makes you wallrun and double jump and all sorts of cool ninja type shit. You're always doing new stuff and feeling like a complete badass the entire time.

Only downside is that it's kind of on the shorter side I guess.

Sounds almost like a Platinum Games-like experience. So it seems like one can say with some certainty that they fixed the biggest issue with TF1, a campaign/storyline (though maybe population/staying power is a bigger issue, and we'll see how that works out). It sounds at least good, but some would call it great/excellent.

Well said, my thoughts exactly. It's the modern Call of Duty finally done right and anyone enjoying fast, twitchy shooters will be having a blast, guaranteed. Others, like myself, who tend to gravitate towards slower, more "tactical" shooters with longer TTK will probably struggle to get their money's worth out of it tho.

Hmm. I could sort of handle Titanfall 1 on PC, I can't tell if it'd be more difficult on PS4 or if everyone having controllers will even the playing field more. I really long for the days of Halo 3 and Reach, it seems no console shooter scratches the same itch of slower/tactical/vehicle based gameplay. At least in TF1, the Titans reminded me a bit of how much slower and more methodical Halo combat could be.

See, that's another reason the single player of TF2 interests me more, because if it's good enough, maybe I could also begin appreciating twitchy shooters more. I liked what I got with TF1, but it was pretty hard to get any mastery of the systems without a single player portion that could act as "training". Call of Duty seems so mass market and soulless, so I watch Titanfall and hope for it to succeed and for it to gain more of my interest.

Still, so far Halo has basically been the only online game I've gotten deep into, and neither Destiny nor current Halo seem to really match the classics. No other game these days seems to even try for the same "feel" either. Are there any multiplatform games like classic Halo I've been blind to?

Well, I'm nearly falling asleep, so I think I'll leave it at that. If a lot of people respond to this like they seem to have somewhat unexpectedly with my previous post, I'm sorry if I don't reply to every one. I'd like to, but I tend to spend way more time than I expect when I wrote replies to people, and I'm a little behind this weekend, so again, sorry if I don't reply.


...it's a twitch shooter. The first one was as well. Just had a couple of horrible maps and grunts around the place to gussy it up some. I'm not sure why if you were good at the first one you aren't good at this one.

Huh, I hadn't heard anyone say TF1 had bad maps before. Even the praise I've seen for TF2 seems to admit that it has a little less solid of a map selection this time, but that seems contrary to your opinion. Is that right, and if so, would you mind explaining why TF2's maps are better than TF1's?


Man, I wish there was a button config that swapped crouch and melée as a pilot but kept it as is for Titan control. I find knee slides much easier when I can keep my thumb on the stick, but Ronin feels much worse when sword attacks are on the face buttons.


Man, I wish there was a button config that swapped crouch and melée as a pilot but kept it as is for Titan control. I find knee slides much easier when I can keep my thumb on the stick, but Ronin feels much worse when sword attacks are on the face buttons.

elite controller dude. i switch from setting 1(pilot) to setting 2 (titan) when i'm in or out of a titan.


Bought this game but it only installs to about 50% and then says it can't read the disk and ejects it. I can only see a tiny scratch near the centre. Nothing unusual really and I'm surprised that it could be causing the problem but I guess that's it.

The even more annoying thing is that I bought this game 2 days ago in a different city so I can't drive back and exchange it. My only hope is to return it by mail. So annoyed right now as this has never happened before.

I've tried uninstalling it and trying again but it stops in the same spot each time. The low install base makes me think I'll just ask for a refund.
Really surprised by how much I ended up loving this campaign. Its got everything I wanted out of a Titanfall campaign, but Respawn ups the ante by keeping things interesting throughout. There's solid variety, inventive surprises and plenty of wow moments. There were also plenty of moments that reminded me of Half-life 2 (and not just the loading screens ;p)

Took me about 7 or 8 hours on Hard over two sessions, but I'll definitely jump back in some time soon to experiment with different loadouts and weapons and explore a bit more.

Easily the best of the shooter campaigns I've played this year, though Doom is a very close second.

Its fucking wonderful to have two 2016 60fps shooter campaigns done well, and both with super smooth flawless controls and feedback.

Also played a handful of attrition matches and it felt like Titanfall alright, wall-running and speeding over rooftops, cowboying and calling in Titans. The crash site map was the only downer as that level just doesn't seem designed for the Titanfall sandbox - there's no room to manuever and usually only one flanking route. Its too narrow and confined and just becomes a meat grinder.
Hover just... doesn't feel that great. I die practically every time I use it, even with Phase Shift equipped. Plus it messes up my aim more than if I wasn't using it. I might keep trying it on my Softball loadout, but I gave up on it immediately for my G2 loadout.

I need to purchase the last ability in that slot (silences Pilot movement). It sounds like what I'd want to use for most of my loadouts.
Gimme Skirmish as it's own mode. It suits this game more. No point making minion farming more important by having Bounty Hunt if you're gunna have Smart Core.
I didn't even realize Skirmish doesn't have its own dedicated playlist until now. I figured that'd be one of new draws for people that didn't like R1; having a playlist for it seemed like a no-brainer.
Jesus fucking Christ the MP IS SOOOOO DDDAMMMNNN GOOOOOD. I was playing LTS for 5 hours straight tonight. So damn satisfying Tone is godlike. I love this freaking game amazing job Respawn.
I've only played a small number of LTS games, but they've all been great. Really wish more people played it.


Can I ask for people's opinions: how is the multiplayer matchmaking by skill?

Reason I ask is I'm really tempted to give it a go, but I'm pretty bad at FPS, and there's only team-based MP modes. I don't mind being not very good (I'm soon 50 years of age, my reflex aren't what they were) but I hate letting team mates down.

Some games are better than others at matchmaking bad players together and good players together and avoiding one-sided games. Any feel for how the game stacks up on this front?


Really liking what I'm playing so far in the MP. I just really wish CTF wasn't a dead playlist, it's been 2 days and it is literally empty. Anyone up for some matches on PS4?

PSN is Fakehound


The more I play the more I love it.

Currently rank 23 online and when shit hits the fan in a match it still blows my socks off.


I haven't seen any grunts/spectres fighting each other so far. It was always cool when you ran into a fight between 3 grunts or seeing them drag a wounded teammate away. Have they removed that in 2?


I'm really surprised at how good the SP is. It's actually better than DOOM, and I didn't think we'd get a better FPS campaign than that for a long time. It's so much like Vanquish with the wall running and sliding everywhere in these well built arena type environments. I think it's actually more fun than Vanquish but that might be because I'm playing titanfall on PC where movement is a lot easier and more comfortable than using the PS3 controller.


Triple kill and titan kill with a single vortex shield. Feels good man. Still trying to figure things out, but so far the sheer speed and excitement of the MP is well worth my purchase.
I haven't seen any grunts/spectres fighting each other so far. Have they taken that out of 2? It was always cool when you ran into a fight between 3 grunts or seeing them drag a wounded teammate away.

I've seen grunts shooting at each other, but comparing videos of the two games, it doesn't seem like you turn a corner and run into those small grunt vs grunt interactions as much anymore (if at all?). The distribution of AI in Attrition makes it feel more like group vs group across mobile fronts.


So what platform should I get this on?

I personally want to buy it on PC but I am worried about player population, the first game turned into a graveyard pretty quick and while this might not suffer from it as quickly it might be an issue in near future.

I won't be playing it much and it'll be one of my secondary MP games that I play every once in a while.


Fuuuuck me, I hated the beta (or was it alpha?) on PS4, but I really feel like giving the game another chance on PC, the first game was pretty great after all. I'm really enjoying BF1 too, but it scratches a different kind of itch than the games like TF2, CoD etc. do.

I hear Origin has this 24-hour thing for refunds, does it mean that I can play as much as I want today and as long as I'll ask for a refund within 24 hours of the first time I boot up the game, I'll get it, no questions asked? No 2-hour limits like with Steam games?


Those who have played the campaign, would you recommend I play through that first?

I'm asking because I'm only playing MP right now and it seems that there's just a lot of mechanics I'm just not aware of (like ejecting from a Titan is pressing X and then E?) And then other weapons on the Titans (core power build ups, etc.) Are these mechanics taken step by step through the campaign?

I was actually saving the campaign for a rainy day since I've heard it's around 6 hours and really good, but if it helps me improve in MP, then I'll play it first.
Those who have played the campaign, would you recommend I play through that first?

I'm asking because I'm only playing MP right now and it seems that there's just a lot of mechanics I'm just not aware of (like ejecting from a Titan is pressing X and then E?) And then other weapons on the Titans (core power build ups, etc.) Are these mechanics taken step by step through the campaign?

I was actually saving the campaign for a rainy day since I've heard it's around 6 hours and really good, but if it helps me improve in MP, then I'll play it first.

The campaign will teach and sometimes force you to use the movement mechanics, core ability mechanics are present in the campaign as well. Also eject is press X and tap E three times,
It's a lazy response to simply say that it's not. As I mentioned I'm finding enjoyment but I would of found a lot more of they kept the original formula. I can sit all day and dissect the problem with call of duty style warfare but what's the point when most seem to actually love and enjoy that, so to me it sort of is what it is. I'm tryin to give this game praise in as many ways as possible rather than shitting on it and writing it off. I'm here simply to discuss and vent about it all, nothing more nothing less.

I really don't like Call of Duty games but I really enjoy this. I don't feel as though it plays like a call of duty game at all.

For one, one of the biggest things I love about Titanfall that current FPS aren't doing is that the game facilitates 'epic' moments without taking agency from other players. Call of Duty does this with kill streaks, Battlefield does this with Behemoths, Destiny does it with Supers. All of these mechanisms offer means in which bad players can feel good about their gameplay but they also negatively effect the experience of other players, they reduce the number of one versus one, even gunfights by giving certain players an unfair advantage. The biggest downside to this is that it takes agency from other players, it's not my fault if my team die so frequently that my opponent gets a Nuke which in turn, kills me, yet that's what Call of Duty delivers.

Titanfall takes a completely different approach and doesn't offer an unfair advantage to anyone in any individual encounter. Those special moments are facilitated by interactions between carefully designed and balanced mechanics (Titan's versus pilots), no matter how bad you are at the game you can acquire a Titan by killing bots, and you get to feel powerful as a result. It's not quite the automatic killing spree that something like Battlefield's hero classes provide (randomly distributed classes that have 4 times the health) but it's enough to create highs and lows in a players gameplay experience regardless of their skill level. Instead of adding a mechanism that takes depth away with goofy one-hit kills (Destiny), or aerial bombardments that present no risk to the user (battlefield, call of duty), Titanfall's, Titan mechanic actively adds depth and competitive validity through interaction with pilot and Titan. The game never removes one players agency for the sake of another, and that's not just a good thing, but a deal breaker for someone like me that values those design considerations.

Aside those more nuanced elements of the games design, map design is probably the biggest standout factor between Titanfall and Call of Duty. Titanfall's maps are designed in such a way that offers large open spaces and facilitates movement. Even on the more open maps these environments feel far less restrictive and confined than anything offered in Black Ops 3 or Infinite Warfare. Wall running doesn't feel as though it's an afterthought that's only valuable to increase the unpredictability of your movements during combat. It's a way to approach objectives, a way to flank, a way to grapple Titans etc. it's integrated into the very core of how pilots play the game.

That just isn't true in Call of Duty. If you ever watch a Call of Duty tournament you'll see how it's typically used. It's very uncommon to see wall running or any of the mobility mechanics used aside the glide. Instead of peeking corners on the ground players jump around them to reduce the predictability of their approach, but it's not that indistinct from the peek and crouch or peek and dropshot mechanics seen in previous games or CS. The maps just don't warrant the mobility mechanics.

Even in the open fields on Titanfall, there are often brief wall running segments which when combined with slides and bounces can get you where you want to be in half the time, while making you a much less predictable target to hit. This contrasts Call of Duty which is much more 'boots in the ground' which gives you very little reason to use these mechanics. They aren't considerably faster and momentum doesn't allow you to flow from one action to the next. Titanfall is fundamentally different at this level.

Not to mention the little things. The lack of prone which only enhances the pacing of the game, the addition of enemy health bars and clear visual identification of enemy targets. This is distinct from Call of Duty where players often face struggling to brown enemies from the brown environment. If I am to be outplayed it's nice when it's because they are more accurate and reacted faster, not because I could not tell if what I was looking at was a player or some kind of foliage.

There are huge fundamental differences between the two games both at the level of minor but influential detail (visual clarity, player agency) to the more global distinctions like map design and the influence of Titan's and their interactions with Pilots.

you could make a custom button layout and quickly change to it via the quick menu.
If you set your menu on the prompt to change it, you can switch between them in less then a second.
And the quick menu doesn't take you out of the game also

Anyone know how Ion's energy affects her abilities? How do you keep track of how much energy you have?

Splitted gunfire does more damage but takes energy, the energy is the bar on the center-left of the screen


Caved and bought T2. Jesus, getting killed from spawn and killed from the back really doesn't appeal to me. I'll give it more time as I want to enjoy this and I know a great MP is in there.
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