Shake Appeal
You're in the rafters, aren't you. I see you, Jarrod.Found a great hiding spot on Fracture when capturing B in Hardpoint.
You're in the rafters, aren't you. I see you, Jarrod.Found a great hiding spot on Fracture when capturing B in Hardpoint.
You're in the rafters, aren't you. I see you, Jarrod.
Have you guys ever considered that Respawn intentionally does NOT want hardpoint to be a "hold" gameplay type of flow?
Maybe they want it to be more fast-paced and more action, and less camping.
Yes traditionally domination in other FPSes is about holding, but maybe Respawn does not want it like that in their game. If this is the case, I applaud them and agree. I hate fucking campers in any FPS, any mode, any place.
It's been awhile since I've played it so I don't remember everything, but anyone else think mixing a little Chromehounds in regards to the online system it had (persistent world map, factions fighting over territory, etc) would be pretty awesome for Titanfall 2? I think that kind of system would lend itself pretty well to this game.
Have you guys ever considered that Respawn intentionally does NOT want hardpoint to be a "hold" gameplay type of flow?
Maybe they want it to be more fast-paced and more action, and less camping.
I think Fracture is the most complex map, and probably the map that had the most development time put into it (which is why it was the primary map of the E3 demo). As far as little alcoves and shit go, Fracture has that topped. It may not be the best map, but I think it's the most fun to explore and run around in. It has "the most to see".Found a great hiding spot on Fracture when capturing B in Hardpoint.
Yeah, but the problem now is that nobody defends the Hardpoints after capturing them and they go back to the enemy team almost immediately.
I think they over-nerfed. Pre-patch camping was rewarded too heavily and nobody would actually bother to attempt a Capture, but now post-patch, the little bit of necessary camping that is required in order to secure the HP is being completely abandoned and they're too vulnerable.
I think 50 points is that sweet spot.
Yeah, but the problem now is that nobody defends the Hardpoints after capturing them and they go back to the enemy team almost immediately.
I think they over-nerfed. Pre-patch camping was rewarded too heavily and nobody would actually bother to attempt a Capture, but now post-patch, the little bit of necessary camping that is required in order to secure the HP is being completely abandoned and they're too vulnerable.
I think 50 points is that sweet spot.
I think Fracture is the most complex map, and probably the map that had the most development time put into it (which is why it was the primary map of the E3 demo). As far as little alcoves and shit go, Fracture has that topped. It may not be the best map, but I think it's the most fun to explore and run around in.
But people do care about Exp and it affects their in-game behavior. I think after the nerf, people are far too willing to immediately abandon a Hardpoint after capturing, only to let it get re-capped shortly after. I see it happening far too often, now.I still don't get it, who cares about the EXP? You get +25 for getting a killing spree and you get 1000 for killing like 25 Grunts etc.
They just don't want people to care about EXP at all.
That's clearly what they want. I assume they saw that Attrition matches were ending too quickly and the Hardpoint/CTF matches were taking too long, so they juiced the numbers accordingly.
Having played a few rounds of Attrition just now I have to say the change feels really good. The matches were definitely longer than I'm used to, but not so long that blowout takes forever to end. Definitely think they hit at good spot on that change.
Not having played domination yet since the tweaks I really can't speak to those changes yet. Having played that mode far more than the others though has me thinking the change to defending might be a little too much. Like others are saying 50, to me, sounds more reasonable..but I'm not looking at the data they have collected so far. Give it a couple weeks and we'll see how it shakes out. They can just as easily bump it up a few notches.
Overall though I'm glad to see a round of tweaks, for better or for worse, so soon after launch. I'm having a blast with this game. Also a quick question for other PC users...are you seeing a lack of regenerated players in comparison to XBO? lol. Most games I join I might see a couple 2's or a 3. The highest I've come accross is a 5. I watch these videos from xbo players and there are soooo many high lvl regened players is got me wondering.
There is only one thing I detest in this game and that is when players camp on hard points with the charges. It's so cheap and the blast range is huge, other than that everything seems pretty balanced. Having a blast
There is only one thing I detest in this game and that is when players camp on hard points with the charges. It's so cheap and the blast range is huge, other than that everything seems pretty balanced. Having a blast
Have you guys ever considered that Respawn intentionally does NOT want hardpoint to be a "hold" gameplay type of flow?
Maybe they want it to be more fast-paced and more action, and less camping.
Yes traditionally domination in other FPSes is about holding, but maybe Respawn does not want it like that in their game. If this is the case, I applaud them and agree. I hate fucking campers in any FPS, any mode, any place.
No, you stop. Here's another:
here's the pings:
So saying it's a latency issue is crazy. I have been killed like that plenty of times. It's because of the lock-on and ridiculous range.
Because sometimes speed is better than armour (if used correctly), the Stryder is fantastic at getting around a map quickly (its insane when you activate the dash core) and is also very good at dodging attacks.Just got the game, played for a couple of hours. I really don't see a reason to use any other titan besides the tank one.
I'm most definitely guilty of "abusing" satchel charges. I've become quite good with them and one of my favorite burn cards is the unlimited satchels one. Though I do get many kills with them ( sometimes myself included) I will agree they seem to be a bit too strong. I get more double/triple kills with charges than with anything else. Also if a player gets the jump on me but doesn't kill me and I have to chance to run... dropping one at my feet and detonating a few seconds later will almost always kill my pursuer.
That said though I can definitely understand why people feel there too strong, I do most times too. Maybe the radius of the explosion needs tweaking I don't know. Even though a tweak to them would affect my play style I would completely understand if a change to them was in the pipeline. Just have to wait and see.
Just got the game, played for a couple of hours. I really don't see a reason to use any other titan besides the tank one. It seems like most people will just sit there and duke out with you, and why wouldn't you want the extra health? Also, default scope for carbine is awful, I unlocked the other two and it made aiming much easier.
That's advanced tactics, though, dood. Very few people actually do that, but yes, it is the idea.Don't arc grenades set satchels off? I thought the idea was to throw an arc grenade in to clear it before capturing a point.
There's a difference between defending and costing your team the game by sitting in a corner at C farming XP while B and A are the only points being contested.
increase reward for hardpoint hold, decrease additional reward for kills while holding, decrease kill xp in general. Problem solved.
I'm most definitely guilty of "abusing" satchel charges. I've become quite good with them and one of my favorite burn cards is the unlimited satchels one. Though I do get many kills with them ( sometimes myself included) I will agree they seem to be a bit too strong. I get more double/triple kills with charges than with anything else. Also if a player gets the jump on me but doesn't kill me and I have to chance to run... dropping one at my feet and detonating a few seconds later will almost always kill my pursuer.
That said though I can definitely understand why people feel there too strong, I do most times too. Maybe the radius of the explosion needs tweaking I don't know. Even though a tweak to them would affect my play style I would completely understand if a change to them was in the pipeline. Just have to wait and see.
So are the servers being weird, or is there literally nobody playing Pilot Hunter on PC?
Just got the game, played for a couple of hours. I really don't see a reason to use any other titan besides the tank one. It seems like most people will just sit there and duke out with you, and why wouldn't you want the extra health? Also, default scope for carbine is awful, I unlocked the other two and it made aiming much easier.
I would use Arc Grenades if I could throw one into a Titan while riding it.
Since I can't, I stick with satchel charges.
Have you guys ever considered that Respawn intentionally does NOT want hardpoint to be a "hold" gameplay type of flow?
Maybe they want it to be more fast-paced and more action, and less camping.
Yes traditionally domination in other FPSes is about holding, but maybe Respawn does not want it like that in their game. If this is the case, I applaud them and agree. I hate fucking campers in any FPS, any mode, any place.
Sigh. Rant.
This is getting to be my experience as well. It's to the point where I'm pretty consistently my team's top player, which is bad news because I'm not good enough to carry the people who go 0 and 10 all the time. :x
For people stuck on "Kill Titan with X" challenges, play Hardpoint. A lot of people leave an auto-titan in guard mode, and they are a lot easier to kill.
Have you guys ever considered that Respawn intentionally does NOT want hardpoint to be a "hold" gameplay type of flow?
Maybe they want it to be more fast-paced and more action, and less camping.
Yes traditionally domination in other FPSes is about holding, but maybe Respawn does not want it like that in their game. If this is the case, I applaud them and agree. I hate fucking campers in any FPS, any mode, any place.
Just played my first few rounds of attrition and I must say it is pretty lame how the teams dont switch. Played 3 games and we kept getting owned bc the other 6 players would have their titans together and there wasnt shit u could do.
Nah I love using the stryder with the triple threat and just speeding into a place, spraying it with grenades, and dashing out or away from danger
Nah I love using the stryder with the triple threat and just speeding into a place, spraying it with grenades, and dashing out or away from danger
Still yet to use triple threat effectively. Don't understand the point in it at all aside from pumping nades through windows in CTF/HD.
Still yet to use triple threat effectively. Don't understand the point in it at all aside from pumping nades through windows in CTF/HD.
Still yet to use triple threat effectively. Don't understand the point in it at all aside from pumping nades through windows in CTF/HD.