Obviously, I've exaggerated this to extremes to highlight the problem but I've had dozens of matches that were nearly this ridiculous before the patch went through. If Respawn bumps up scoring for defensive pilot/titan kills next, it'll be perfect.
This is a great way to explain the issue for people not playing the game and getting points for it, now it would be (due to the cut to 25 points from 75 points per 10 second tick) n a 5 minute match (I removed the deaths as he was good at hiding but still did nothing at all

McPointCamper ---> 0 OFF / 1375 DEF / 0 Kills / 0 Deaths
The problem here is of course: not everyone was being McPointCamper, due to this change you can now have someone defend a point correctly (killing etc) and in the end get the same amount of defence points despite actually defending the point..
With the old points a player earned 75 points every 10 seconds whilst at a captured control point via HP perimeter defence points, then an additional 125 points every minute via HP hold points (this is the one I'm not sure on). So in a 5 minute match you have 2 players at a control point, 1 simply sitting in a point doing nothing and the other actually fighting to hold the point.
McPointCamper--> 0 OFF / 2875 DEF / 0 Kills / 0 Deaths.
MCPointDender--> 0 OFF / 2875 DEF / 15 Kills / 0 Deaths.
With the new scoring system players now get 25 points every 10 seconds whilst at a captured control point via HP perimeter defence points, then an additional 125 points every minute via HP hold points (again, not sure on this one). So in a 5 minute match you have 2 players at a control point, 1 simply sitting in a point doing nothing and the other actually fighting to hold the point.
McPointCamper--> 0 OFF / 1375 DEF / 0 Kills / 0 Deaths.
MCPointDender--> 0 OFF / 1375 DEF / 15 Kills / 0 Deaths.
If they added for the defence points kills suggestion at say 50 points per defence point kill (a kill within your teams captured control point area), then if would end up like this.
McPointCamper--> 0 OFF / 1375 DEF / 0 Kills / 0 Deaths.
MCPointDender--> 0 OFF / 2125 DEF / 15 Kills / 0 Deaths.
It is a tricky one though, but I said this before. Balance should not be made around players abusing the system, it should be made to balance the system for the players actually playing. Its not right to drop defence points because it was possible for players to do nothing and be rewarded - because doing this punishes players who do a lot and actually try to defend.