The Cowboy
Correct, the resupply via your titan is a game mechanic and is mentioned in the loading text.Naw it's not. I'm pretty sure it tells you that in the in between mission tips.
Correct, the resupply via your titan is a game mechanic and is mentioned in the loading text.Naw it's not. I'm pretty sure it tells you that in the in between mission tips.
Naw it's not. I'm pretty sure it tells you that in the in between mission tips.
Correct, the resupply via your titan is a game mechanic and is mentioned in the loading text.
Here is the list of them - taken from reddit ( damn, can't believe I missed that. That sounds like such a crucial bit of info, hope I didn't miss out on anything else
"TIP_001" "Get refreshed. Every time you enter your Titan, your Pilot ammo is automatically refilled."
"TIP_002" "Zap it. The Arc Cannon can destroy rockets in flight."
"TIP_003" "The Smart Pistol will lock onto live grenades. Be careful not to blow yourself up!"
"TIP_004" "Careful! Your jump jets are still visible when they fire, even while you are cloaked."
"TIP_005" "Don't rest on your laurels - a doomed Titan is still a threat."
"TIP_006" "Finish them! You can rip an enemy out of a doomed Titan with a well-timed melee attack."
"TIP_007" "Your Pilot is always equipped with a primary weapon, a side arm, and an Anti-Titan weapon."
"TIP_008" "The Arc Cannon drains energy from an enemy Vortex Shield."
"TIP_009" "Go for the rodeo! You can kill a Titan by jumping on its back and firing into its internal systems."
"TIP_010" "Heavy Turrets can be turned to your side by using your Data Knife on their control panels."
"TIP_011" "The Pilot's cloaking device was built to fool Titan optics, and is less effective against the naked eye."
"TIP_012" "Heads up! Titans falling into the battle will kill any enemy combatants they land on."
"TIP_013" "Hang from the walls! You can come to a stop and hang onto a wall by holding %zoom% while wall running."
"TIP_014" "Each time you inflict damage on an enemy, you reduce the time it takes to get your next Titan."
"TIP_015" "Get under their skin. When you 'rodeo' an enemy Titan and shoot its internal systems, your attack bypasses the shields."
"TIP_016" "Arc Grenades disorient and reveal cloaked Pilots."
"TIP_017" "Switch to your Anti-Titan weapon to do the most damage to Titans when you're on foot as a Pilot."
"TIP_018" "Some weapons do extra damage against unshielded Titans - shoot at any highlighted weakpoints you see."
"TIP_019" "Electric Smoke is a great option for getting rid of enemy Pilots that are on your Titan."
"TIP_020" "Getting outnumbered in a Titan fight is very dangerous - your Titan will tell you if you are in danger."
"TIP_021" "Always check your teammates' Titans - there may be enemy Pilots on their backs."
"TIP_022" "Get there faster. You get a big speed boost while you are wallrunning."
"TIP_023" "Check your minimap for enemies and friendlies on foot - large dots are Pilots, small dots are Grunts."
"TIP_024" "Titans appear as large triangles on the minimap."
"TIP_025" "Don't hesitate! You can board your Titan from any direction - even from mid-air!"
"TIP_026" "Be patient. The basic Smart Pistol takes three lock-ons to kill a Pilot with one trigger pull."
"TIP_027" "Be prepared to do it yourself. The Smart Pistol's auto-targeting shuts off when you aim manually."
"TIP_028" "Your Titan is programmed to follow you around unless you manually switch it to Guard Mode by pressing %ability 1%."
"TIP_029" "When you switch your Titan to Guard Mode, it will face in the direction you were looking at the time."
"TIP_030" "When you hitch a ride on a friendly player's Titan, its shields will protect you too."
"TIP_031" "As a Pilot, you can ride on ziplines in both directions, thanks to your jump kit."
"TIP_032" "Using cloak before ziplining can help avoid enemy fire."
"TIP_033" "The Arc Grenade is highly effective against a Titan's shields, and temporarily distorts a Titan's vision."
"TIP_034" "When a Titan is doomed, its health bar will change to a striped pattern."
"TIP_035" "If your Titan is not doomed, your shields will begin recharging if you avoid getting hit for a short time."
"TIP_036" "A Titan's built-in shields are not impenetrable - the armor underneath just takes a lot less damage."
"TIP_037" "If you are equipped with the Cloak ability, it will slow down enemy lock-ons when active, while you are a Pilot."
"TIP_038" "Get the drop. You can detach from walls at any time by pressing %toggle_duck%."
"TIP_039" "Stand on the shoulders of giants - you can get to higher locations by double jumping off of other Titans."
"TIP_040" "Remotely detonate satchels by double tapping %use%."
"TIP_041" "Jump! Pilots can jump above explosions created from Triple Threat Grenades."
"TIP_042" "Be quick on the draw. Switching to your sidearm is faster than reloading."
"TIP_043" "Leverage your momentum. When landing while in motion, jump as you touch the ground to go even faster."
"TIP_044" "Keep 'em guessing. Press %toggle_duck% to suddenly drop from ziplines without carrying speed."
Oh damn, can't believe I missed that. That sounds like such a crucial bit of info, hope I didn't miss out on anything else
Correct, the resupply via your titan is a game mechanic and is mentioned in the loading text.
Oh damn, can't believe I missed that. That sounds like such a crucial bit of info, hope I didn't miss out on anything else
Here is the list of them - taken from reddit (
I don't think it's every time you get in to your Titan it's just every time you get into it for the first time.
Is there any way to know which Campaign missions I have and haven't won?
I'd like to know this too.
I don't think it's every time you get in to your Titan it's just every time you get into it for the first time.
Thanks for this.Here is the list of them - taken from reddit (
From my playthrough, it refill your explosives every single time you enter your Titan. That's how I abuse it during Hardpoint where I setup arc mines -> enter Titan which I set to Guard mode -> roam around further from the hardpoint -> enemies trip the mines which set off the electric particles -> hopefully it kill them or I proceed to kill them -> exit Titan and deploy arc mines again around hardpoint.
I don't think it's every time you get in to your Titan it's just every time you get into it for the first time.
Yep, and its shields also protect you so you take less damage.Riding a friendly Titan prevents it from being rodeoed, right?
Yep, and its shields also protect you so you take less damage.
It's every time, unlimited.
You can literally toss 2 frag grenades, embark/disembark, toss 2 more and repeat ad infinitum.
It's every time, unlimited.
You can literally toss 2 frag grenades, embark/disembark, toss 2 more and repeat ad infinitum.
Did it perhaps auto update your drivers and mess with the aspect ratio settings in the control panel?, check in the NVidia control panel section "adjust desktop size and position" just in case.anyone got an idea why i have black borders around my screen anyway? i dont play it in 1080p but in 720 or 786. anyway. in the past it was displayed on the whole screen. but now i have the resolution of the game in the middle of the screen and big black borders filling up the rest around it. im using a gt650m on a laptop. as i said, that started happening out of nowhere.
You could also just stay inside your titan and, you know, shoot grenades, rockets or 40mm rounds. Much more effective.
Riding a friendly Titan in CTF is funnnn.
Also, I think I saw an enemy return the flag from a teammate's Titan just by rodeoing. Is this a thing?
Did it perhaps auto update your drivers and mess with the aspect ratio settings in the control panel?, check in the NVidia control panel section "adjust desktop size and position" just in case.
I'm not sure if the mobile NVidia control panel is the same as the desktops (I assume it is), but the desktop CP option for scaling isi was looking for something like this but can't find it :S can you maybe make a screenshot to show me where that option is?
I'm not sure if the mobile NVidia control panel is the same as the desktops (I assume it is), but the desktop CP option for scaling is
Really? That is quite interesting that hey actually acknowledge that.
In regards to voice chat: has anyone heard players chat that haven't involved making odd noises and dishing out insults e.g. tactics-based chatting?
In an ideal world I wouldn't mind voice chat but I am female so you can imagine the **** that would come from that venture into the lovely and friendly world of online gaming and chatting.
Yep, and the cast for popping the charges is long enough that you can actually be killed mid-detonation and the person is saved. Certainly it's happened to me. I feel I should point out again that unlike many other games you cannot resupply explosives (or, indeed, anything), so annoying as they are you only get one go-round with them per life..
I'm not sure if the mobile NVidia control panel is the same as the desktops (I assume it is), but the desktop CP option for scaling is
Play with gaffers. Xbox Live is still the same pool of verbal sexual harassment. I let my sister talk on mic and all of a sudden everyone wants to talk. They were silent when I was on lol.
I'm not 100% sure on this as I don't know your laptop, but if it also has an integrated Intel GPU you apparently have to set the scaling via that. If it does then within the Intel Graphics and Media control panel, the resolutions will have an option to: Centre Image, Scale to Full screen and Maintain Aspect Ratio.I know its GermanBut I have almost the same menu as you. But no desktop scaling menu
Wow never thought of trying that, would be awesome.
actually you can resupply everytime you enter your titan.
Pretty common actually, its safer this way than running all by yourself.
I play on the PC and do you know what? I was always under the impression it would be a little more mature; I am mistaken. Although probably not as bad as Live it is often a cesspit of text-window insults and childish comments.
It isn't just this game; Battlefield 4 was full of homophobic text. Have a lot of idiots migrated from consoles? This sounds like I am saying console players are the only troublemakers. It is just that the demographic of console gamers lends itself more to these types of low-brow insults and comments. No offense meant as I had always, and still do from time-to-time, played on consoles.
I'd say that it is the Internet in general. There is a good chunk of verbal online gamers who speak in a disrespectful manner towards females, or just throw out racial/homophobic slurs out randomly. I assume it's because that kinda stuff is hard to police and there is a kind of safety behind the screen.
Its on consoles, pc, and even social media from my experience.
Sooooo my suggestion is to play with PCGAF if possible if you'd like to have a competent team who uses strategy and tactics.![]()
I'm not 100% sure on this as I don't know your laptop, but if it also has an integrated Intel GPU you apparently have to set the scaling via that. If it does then within the Intel Graphics and Media control panel, the resolutions will have an option to: Centre Image, Scale to Full screen and Maintain Aspect Ratio.
It could be that, that needs adjusting, Unfortunately I can't say where the option is to access this is, I just found the info via google on 650m with Optimus tech.
i dont think it is. im finding it ok but its too chaotic if that makes sense, imagine they had a map like 'the pit' form halo. pilot vs pilot would be epic on thatIf you're looking for that kind of game then Titanfall isn't for you.
too big???
Are you playing attrition by any chance?
i dont think it is. im finding it ok but its too chaotic if that makes sense, imagine they had a map like 'the pit' form halo. pilot vs pilot would be epic on that
i just bought it yesterday so im playing everything. some times im just wandering around looking for people but all i see are bots.
some times im just wandering around looking for people but all i see are bots.
i dont think it is. im finding it ok but its too chaotic if that makes sense, imagine they had a map like 'the pit' form halo. pilot vs pilot would be epic on that
i dont think it is. im finding it ok but its too chaotic if that makes sense, imagine they had a map like 'the pit' form halo. pilot vs pilot would be epic on that
i just bought it yesterday so im playing everything. some times im just wandering around looking for people but all i see are bots.
If you're wandering around looking for people, then you're playing attrition wrong.
Don't worry, I was verrrry corrected. >.< Thanks though, I actually had no idea as clearly I pay no attention at all to my ordnance. Or, I die too much.
how is it meant to be played? ive only played the game for around 3 hours so far but typically what i do is kill grunts and the odd pilot, get in my titan and look to kill other titans before i get destroyed.
how is it meant to be played? ive only played the game for around 3 hours so far but typically what i do is kill grunts and the odd pilot, get in my titan and look to kill other titans before i get destroyed.
With Minion Detector, you can see Grunts and Spectres on your map- killing them allows you to get your Titan sooner. Once you've got it, it's far more valuable to kill Pilots and, yes, still more Grunts and Spectres with your firepower than deliberately seeking out other Titans. In Attrition, killing Titans does add to the score, but prolonged Titan vs. Titan combat isn't actually doing too much good for your team. If you find yourself sort of locked in a battle, see if you can get away to somewhere you can do more is it meant to be played? ive only played the game for around 3 hours so far but typically what i do is kill grunts and the odd pilot, get in my titan and look to kill other titans before i get destroyed.