Right, I was wondering if the beta Matchmaking was on the Xbox version, but I just noticed it's another playlist haha.
Which would you rather have, ADS or Alt-Fire?
Counterstrike doesn't, and that's one of the definitive FPSes out there.....spray patterns are larger and vary with movement.Ugh.
I honestly hate shooters dont have ADS. I like that ability to go even more fine with my shooting.
Counterstrike doesn't, and that's one of the definitive FPSes out there.....spray patterns are larger and vary with movement.
I'll get back to you after I'm done having this heart attackCounter strike is terrible
Counter strike is terrible and people pretty much only use sniper rifles.
I'll get back to you after I'm done having this heart attack
By myself.
The game had matchmaking at launch. It didn't work as well as we would have liked. Now we're fixing it.
Matchmaking is a particularly tricky issue to iterate on with an unreleased game, because you don't have a large sample size to base decisions on.
So are you guys getting burnt out yet?
Do you feel this game has staying power?
holy crap thats bad. what platform? i play on PC and have never seen this but depending on what server im on i noticed that the game performance differently. like on the right server i get 60fps on every map and on a bad one i get some crazy stuttering. so much for azure being the holy savior of online multiplayer
No problem for me (US).Major problems trying to connect to matchmaking on XBO at the moment. Got into one game in about 10 tries and it was leggy as fuck.
When you say a "bad one", do you mean you see stuttering during low-intensity gameplay?
Surprised there are so many complaints about the charge rifle challenge. First of all it's only 30. And you have constant opportunities to make the shots. You can get them across the map on targets of opportunity. And even if you're not caught up in a convenient titan fight where you can take some shots it's stupidly easy to take out a titan's shields with arc grenades. And the greatest bonus of all, when you're charging up your shot, sometimes you catch glimpse of a sniper and you get to make him explode. Also it's just a stupidly effective anti-titan weapon. Pair it with an active radar pulse and line up titans through walls. With a little practice you can drive the other team nuts while barely exposing yourself. The amped version of the charge rifle is amazing as well.
And to say it's worse than Gooser? That's just plain crazy. Gooser you are almost completely at the mercy of opposing players. Maybe it was easier for people who knocked it out in the first week where everyone was a noob and just ejected straight up without cloaking or something. While doing gooser I had legit runs of over 2 hours where I didn't get a single one even though I was completely focused on getting them. Doesn't matter what you do, oh you just 1v2ed a couple of titans with the crappy chaingun? Well too bad, first guy refused to eject, went down with his ship, and second guy just exited normally because he thought he could rodeo you or something. Or maybe he saw the Gen 5 tag and decided to troll you a bit.
Surprised there are so many complaints about the charge rifle challenge. First of all it's only 30. And you have constant opportunities to make the shots. You can get them across the map on targets of opportunity. And even if you're not caught up in a convenient titan fight where you can take some shots it's stupidly easy to take out a titan's shields with arc grenades. And the greatest bonus of all, when you're charging up your shot, sometimes you catch glimpse of a sniper and you get to make him explode. Also it's just a stupidly effective anti-titan weapon. Pair it with an active radar pulse and line up titans through walls. With a little practice you can drive the other team nuts while barely exposing yourself. The amped version of the charge rifle is amazing as well.
And to say it's worse than Gooser? That's just plain crazy. Gooser you are almost completely at the mercy of opposing players. Maybe it was easier for people who knocked it out in the first week where everyone was a noob and just ejected straight up without cloaking or something. While doing gooser I had legit runs of over 2 hours where I didn't get a single one even though I was completely focused on getting them. Doesn't matter what you do, oh you just 1v2ed a couple of titans with the crappy chaingun? Well too bad, first guy refused to eject, went down with his ship, and second guy just exited normally because he thought he could rodeo you or something. Or maybe he saw the Gen 5 tag and decided to troll you a bit.
Imma gonna take a wild guess here and going to say a KDR of 1.What is like a standard KDR for the game? Trying to judge whether i'm actually good or not.
I feel like I've finally got a good grasp of the mechanics and strategies, find i'm playing consistently well.
Wait, so the charge rifle shoots through walls? Mind = blown if true.
Also the Gen 4 challenges have opened me up to the quad rocket. Its great. It can take down a Titan so fast if you hit it consistently. Does anyone use the rapid fire? I have to admit it feels incredible to pelt an opponent with a shit load of rockets as fast as I can tap fire, but I wonder what the damage is like? Sometimes it seems weak.
If it's consistently greater than 1 then you're consistently playing well in attritionWhat is like a standard KDR for the game? Trying to judge whether i'm actually good or not.
I feel like I've finally got a good grasp of the mechanics and strategies, find i'm playing consistently well.
The railgun is a titan weapon, the charge rifle is an anti-titan weapon.
If it's consistently greater than 1 then you're consistently playing well in attrition![]()
So are you guys getting burnt out yet?
Do you feel this game has staying power?
I don't think the rodeo challenge will be too bad, but I'm waiting on getting my Spitfire Slammer before taking it on.Just speaking from my experience: was getting 1-3 gooser kills a game with the occasional 0. Meanwhile, I'd doom three or four titans and not get a crit shot in consecutive games.
I'm not necessarily saying one is harder than the other, just that one was more frustrating to me. The Charge rifle only fires when charged, so your opportunity for 2 seconds or so is dependent upon a very short amount of time, where an enemy could arc you, a titan could shift suddenly, etc etc. Gooser, while getting the pilot to eject could be annoying, once they have ejected you've got a good couple of seconds to hit 'em in the air. Child's play and your own damn fault.
Maybe I just didn't play against nearly any auto-titans either while doing the charge rifle challenge. I got very few, and when I did face them they got eliminated quickly by my teammates so a doomed titan was not 'crit city'.
There's nothing more frustrating then the rodeo challenge where you get a titan from 100% to 1% health before getting punched or electric smoked or whatever.
Yeah, at least for solo sessions I'm done with the game. I have put in 43 hours in the game, so it was a great purchase for me.Once I got to 50 I dropped the game and haven't touched it since. It was fun for a short burst but I got bored of it fairly quickly. It doesn't feel different enough and Shooter Fatigue is already crazy strong.
As far as I can tell your frustrations with the charge rifle can be more or less fixed by not pointing the charging charge rifle at enemy titans while they happen to be looking directly at you. Child's play. Your own damned fault.
Which would you rather have, ADS or Alt-Fire?
I'm so embarrassed - what the hell does ADS stand for?
Wait - Aim Down Scope?
Exactly charge rifle works on doomed titans so it's not bad at all. And the reason Gooser is broken is due to the luck required to have ejecting pilots killing them is not that hard I can do it on ever ejection mostly. The fact they weren't ejecting is the issue. Nonetheless, I'm happy it's resolved and we can move it.
I think the generation took me about 22 hours of in-game play time (as measured by the time challenges). For almost all of it I was actively hunting geese. Yeah you can see the jetpack for a couple of seconds when they jump. And maybe even hit them, but if you get nailed by a an archer rocket or another titan while taking or lining up the shot, that goose is getting away. Not to mention all the ejections that happen indoors, or just where some level geometry happens to get in the way of your shot.Gooser was done in a day for me without a whole lot of effort. Surprisingly easy. Even cloaked pilots you can see the exhaust from their jetpack 1/2 the time. On console I could see this being more of a problem
I imagine anyone that's gotten gooser knows the eject animation pretty well. Nuclear ejection is kind of a pain as well, between all that light polluting the screen and some of the skyboxes having all sorts of crazy colors and shit flying around it's pretty easy to miss a pilot sometimes, especially a cloaked one.Are you sure you're not seeing them eject due to cloak? I really question that the majority of your opponents are just sitting in their doomed titans and dying. At least one guy in every match I'm in uses thenuclear ejection as well.
The regen challenges do make the game much more interesting.
The regen challenges do make the game much more interesting.
Are you sure you're not seeing them eject due to cloak? I really question that the majority of your opponents are just sitting in their doomed titans and dying. At least one guy in every match I'm in uses thenuclear ejection as well.
gotta say tho: im surprised at how barebones it is
the gameplay is there and it's enough to make it worth your while, but with super fast level progression and absolutely NO customization (plus rather bland, and very few weapons/attachments) it does feel rather.. disappointing in that aspect
I think Titanfall 2 is gonna be the real shit
Definitely a work in progress.
The team on the left had 2 people in a party, the rest were solo queuing. We played ~10 matches without it splitting us up.
Were your matches lopsided? I played about 4 matches in the beta playlist solo and while I was on the winning team each time the matches were relatively close. I think around 35-25 points difference as opposed to some of the other matches I played.