Fuck off Huckabee, starting to really dislike that guy.
Just now?
Fuck off Huckabee, starting to really dislike that guy.
I hate being a cynical bastard
New TLC policy. Do extensive background checks to locate any pedophiliac activity. Seriously, this is two shows cancelled because of that.
What was the first show?
What was the first show?
Fuck off Huckabee, starting to really dislike that guy.
5 kids and counting
Just pull Josh. Show the rest of the family. The show shouldn't be condemned for his actions
So you will still show the programs about weird sex, a guy that has multiple wives, and other bad things but you won't keep a show about a family that has a real past and learned to forgive and move on without becoming bitter and entitled? Classy tlc.
That is absolutely ridiculous. This was resolved 16 years ago!! These are NOT new allegations. I sure would hate that things I did 16 years ago affected my life now!! Thank you Jesus, for grace!!
Why would you do that. It's a great show. Admitting to his mistakes just shows they are just like the rest of us. Not perfect. Own up to your mistakes, ask for forgiveness and learn from it. That's what they did. For goodness sake he was a very sheltered 14yr old who didn't understand and once he did he confessed and sought help.
Keep the show on. America needs to see that a family can be full of faith of love for our lord Jesus but still make mistakes. You just have to learn from it.
So I decided to check TLC Facebook page just to found these gems:
Oh my.....
5 kids and counting
I knew christians were deluded but this is a whole new level of it. Chingada madre .............
So I decided to check TLC Facebook page just to found these gems:
Oh my.....
"Molested children? Fuck 'em! What about my precious stories?!"
Maybe he wanted to be a priest.
Lol, white minor = not his fault, black minor = jail
So I decided to check TLC Facebook page just to found these gems:
Oh my.....
Well, after all god already forvige him and show him the right path. ISN'T THAT ENOUGH YOU GODLESS LIBURLS!!!!????
I saw this on Twitter
The second TLC show ended due to pedophilia; not a good look.
Or maybe I should molestation? Bad look either way.
wait what was the first?
wait what was the first?
5 kids and counting
5 kids and counting
Just now?
I saw this on Twitter
One has to wonder how many skeletons the Long Island Medium woman has in her closet.
Jim Bob Duggar waited more than a year after his son, Josh, confessed to sexually molesting several female minors before contacting police, In Touch Magazine is reporting exclusively, based on information contained in the official police report.
Whats more, Jim Bob informed the elders of his church about Joshuas actions and they waited three months before contacting authorities. The explosive new information is contained in a Springdale, Ark., police report obtained by In Touch magazine.
The report has been hidden since 2006 and was just obtained by the mag through a Freedom of information Act request. Jim Bob also refused to allow police to interview Josh when they opened a felony investigation in 2006. The Duggars star on TLCs hit show 19 Kids and Counting.
In Touch magazine first broke the news of the Duggars underage sexual molestation scandal in this weeks magazine. (Note: Joshs name is redacted from the police report but In Touch has confirmed the passages that refer to him.)
Other bombshells in the police report are: Josh Duggar was investigated for multiple sex offenses including forcible fondling against five minors. Some of the alleged offenses investigated were felonies. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar were interview by the Springdale Police department on Dec. 12, 2006. The report says that James told police he was alerted in March, 2002 by a female minor that Josh who turned 14-years-old that month had been touching her breasts and genitals while she slept. This allegedly happened on multiple occasions. In 2006, Jim Bob told police that in July, 2002 Josh admitted to fondling a minors breasts while she slept. James said that they disciplined (redacted, Josh) after this incident. The family did not alert authorities.
New TLC policy. Do extensive background checks to locate any pedophiliac activity. Seriously, this is two shows cancelled because of that.
Wouldn't surprise me if they were actual skeletons.
More dirt to the issue:
More bits in: http://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/...leged-sex-offenses-for-more-than-a-year-58906
It's a terrible crime, but remember we watched 7th Heaven for years.
It's a terrible crime, but remember we watched 7th Heaven for years.
Man, this thread is a sad story. Not just by the story in the OP, but by the fuckwads posting in here too . Unfortunately, that's not the minority.