Massive Duck. C.M.
Man, this thread is a sad story. Not just by the story in the OP, but by the fuckwads posting in here too . Unfortunately, that's not the minority.
Go on
Man, this thread is a sad story. Not just by the story in the OP, but by the fuckwads posting in here too . Unfortunately, that's not the minority.
I saw this on Twitter
Man, this thread is a sad story. Not just by the story in the OP, but by the fuckwads posting in here too . Unfortunately, that's not the minority.
Well, after all god already forvige him and show him the right path. ISN'T THAT ENOUGH YOU GODLESS LIBURLS!!!!????
It's a terrible crime, but remember we watched 7th Heaven for years.
Politician has the memory of a goldfish. News at 11.
Typical for liberals to condemn a man for committing pedophile acts when he was a minor instead of supporting his rehabilitation. Well, when that man is a republican, at least.
I saw this on Twitter
Man, this thread is a sad story. Not just by the story in the OP, but by the fuckwads posting in here too . Unfortunately, that's not the minority.
Could you please elaborate on this.
It's OK if a white kid does it!
"Sure, some kids got molested, but it's almost as much of a tragedy that many posters are being snarky about the holier than thou family that hid their son's crimes to keep their reputation intact."Man, this thread is a sad story. Not just by the story in the OP, but by the fuckwads posting in here too . Unfortunately, that's not the minority.
I saw this on Twitter
Oh I don't think its because of any memory lapses on Huckabee's part
I saw this on Twitter
Who is their target audience for shows like that?
Who is their target audience for shows like that?
Who is their target audience for shows like that?
Who is their target audience for shows like that?
Typical for liberals to condemn a man for committing pedophile acts when he was a minor instead of supporting his rehabilitation. Well, when that man is a republican, at least.
Or rather;
How I killed my campaign in one long paragraph.
I would laugh at them with friends when we were drunk.Who is their target audience for shows like that?
I seriously doubt the counseling he and his victims are reported to have received afterwards was of any quality.
I seriously doubt the counseling he and his victims are reported to have received afterwards was of any quality.
Gawker said:You see, the Duggars arent just Quiverfull breeders and Bible adherentstheyre also adherents of the Advanced Training Institute, a Bible-based homeschooling program run by alleged cult figurehead Bill Gothard. Months before the family had to deal with the revelation of Josh Duggars past sexual abuses, they were coping with sexual abuse allegations against Gothard.
Gothard last year denied accusations that he had sexually harassed or assaulted 34(!) women, claiming I have never kissed a girl nor have I touched a girl immorally or with sexual intent. He was 79 years old at the time.
Although Gothard was forced to resign as the head of the Advanced Training Institute due to the accusations, the Duggars apparently still follow the organizations teaching plans, which include lessons on how to deal with sexual abuse in the home.
In March 2003, Jim Bob met with church elders to discuss Joshs behavior, and they decided Josh needed to enter a treatment program. He was sent to a Christian program consisting of hard physical work and counseling from March 2003 to July 2003. Joshs mother Michelle later admitted to police that Josh did not see a counselor, and was instead sent to a family friend who was in the home remodeling business in Little Rock, Arkansas.
When Josh returned home in July 2003, his father and church elders took him to a state trooper to confess what hed done. The trooper, Cpl. Hutchins, gave Josh a very stern talk but did not charge him with any crimes.
InTouch reports that Hutchins was later arrested on child pornography charges and is currently serving 56 years in prison.
He was rehabilitated?
Well these are the from the curriculum that was supposedly used so judge for yourself:
Mother Jones
Well these are the from the curriculum that was supposedly used so judge for yourself:
Mother Jones
I completely and whole-heartedly agree with Mike. It was an awful and disgusting act that should never be excused. That being said, the family immideatly got help for all those involved and because of it Josh Duggar and his family were able to move on with their lives.
People make mistakes, but inexcusable does not ever mean unforgivable. The media needs to lay off this.
In March 2003, Jim Bob met with “church elders” to discuss Josh’s behavior, and they decided Josh needed to enter a treatment program. He was sent to a “Christian” program consisting of “hard physical work and counseling” from March 2003 to July 2003. Josh’s mother Michelle later admitted to police that Josh did not see a counselor, and was instead sent “to a family friend who was in the home remodeling business” in Little Rock, Arkansas.
When Josh returned home in July 2003, his father and church elders took him to a state trooper to confess what he’d done. The trooper, Cpl. Hutchins, gave Josh a “very stern talk” but did not charge him with any crimes.
InTouch reports that Hutchins was later arrested on child pornography charges and is currently serving 56 years in prison.
Good going TLC 👏👏👏👏👏👏
Fuck Mike Huckabee
Screw the Duggard family
And at this point TLC has shown it's ass. Cancel the whole network for the fuckery. All the shows are pretty much shit. This is like the 10th strike with the last one being Honey Boo Boo. Cancel.... Delete....
"6. If abused was not at fault:
God compensated physical abuse with spiritual power"
Read the article what i posted before in this thread. That's what he got as counseling.
As for the girls? Pffff... though luck, "now let's make your brother a nice cake since he's coming back from his counseling"
As a liberal I completely agree.Typical for liberals to condemn a man for committing pedophile acts when he was a minor instead of supporting his rehabilitation. Well, when that man is a republican, at least.
It sounds like his parents explained to him that what he was doing was inappropriate and wrong and told him to think about what his actions meant. He didn't go to prison as some people here seem to hope but he was shown love and compassion and told to change his behavior.