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TMZ: Trump renames Black History Month to National African American History month.

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Donald Trump has changed Black History Month to National African American History month, and we know why.

A senior administration official tells TMZ, after meeting with African American leaders, he believed the consensus was that the term "black" is outdated, and the more appropriate way to refer to the community is "African American."

The official added, Trump was mindful of the new addition to the Smithsonian ... the National Museum of African American History and Culture.

Every U.S. president since 1976 had designated February as Black History Month ... same sentiment, different name?

How do African Americans feel about this?

I always assumed the term African American is too specific a region when it comes to being black. What if your ancestry is not African?

Is this a good change or bad? And why?


President Bannon probably told him to do this so that it would drum up controversy and make black people and liberals look unreasonable to his racist base.


I guess they only really want to focus on the "American" part and not simply anyone that's Black and not in the country.
African-American may exclude African born and Carrebean born.

This is probably to undercut any 1st Generation immigrants from African countries


I refer to myself interchangeably as both black and African American when talking about race and ethnicity, so I'm not going to say that I'm offended. I'm more concerned about how sincere Trump is in helping the community.


Trump, like most people with no passing interest in people other than himself, assumed if you're black you must be african american. Changing the name is ignorant at best, insulting at worst.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Not all black people in the US are of African descent, though.


Maybe they think Black has turned into a negative political word? Can't have it relate to Black Lives Matter?

I don't think the change had good reason tbh


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Was wondering why they were calling it this at the press conference.

I've noticed white people that are racist, diet racist, or just unsure on approach have a problem with saying "Black" especially in front of a black person. Seeing a person stumble to say African American instead of Black and not being sure what they are supposed to use always makes me laugh.

I almost fired out a reactionary post, but realize I need to be better about doing this before a story is more credibly sourced, especially here and on Twitter.

If the next four years is going to the Liberals chomping at the bit at whatever damming Trump story they see float across their feed, man, it's going to be a long eight years of Trump.

Don't fall for this shit.


Maybe this is so they can also honor white folks who hail from Africa. No such thing as being too cynical when it comes to this administration.
Trump overcompensating again. trying too hard to not sound racist but sounding the opposite.

"Look at my African American over there!"

Yeah and also i prefer the broadness of "black" history month.
bleh American


benevolent sexism
TIL that Black History Month had to be renewed on a president-by-president basis.

My first instinct is that he's just doing this to make his personal mark on something that is normally just a formality. I don't know if there's something more pernicious going on here, but it's hard to give him the benefit of the doubt given that he's a giant asshole.

edit: lots of posts since i started writing this one. Definitely agree that it's bad that it's now less inclusive of black people from other places. Also agree that maybe the strategy is to get "American" in there.


Why make it specific like that? I am I ignorant or is someone on his staff ignorant?

This narrows things down to African-American culture, instead of Black culture the world over. And yes, there are significant people and events in African-American history, this will unfortunately focus Afro-American's history to events related to America, not its cultural ancestry to Africa, and to other notable events and Black people the world over.

This is more America First bullshit.


Just from my time on gaf it really seems like Black is the preferred way to refer to Black Americans and that African American is generally frowned upon. Am I wrong?

Either way, why the fuck are you touching this Trump? If it needed to be changed Obama would have done it. Trump just showing he knows more than the actual people would. Cool.
Guess all the Caribbean immigrants like my cousins won't be included now. Not all black people who live in the US are African or American lol
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