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Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars |OT| Ghost Recon meets Advance Wars

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
The_Darkest_Red said:
I went with an unorthodox combo on this one, Mint, Haze, and Saffron. At the very beginning I rushed Mint to the northernmost flag and planted a turret there, using Saffron's Stim to help him get there faster. I then used that turret to suppress the enemy with the rocket launcher. I planted Haze in the building in the middle of the level with the heavy sniper rifle and picked off vehicles and drones from there. From there it's just a matter of using Mint's pistol to incapacitate drones while running around healing and stiming with Saffron as necessary.

I had to try that level a few times with a few different combinations of units but that seemed to work best for me. Hope it helps. Playing on elite, by the way.

Mint, Duke and Saffron worked fine for me. Used a lot of suppressive fire with the turret by the northernmost flag like you did, and used and abused Duke's rocket launcher like usual. Your method seems pretty efficient though.


Beat the game last night, and the last few turns on the level immediately before the very last level was really one of the better parts of the game. Just that "holy crap they keep coming how the hell do I survive this" feeling was incredible.


I'm still loving this game even right towards the end, I don't have the I had with Advance Wars where the last missions are so damn long and filled with waiting for enemy units to move. They still keep the same fast, tactical pace as I get further on in the game.
I got the game yesterday and really like it so far. Really, really surprising to see that this is actually good (and also what kind of game it is), although I fear that this game bombs :/
Frankfurter said:
I got the game yesterday and really like it so far. Really, really surprising to see that this is actually good (and also what kind of game it is), although I fear that this game bombs :/
It was the 5th best selling 3DS game in March, not too shabby.
While I won't be buying a 3DS, I'm still really pumped about the possibilities of this being ported to iOS. Pretty cool impressions from you guys so far.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
I just finished the game. Very fun, but the last level was kind of a letdown. Also, the couple of levels prior had some inconsistencies. Sometimes a big group of new enemies would appear, but only if a certain number of ghosts went into the room, or if you stand in a certain space.

I also didn't like that a huge number of enemies could appear without any warning. I guess that's how it could be in reality, and so you should always keep your squad ready for anything, but it seemed kind of cheap at times.

How about that ending guys? Room for a sequel?


2 hours wasted due to crashing. So fucking annoyed. Put a goddam checkpoint system in so I don't have to replay the same level over and over.


npm0925 said:
2 hours wasted due to crashing. So fucking annoyed. Put a goddam checkpoint system in so I don't have to replay the same level over and over.

This isn't to excuse or detract from your issue but why not save every so often if you're experiencing frequent crashes.


How do you talk to Demidov in Chapter 7 Dream End?

I already had to restart the stage once because I managed to lock the doors while having my entire team on the outside and going into the command room from the other door doesn't make him and the other guys appear.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
npm0925 said:
2 hours wasted due to crashing. So fucking annoyed. Put a goddam checkpoint system in so I don't have to replay the same level over and over.

You know you can save whenever you like right? Pause>Options>Save.

I loved Advance Wars so jumped onto this game the day I bought my 3DS but I can't help feel a little disappointed. Don't get me wrong, game plays well, but my biggest gripe is the lack of 'Fog of War'. I don't like the fact that me, myself personally can see all the enemies on the map right at the start or each mission, I know where they all are and what class/weapons they have. Yes I know there is a LoS feature to see where your squad and enemies can see to shoot, but I'd prefer it if like many turn based games before this that you couldn't see the enemies unless they were in your FoV.

That is my only real gripe.


flipswitch said:
I am currently stuck on a mission called perimeter sweep at chapter 2.I've spent close to 2hours on it, on the veteran level and still can't pass it!

It's weird, the mission before this one was easy.The difficulty level went through the roof.

Has anyone passed this mission that could give me a few tips?

edit: Ended up completing it.This game rocks!

This mission has been kicking my ass on Elite. Other missions on elite haven't been this hard and I never had to restart them save one time where I hit a stay command by accident. I've restarted this mission at least 5 or 6 times now. I've gotten the point where I can actually capture both flag objectives but sooner or later if I try to advance someone always ends up dying. I found the best party for me to get to this point was Saffron, Haze, Mint (turret helps a lot), and Banshee. I think just to many reinforcements are being called in. I'm going to try tonight after I recapture the second flag (glad I saved right before I went for it) to to try and use the others just to play defense around the flags and use Haze to just snipe while keeping him healed. See if that works.


Gen X said:
I don't like the fact that me, myself personally can see all the enemies on the map right at the start or each mission, I know where they all are and what class/weapons they have.
This isn't necessarily true for all missions. Many of the indoor ones are broken up by big doors which keep the enemies invisible until opened. Even a few of the outdoor ones will unleash a big pile of new enemies someplace on the map at unexpected times. I've had to abort and restart more than a few times when members of my team were suddenly way out of position when enemy reinforcements appeared by surprise.


Finished the game last night (on rookie mode) and restarted straight into Elite mode this morning. Such a great game, easily the sleeper hit of the 3DS launch imo.


don't ask me for codes
I'm at the final missions I think. Such a good game. Too bad it's flying under a lot of people's radar. It's a good game, and not a port!

Plus it has zombies.

Edit: It does crash a lot. Good thing you can save anytime, so I save often. Has EA commented on this?
Tempy said:
I'm at the final missions I think. Such a good game. Too bad it's flying under a lot of people's radar. It's a good game, and not a port!

Plus it has zombies.

Edit: It does crash a lot. Good thing you can save anytime, so I save often. Has EA commented on this?
Well not to be a smartass but Ubi published this game, not EA. I don't know that they've said anything but if you turn off the wireless, it shouldn't crash anymore.


Just wrapped up the main campaign on Elite. Very enjoyable but the last few missions felt REALLY rushed. It seems like there wasn't a lot of thought put into the maps and it was more about using your leveled up character's abilities and superior health instead of tactics. The enemies needed to be tougher, or your squad weaker. For example,
Adyana felt about right because she couldn't run off on her own and survive for long
. Still, easily the best 3DS launch game imo, and even though the "Sunny D commercial cast of racially diverse characters" were extremely generic, there was still something likable about them.

Gonna start on some skirmishes now and hope they're a little more difficult.


I believe I am on the second last level of the game now. The one I think was the 3rd last was pretty damn impressive and somewhat relentless. Still, there are a few points in the last chapter where spamming Banshee can prove really monotonous (eg attacking a non-moving enemy 40 times until its dead or using her to kill a conga line of weaker enemies).

Still, its payback for only being able to send the medic down one path in a two-team mission.

My play time for this game is just under 50 hours, playing exclusively on elite mode.

One of the best launch games Ive ever bought.
Just beat the campaign on rookie, the 3DS shows a total game time around 23 hours. This is without having done most of the skirmish maps. Awesome, awesome game, probably my favorite turn based game since X-Com and definitely one of the 3Ds's standout titles.

The biggest additions I'd like to see in a sequel are a map/mission editor and co-op play, online and offline. Other than that I wouldn't change much.


Been playing on and off since launch, on the medium (veteran?) difficulty.

I LOVE this game. I'm well into chapter 7 now, and its just soooooo good.
Finished the game with 100% clocking around 65hs, I'm ready for the sequel! The final mission was easy, but one of the most clever through the whole game.

As for Turret Defense skirmish, I got it on my first try, but damn, that shit was INTENSE. God bless Duke and his launcher. By the way, I don't recommend hiring the sniper unit, that mofo is useless!

kunonabi said:
How do you talk to Demidov in Chapter 7 Dream End?

I already had to restart the stage once because I managed to lock the doors while having my entire team on the outside and going into the command room from the other door doesn't make him and the other guys appear.
Dream End:
Go up through the corridor opening doors and killing soldiers, inside the last room, far to the east, you will find a general, he has the card key. After killing him some drones (six?) will appear to the west.

I'm not sure if you need to destroy them, because once you move your units to the room below all doors will lock automatically. Of course I didn't know that, so I destroyed all drones using Duke's Wide Impact, lol.

Then you will face some dumb slicer-drones, destroy them, move to the room where Demidov is and kill all hostiles, a conversation will trigger.

Now you have to defend yourself as Mint hacks the computer. Once his job is done (five turns?) all your units will move automatically to the elevator. Mission accomplished!
Hey, I got a weird bug that happened on the last mission of Ch. 2. My medic couldn't do anything for the rest of the mission at some point, and I ended up failing the mission. I restarted and it didn't happen again, but I was just wondering if anyone else got anything similar to that.

On the topic of that particular mission, I died so many times and I was only on Veteran mode. Aydana or whatever her name is kept dying so I failed. Had to set it on the lowest mode and feel like a chump.

I skip most of the cutscenes, because I realized I REALLY had no idea what those two politicians were talking about, nor did I care.


Hail to the KING baby
this game with a more whimsical ac!desque skin would be even more awesome. that is my only general gripe is the sameness of the game's style


The_Darkest_Red said:
It was the 5th best selling 3DS game in March, not too shabby.

Isn't it also one of the highest Metacritic games for the launch? (I hate metacritic, but pubs seem to love to cite it, so hopefully they will let the producer make a whole bunch of awesome little 3d strategy games in various genres). If you watched any of the youtube games he made to promote the game you can tell it was really a labor of love
Glix said:
Isn't it also one of the highest Metacritic games for the launch? (I hate metacritic, but pubs seem to love to cite it, so hopefully they will let the producer make a whole bunch of awesome little 3d strategy games in various genres). If you watched any of the youtube games he made to promote the game you can tell it was really a labor of love
Indeed. This game was definitely the hidden gem of the 3DS launch. I still need to beat Chapter 7 though, I kind of burned out on the game after playing the first 6 rather quickly.


Agreed on the love here. This took me just under 50 hours to finish on elite. Not done any of the skirmishes yet, but its easily one of the best games full stop to have come out at launch with a system.


not tag worthy
This game has gone from a will pick up the game as best game in the offer (buy 3ds get a free game) to my most played 3DS game, I really love it...

holy hell getting used to the way characters control, command points and special attacks.. really opens the game up for me.. had a level I was stuck on. kept dying then realized how to fully use these, wow...

Fave characters so far Are Mint and Banshee


not tag worthy
Neuromancer said:
Yeah the story is pretty bad. I didn't mind though.

Just played the zombie skirmish map, holy shit that was fun.

whaaaaaaaa..what? when holy,Must unlock this....

Dammit, this game sounds like it gets better and better..

some zombie turn based game where you can be either the zombies or the defender..over Wi-fi make it happen

Neo Child

Will pick this up with Zelda when I get the 3DS (again) in June/July. Hopefully it'll be mega cheap by then, love AW/Fire Emblem. Do characters stay with you ala Fire Emblem or are they disposable?


Neo Child said:
Will pick this up with Zelda when I get the 3DS (again) in June/July. Hopefully it'll be mega cheap by then, love AW/Fire Emblem. Do characters stay with you ala Fire Emblem or are they disposable?

You have the same characters (6 regular plus occasional cameos). If any of them die, its mission failure.

Although some cameo soldiers can die - you just cant let all of them die. (Eg rescue the police before the terrorists kill them all)
jufonuk said:
whaaaaaaaa..what? when holy,Must unlock this....

Dammit, this game sounds like it gets better and better..

some zombie turn based game where you can be either the zombies or the defender..over Wi-fi make it happen
You maybe pleased to hear there is a 2 player adversarial zombie mission as well (local play only).
So I beat the game and went back to play through again with all my upgraded dudes (on a harder difficulty) and it wouldn't let me. >=(

What's the point of using Tom Clancy's Persistent Elite Creation System if it's not actually, you know, persistent?


not tag worthy
Quick Question about unlocking Skirmish maps etc is it only done by playing at a higher difficulty?

I have unlocked a few skirmish maps so far..

also probably answered but how many chapters again?


At the last mission I think and I'm rather annoyed at how the game kind of devolves into "Oh you hit a trigger, now shit will spawn and you have to deal with it hahahahaha"

On one hand it's a little more complex with cover systems and the like than most other tactics games, but on the other hand it feels less complex.
Jintor said:
At the last mission I think and I'm rather annoyed at how the game kind of devolves into "Oh you hit a trigger, now shit will spawn and you have to deal with it hahahahaha"

On one hand it's a little more complex with cover systems and the like than most other tactics games, but on the other hand it feels less complex.
I think the biggest contributor to the "not that complex" feeling is the low character count and the static character progression. You're also not having to deal with tons of items and gear. It's not necessarily a bad thing but it does make the game feel much simpler. The solid gameplay makes up for it in my opinion, though.
jufonuk said:
Quick Question about unlocking Skirmish maps etc is it only done by playing at a higher difficulty?

I have unlocked a few skirmish maps so far..

also probably answered but how many chapters again?
I played through the game on novice and unlocked quite a few. Now I'm replaying on the next level up and I've gotten one more. I think maybe it has more to do with your rank maybe but I'm not 100% sure.

I'll look up how many chapters there are when I get the chance but I want to say 7.
Yes I can confirm 7 chapters.

Also I just unlocked another zombie skirmish map when I made Colonel (130 points).

What a great game!


not tag worthy
Neuromancer said:
Yes I can confirm 7 chapters.

Also I just unlocked another zombie skirmish map when I made Colonel (130 points).

What a great game!

cool, thanks for checking :)
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