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Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands |OT| Squad Goals

Had some fun with the Media Luna airfield the other day.. aka the place where aircraft go to die.

I made a two-part video..

First up: Landing at Media Luna Airfield.

Seems like the easiest way I've found to get there in one piece. I also figured out the SAM sites have a vertical range too, it seems to be in the 1km-1.5km range. So if you need to travel a long distance, GET HIGH.

Second: Escaping Media Luna Airfield.

This was.. ah, decidedly trickier.. holy hell how many SAM sites ARE there around this airfield? I'm not sure if I should get my pilots license revoked for that flying, or get a promotion!

Edit: also.. "Oops"
Had some fun with the Media Luna airfield the other day.. aka the place where aircraft go to die.

I made a two-part video..

First up: Landing at Media Luna Airfield.

Seems like the easiest way I've found to get there in one piece. I also figured out the SAM sites have a vertical range too, it seems to be in the 1km-1.5km range. So if you need to travel a long distance, GET HIGH.

Second: Escaping Media Luna Airfield.

This was.. ah, decidedly trickier.. holy hell how many SAM sites ARE there around this airfield? I'm not sure if I should get my pilots license revoked for that flying, or get a promotion!

Edit: also.. "Oops"

Hahah, holy hell you dodged a lot of missiles. That airfield is always hell. I love coming in low through the valleys and canyons. I try to leave the same way, low and ducking behind any peaks or rises. This missiles will often hit the mountains.
Hahah, holy hell you dodged a lot of missiles. That airfield is always hell. I love coming in low through the valleys and canyons. I try to leave the same way, low and ducking behind any peaks or rises. This missiles will often hit the mountains.

Yeah, I've been meaning to practice flying the helicopters up through the canyons. There are a couple of helicopter supply missions that end up at Media Luna, and the non-Blackhawk usually fairs very poorly against SAM sites.

Also, for good measure, Santa Blanca Dancers!

So, does the HDR look like hot trash to anyone else? I'm on an X800D and everything else has been fine (except for Mankind Divided I guess). The trail that appears on the map for waypoints and the actual road colors on the map become greyish and samey while the actual game is way too bright and not as colorful. The terrible film grain effect becomes super apparent as well. The whole image becomes way too flat which is sort of the antithesis to HDR itself; the shadows actually look better with HDR off (some shadows practically disappear with HDR on)

Edit: After re-launching the game, it appears to look correct. A bug perhaps?
So, does the HDR look like hot trash to anyone else? I'm on an X800D and everything else has been fine (except for Mankind Divided I guess). The trail that appears on the map for waypoints and the actual road colors on the map become greyish and samey while the actual game is way too bright and not as colorful. The terrible film grain effect becomes super apparent as well. The whole image becomes way too flat which is sort of the antithesis to HDR itself; the shadows actually look better with HDR off (some shadows practically disappear with HDR on)

I haven't noticed any issues, I have a Samsung JS9500 and have been running it with HDR on the whole time. I think it looks pretty good (on Xbox btw).

I guess I can try turning HDR off to see what the difference is.

Division pack is up. Can get it through Ubi Club.

Is it free if you've played the Division? I played the Alpha/Beta.. but never the full game :(
I haven't noticed any issues, I have a Samsung JS9500 and have been running it with HDR on the whole time. I think it looks pretty good (on Xbox btw).

I guess I can try turning HDR off to see what the difference is.

Yeah, after all my experimenting, I decided to close the game and re-open it and it seems to look better now. It's definitely not me imagining things. Must be some type of glitch?
Yeah, after all my experimenting, I decided to close the game and re-open it and it seems to look better now. It's definitely not me imagining things. Must be some type of glitch?

I have noticed weird graphical issues from time to time, usually they go away on their own but I've done a few quit>restart.

Looks decent might use it. Should be here tomorrow for Xbox so I can do coop with friends

Awesome! Join our Xbox Club! (WildlandsGAF) and our NeoGAF Task Force!


Formerly Gizmowned
I haven't noticed any issues, I have a Samsung JS9500 and have been running it with HDR on the whole time. I think it looks pretty good (on Xbox btw).

I guess I can try turning HDR off to see what the difference is.

Is it free if you've played the Division? I played the Alpha/Beta.. but never the full game :(

Gotta own both games Ubi says.
Spoilers for towards the middle/ending (depending on what you prioritize first), in reference to El Boquita..

(not sure if it's really spoilers, but maybe, you kill almost everyone anyway)


You have to Kill El Boquita. That's fine, I guess, you kill lots of people. However, on your way to kill him, you get to intercept a phone call between El Boquita, Nidia Flores, and their daughter. They have a nice little talk about how he'll be back soon, she wants a brown puppy dog, and they love each other. It was strangely touching.. and it made me not want to kill this bad, bad man (at least not nearly as much as before).

So I snuck in, killed his guards, flashbanged him and captured him. Threw him in the helo and went to destroy the convoy. After the convoy was finished, I couldn't complete the mission without killing him. I tried heading to the extraction place, but no joy. I don't see why it's OK to extract certain bosses but not others. I get it, story wise, but I wish the game gave you the option to capture them all alive (Like Mercenaries did, over a decade ago).

I eventually took him up in the chopper and waited for a couple SAM sites to lock on, and bailed.. letting his own men do the dirty work.

Anyone else feel this kill felt wrong?

I have been slightly impressed with some of the hidden 'emotion' in the game. Seeing the kids running around, the playground sets, etc. You're just 'following orders' and doing what you're told, and then bad guys are clearly still bad, but some of the conversations you hear the guys talking about is more interesting than I had initially thought it'd be.


I'll be on tonight, finally. I might be coughing and sniffling a bit, but please bear with me.

A few days ago, I mentioned wanting to make the game more interesting. I'd like to test that tonight, but people should be aware that in this context 'interesting' could also be a synonym for difficult.

For any WildlandGAF people I play with, it might be useful if you have a paper and pen to hand, but this isn't essential. I'll keep track.

Looking forward to playing tonight.
I'll try to be on tonight, but it's probably super late for you (8PM Pacific time)?

I'd be down to try something new..

Also.. feels good, man. Finally beat it last night.



I'll definitely be on in the evening UK time, but I'm not sure how late Can/US. I think part of what knocked for me six in the last ten days or so was playing super-late one evening with Crude when I was already under the weather.

Should be playing over the weekend, though.
If I stay up late enough, you can play with me when you wake up, and before I go to bed :D

I'll try and get on over the weekend when I can as well.

The Task Force website is a piece of garbage.. but somehow works fine if I access it through the Xbox. I can even tag people there! But it refuses to work right on my PC (Edge or Chrome). Thankfully I can add people (or approve) through the game.

Edit: These are kind of cool.. wish there was a way to track progress in game though:

Pro Challenges

Though to be fair they're playing on Extreme with markers and mini-map.. that's not PRO BRO! ;)
Just picked this up yesterday. I'm enjoying it so far. Wasn't really intrigued by the beta, but a buddy told me to grab it and this guy rarely plays anything besides Madden so figured it must be good. It's a little overwhelming at first, but I enjoy having a helicopter and silenced weapons. Feels like the Division and Far Cry made a baby.


Beat the game last night and I have yet to play with a PS4 taskforce member.
#sad. Lol

I'll be sinking some time in this weekend for sure. When i have been playing lately it's to go hunting for weapons and attachments. I've got some good shit in every category now, so i'll be active actually doing missions.
Beat the game last night and I have yet to play with a PS4 taskforce member.
#sad. Lol

For shame! If Xbox Task Force can do it, surely PS4 can too!

I think the WildlandsGAF Club actually helped more, but it is nice seeing Task Force members online through the game.. though I usually have no idea who is who.


Just started playing last night. Does the game ever stop prompting you to press and hold X to join a public session? I'm still early enough in the game that I want the tutorial pop-ups, but the frequency of this message is driving me nuts.
Just started playing last night. Does the game ever stop prompting you to press and hold X to join a public session? I'm still early enough in the game that I want the tutorial pop-ups, but the frequency of this message is driving me nuts.

It should only show it when you hit a safe house only though. Might be cuz your still early on in the game.


Last night, when it wasn’t April 1st, I had a good time playing with Ont, Crude, Beo and Sparrow. They were kind enough to test my idea -

Randomising loadouts in Wildlands using playing cards.

Again, this is not an April fool. The chaps have been kind enough to wait until I post this before sharing their own feedback.

In MGSV I created a system where I used cards to give me unexpected combinations of tools and weapons and also to generate mini-missions and challenges. I have big box of blank cards ready for when I replay games, so I can experiment.

I thought random loadouts might be interesting in Wildlands and spent a few days working on this, before testing it last night for the first time. I wanted something that was quick to use, with some challenge and uncertainty, but that didn't require too much housekeeping.

With each change in load out I kept a note to hand so I was able to see what people had.

It prompted lots of discussion and people have gone away and come up with their own ideas to try.

You’ll need

Weapon deck [I tweaked this, this morning so it’s a little different to last night]
7 cards with a weapon category on each card: assault, sub, LMG, shotgun, sniper, pistol, machine pistol
6 blank cards
Shuffle deck, draw two cards for the player. Blanks are duds. Two duds -
player kills NPC for weapon. Shuffle entire deck again for next player.

Item deck
16 cards with an item on each card: binoculars, nightvision, thermal, drone, parachute, flare, diversion lure, flashbang, C4, mine, frag, rebel vehicle,
rebel diversion, rebel spotting, rebel mortar, rebel guns for hire.
9 blank cards.

Shuffle deck. Draw nine for the player. Shuffle entire deck
again for next player.
You'd already signed off when I got on, but Crude, Beow and my friend PCS played around with this last night, rolling for classes mostly. Tried a few things, but it was fun using a LMG main since I wouldn't normally ever be using it.

I think it's a good idea to get away from the standard AR+Sniper combo that everyone ends up using. I liked the idea of some people getting access to certain items (drones, C4, etc).

It really worked best for 3 or 4 players, as with two you might not have the right gear unless everyone specs out for everything.

You also need to get a whole squad willing to go along with it. It's hard not to use the drone just because you're not supposed to �� wish there was a way to disable it or unselect it.


Formerly Gizmowned
I wonder how PVP will work, would love it if the A.I is kept in and both squads can team up to take on large compounds. Kinda like the Darkzone in Division .


Why does he wear the mask!?
Urgh, might stop playing with friends. I like to be stealthy, and take my time. Not bomb into every place shooting it up.


Urgh, might stop playing with friends. I like to be stealthy, and take my time. Not bomb into every place shooting it up.

Sometimes friends that aren't the best people to play games with; personalities and traits that work offline don't work online.

Have you tried using any of the Xbox or PC groups? Certainly on Xbox we're more than happy to go stealthy.
Randomising loadouts in Wildlands using playing cards.

I think completely randomized load outs could be fun once in a while, it isn't how I'd want to play most of the time.

You'd already signed off when I got on, but Crude, Beow and my friend PCS played around with this last night, rolling for classes mostly.

I think randomized roles or picking roles at a safe house would work better than randomized loadouts (or some middle ground where it is agreed that this that and the other will be needed and then dole them out at random).

Everyone gets binoculars, NVGs/thermals, thrown devices (not C4, not mines), and a suppressed pistol.

For most loadouts the fairly useless super-shorty would be the second gun if a do-anything load out should be avoided, otherwise I think an MP7 with default parts except a compensator (preventing a suppressor) would be a reasonable backup gun.

AR and useful shotgun and C4 and mines.
AR and drone
AR with grenade launcher
Sniper rifle
AR and SMG

I think rebel support calls should be available to all.
This game needs a hardcore/survival mode.

Yeah, that would be cool.. though I imagine it would be something maybe implemented in a Wildlands 2 due to all the changes they'd need to make to support something like that.

I'd love to see mods.. a Walking Dead-type situation with the huge map they already gave us would be awesome. Wonder if State of Decay 2 will be like that?

Oh.. and always keep your wits about you!

A close shave

This game needs a hardcore/survival mode.

Co-sign. I want a camo meter, weapon upkeep, stamina gauge, temperature gauge, setting up camp, gas tanks in vehicles, MGS3 style injury system, etc.

My dream open world spec ops game is the dynamic stealth + wild action scenarios of Wildlands alongside some real survival and simulation mechanics. Layers on layers on layers.


did they patch the hti so it doesn't one shot helicopters any more?
tried to take some down and I swear I hit them 3-4 times and nothing happened?!
did they patch the hti so it doesn't one shot helicopters any more?
tried to take some down and I swear I hit them 3-4 times and nothing happened?!

With a suppressor on it takes a few. Without it should still be one-hit as long as you hit something vital

I've had some shots hit the passengers, which absorb the damage, or sail right through the open areas.

Finished everything today.. 4 days, 2 hours, 2 minutes and 56 seconds.

Sucks that the store bug is keeping me from a couple of cheevos.. really want to 1000 this. I used my season pass credits for a weapon pack, and getting that means you can't pick up the guns in-game and so I can't get the Sniper/Assault Rifle/SMG achievements.. which is lame. Hopefully they fix it! Don't buy any weapon packs!

Or.. drop your 'nade.. this guy is having a bad day.



I think completely randomized load outs could be fun once in a while, it isn't how I'd want to play most of the time.
AR and useful shotgun and C4 and mines.
AR and drone
AR with grenade launcher
Sniper rifle
AR and SMG

Is this literally what would be written on the cards? I'm finding it a bit hard to visualise your system and what tools I'd have, but I would like to try it out. Any chance you could make some cards up so we can try it out next time?

EDIT - I think I get it on items. We'd have cards with one class on, everyone gets everything apart from C4/mines that only for whoever gets that card. Still unsure about secondary weapons though.

For people who want to try the full randomisation, here's the first four-player loadout we used in the test. Yes, we couldn't even use binocs unless they were drawn. No pistol by default.

If anyone tries it, share your thoughts and your own houserules. I will post more in the coming days.

Submachine gun

Night vision goggles









I'm playing this on PC with an XBOX ONE S controller and out of nowhere sometimes the control scheme seems to change whilst I'm playing and RB will be Start and A and B change to Up and Down etc then it will return to normal.

Any ideas as to why this would be happening???


I'm playing this on PC with an XBOX ONE S controller and out of nowhere sometimes the control scheme seems to change whilst I'm playing and RB will be Start and A and B change to Up and Down etc then it will return to normal.

Any ideas as to why this would be happening???

I'm also using an Xbox One S Controller, and haven't seen that at all/ Are you wired, bluetooth, or using the dongle? I know Uplay was sketchy as hell with bluetooth controllers, maybe try wired? Are you launching through steam? Maybe something there is overtaking mappings? Mine has worked 100% of the time (thought not bluetooth, as mentioned).


I'm also using an Xbox One S Controller, and haven't seen that at all/ Are you wired, bluetooth, or using the dongle? I know Uplay was sketchy as hell with bluetooth controllers, maybe try wired? Are you launching through steam? Maybe something there is overtaking mappings? Mine has worked 100% of the time (thought not bluetooth, as mentioned).

I am using bluetooth and also launching through steam, would you suggest launching straight from Uplay? I'll give that a go next time I play it, would rather avoid going wired if I can.
We'd have cards with one class on, everyone gets everything apart from C4/mines that only for whoever gets that card.

Like you'd have cards with roles on them— demo/breacher, drone operator, sniper, automatic rifleman, grenadier, assaulter. You'd give them out randomly from the whole list, or let people pick from the whole list, or let people pick four from the list of four and assign those four at random.

Still unsure about secondary weapons though.

Only the breacher & assaulter gets anything other than a super-shorty, or perhaps people (or only snipers) get a barebones unsuppressed MP7 as a backup.

I was sure you were going to pop a chute, thinking "Hey, I did this in GTA and Just Cause".
Speaking about chutes, the hints say you can base jump. I landed on top of a crane to do some sniping, but when I jumped off.......no option to parachute.

I had the same experience. Purportedly you have to hit or hold A to initiate a skydive and not a feet-first ground-splat. I'm certain I did manage it without hitting a button off a large cliff, but then the next time I tried it in a different spot there was no base jumping.

Like you'd have cards with roles on them— demo/breacher, drone operator, sniper, automatic rifleman, grenadier, assaulter. You'd give them out randomly from the whole list, or let people pick from the whole list, or let people pick four from the list of four and assign those four at random.

Only the breacher & assaulter gets anything other than a super-shorty, or perhaps people (or only snipers) get a barebones unsuppressed MP7 as a backup.

The main issue is without a 4-man squad, or maybe even with a 4-man squad, you run the risk of not 'rolling' everything needed. The more people you have the better, but the idea really only works for 3 or 4 man squads. With 2 people you need to both be jack of all trades kind of characters.

I thought the Super Shorty Shotty was just for looks, since it's tiny and doesn't really show up on your character? I don't see why it couldn't be used in a pinch though, it's not super useful... usually..


I like the idea of giving different players a 'purpose' other than being all-purpose killing machines, but you need everyone to be equally into the idea. It's hard not to use your drone.. when it's right there waiting.

Getting a shotgun main isn't exactly conducive to how this game plays either. The need for a 'Breecher' isn't really there with the way the map is setup. For a couple of missions, sure, but most of the time you're engaging at decent distances, and if everyone else can hit a target at 100m and you need to run in like an idiot.. I don't know, doesn't seem to jive right.

I ran with the LMG class for a couple missions, and it was fine, I couldn't hit squat at range because the scopes for LMG suck, but I laid down suppressive fire and took out a few helos. I would never use a LMG main in the normal game, so it was fun trying something new.

Getting away from the AR/Sniper on everyone is a nice change, and hopefully we can hammer out some things to make it viable (and fun!).

Speaking about chutes, the hints say you can base jump. I landed on top of a crane to do some sniping, but when I jumped off.......no option to parachute.

Same here.. I died off the crane. I've done it off tall rocks though, so not sure if the game doesn't recognize the crane as a base-jumpable surface? Seems tailor made for it.
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