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Tom Clancy's The Division |OT 3| Crafted From 150 OT 2’s


Map expansion is way overdue, glad to be getting it even if it is only the DZ. I always liked how it starts off like the rest of the map and gets progressively more messed up as you head north - sounds like central park is the logical conclusion of that.


I want new enemies. There are enough set pieces for them to build some new maps, but if they're just filling them with the same old dudes...

Put some hunters in. Those dudes are exciting.


Bought this during the Steam Sale. I was having fun in the beginning but I feel this is getting more and more a chore to play. I'm level 20 and it seems impossible to progress the story mission now. Enemies tend to have infinite grenades that one shot me and so much shields that my pea shooter don't do much. I think I have to grind in the dumb MMO missions around the maps ugh.
I want new enemies. There are enough set pieces for them to build some new maps, but if they're just filling them with the same old dudes...

Put some hunters in. Those dudes are exciting.

Is there any lore behind the hunters? Are they black ops LMB's or rogue First Wave Agents? They are an interesting enemy to fight.

It would be sweet if they were added as a rare random spawn/event in the LZ/DZ outside of Survival.
The best way imo is splitting up 2 + 2 and then regrouping in the DZ.

I had a veeeery fun run today, managed to kill some dude's hunter which had just killed him. He had called the chopper so I revived him and hopped in as it was leaving. He didn't manage to get in tho lol.

Do you have to actually break the squad in to 2 and 2 or do you just keep a squad of 4 and split up? Cause sharing waypoint markers seems like it would be annoying but I haven't bothered to see if you can jump into someones squad once you are in survival mode.
Do you have to actually break the squad in to 2 and 2 or do you just keep a squad of 4 and split up? Cause sharing waypoint markers seems like it would be annoying but I haven't bothered to see if you can jump into someones squad once you are in survival mode.

Keep the squad and split up.
Another good Survival run, GS163 extracted 6 Survival caches plus 2 more waiting for me plus a weapons, gear, survival assignment, and field cache. So 12 total caches, I get.... nothing. Jeebus.

Has anyone experienced this glitch where your health will not regen and you cannot use a health kit? I had this happen earlier in the middle of a promising run. It happened right after this hilarious episode of Survival karma, I turn a corner and this guy is fighting 3 NPC's. He's struggling, I headshot one and help him kill the others. I pass up the loot from one of the ones I think he killed, and pick up the loot from the one guy I know I killed. He starts cussing and calls me a douchebag, then follows me to this landmark. I am scoped and looking around, he fired at them then laughs.

A couple.. elite I guess? What are the ones with blue? Whatever they are, two of them down me, but I get up, and kill a few, and low and behold who is in the middle of the landmark downed and out of med kits? Douchebag guy. He crawls to me and literally begs for a revive, I finish up the NPC's then loot/kill.

I was feeling great, but then in the next NPC encounter, I ran into that glitch. I had like.. 1/3 of my last bar. Ran into the safe house, it wouldn't regen. Tried to pop a med kit, wouldn't work. I had to let an NPC down me, then get back up, but then my health started dropping real fast and I was killed by the cold, even though my bar was about 90% full. What the actual fuck.

I really just wanna see if this Barret chest piece is as incredible as everyone says. But I cant fucking find it. Someone on reddit make this thing that runs the mission for you and calculates all the odds and tells you how many runs it takes before you finally get it. First time I got it on try fucking one. Then I tried again and lol it was like 428 or something, like 23 hours worth of Lexington with a max clear time of 15 minutes.


aka andydumi
Map expansion is way overdue, glad to be getting it even if it is only the DZ. I always liked how it starts off like the rest of the map and gets progressively more messed up as you head north - sounds like central park is the logical conclusion of that.

Yep the map needs to expand to Central Park ASAP, it's such an iconic area and mind boggling that it's missing.

And we need factions that fight each other for territory so we can play them off each other and/or support them. Think small splinter groups we can get into favor with.
At this point I'll welcome any content lol.

I'm addicted to Survival. I play (and finish) at least once a day.

Yeah Survival is good but the lack of randomness means you can just follow a set route to get materials. People have already posted maps of materials so you can get into the DZ within 15 minutes.

I really just wanna see if this Barret chest piece is as incredible as everyone says. But I cant fucking find it. Someone on reddit make this thing that runs the mission for you and calculates all the odds and tells you how many runs it takes before you finally get it. First time I got it on try fucking one. Then I tried again and lol it was like 428 or something, like 23 hours worth of Lexington with a max clear time of 15 minutes.

1% drop rate, what did you expect? lol

17% chance of Larae Barret dropping an additional loot, and 6% of that being the chest or the Showstopper.

6% of 17% = roughly 1%.


Is anyone else on PS4 not able to get past the connecting screen? I'm seeing lots of reports of this over the last week or so with no conclusive resolutions. Some things that work temporarily and not even for everyone such as signing out and back in to psn/uplay but that's again that's not working for everyone and not even permanently for the ones it does work for.

Wtf is this about? I switched accounts to my JP PSN that doesn't even have Plus and it got past the connecting screen but my main still couldn't.


So I'm looking to get back in to The Division, haven't played since vanilla. iirc my character is level 28 and has finished all base level missions.

Any tips? I'd like to find my feet again, reach level 30 ASAP then start looking for the best ways to grind for gear. I'm a solo player as my original team aren't playing anymore.

Is it worth getting any of the expansions right away? Or is that not relevant until hitting level 30?


So I'm looking to get back in to The Division, haven't played since vanilla. iirc my character is level 28 and has finished all base level missions.

Any tips? I'd like to find my feet again, reach level 30 ASAP then start looking for the best ways to grind for gear. I'm a solo player as my original team aren't playing anymore.

Is it worth getting any of the expansions right away? Or is that not relevant until hitting level 30?

Run side missions and encounters to get up to 30, I can't remember if repeating main missions give you the XP again prior to end game. Or if you can get a partner who's at the end game already, join their instance and let them carry you through acouple of missions to hit 30 quicker. (If PS4, feel free to add me my PSN ID is my username here).

Once 30 you have access to the world tiers, you want to run dailies, HTV's, farm the open world bosses (the likes of Bullet King are back if you remember that) to start getting better gear. Keep trying to up the world tier to get better gear score loot. Again, if you have a partner team with them in world tier 5 and let them pull you through the farm to get the highest gear score loot (256).

IIRC Underground DLC requires level 30 (someone correct me if wrong, it's been a while), however Survival only requires the base of ops to be unlocked so you can hit that straight away if you do buy it.

In my opinion, the season pass has been worth it. Since the balance and fix came in 1.4/1.5 and Underground had it's levelling requirements alterd (levelling is now quicker which equals quicker sealed caches) it is a real contender to farm for loot even on Hard rather than Challanging. I've had afew runs in Survival and it's a breath of fresh air after farming the open world for so long to have to play with different characteristics like halting your infection and keeping your hunger/thirst at bay. There is also a new faction in Survival called the Hunters who offer a different challenge to overcome.

World Tier is what designates your gear score items drops now. So you can play on Hard or Challenging but both will still drop the gear score items to whichever world tier you are in, Challenging just drops more of it.


Decided to make a HE build today on my Alt for a change since having afew named items.

Nothing is really min/maxed, some base armour is low and some stats don't help on my gloves. Annoyingly I'm 3 points off on my firearms so had to use a firearms mod so the staminia could be a little bit better but managed to get these stats:


And it performs really well.

Lightweight M4

Barrets chest
Specialised backpack
Tenacious mask (still not got ferro's)
Accomplished knee pads (for the XP farm)
Skull gloves
Bliss holster

Pic is taken with Pulse on cool down for 5% DMG bonus off Barrets chest, the Bliss holster stack from the 93R pistol and switching back to main, as well as the Skull gloves with the 16% DMG bonus for no gear set bonuses.
Wasn't feeling the 93R much at first to get the stack due to the recoil but a high stability mod on the surpressor soon sorted that out and with 3 shots the DMG bonus is stacked.

Lastly, even though I wasn't that impressed with the Pro update as I was hoping for a higher resolution, it's still a beaut of a game especially with the Neutral Lighting on:



With Neutral Lighting on I also find it easier to see the fire barrels in survival even if I do run straight in to enemies :p


Run side missions and encounters to get up to 30, I can't remember if repeating main missions give you the XP again prior to end game. Or if you can get a partner who's at the end game already, join their instance and let them carry you through acouple of missions to hit 30 quicker. (If PS4, feel free to add me my PSN ID is my username here).

Once 30 you have access to the world tiers, you want to run dailies, HTV's, farm the open world bosses (the likes of Bullet King are back if you remember that) to start getting better gear. Keep trying to up the world tier to get better gear score loot. Again, if you have a partner team with them in world tier 5 and let them pull you through the farm to get the highest gear score loot (256).

IIRC Underground DLC requires level 30 (someone correct me if wrong, it's been a while), however Survival only requires the base of ops to be unlocked so you can hit that straight away if you do buy it.

In my opinion, the season pass has been worth it. Since the balance and fix came in 1.4/1.5 and Underground had it's levelling requirements alterd (levelling is now quicker which equals quicker sealed caches) it is a real contender to farm for loot even on Hard rather than Challanging. I've had afew runs in Survival and it's a breath of fresh air after farming the open world for so long to have to play with different characteristics like halting your infection and keeping your hunger/thirst at bay. There is also a new faction in Survival called the Hunters who offer a different challenge to overcome.

World Tier is what designates your gear score items drops now. So you can play on Hard or Challenging but both will still drop the gear score items to whichever world tier you are in, Challenging just drops more of it.

Thank you very much, that is all extremely helpful.

I'll hopefully be able to jump on later on and grind out side missions and encounters to get to 30 then, I don't mind if it does take me a little while since that will help me find my feet again.

I'll grab the season pass once I feel comfortable and check out Underground and then Survival.

Will keep the game on tier 1 once I hit 30 for the time being and once I start to feel the need to up it I'll do so, and will start running dailies and doing HVT's.

I am PS4 so will add you next time I get on. Appreciate the tips.
Yeah Survival is good but the lack of randomness means you can just follow a set route to get materials. People have already posted maps of materials so you can get into the DZ within 15 minutes.

1% drop rate, what did you expect? lol

17% chance of Larae Barret dropping an additional loot, and 6% of that being the chest or the Showstopper.

6% of 17% = roughly 1%.

So if 4 loots drop you might get the chest? So if 3 drop you have no chance? Didn't know that.


Just started playing finally after buying the Gold Edition during the Steam Sale. Just got to the main first area after the tutorial zone.

Is there a Neogaf Clan or something to join on PC?


Thank you very much, that is all extremely helpful.

I'll hopefully be able to jump on later on and grind out side missions and encounters to get to 30 then, I don't mind if it does take me a little while since that will help me find my feet again.

I'll grab the season pass once I feel comfortable and check out Underground and then Survival.

Will keep the game on tier 1 once I hit 30 for the time being and once I start to feel the need to up it I'll do so, and will start running dailies and doing HVT's.

I am PS4 so will add you next time I get on. Appreciate the tips.

Yep if there's no rush you can make the progression steadily and just enjoy working your way up. No problem, I'm on most days.

So if 4 loots drop you might get the chest? So if 3 drop you have no chance? Didn't know that.

Correct, quick google pic for comparison:




I remember getting 4 drops once and got well excited to find it was the god damn Showstopper :( It can also be 2 Gear sets 2 HE as well not a 1:3.


I've gotten so much different loot just from farming Lex. Still no Barret chest tho :/

Picked this up over the holiday break and I'm completely hooked. Hit the end game a couple of days ago and the luster is wearing off a little but I still love the gameplay and feel of the game and need advice.

I'm on the fence about buying the Season Pass but will most likely take the plunge. Is survival that good?

What should i be doing to farm gear? I've been doing the search and destroy missions and VIP targets... plus the daily. I got my gear up to where I can handle world tier 3/4 and have access to 5 but I'm not sure what I should be doing. Am I better off pushing to complete easier content on world 5 for the higher drops? Are there any specific spots to farm or places that drop specific gear that I should be trying for? What should I buy with my Phoenix credits? So many questions...


Picked this up over the holiday break and I'm completely hooked. Hit the end game a couple of days ago and the luster is wearing off a little but I still love the gameplay and feel of the game and need advice.

I'm on the fence about buying the Season Pass but will most likely take the plunge. Is survival that good?

What should i be doing to farm gear? I've been doing the search and destroy missions and VIP targets... plus the daily. I got my gear up to where I can handle world tier 3/4 and have access to 5 but I'm not sure what I should be doing. Am I better off pushing to complete easier content on world 5 for the higher drops? Are there any specific spots to farm or places that drop specific gear that I should be trying for? What should I buy with my Phoenix credits? So many questions...

You can group up with others in Tier 5 to offset any gear disadvantage. Your play style will be able to carry you for the most part.

I spend my phoenix credits at the recalibration station swapping out the weakest talent on my weapons for something better. I also buy the higher level mod and attachment blueprints from the blueprint vendor and try my hand at crafting a couple to see what I get. Some of the stuff from the Phoenix Credit equipment vendor is worth it but you might want to see what the community recommends first. If I'm getting maxed out (2000) I'll spend some on sealed caches just to make room for more.
you can the population is dying when you keep running into the same people on different days, servers are shrinking

I get matchmaked with the same players all the time on PC.

The only thing I want in this game is Ferro's mask on PC anyways and then I think about having to get lucky enough to get Barret's chest, Skull gloves, and Ferro's mask again when 1.6 drops and, wow, is that off-putting.

I'm probably going to be spending more time with Skyrim SE, the latest content update for Diablo and the Titanfall 2 campaign with a spattering of The Division Daily Challenging mission/Napalm runs and some weekly Destiny Nightfalls and Heroic Strikes.
When the PvE Dark Zone inevitably happens how about having Hunters spawn along with other faction/enemy types at Extraction Zones to mix things up and make getting gear out more tense while sorta simulating the PvPvE version?



Thanks for the link. Man that was pretty tough to get it down to 5.

When the PvE Dark Zone inevitably happens how about having Hunters spawn along with other faction/enemy types at Extraction Zones to mix things up and make getting gear out more tense while sorta simulating the PvPvE version?

It'd be ace if they introduced the Hunters in the main game and possibly a survival world tier but with Survival being behind a pay wall I can't see it happening any time soon. Everything within/about survival is surely for those who bought the season pass or the DLC itself so to introduce it in an update to the main game could piss off alot of the userbase who paid the cash for it in the first place.
Thanks for the link. Man that was pretty tough to get it down to 5.

Yeah there were so many things that need fixing and balancing still.

Even thought the next patch and pts are going to be working on pvp mostly, I do hope there is some pve content inflow this month, cause the pve player base is diminishing rapidly.

Just give us challenge mode versions for all missions at least and increase drop rates of named items for a start..


Gave this a go last night for an hour or so, definitely think I could find myself getting back in to it properly.

I just feel so rusty!

My skills are currently support station with life support, seeker mine with cluster and my signature skill is recovery link.

My talents are Critical Save, One is None and Evasive Action.

Not sure what my perks are.

Any tips for what I should be using? My preferred playstyle is DPS.

Also any tips on the best type of weapon?
For DPS the go-to weapon type is Assault rifles, especially the high-RPM ones like M4, LVOA-C, G36 etc. They need a lot of stability but you can add weapons mods to make them lasers.

You probably want to run pulse and booster shot as skills if you want to get the most dps out of our weapons, and look for dps enhancing weapon talents like destructive, brutal, ferocious etc.

For weapon mods you want extended mags, headshot damage, critical chance, critical damage and stability.

For gear, everyone seems to prefer Alpha Bridge for DPS but it's also the most boring set in the game, and will probably get nerfed in the next patch.

Try making a fun build like the D3-FNC smg tank or Firecrest with flame turrets, or even combine 2-3 gear sets to make a hybrid build (Predator + Striker, Reclaimer + Tactician, Nomad + Lone star, etc).


What's the PVP "meta" like nowadays? I went into the DZ with a sort of balanced build last night just to mess around and there was a guy dropping everyone with 2 or 3 quick pumps of a SASG.

Saw some of the usual multi-groups of Rogues camping checkpoints lol I eventually scrapped my "balanced" build and stacked 7k firearms and was able to kill a few of them, but 8 v 1 is dumb.

That said, I didn't take it too serious and was able to have some fun so I think I'm gonna make me a PVP build.
Alpha, everything is alpha.

OP AR's, One-shot snipers or two tap shotguns - all rely on Alphabridge.

Spec into 3 predator + 3 striker if you can, it's a lot better than boring AB.


Alpha, everything is alpha.

OP AR's, One-shot snipers or two tap shotguns - all rely on Alphabridge.

Spec into 3 predator + 3 striker if you can, it's a lot better than boring AB.

haha went back to alpha (lightweight m4, famas), fuck it everyone else is using it (416k dps, 445k toughness). no matter what build i have or how much toughness i have, an alphabridge build always shreds through it so if you cant beat them join them. competent, responsive, destructive, uncomplicated, vicious


was close with the numbers

i want to try out a showstopper alpha build, just need to get one

edit: do they shut the servers off twice? went to bed around 1am with the countdown at 58 minutes. logged on now (1pm) and the countdown is still going???


Alpha, everything is alpha.

OP AR's, One-shot snipers or two tap shotguns - all rely on Alphabridge.

Spec into 3 predator + 3 striker if you can, it's a lot better than boring AB.
That's what I currently run. 3 strikers and some HE gear that boost my armor to 62% in cover. Might need to switch the HE stuff around tho. I was quickly reminded how cover is nonexistent in PVP lol I'll play around with Pred, and see how it does.
I was messing about with a Robust chest and Sturdy holster build last night. I ended up adding 3-pieces of Striker and a Specialized backpack to complete the build.

Robust adds 10% armor while in cover and Sturdy adds 15% armor while in the same cover for 4 seconds. My Toughness in cover was 625K (a few times it was going into the 900K range but I couldn't repeat it consistently thus couldn't figure out what was causing the increase) with 70% Armor Mitigation.

Striker added 20% stability bonus and 10% EAD. That in combination with another 20% stability bonus from the player talent Steady Hands and a G36 AR (355K DPS) and a Pakhan LMG (280K DPS) made this quite a formidable PvE build. Weapons are like lasers with the stability bonuses which helps out with landing more shots consistently at range which goes hand-in-hand with a cover-based build. Also had bonus AR+LMG Damage on Striker gloves.

Using Smart Cover for additional all-around bonuses while in cover.

A different experience for sure but still fun.

I really want Ferro's mask so I can complete my favorite build (Barret's chest, Specialized backpack, Ferro's mask, MC Skull gloves, Accomplished knee pads, and Sturdy holster) but Joe Ferro simply won't accommodate me on PC. It's really hard to use anything else once you have the Barret's, MC Skull, and Ferro's named pieces.


I was messing about with a Robust chest and Sturdy holster build last night. I ended up adding 3-pieces of Striker and a Specialized backpack to complete the build.

Robust adds 10% armor while in cover and Sturdy adds 15% armor while in the same cover for 4 seconds. My Toughness in cover was 625K (a few times it was going into the 900K range but I couldn't repeat it consistently thus couldn't figure out what was causing the increase) with 70% Armor Mitigation.

Striker added 20% stability bonus and 10% EAD. That in combination with another 20% stability bonus from the player talent Steady Hands and a G36 AR (355K DPS) and a Pakhan LMG (280K DPS) made this quite a formidable PvE build. Weapons are like lasers with the stability bonuses which helps out with landing more shots consistently at range which goes hand-in-hand with a cover-based build. Also had bonus AR+LMG Damage on Striker gloves.

Using Smart Cover for additional all-around bonuses while in cover.

A different experience for sure but still fun.

I really want Ferro's mask so I can complete my favorite build (Barret's chest, Specialized backpack, Ferro's mask, MC Skull gloves, Accomplished knee pads, and Sturdy holster) but Joe Ferro simply won't accommodate me on PC. It's really hard to use anything else once you have the Barret's, MC Skull, and Ferro's named pieces.

Sounds interesting. I'm struggling to drop Barret's and Skull gloves myself. HE pieces are that relevant now that the Skull gloves complement it really well adding the 16% dmg bonus with no gearset bonuses. I'm yet to get a Ferro mask but Tenacious serves pretty well. Just a shame there are no worthwhile talents on the knee pads unless of you're farming for XP/caches.
The best version of the Pakhan (best base damage and 14% damage to out of cover targets) is for sale again at the Advanced Weaponry Vendor, D3-FNC gloves ((904 ARM, 1272 Stamina, 1319 LMG Damage, 4% Health on Kill, 10% Damage to Elites) at Special Equipment Vendor, Electronics Armor Mod at Camp Hudson, Stamina Armor Mod at The Firewall, Sturdy holster (not a great armor roll) at Southpaw, and a Lightweight M4(19% EAD, Vicious, Capable, Deadly[free]) at The Last Call.

I didn't check any of the Dark Zone Checkpoints or Safe Houses.


The best version of the Pakhan (best base damage and 14% damage to out of cover targets) is for sale again at the Advanced Weaponry Vendor, D3-FNC gloves ((904 ARM, 1272 Stamina, 1319 LMG Damage, 4% Health on Kill, 10% Damage to Elites) at Special Equipment Vendor, Electronics Armor Mod at Camp Hudson, Stamina Armor Mod at The Firewall, Sturdy holster (not a great armor roll) at Southpaw, and a Lightweight M4(19% EAD, Vicious, Capable, Deadly[free]) at The Last Call.

I didn't check any of the Dark Zone Checkpoints or Safe Houses.

stamina armor mod whats the numbers?
Had my best round of Survival yet just now. Ended up with a score of 16k+, new high score. I got put in a server with a bunch of idiots I guess. Sooooo many people died. Seemed like every corner I turned I saw glorious loot lighting up. In my last stop before crafting the masks to get to the DZ I had 40-50+ of pretty much every material. Was able to waltz into the DZ, grab one div tech box, and build my guns and all the armor. Ran around and took out 8 or 9 named enemies. Killed close to 200 NPC's in total IIRC. Extracted with only 4 minutes left on my virus time, yet was still first to extract. I think only two other agents even made it to the DZ. I thought maybe with a higher score I'd get more bonus caches but nah, same 11 as usual. Same shit from those 11 as usual.

If I queue into a solo PVP, what are the odds I get placed with a bunch of groups? Also, I survived in the DZ so long, it became morning. Never saw that before.
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