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Tomb Raider Definitive Edition - PlayStation 4 = ~60fps, Xbox One = ~30fps

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extra source of jiggaflops
On topic: being a ps4 owner, and after I skipped this game last year, the news here only pushes me further to consider purchasing it... plus, as some have already said, it makes me very glad to see third-party developers pushing both consoles as much as they can and ignoring any platform-parity requests.
How do you know they ignored the platform-parity request?



Like most other games, the PS4 version is going to be comparable or superior. In this case it looks to be superior. What is to argue so vehemently?


Holy shit i'm late to the party and theres already 65 pages?!?! What did I miss..... oh, a shit ton of bans. Unsurprising.

So at a quick glance, the games running uncapped correct? I hate games that dip to the 40's. Feels..... odd.


Im assuming you clowns havnt seen the ign update? Square enix have confirmed that BOTH versions run at 30fps.

Op was just using neogafs pathetic fanboyism to get hits on his website.

Pure comedic gold as always neogaf. 65 pages of sony fanboys clamoring over a false rumor and using it to boost their inner opinion of ps4 superiority. If people actually cared as much as you guys about a few launch titles resolution differences then xbox wouldnt be selling so many more games in NA than ps4. even the very games that you claim to be inferior on xb1 are selling better on the xb1

They are both locked at 30FPS, LOL WOOPS maybe next time GAF

Anyone have that penny-arcade spoof image of Major Nelson throwing people into gaf and Bish banning them? It always leaps to the front of my mind when I see posts like these from juniors with less then 10 posts.
So wait I summed up the op and I am in the middle of this thread but I'd the IGN thing real? Or was that guy spreading false info? Also why are people getting banned?
LOL wow at the guy's [short] post history. Nothing but XB1 defense.

He's saying both versions of Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition are locked at 30fps, and he's wrong about it.

oh okay. I was just wondering if there was some new information, or spin, that will make him think this. Sorry thread was moving to fast.

Quickly looking back, I am guessing that Squeenix PR spin can interpreted in different ways?


Telling the truth? The source of the OT is not very trustworthy. Even a Highend-PC has problems running Tomb Raider at 60 FPS with maximum details.

that's not true at all; and high-end pc runs TR Ultimate quality well over 60fps with 4xSSAA enabled; console version will be using FXAA and a rewored version of tress fx (if i am not wrong ati is gonna release version 2.0 of it)

i am talking about a pc with a single card/single gpu; card with multiple gpu take the fr well over 100


On topic: being a ps4 owner, and after I skipped this game last year, the news here only pushes me further to consider purchasing it... plus, as some have already said, it makes me very glad to see third-party developers pushing both consoles as much as they can and ignoring any platform-parity requests.

I think I'm over my salt at this not being a tomb raider game and might pick it up. I have yet to play a game on my ps4, I sure hope it works. I will wait to see some footage though as I'm not a fan of octagonal boobs.


Not that much hyperbole. You obviously lived with the PS3 - was your gaming life the worse for it compared to the Xbox360? honest question.

Honestly, I have both in the house. The differences are minimal. My addendum to that statement however, is that I made no comparisons before about 2 years in, because I didn't have a 360 in front of me until that point, playing the same games I was on PS3.

This gen has seen, in only a few months, far more obvious differences than I ever saw between the previous systems, but the time point is different, and that may be why.

To say as you did the differences were so pronounced, is hyperbole. Adding to that the PSN hack in a discussion about technical differences is...unusual.


oh okay. I was just wondering if there was some new information, or spin, that will make him think this. Sorry thread was moving to fast.

Quickly looking back, I am guessing that Squeenix PR spin can interpreted in different ways?

Yeah, it could imply that both are 30fps, though it says nothing about "locked". Don't know why they feel the need to spin it that way in PR, but in a live environment it's easier to get more truthful answers, and that's where the executive producer said it's 60fps on PS4.
If there really ends up being a 60/30fps difference between the PS4 and Xbox One versions, I'd be pretty amazed. I know that the PS4 is stronger, but that's a significant difference and not one to downplay or minimize as 'slight'. I'd love to experience Tomb Raider in 60fps and 1080p, I think it would be wonderful based on how beautiful the game is already.


I hate to weigh into this mess and while there are differences between the Xbox One and PS4 I dunno yet how to classify that disparity.

I will say that the PS3 was significantly worse off on multi-plats throughout the generation and not just a little bit. Skyrim was basically unplayable (developer in my opinion but still). Not to mention that there was a bunch of weird shit that the PS3 did that made it an inferior platform (load times, et al). In addition to getting HACKED and having PS+ down for 3 months... on a more expensive platform... et al.

The differences between the Xbox One and PS4 will be real but l do feel it's a bit overplayed. There are lot of folks who tolerated the PS3 and it's deficiencies for a generation as well and are perfectly happy human beings. I think a lot of folks who are crowing about the differences are THOSE SAME PEOPLE - and I suppose it's justified, a little inferiority complex for 10 years and all that. But in reality a lot of this stuff won't matter in the end as long as good games are being produced.

Skyrim's issues was more so on the developer than the PS3, I would classify that just like I did battlefield 4. The game was simply not coded properly. Still Skyrim was 720p on both consoles and looked good on both platforms.

Throughout last generation you could name a handful of bad ports on the PS3, I would think the worse would be bayonetta, still, the game was perfectly playable on the PS3 regardless. The rest were minor 2frame differences either side, much smaller resolution differences etc...Towards the middle to the end, the PS3 and 360 was flip flopping between the slightly best versions with the PS3 getting the nod with most of the big AAA games like GTA5 and Bioshock Infinite as recent examples.

To claim these that these comparisons were huge and declare these current gen differences as not so substantial is laughable and very suspect imo. I guess we all do have our preferences as do I, but at least we should try to keep it honest.


So wait I summed up the op and I am in the middle of this thread but I'd the IGN thing real? Or was that guy spreading false info? Also why are people getting banned?
Its real but not saying they are both capped at 30fps, they are dancing around it saying both console version offer outstanding experience the game was designed to run at 30fps anything beyond 30fps for this version is gravy

Also will already have a confirmation from the executive producer it is running at 60 fps on PS4.


How do you know they ignored the platform-parity request?



no facts of course... I'm just glad to see they are willing to release without parity, otherwise we would probably never know there was a possibility of getting a "better" version or that they aren't pushing each console as much as possible


If I had an Xbox One I think the 30 FPS wouldn't bug me that much. I mean yes, we all want technology to progress and yes we want better/shinier/smoother graphics but I'm used to 30 FPS and I can live with them, for now at least. This of course will change over time, I'd love to watch the LotR in higher framerate now, after experiencing The Hobbit for instance.

As a non-PS4/Xbox One owner (I'm quite contempt with my PS3, Wii U and 3DS for now) the thought of paying more money for the weaker hardware bugs me a lot though. Yes, the Xbox One has arguably more functionality to offer, such as the TV stuff and all, but for me those features don't really matter. I can understand people who like that stuff and are willing to pay for it though.

So in the end of the day, yes, the PS4 offers better hardware and the games will run smoother or look better than on the Xbox One. That's just the nature of things. If that's what you're looking for (just like me), go for that console/version. However, if you`re in for the whole "All In One" (such stupid marketing speak) experience, the Xbox One seems to be a pretty good option, if you can live with the compromises. I can't say if the Xbox One's added functionality can off-put the PS4's better graphics in order to balance things out (not a joke), everyone has their own preferences. But more variety is more great for all of us. Love.


I hate to weigh into this mess and while there are differences between the Xbox One and PS4 I dunno yet how to classify that disparity.

I will say that the PS3 was significantly worse off on multi-plats throughout the generation and not just a little bit. Skyrim was basically unplayable (developer in my opinion but still). Not to mention that there was a bunch of weird shit that the PS3 did that made it an inferior platform (load times, et al). In addition to getting HACKED and having PS+ down for 3 months... on a more expensive platform... et al.

The differences between the Xbox One and PS4 will be real but l do feel it's a bit overplayed. There are lot of folks who tolerated the PS3 and it's deficiencies for a generation as well and are perfectly happy human beings. I think a lot of folks who are crowing about the differences are THOSE SAME PEOPLE - and I suppose it's justified, a little inferiority complex for 10 years and all that. But in reality a lot of this stuff won't matter in the end as long as good games are being produced.

PS3 was worse in most multiplat games besides being slightly more powerful. Because of the overly complex PS3 architecture (RAM, CELL) and a shitty GPU XB1 was able to outperform it often besides having less TFLOPS. If devs made CELL shine, the results on PS3 there astonishing though and better what've seen on 360 (Uncharted, GOW).

So, all in all, we had somewhat a parity last gen.

This gen, however, we have a completly diferent situation. The difference in computational power is much bigger than last gen (even bigger than ever before if you just compare the direct competitioners). But that's not enough. Besides having less computational power and a significant worse GPU, the XB1 as also a more complex architecture and a difficult memory configuration.

Therefore, you see a game on PS4 running with 60FPS and on XB1 with 30FPS. It's still amazing that people try to downplay that difference. And no, I don't own neither of these consoles. And I never will, because of reasons I can't state because I'm fucking afraid of bish. :(
I'll pick it up for the ps4 after launch, As not overly big on Tomb Raider but its another ps4 game so i'll pay £30 on ebay in a month or so. Then again I could just buy it on release and sell it after completion which contradicts my first sentence.


If there really ends up being a 60/30fps difference between the PS4 and Xbox One versions, I'd be pretty amazed. I know that the PS4 is stronger, but that's a significant difference and not one to downplay or minimize as 'slight'. I'd love to experience Tomb Raider in 60fps and 1080p, I think it would be wonderful based on how beautiful the game is already.

Well its supposedly an unlocked Framerate on both. It seems that PS4 will dip at hectic scenes, and X1 will go up to 45 fps at certain moments when there isn't much on screen. So the difference is ranging between 15 to 30 fps.

I think this game reflects the difference in power between the 2 systems reasonably well. Last gen the Ps3 wasn't weaker than the 360, but its architecture was way off. This time the systems are reasonably identical, but with the PS4 actually being more powerful and a bit easier to work with to top it off. Hence situations like this.
Yeah, it could imply that both are 30fps, though it says nothing about "locked". Don't know why they feel the need to spin it that way in PR, but in a live environment it's easier to get more truthful answers, and that's where the executive producer said it's 60fps on PS4.

oh ok, sweet. Thanks for the context.


Honestly, I have both in the house. The differences are minimal. My addendum to that statement however, is that I made no comparisons before about 2 years in, because I didn't have a 360 in front of me until that point, playing the same games I was on PS3.

This gen has seen, in only a few months, far more obvious differences than I ever saw between the previous systems, but the time point is different, and that may be why.

To say as you did the differences were so pronounced, is hyperbole. Adding to that the PSN hack in a discussion about technical differences is...unusual.

That's fair. In some ways I think without the direct comparison (aka, having them run next to each other) either version (PS3/X360) the differences were acceptable. In this generation the differences may continue to gap and then I think there will be a genuine consideration for many to move to a platform that demonstrates it being a more viable long term in graphical abilities and general performance.

I brought up some of the other issues simply because there are a lot of things people will tolerate on a platform before abandoning it or it those platforms becoming non-viable.

I won't lie, I am incredibly disappointed in MS for a long list of things. Their inability to meet consumer expectations after 10 years is pretty mind altering. And it has me already looking past 2015 whether I grab another console (PS4/Steambox) or re-build a gaming PC. That's pretty telling to me because after the GCN I grabbed a x360 and didn't look back and let my PC become a steam/gog (4 year old game) machine. Not too keen in having to shell out more money but if the disparities increase and development shifts there's no real choice in the matter if I want to continue to game.

I do think it's a bit early yet to make any firm judgement on both these consoles and I'll have a clearer sense of things for my own gaming habits come E3 this year so if it came off as hyperbole it wasn't the intent.

Anyways - the bish ban hammer is out and im too new to risk anymore talking :) (I wanna grow up some day and be big and strong! ;) )
Im assuming you clowns havnt seen the ign update? Square enix have confirmed that BOTH versions run at 30fps.

Op was just using neogafs pathetic fanboyism to get hits on his website.

Pure comedic gold as always neogaf. 65 pages of sony fanboys clamoring over a false rumor and using it to boost their inner opinion of ps4 superiority. If people actually cared as much as you guys about a few launch titles resolution differences then xbox wouldnt be selling so many more games in NA than ps4. even the very games that you claim to be inferior on xb1 are selling better on the xb1

I thought Arthur Gies stopped posting here a while back.


With a few drops here and there.



I couldn't get anywhere near 60fps with TressFX enabled on my 7850 and that's backed by an overclocked i7.

Has it been confirmed that the PS4 version will have TressFX enabled? If it does with settings equivalent to Ultra and definitely runs at a steady enough 60fps, then colour me impressed anyway.

TreesFX is supposed to run on GPU compute.

PS4 has same compute power as recent R290X top tier AMD GPU.

As i said earlier this why probably game runs 60fps on ps4
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