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Tomb Raider Definitive Edition - PlayStation 4 = ~60fps, Xbox One = ~30fps

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Alright, let me explain another way.

Real life is essentially infinite FPS. If you film it at 30fps, every frame contains a bit of blur captured perfectly from this infinite FPS.

A game locked to 30fps doesn't have this infinite visual information to capture. It's generating its own, so it won't look as natural. We get motion blur in games now, but that is rather different, and not being generated from infinite FPS.

The framerate is the same to the eyes, but the quality of the information is very different.

You at least figured out that it's motion blur, but it still has nothing to do with 'infinite fps' or not. Look at a Pixar movie, they run at the same framerate as everything else, and they only render things to the frames themselves - they still incorporate the expected amount of motion blur. Just like anything else, the blur is just part of the static image. "infinite framerate" has nothing to do with any of it.


One thing that was always certain is that whoever knew how to read spec sheets was aware from day1 that PS4 had better hardware, and that as the time went on Cerny's focus on expanding PS4 Direct Compute capabilities will only widen the gulf between two nextgen consoles.

Wow, just wake up and saw this 30-page thread. :D

Anyhow, I think that we will see this kind of power difference for every game that has heavy presence of Direct Compute effects. In this case, decision of Eidos for both version to have TressFX hair has pushed PS4 version to work much better.

While on the paper PS4 does not have more than 40% advantage for traditional rendering, the gulf can be widened if developers take advantage of PS4's customized 8 ACE approach to DC task queuing. Not only PS4 has more CU cores that they can completely dedicate to DC, they can also look for specific timings, and insert DC requests to all other CUs.

This was expected from the moment Sony announced their GPU modifications. More DC processing in multiplatform games - more advantage for PS4.


Direct Compute heavy game:
Xbone 8 CU for traditional rendering, 4 CU for Direct Compute
PS4 ordinary engine - 14 CU for traditional rendering, 4 CU for Direct Compute
PS4 optimized engine - 15 CUfor traditional rendering, 3 CU for Direct compute [job of one DC CU transfered over first 15 CUs]

Performance gulf will widen whenever Xbone needs more DC.

In "ordinary" games that are not heavily Direct Compute focused, PS4 has ~40% more preformance [lets say Black Flag, 900p vs 1080p], and MS cant reduce that gulf. Everyting that slimmed DX can do, PS4's slimmed OpenGL can also do, and hardware is fixed.

In Direct Compute heavy games, gulf between them will widen. Cerny announced that in ~2 years he expect that devs will achieve mastery of PS4 Direct Compute pipeline with games that were from day1 produced for nextgen.

We are still only 2 months away from the nextgen launch, where almost every game was rushed in some way to get out on the shelves on time, with moving hardware targets and incomplete SDK packages... There will be many more resolution-gate and framerate-gate threads ahead of us.


Man, this thread's only purpose is a honeypot for troll bans now. There' s really not much else to discuss about the whole situation. Is there going to be an OT for this version? A memorial for the fallen could be in order.


Are you saying we'll be seeing higher than 1080p/60fps on the PS4 at some point?

No. But there is absolutely no logical reason that we will EVER get a multiplatform release that is at complete parity on PS4 and XB1, unless the developers purposely gimp the PS4 version. The PS4 will ALWAYS be ~50% more powerful than the XB1, so while XB1 games will look better down the road, so will PS4 games.

Similarly to how graphics got better and better throughout last generation but the framerate and resolutions didn't, expect similar from this gen.
Soo... it looks like the PC Gaming thread will be a little barren for some time... lol

Mistakes were made.

My Lord! Thread is running at a BLAZING 65 pages!!

With a few drops here and there.

Soo... it looks like the PC Gaming thread will be a little barren for some time... lol

Have any other major gaming websites picked up this story? I'm at work and I can't check them out at the moment.


If devs can get 1080p 60fps on WiiU then I'm not sure why they're having so much trouble with XBO games.

NOT THE SAME GAME, NOT THE SAME CONTENT. Like literally, lol. WWHD is an enhanced port of a GameCube game, and SSBU looks like Brawl running on Dolphin, with a better art style to be fair.

Concessions have to be made to get games running at 1080p, on both the Wii-U and The X1.
No. But there is absolutely no logical reason that we will EVER get a multiplatform release that is at complete parity on PS4 and XB1, unless the developers purposely gimp the PS4 version. The PS4 will ALWAYS be ~50% more powerful than the XB1, so while XB1 games will look better down the road, so will PS4 games.

Similarly to how graphics got better and better throughout last generation but the framerate and resolutions didn't, expect similar from this gen.

Fair enough.
Ahhh bless I had feared the console war threads would die after the launch, so glad this isn't true. Now what can I do to persuade ElTorro to crank up that sweet GIF making machine? :D

OT: I guess coding for the exotic RAM setup in the XB1 is proving trickier than I had expected. I reckon this will eventually pan out to be even enough (ie where only gfx obsessives like me will care). Until MS gets the system libraries and tools to the point where they make this memory guff transparent I'd expect one of these threads every two months or so.

On Demand

No. But there is absolutely no logical reason that we will EVER get a multiplatform release that is at complete parity on PS4 and XB1, unless the developers purposely gimp the PS4 version. The PS4 will ALWAYS be ~50% more powerful than the XB1, so while XB1 games will look better down the road, so will PS4 games.

Similarly to how graphics got better and better throughout last generation but the framerate and resolutions didn't, expect similar from this gen.

You said it better than I did. Not good at explaining things. :/
I've never seen a thread with so many greyed out names. Not even E3 threads.

I actually didn't think this would cause an "ass storm", but boy was I wrong about that.
Wow I had no idea! I felt like it ran the same as BF3 on my 360 lol, obviously it looks a load better, but I had just assumed the framerate was the same.

the game does slow down a lot now and it might have something to do with the lag or the latest patch. that's why it might not look like it runs at 60fps anymore.

No. I'm assuming now that he's someone important. But membership to GAF didn't come with a Who's Who booklet or anything.

no it didn't but you should know from browsing the forum that you won't last long if your not tactful in your replies.


extra source of jiggaflops
Concessions have to be made to get games running at 1080p, on both the Wii-U and The X1.
And the PS4.

There is nothing inherent in the PS4 that makes it good at 60FPS at 1080p. Every game is different.

All we know is that the PS4 > Xbone by a good margin and that is without the currently used GPGPU compute headroom where the PS4 has much higher reserves than the Xbone.
Guys I'm relatively new here and not sure if this is considered legit (given that it's just a report on a tweet)or new thread worthy. So sorry if it is poor form, but this is the only place I could think to ask. But has anyone seen this?

[removed by AJanitor due to questionable source]
My secret hobby of crawling throught urethras has been outed.

It's a noble pastime that tyrannical puritans simply can't appreciate

Guys I'm relatively new here and not sure if this is considered legit (given that it's just a report on a tweet)or new thread worthy. So sorry if it is poor form, but this is the only place I could think to ask. But has anyone seen this?


Thuway's claimed thief is different on PS4/XB1 in the past but don't think he mentioned anything about watch dogs. Thats news to me


Someone seriously need to write a guide for the Juniors on how to survive here in gaf, the graveyard is filling at alarming rates even seniors been there lately.

-Yours, The Graveyard taker


If 1080p/30 becomes the target on XBO and XBO becomes the lead platform for graphical minimums this gen since it's the lowest spec out of XBO/PS4/PC, won't that mean more games at close to 60fps on PS4?

I can live with XBO graphics at nearly 2x the framerate this gen. In a way, XBO's weaker specs that so many people are making fun of are going to benefit PS4 gaming this gen since it will be able to outpace the target image graphically so that leaves a lot of headroom for greater framerates. Less slowdown, overall faster framerates, more responsive controls.

Microsoft did PS4 fans a favor.


30FPS will Always Deliver Better Story-Telling than 60FPS in Games – Heres Why

All the peeps of the Gaming World have been going crazy over 30 FPS and 60 FPS standards this last year. From 60fps/1080p being thought the new Next Gen standard to Ryse downgrades. But there a point many people are missing, one which i hope to shed some light on today, the point that why 30 FPS cant and shouldn’t ever be replaced with 60fps.

30fps vs 60fps – The Magic of Story Telling Lies in Lower FPS, 30 FPS will always deliver a more “Cinematic” Experience than 60FPS.

I am of course making quite a bold claim and the burden of proof lies with me. One which i am more than willing to shoulder. Let me begin by saying that the minimum limit that our brain needs to perceive moving frames as a seamless entity ( a video) is 24 Frames Per Second. This is one of the reason 99% of Movies are shot at 24 FPS. Though this was originally due to Sound Hardware limitation of Old Cinema, it has now become the Cinematic Standard. The 24 fps of the Cinema Industry is roughly equivalent to the 30 fps standard of the Gaming Industry. When you see a video shot at 24 fps / 30 fps there are holes to fill and your brain automatically does this by literally creating stuff out of your imagination : also known as movie magic. The More frames you increase, the less you brain fills in, the less the “magic”.

Proof of Concept: Hobbit 24 FPS vs 48 FPS analogy to the 30FPS vs 60FPS Gaming Standard

So, Notice how the 48FPS video looks, Sped Up, Weird and almost too Real (in a Bad Way) ? That is called the Soap Opera Effect. Because we grew up in a world where reality tv and soap operas were shot at a higher FPS our brains are now hard wired to associate mundane reality with Higher FPS. And i think you can see now what i meant by our brain filling in the gaps at lower FPS. The Original trailer looks magical and truly “Cinematic”. Of course you might be one of the minority who actually like the sped up, but in my opinion that is probably because of the Novelty Value.

30fps vs 60fps

The more Frames Per Second we increase in our Gaming Standards the less “Magical” they will feel.
I remember when playing Alan Wake (at 30fps) that it felt unbelievably like a movie to me, the sudden attacks of darkness and the way everything was moving about, i wonder if the magic would have been there with 60FPS. If i could clearly see how everything moved – probably not. Likewise in Cinema the Smokes and Mirrors fall away with increased fps – and story telling is all about the illusion. Of course some games would actually benefit from higher frames per second like Racing Games and Fighting Games (Tekken) but Games in which story telling is a main part would do better with the 30FPS Standard.


can you people finally drop this "60fps is better" nonsense

Yeah but games are in no way comparable to soap operas. I understand the premise you're making regarding higher framerates in TV-land generally corresponding to soaps and live TV broadcasts like the news and sport. But this isn't an analogy appropriate to games. Higher framerate is generally accepted to be better for games.
We really could use more info into the OP for those late to the party.

Gameradar let's play had executive producer Scott Amos adamant about 1080P60 @ 50:35

IGN says marketing says that 1080P30 was the lowest they'd allow (read between the marketing lines)

So damage control?
Guys I'm relatively new here and not sure if this is considered legit (given that it's just a report on a tweet)or new thread worthy. So sorry if it is poor form, but this is the only place I could think to ask. But has anyone seen this?


Their source, Thuway, is a NeoGAF poster who has been banned.

It's a noble pastime that tyrannical puritans simply can't appreciate

It certainly requires talent.
Ahhh bless I had feared the console war threads would die after the launch, so glad this isn't true. Now what can I do to persuade ElTorro to crank up that sweet GIF making machine? :D

OT: I guess coding for the exotic RAM setup in the XB1 is proving trickier than I had expected. I reckon this will eventually pan out to be even enough (ie where only gfx obsessives like me will care). Until MS gets the system libraries and tools to the point where they make this memory guff transparent I'd expect one of these threads every two months or so.

If RAM was the only issue. Bro, this is about the RAM, GPU and available CPU. Figuring out a better way to approach the ram will be helpful, but the GPU difference is set in stone. They may be able to scale back the amount of demand the triple-OS setup puts on the CPU over time too, but presumably Sony will be doing the same kind of optimizations over time to their own OS, which is already quite efficient.

Some differences just can't be made up. I feel for anyone who ONLY owns a One. Shit I own all 3 next (current?) gen consoles and the only one I feel perpetually bad about is the One. Because of shit like this. Perhaps because I know where to place my expectations for my WiiU, it doesn't really disappoint me. But the One...it always looks like it's in the race until the details come out. Then you're just like, "oh... :("
No. I'm assuming now that he's someone important. But membership to GAF didn't come with a Who's Who booklet or anything.

Before posting, you should always recognize who you are directing your post towards. GAF memberships are hard to come by, and (I'm guessing) part of the reason for that is so that people think twice before posting something they wouldn't post otherwise.


extra source of jiggaflops
Guys I'm relatively new here and not sure if this is considered legit (given that it's just a report on a tweet)or new thread worthy. So sorry if it is poor form, but this is the only place I could think to ask. But has anyone seen this?

That is thuway (who is banned from GAF) 's personal opinion on how Watch Dogs will turn out.

Not really a wild guess to make given what we know about the relative hardware of the various devices. (With the assumption that the PC in question is high-end.)

Before posting, you should always recognize who you are directing your post towards. GAF memberships are hard to come by, and (I'm guessing) part of the reason for that is so that people think twice before posting something they wouldn't post otherwise.
Wouldn't the world be a better place if we all treated each other equally no matter whether or not their name was red or or not? FUCK GREY THOUGH! FUCK THEM!
Looking forward to the DF head-to-head but TR hitting near 60fps for most of the game would be enough for me to double-dip, but not for $60. Still, it's officially back on my wallet's radar.


I've never seen a thread with so many greyed out names. Not even E3 threads.

I actually didn't think this would cause an "ass storm", but boy was I wrong about that.

Its epic. At the same time, you have people all pretending that this isn't discussion worthy, so what, everyone already knows, wonk, wonk, wonk.

Meanwhile, console warriors are throwing themselves into the fires of mount Bishevious.

This is a glorious thread.


Guys I'm relatively new here and not sure if this is considered legit (given that it's just a report on a tweet)or new thread worthy. So sorry if it is poor form, but this is the only place I could think to ask. But has anyone seen this?


Lol what a garbage site. Thuway is a gaffer and if you check the rest of his tweets you'll see that that is his personal expectation, he didn't hear this from anybody in the industry.

Either way ofcourse Watch_Dogs will look better on PS4.


Amen to that. When developers have to turn off anisotropic filtering, tessellation, decent AA (not FXAA, obviously) and good ambient occlusion because the consoles are woefully underpowered, at least you can take solace in the fact that the developer said, 'Eh, this isn't hardly what I envisioned, but it's as good as it's going to get with this hardware!'
It depends exactly what type of hardware they are working on. I'm sure that the developers knows the restrictions before they start making the game, and then it becomes what they envisioned it for that specific platform. If someone is going to make a game for Amiga 500, you have to work within those restrictions. Its not difference with any other system either, even PC. Not many developers are pushing the PC to the max, far from it, so they are moderating themself on PC as well.

PCs are also underpowered, by the way. A $2000 PC is underpowered compared to a $4000 PC.


I've never seen a thread with so many greyed out names. Not even E3 threads.

I actually didn't think this would cause an "ass storm", but boy was I wrong about that.

This only port of a old game, first one that has significant Direct Compute component in it. :)

Just wait until this year's biggest hitters come close to release (Destiny, Witcher 3, DA3, Watch Dogs, Evolve), or year after that when games that were built from the ground up for nextgen arrive... Even if resolution and framerate are the same, there will be threads just for discovery of what was cut from Xbone version effects wize, or why did developer artificially limited PS4 version of the game.

There will be many more "ass storms".


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Im assuming you clowns havnt seen the ign update? Square enix have confirmed that BOTH versions run at 30fps.

Op was just using neogafs pathetic fanboyism to get hits on his website.

Pure comedic gold as always neogaf. 65 pages of sony fanboys clamoring over a false rumor and using it to boost their inner opinion of ps4 superiority. If people actually cared as much as you guys about a few launch titles resolution differences then xbox wouldnt be selling so many more games in NA than ps4. even the very games that you claim to be inferior on xb1 are selling better on the xb1

This was reading comprehension failure at its finest. I think this ban was deserved....

All this news confirms is most multi platform games will be PS4 for me.
all of this fighting & confusion just makes me want to go strictly PC this generation...

It's not really much of a fight..nor is there really any confusion that the PS4 version of multiplats will probably always be superior. I don't see how console warriors arguing over the same old thing would make you want to go PC only and miss out on exclusives..
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