You have no creativity. It wouldn't take much for someone to make one of Lara getting reamed by a Krogan or something equally disturbing.
I'd pay to see that.
You have no creativity. It wouldn't take much for someone to make one of Lara getting reamed by a Krogan or something equally disturbing.
This game needs a crushing mode. I seriously feel like I must be playing on very easy mode. Everything feels automated and purposely easy. And why didn't they just implement a co-op mode a la UC2/3's survival mode??
I don't know. Uncharted has been a T game and Tomb Raider moved into the M territory.
I really hope Uncharted can respond to Tomb Raider without resorting to going for the M rating. Naughty Dog seems to be a competent studio and Amy Henning is superior to Rhianna Prachett.
Agreed. One of the best games I've played in quite some time.
But will Uncharted continue with PS4? ND has always moved onto a new IP each gen unless UC gets handed over to another studio...
Tying it back to this thread. It'll be interesting how TR2 is supposed to top rivers of blood, cannibalism, etc.
Oh I never played RE ORC. I guess then it's not really a novel addition but then again in this industry it doesn't matter who does it first... it matters which POPULAR game does it first.Resident Evil ORC did it the exact same way. Something good came out of that one. (It's rough , but not THAT rough)
Tomb Raider is mostly a T rated game the only thing about it that I felt was truly M rated were some of the environments which they can easily tone down to get the T rating. Of course you don't need the brutal kills either.I don't know. Uncharted has been a T game and Tomb Raider moved into the M territory.
They already patched TressFX.The TressFX needs some serious work because aside from it being a massive resource hog it also looks visually unrealistic.
They already patched TressFX.
Does it look better?They already patched TressFX.
The island seems to date back to pre-Feudal era Japan and has elements of numerous generations in it. A lot of WW2 casualties there as well.There is a truly hilarious amount of people that apparently died on this island when the sheer amount of skulls and corpses get added up. I hope some nutty gamer somehwhere tries to get an approximate count.
Ok let me eat some crow for a moment.
The waves in Shantytown. Jesus christ. Even I was like "Are you kidding me?". At one point it felt like they wouldnt stop coming. I eventually just ran off after wasting what felt like a fucking battalion. That one wave put every other Uncharted wave Ive experienced to shame in an instant. I never cower from gunfights but man, it was an endless supply of assholes.
Game is still awesome, however if that shit keeps up then it's gonna get old real fast.
Are you talking about the first part of Shantytown (after you get)?fire arrows?
I fought maybe ~15 guys, then they stopped coming.
No it was the fight after that. Felt like it was right in the middle of town. It actually was all around where you first entered.
No it was the fight after that. Felt like it was right in the middle of town. It actually was all around where you first entered.
Ok let me eat some crow for a moment.
The waves in Shantytown. Jesus christ. Even I was like "Are you kidding me?". At one point it felt like they wouldnt stop coming. I eventually just ran off after wasting what felt like a fucking battalion. That one wave put every other Uncharted wave Ive experienced to shame in an instant. I never cower from gunfights but man, it was an endless supply of assholes.
Game is still awesome, however if that shit keeps up then it's gonna get old real fast.
Ugh, you should have tried playing that on PC, with the framerate fluctuating between 20 and 60.
Shit was unbearable. I'm guessing it was quite stable on the PS3, right?
As I learned in the performance thread, turning Level of Detail down from Ultra to Normal gave me more or less locked 60 in Shantytown.Ugh, you should have tried playing that on PC, with the framerate fluctuating between 20 and 60.
Shit was unbearable. I'm guessing it was quite stable on the PS3, right?
As I learned in the performance thread, turning Level of Detail down from Ultra to Normal gave me more or less locked 60 in Shantytown.
Shantytown. Blighttown. Coincidence? I think not.
Resident Evil ORC did it the exact same way. Something good came out of that one. (It's rough , but not THAT rough)
Raccoon City had something similar but it isn't the same as in Tomb Raider.
It was a lot stickier and harder to get working right. The way Lara crouches automatically and how fluidly she goes to cover is something else entirely.
Wow the game gets a lot better once you get to the coast. There are even puzzles!
I didn't come across anything that qualified as a puzzle in the entire game. And I did all of the optional tombs.
To those who have finished the game, does her necklace/pendant have any significance?
In the marketing/ad leading up to release, they made it appear as if it did. So?
So TR sold a million in 48 hours. Most likely WW but still very good.
Speechless.I always knew it was going to be a huge succuss. Well deserved!![]()
Bomba thread hall of fame:
daegan "<1m"
witness "Best selling Tomb Raider game ever" pieatorium (Thas a pretty big call since the PS1 era games sold 7mill+)
Man-is-obsolete "Wonderful 101 doesn't have to sell millions to be successful, Tomb Raider does."
Coxy "Tomb Raider will have good day one sales but probably absolutely awful word of mouth and drop dead after launch"
dorn "I expect Tomb Raider to bomb the hardest relative to its marketing and overall budget. Pushing pre-orders on people will assure that at least day one looks good but beyond that it's going to be a massive disapppointment."
Glass Rebel "Success to major success. For some reason I think they hit total mainstream gold and doubt that the rape-scene controversy will have much of an impact on sales."
MrCookiePants "And I don't think any Tomb Raider has done that poorly. Even the really bad ones. The reboot has all the hype in the world. There is no way."
Nairume "Does okay, but maybe poisons the well."
Heart Attack "Bomba of the year (700-900k) Lifetime"
GravityMan "The only game in that entire list that will be a definitive hit is Tomb Raider."
Empty "will all sell well, but not perform as well as the brands could do with better timing or more exciting pitches"
sponk "even a blind man can see that this game will be junk. Reboot or not."
AHA-Lambda "hit unfortunately"
Delusibeta "Similar sales to Hitman Absolution, so OK-to-good"
Row "I think all the Tomb Raider bomb suggestions are far more hilarious"
PetriP-TNT "bomba"
BlackJace "Sells okay"
JDSN "Mega hit"
You don't even know if that 1 million sales is true Tricky, let alone if it's enough to make this many-years-in-the-making game a success. You're a bit too eager to tell everyone to shove it.