Dance Inferno
Unconfirmed Member
Alright, game completed on Hard with 100% completion. Man, some of those collectibles were a pain in the fucking ass.
Overall I thought the game was really good. I liked it less than Uncharted 2, more than Uncharted 3, and probably a little less than Uncharted 1. Here are my thoughts in easily digestible list form:
+ The atmosphere in the game is amazing. The environments are very well designed and easy to traverse, and the weather effects are the best in the business. The graphics are top notch.
+ I love love LOVE Lara's animations. The way she runs and walks, reaches her hand out to touch walls, her traversal animations, everything is just done really well.
+ The combat mechanics are quite fun, and the fights are generally very dynamic. I enjoy scrambling from cover to cover and using different weapons to fight different enemy types.
+ The dodge/counter/sand system for enemies that get up close is probably my favorite melee system in any game that is not called Arkham. Shoving an arrow into a guy's face after he tries to take a swing at you with a machete is very satisfying.
I am still a good person.
you get a taste for Lara's dual pistols in the very final fight, and the way the QTE boss fight with Mathias was handled was also very well done.
The boss fights in this game are VERY good. Something Uncharted could learn from Tomb Raider.
+ I actually quite enjoyed the story. I thought it was very interesting, especially if you picked up all the optional documents that provided some color around the plot. I also got the prologue comic from the Best Buy pre-order, and I think that really helped me go into the game with some general idea of who all the characters are.
- The Shantytown and Solarii Fortress were the worst parts of the game. Lots of combat and very little else. I love the combat system but damn yo, that was way too much.
- The traversal mechanics are a pain in the butt. Yes it's better than the old games but holy hell, you are only allowed to do what the game wants you to do in any given situation, and I have died many times trying to go off the beaten path. At the beginning of the game for instance, you are told to hold back and press X to jump backwards off a ledge. Good luck doing this in any situation where it isn't necessary due to a set piece; the game won't let you.
- The game isn't very difficult, even on Hard. In a way this is good since it avoids the game being very frustrating, but at the same time playing on Hard should provide more of a challenge.
- The collectibles system is dumb. Some of them, like shooting the totems or picking up the mushrooms, were a damn pain in the ass, especially since there was no way to find them on your minimap. Next game had better have a good reason for picking up collectibles, other than just an achievement.
- Camilla Luddington is...not a good voice actress. I love her voice and her accent, but she doesn't have the emotional range required of the character. Every time she was supposed to be crying or in severe emotional distress I didn't buy it, she came off as completely fake. Either find someone else for the sequel or write less scenes that require Lara to be sad and/or devastated.
- PS3 version has some framerate issues, although it only gets terrible in certain multiplayer matches.
- Not enough puzzles. The optional tombs were a joke, and the only difficulty in them came from having to time certain actions just perfectly.
I'll probably replay the game in the Aviatrix outfit to get the rest of the combat achievements, and I can see myself putting some more time into multiplayer. If anyone wants to party up on PS3 shoot me an invite, my PSN nick is the same as my name on here. I'll probably be on quite a bit next week.