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Tomb Raider |OT| Lara's Misfortune

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member

Alright, game completed on Hard with 100% completion. Man, some of those collectibles were a pain in the fucking ass.

Overall I thought the game was really good. I liked it less than Uncharted 2, more than Uncharted 3, and probably a little less than Uncharted 1. Here are my thoughts in easily digestible list form:

+ The atmosphere in the game is amazing. The environments are very well designed and easy to traverse, and the weather effects are the best in the business. The graphics are top notch.
+ I love love LOVE Lara's animations. The way she runs and walks, reaches her hand out to touch walls, her traversal animations, everything is just done really well.
+ The combat mechanics are quite fun, and the fights are generally very dynamic. I enjoy scrambling from cover to cover and using different weapons to fight different enemy types.
+ The dodge/counter/sand system for enemies that get up close is probably my favorite melee system in any game that is not called Arkham. Shoving an arrow into a guy's face after he tries to take a swing at you with a machete is very satisfying.
I am still a good person.
+ The final level was very well done, and I think I enjoyed it more than the final section in Uncharted 2. I liked how
you get a taste for Lara's dual pistols in the very final fight, and the way the QTE boss fight with Mathias was handled was also very well done.
The boss fights in this game are VERY good. Something Uncharted could learn from Tomb Raider.
+ The multiplayer is pretty fun.
+ I actually quite enjoyed the story. I thought it was very interesting, especially if you picked up all the optional documents that provided some color around the plot. I also got the prologue comic from the Best Buy pre-order, and I think that really helped me go into the game with some general idea of who all the characters are.

- The Shantytown and Solarii Fortress were the worst parts of the game. Lots of combat and very little else. I love the combat system but damn yo, that was way too much.
- The traversal mechanics are a pain in the butt. Yes it's better than the old games but holy hell, you are only allowed to do what the game wants you to do in any given situation, and I have died many times trying to go off the beaten path. At the beginning of the game for instance, you are told to hold back and press X to jump backwards off a ledge. Good luck doing this in any situation where it isn't necessary due to a set piece; the game won't let you.
- The game isn't very difficult, even on Hard. In a way this is good since it avoids the game being very frustrating, but at the same time playing on Hard should provide more of a challenge.
- The collectibles system is dumb. Some of them, like shooting the totems or picking up the mushrooms, were a damn pain in the ass, especially since there was no way to find them on your minimap. Next game had better have a good reason for picking up collectibles, other than just an achievement.
- Camilla Luddington is...not a good voice actress. I love her voice and her accent, but she doesn't have the emotional range required of the character. Every time she was supposed to be crying or in severe emotional distress I didn't buy it, she came off as completely fake. Either find someone else for the sequel or write less scenes that require Lara to be sad and/or devastated.
- PS3 version has some framerate issues, although it only gets terrible in certain multiplayer matches.
- Not enough puzzles. The optional tombs were a joke, and the only difficulty in them came from having to time certain actions just perfectly.

I'll probably replay the game in the Aviatrix outfit to get the rest of the combat achievements, and I can see myself putting some more time into multiplayer. If anyone wants to party up on PS3 shoot me an invite, my PSN nick is the same as my name on here. I'll probably be on quite a bit next week.
Okay, so I rented the game Friday night from Redbox, spent the weekend playing it and beat it today, along with playing a little multiplayer since I had some time before the deadline to return it. Personally, I was really against the game's PR and thought they advertised it terribly, but didn't have a problem with the overall gameplay choices since I'm a fan of Uncharted. That being said:

  • Combat was fun and I enjoyed it a lot more than Uncharted, although all the upgrades essentially make you a walking badass and remove all challenge.
  • Also related to combat, they need to allow more mobility in combat. Shantytown, for example, could have been an amazing fight sequence but all the enemies come to you and so instead of running around, you essentially stay in one place and just pick them off as they approach.
  • Allow more choices for the player in regards to stealth vs. action. All the stealth places were set up as "this is a stealth area, use it." Let me have a choice in stealth, and for that matter, if I break stealth, let me be able to lose the enemy. In pitch black darkness, the enemy should not be able to find and shoot at me from across the map.
  • QTEs sucked and need to be removed from the sequel.
  • In that vein, they also need to remove rapid button pressing for everything. Don't need to do that every time I want to open something, or want to stealth kill people. Sheesh.
  • There needs to be more dynamic platforming. Some of the platforming was fun, but I'd like to see more skill involved. I have the same problem with Uncharted. Don't spoon-feed me my platforming, make it interesting!
  • Exploration was well-done. I liked the hub aspect, but I wouldn't mind larger areas to explore and less directed exploration.
  • Collectibles were alright, but they need to have more rewards than just XP. I don't need a meter to be filled as a reward. Connect the relics to the storyline, make me need them for upgrades or special weaponry or tools or something. Journals were okay, but make them audio journals so I don't have to stop and read them as well.
  • In relation to the optional tombs, spoilering just in case,
    the tombs need to be more than one puzzle each. Long tombs with difficult puzzles are a must for any sequel. For that matter, I'd like to see some of the tomb-type puzzles in the regular game as well. Also, tomb rewards need to be more than just XP, a treasure map and materials for scavenging. That was really lame.

Overall, I'd give it a 7/10. Solid game, beautiful graphics and scenery, but there's a lot of room to improve upon. I did enjoy the few hours of multiplayer I put in, so the multiplayer mode isn't a complete waste, either.

Yeah shantytown is so bad. Game comes to a screeching halt

My favorite part of the game was when I went back to Shantytown to finish up collecting the collectibles. Instead of the scripted action sequence, I ran into about four or five guards in the pitch black of night, and was running around scrambling, picking them off one by one. It was the most exciting action of the entire game to me, which is why I hope they go for more unscripted action in any sequels.
Finished the game this afternoon with an 88% completion. Found all the relics and documents, but fuck hunting down every last GPS. Game was a blast, though. Had a great time playing through it.

I wish reboots always turned out this well.
My favorite part of the game was when I went back to Shantytown to finish up collecting the collectibles. Instead of the scripted action sequence, I ran into about four or five guards in the pitch black of night, and was running around scrambling, picking them off one by one. It was the most exciting action of the entire game to me, which is why I hope they go for more unscripted action in any sequels.

Yeah that seems to be the consensus of a lot of people. The actual game is great please dont bog it down with your terrible set pieces and QTE's. My favorite part is definitely going back to areas I have already been and just taking my time collecting everything and going after guys the way I want.


Sorry, but boss fights? What? Granted I'm at
the crashed ship area so I'm not done but there has been a total of 0 boss fights thus far. Unless there are some coming up here soon and they are really awesome.


Yeah, I don't really understand what he meant by that. Yes, the game is shallow, but that doesn't make it pointless.

I mean its existence is pointless. It told a bad and short story (in terms of events unfolding) and it offered nothing new or deep in terms of gameplay.


Try disabling Fraps/Afterburner/etc? I've heard of people having issues. It ran perfectly for me on a 680. I switched to the Hitman inspector profile when that was a trick making the rounds on release day, but I'm not sure if it did anything.

I don't have any of those installed :(

What's the Hitman inspector profile ?


Sorry, but boss fights? What? Granted I'm at
the crashed ship area so I'm not done but there has been a total of 0 boss fights thus far. Unless there are some coming up here soon and they are really awesome.

They're not really, they are just protracted battles with slightly stronger enemies.

Nothing like the other Tomb Raider games, at least.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Sorry, but boss fights? What? Granted I'm at
the crashed ship area so I'm not done but there has been a total of 0 boss fights thus far. Unless there are some coming up here soon and they are really awesome.

(Spoilers for mid-game... you've already passed this point)
There's a few quasi boss fights in the game, although whether or not you call them bosses is debatable I guess. There was a fight in Solarii Fortress (you've already played through this if you're where you say you are) where you fight a new type of enemy for the first time. I consider that a mini-boss I guess.
I mean its existence is pointless. It told a bad and short story (in terms of events unfolding) and it offered nothing new or deep in terms of gameplay.

I agree that the game doesn't bring anything new to the table, the developers obviously played it safe. To me, the game is really fun but am ready for it to end. Its just too long for the gameplay offered. And I usually never complain about the length, a game can be short and be amazing (Journey).

I, however, still don't see how a game can be pointless.
I mean its existence is pointless. It told a bad and short story (in terms of events unfolding) and it offered nothing new or deep in terms of gameplay.

While I agree that the story was mediocre to bad, and anybody with a brain can figure out what the Lara's final realization (I hesitate to call it a twist since it's about as obvious as the broad side of a barn) about 1/3 of the way through the game, I think criticizing the gameplay for not offering anything new or deep is meh. Honestly, not every game needs to break barriers and introduce something new. Sometimes solid gameplay is just that: solid. It didn't do anything new or impressive, but it also didn't do anything bad. (Aside from QTEs and button mashing which need to go die in a fire).

Also, this game has made me realize I want some sort of Hawkeye game, where the only weapon is a bow and you just have 20 different types of arrows as the game progresses. Honestly, if the next Tomb Raider only had a bow and combat revolved around different types of arrows and was more nuanced to reflect it (as in, no endless waves of enemies) I'd totally be down for that.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
I mean its existence is pointless. It told a bad and short story (in terms of events unfolding) and it offered nothing new or deep in terms of gameplay.

If there is even just one person feels satisfied by this or entertained by what this game has to offer, then your statement that its existence being pointless is immediately disqualified.
I really hate the parachute section. Made me quit out and stop for the day.

Hey, let's make the player redo the pointless QTE instead of just loading them at the beginning of the actual game play section! (The load times are not short on PS3). Then, let's constantly recenter the camera, so the player has no point of reference. Oh, and let's bring back the part where Lara auto-centers whenever the player isn't pressing the control stick to make it extra frustrating. And to cap it all off, let's invert the left and right joystick controls unexpectedly. Brilliant!

Maybe it's just my eyes, but I swear the trees swipe me (or kill me) even if I avoid them. And I can't see a clear path; I have no clue which way I'm supposed to go to avoid them. Then I get swiped, and modern gaming eye mucus obscures my view, and I'm impaled in under 3 seconds.

I might have to look up a guide, and just memorize the pattern shown to pass this part. I just can't tell which way I'm supposed to veer.

I enjoy the game otherwise though. Fun combat, and fun, if limited, exploration. The atmosphere immerses me pretty well.


There are only 2 bosses in the game.

If you don't play with the assault rifle the combat becomes much better especially if you just stick with the bow.

The radest enemies in the game on the hardest difficulty in what is the most epic encounter literally reduced to this. I didn't move one step from this spot either.

Makes me so sad :(
Man you did that set piece so wrong. :(

Just run n gun with the bow while kicking around the explosive boxes. Best combat scenario in the game if you played it honest. Also I didn't even have the Commando unlocked in that mission.


Im still trying to figure out how the storm warriors managed to kill off the armed Russians. I mean there sooo... weak.. and stupid;

Im still trying to figure out how the storm warriors managed to kill off the armed Russians.

They fall under the typical video game trope of super-powerful entities that lay waste to everyone in their path and are nigh unkillable, that is, until the protagonist has to fight them and then a headshot will do just nicely.


I mean its existence is pointless. It told a bad and short story (in terms of events unfolding) and it offered nothing new or deep in terms of gameplay.
It successfully rebooted the series (assuming it sells 4-5 million) and it recreated Lara Croft as an awesome character. She's so much cooler now than she was in 2008. And if we're talking mechanics/design, it serves up what is imo an 8/10 game.


I thought the game was almost at a close six hours in, and I was ready for it to end at that point. After two or three hours I realized the game had nothing new to really show off, and all the promise of survival was thrown out the window super quickly as the game devolved into Uncharted with some Batman: AA thrown in. Did I enjoy it? Yes. It looked great and I had some fun with it. But once it came to a close at around the 11 hour marker I was completely ready for it and quickly uninstalled it after finding one person in multiplayer matchmaking (on PC).

Fun game, but failed to do a lot of what it wanted to (Lara's transition from innocent person who hasn't killed anyone into unstoppable killer in the span of a few days never felt convincing). Hoping a sequel has more freedom, exploration, and puzzles (combat was satisfying but both easy and repetitive at the same time), and maybe a better story with the whole origin thing out of the way
I did enjoy the nod to twin handguns at the end of the game


It successfully rebooted the series (assuming it sells 4-5 million) and it recreated Lara Croft as an awesome character. She's so much cooler now than she was in 2008.

Oh? I didn't think she was cool before, but at least it then it was because Lara was pretty much just an avatar to run around with. Now? They tried to force feed me a shit story with shit characterization and made her character laughable for the effort.


There are only 2 bosses in the game.

Man you did that set piece so wrong. :(

Just run n gun with the bow while kicking around the explosive boxes. Best combat scenario in the game if you played it honest. Also I didn't even have the Commando unlocked in that mission.
yeah, that part was fucking awesome. I loved the kicking around the explosives into enemies,
There are only 2 bosses in the game.

Man you did that set piece so wrong. :(

Just run n gun with the bow while kicking around the explosive boxes. Best combat scenario in the game if you played it honest. Also I didn't even have the Commando unlocked in that mission.

I know :(
I just did it to see what would happen and I was really mad about the result.

This game was made for people that can't stand even a slight challenge and because of that we have a completely broken combat system that in order to enjoy have to completely restrict yourself.

I'm mad about it too.


Oh? I didn't think she was cool before, but at least it then it was because Lara was pretty much just an avatar to run around with. Now? They tried to force feed me a shit story with shit characterization and made her character laughable for the effort.
Once you get over the initially abrupt transformation (from killing 1 dude to killing a bunch more), it's great. And they even acknowledge that she's murdering people when she say's "you'd be surprised how easy it was". Great character design, great voice acting, less arrogant, more fierce/badass. I don't know what's not to like.


It successfully rebooted the series (assuming it sells 4-5 million) and it recreated Lara Croft as an awesome character. She's so much cooler now than she was in 2008. And if we're talking mechanics/design, it serves up what is imo an 8/10 game.

If we're talking mechanics then it's closer to what I scored it, a 3 or 4. As I've already explained several times there's not a gameplay mechanic in this game that is fleshed out from its most basic form.
I mean its existence is pointless. It told a bad and short story (in terms of events unfolding) and it offered nothing new or deep in terms of gameplay.

When you talk about things that way... that's pretty much video games in a nutshell. They are forms of entertainment and if people get entertained. Mission accomplished.


The game isn't pointless. You can bet your ass future AAA games are going to x-copy that auto cover system. We might even see more games use bows. And of course, TressFX.


If we're talking mechanics then it's closer to what I scored it, a 3 or 4. As I've already explained several times there's not a gameplay mechanic in this game that is fleshed out from its most basic form.
No way. The platforming feels nice and weighty and the guns feels great to fire. It's shallow and easy, yes, but that's how these games work. They're all about momentum and keeping you going forward at a pace that best serves the story. A 3/10 would imply the mechanics are bad and in no way are they bad. They're better than that of most third person shooters.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
The game isn't pointless at all, no game really is. On top of other people having a great time with it, there is still the future. There are a ton of great concepts in this game that, if further expanded on, will make the sequel one for the ages. The experience gained while working on the game for the people at CD will be used in the future.


I remember many years back seeing the initial unveil of the first Uncharted and laughing at the game and hearing a lot of "Dude Raider" comments. When I ended up playing that game, I enjoyed it but was let down by the emphasis on combat and how little there was in the way of exploration, puzzles, or platforming that actually taxed you. Fast forward to now, and I'm a little bummed that this new Tomb Raider makes me say "this is totally Uncharted". While I don't want platforming as challenging as the first few games in the TR series (lining up jumps exactly right and even having a dedicated button just to grab on to stuff), it's unfortunate to see what the series has become if you like challenging platforming or puzzles that take more than a moment to figure out in your head.

Again, still enjoyed the game for what it is (an Uncharted clone, as far as I'm concerned) but I had to laugh at how things played out all these years later.


The game isn't pointless. You can bet your ass future AAA games are going to x-copy that auto cover system. We might even see more games use bows. And of course, TressFX.

Christ I hope not. The last thing modern gaming needs is to yank even more control and input away from the player for no real reason at all. At least make it a crouch button and the character adjusts to cover when you get near it, that's a fair compromise I think.

I think last of us is using some form of auto cover too but I don't remember for sure :\


Um wtf is this a glitch or am i missing something obvious?
Right after you get the rope ascender, what's supposed to happen? I use the ascender on the crate thing, mash sqaure, but the crane rips off and the crate stays in the same place.


An blind dancing ho
It successfully rebooted the series (assuming it sells 4-5 million) and it recreated Lara Croft as an awesome character. She's so much cooler now than she was in 2008. And if we're talking mechanics/design, it serves up what is imo an 8/10 game.

How is this Lara is better than the old Lara?

New Lara is just of what hollywood typical b-movies shitty heros are, and she is still not "realistic" she just is robotic as the old Lara, and actually have nothing unique or new in her, how the hell she is more awesome? because she kill too many people? or just get in too many unlucky situation and screams a lot? there is absolutely nothing that makes the new Lara "awesome" or badass or anything, at least old Lara design was iconic which can't be said here.

It successfully rebooted the series

game is the worst TR since AoD,at least that one kept itself faithful to the genre and didn't just copied other things very poorly and abandoned what made the series great.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Christ I hope not. The last thing modern gaming needs is to yank even more control and input away from the player for no real reason at all. At least make it a crouch button and the character adjusts to cover when you get near it, that's a fair compromise I think.

I think last of us is using some form of auto cover too but I don't remember for sure :\

Yanking control away? If anything it gives you more control - you can hide behind cover by running up to it, and move away seamlessly by running away. The days of being unable to leave cover in time and getting killed by a flanking enemy would be over.

Um wtf is this a glitch or am i missing something obvious?
Right after you get the rope ascender, what's supposed to happen? I use the ascender on the crate thing, mash sqaure, but the crane rips off and the crate stays in the same place.

Hold square.


Derrick hasn't played enough truly terrible games. 3-4 rating means terrible mechanics, usually with bad controls and offering very basic functionality. Basically what Aliens CM is. TR at the worst has average game play with solid controls and camera work that are all competent.

I know we love to shit reviewers for giving games like these 8-9 or whatever but there are some truly awful, middling games that make games like TR look godlike. Especially numerous shovelware and IP titles. TR gets flak because it's obvious a lot of work was put into the game but it was all fine tuned to a specific demographic and it could've been so much more. Other games are a black hole of bad game designs like fucking DMC2.

Christ I hope not. The last thing modern gaming needs is to yank even more control and input away from the player for no real reason at all. At least make it a crouch button and the character adjusts to cover when you get near it, that's a fair compromise I think.

I think last of us is using some form of auto cover too but I don't remember for sure :
Yea I need that crouch button too BUT this is a peek at the future for this type of game/experience. Players who love this type of game want the experience to be as cinematic as possible.


Um wtf is this a glitch or am i missing something obvious?
Right after you get the rope ascender, what's supposed to happen? I use the ascender on the crate thing, mash sqaure, but the crane rips off and the crate stays in the same place.

Oh fuck, I think that's the game breaking glitch people had.


Oh man, I love the cover system. Really seamless. Gonna be interesting times playing Gears Judgment in the coming weeks.


The game isn't pointless at all, no game really is. On top of other people having a great time with it, there is still the future. There are a ton of great concepts in this game that, if further expanded on, will make the sequel one for the ages. The experience gained while working on the game for the people at CD will be used in the future.
This too of course.


Derrick hasn't played enough truly terrible games. 3-4 rating means terrible mechanics, usually with bad controls and offering very basic functionality. Basically what Aliens CM is. TR at the worst has average game play with solid controls and camera work that are all competent.

I know we love to shit reviewers for giving games like these 8-9 or whatever but there are some truly awfuk,, middling games that make games like TR look godlike. Especially numerous shovelware and IP titles. TR gets flak because it's obvious a lot of work was put into the game but it was all fine tuned to a specific demographic and it could've been so much more. Other games are a black hole of bad game designs like fucking DMC2.

I gave it a 4 which is slightly below average. I couldn't justify any more with how much of the game is automatically handled and how pointless the XP and skill system is, and how easy it was on Hard. I felt like it was a fair score for what the game offered, and the only reason it didn't get a lower score is because the controls and handling weren't horrible.


I'm afraid I'd have to agree with Derrick. I don't want this cover system in the future game. I like to control how I get in and out of the cover and with this one, I feel like I have no control over it and Lara's ass is often out of cover and get sniped from time to time.

They also need to fix the decimal placement. Half of the time I got so sick of having to readjust my reticle because it's either too far to the left or too far to the right. I play Mass Effect 3: Citadel immediately after this game and it amazed me how that game actually has better stick control/decimal placement. If I want it to go left one point, it'll go left one point not 2-3 points.


Um wtf is this a glitch or am i missing something obvious?
Right after you get the rope ascender, what's supposed to happen? I use the ascender on the crate thing, mash sqaure, but the crane rips off and the crate stays in the same place.

That's definitely a glitch and maybe a game ending one if you don't have another save... you mash square and
the crate is supposed to swing forward and break the ship floor so you can descend.


The game is certainly not pointless when you judge it by how well it is being received. Is it some complex, thought provoking endeavor that redefines the genre? No, nor does every game have to be. I love all sorts of games, provided they entertain me. And loving such a game does not make one a drooling moron with low standards, either.

If a game is well made, plays great and has a stellar presentation and production value, then I will kick back and enjoy the ride. I am not too 'hardcore' to have fun. Of course the game not being your cup of tea is one thing, and I absolutely respect that. But talking down to the majority who love the game as if you are on some higher intellectual plane of existence is nothing short of repugnant snobbery.
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